Guide to user registration and user profile management
DIGIT users can sign up to use various modules through the online web portal or the mobile application login interface.
The first step to logging in to use the DIGIT modules is to register as a user.
Enter the ULB url in your browser. For instance, people of Punjab will use the link https://mseva.lgpunjab.gov.in/citizen/user/register to register for Punjab mSeva services.
Enter your Mobile Number, Name, City to register as a user. Click on the Continue button.
The system sends an OTP to the given mobile number. Enter the OTP.
Click on the Resend button on the screen in case you have not received your OTP. Click on the Get Started button after entering the OTP. You are now registered as a user in the DIGIT app.
Enter the URL https://egov-micro-qa.egovernments.org/citizen/ to log in to the system. Click on the Login button.
Enter your Mobile Number. Mobile app users can scan the QR code on the screen to file/track complaints. Click on the Continue button.
Enter the OTP sent to the registered mobile number. Click on the Continue button. You are logged in to the app.
Click on the drop-down icon next to your profile logo on the top right corner of the window to change your account details. Click on Edit Profile.
Enter your new user Name if you want to change the existing profile name. Select the applicable City from the drop-down list if you want to change your city settings. Enter your Email Id if you want to reset your email address.
Click on the Save button. The profile changes are saved and applied.
Users can change the language of the app from English to Hindi or the local language for ease and convenience. To change language click on the button labelled English adjacent to the profile icon.
Select the preferred language from the list of available languages. The system menu and prompts will now be displayed in the selected language.
To log out from the app click on the drop-down icon next to your profile logo on the top right corner of the window. Click on Logout.
You are logged out of the system.
Click on the camera icon to upload or change your Profile photo. Click on the Gallery button to select an image from your photo gallery or files on the computer. Select the file and click on the Open button. This will load the selected image as the profile picture. Click on the Remove button to delete the existing profile picture.
Illustrative help docs
DIGIT modules follow structured workflows to allow easy tracking of applications and processes. This section walks you through the various workflows and features supported by each module.
A complete guide to using the PGR module
The Public Grievance Redressal or the PGR is a standardized solution offering on DIGIT platform to register and redress citizen grievances. It provides a transparent and trackable mechanism to solve public grievances by inducing responsive administration. PGR enables the citizens to file the complaints using various channels and helps the municipal employees to resolve them timely.
Citizens can lodge complaints, track, reopen and rate complaints through the web portal or the mobile application.
ULB employees too can use the web or mobile interface to comment, forward, assign, verify, share, and resolve citizen complaints.
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The manual provides a detailed description of how to use the system for each role.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
File Complaints
Track Complaints
Rate Complaints
Reopen Complaints
Individuals and society groups/communities
Customer Service Representatives (CSR)
File Complaints
Track Complaints
Reopen Complaints
Counter employees who assist citizens and register complaints on their behalf
Grievance Routing Officer (GRO)
Assign Complaints to FME
Rejects Complaints
ULB officers who assign complaints to concerned employees
First Mile Employee (FME)
Resolve Complaints
Share Complaints - Whatsapp/SMS
Request Re-assign
Employees who work on assigned complaints
This section guides you through the details of using the PGR module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the PGR system.
Illustrative guide to using the trade license module
The Trade License (TL) module offers the citizens and governance bodies a convenient and transparent means of processing trade licenses. Trade license is the permission issued by the local governing bodies to carry on specified business or trading activity within the authorized area. It is a mandatory document required to run a business or commercial activity of any type.
The TL module enables citizens to apply for trade licenses or renew existing licenses online. It facilitates the governing bodies to validate and approve the license applications.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Apply for Trade License
Pay for license
Track status of the license application
Download payment receipts
Individuals and business entities
Counter Employee (CE)
Apply for a Trade License
Complete the Payment for Trade License
Keep a track of the status of the Trade License
Download/Print payment receipts, applications, TL certificate
Counter employees who assist citizens and file new trade license applications or renewal applications on their behalf
Document Verifier (DV)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees responsible for verifying the supporting documents submitted by citizens for new trade license or renewal of existing licenses
Field Inspector (FI)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees who go on to the field (i.e. location of trade) and physically verifies the information provided by the applicant is correct, checks safety precaution followed by the trade owner
Send Back
Cancel TL
The employee who has the final authority to approve or reject the application
This section guides you through the details of using the TL module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the TL system.
A complete guide to using mCollect module
The mCollect module is designed to facilitate the ULBs process miscellaneous types of payments. Miscellaneous payments may include parking fees, advertising fees, rent, challans, etc. The module objective is to process and record payment collections on account of miscellaneous heads within the ULBs. This makes it easy to track payment receipts and generate reports for administrative purposes.
The MCS module enables ULB employees to -
Capture payment details
Generate and print payment collection receipts
Access dashboard analytics
Generate reports for administration
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
The citizen pays the applicable fees for miscellaneous services through the CEs or FEs
Counter Employee (CE)
Process New Collection
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
Counter employees collect miscellaneous payments from the citizens online
Field Employee (FE)
Process New Collection
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
Field employees also collect miscellaneous payments from the citizens on the field
This section guides you through the details of using the MCS module for the defined roles. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the MCS system.
DIGIT - an open-source platform empowering governments, partners, and citizens through digital governance capabilities
Open Source - DIGIT is Open Source and has been built using the best in class Open Source technology stacks powering the most advanced companies in the world. DIGIT is able to provide the lowest total cost of ownership and helps ensure that governments retain strategic control of their systems and data.
Mobile-Enabled - DIGIT has adopted a mobile-first approach, with robust mobile applications enabling citizens to easily access government services through their phones. Government officials and field workers are also empowered with mobile applications that enable them to deliver 24×7 governance with ease.
Real-time Dashboards - DIGIT’s real-time dashboards provide governments with actionable insights on demand. Administrators and department heads are empowered with verified data that enables them to manage their work and budgets better. Field level employee reports enable effective performance management and ensure efficient usage of government resources.
Access governments easily using your mobile phones
Your requests automatically reach the appropriate person
Stay up-to-date with inbuilt notifications
Learn how to search, download and print your payment receipts
The citizen pays the fees for miscellaneous services through the CEs or FEs. Once the payment transaction is complete the citizen can access the payment receipts online.
Citizens can
Search receipts
Download receipts
Print receipts
Citizens can search for payment receipts and download or print these online. To search for payment receipts navigate to the Collections option in the sidebar main menu.
Enter the relevant search parameter. The system enables you to search using payment Receipt No. or Service Category, or payee Mobile No. Click on the Search button.
The system will display the relevant search results in the panel below. Click on the relevant record to view the payment receipt.
The system will generate a pdf format of the payment receipt. Click on the download icon on the pdf page to download the receipt.
Click on the Print icon on the pdf page to print the receipt.
Click on the Reset button to renew your search with different parameters.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
The counter employees or field employees collect and process the miscellaneous payments on behalf of the citizens.
The CE or FE role can -
Collect payment
Search payment receipts
Print receipts
Download payment receipts
CE can process and collect payments for miscellaneous services through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app. To process a new payment navigate to the Universal Collections option in the sidebar main menu.
Click on the New Collection button on the screen. This will open a new collection form page.
Enter the Mobile No. and Consumer Name of the payee.
Select the applicable Service Category.
The system will prompt the input of Tax amount, CGST, SGST, Field Fee, or any other details depending on the selected Service Category.
Enter the From Date and To Date to identify the applicable payment period. **Enter any additional information in the Comments** field.
Click on the Next button to move to the payment section. The Payment Collection Details page displays the fee details and capture payment form. The Fee Details panel displays the fee breakup and Total Amount details.
The Capture Payment panel displays the available payment methods. Click on the preferred payment tab. The available payment tabs are Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card.
Enter the Paid By and the Payee Name details.
Enter the Payer Mobile No.
Enter the Cheque No., Cheque Date, IFSC, Bank Name, and Bank Branch details in case of payment by cheque. Enter your credit card or debit card Last 4 digits, Transaction No., and Re-enter Transaction No. details if you have selected the Credit/Debit Card payment option.
Enter the Gen/G8 Receipt No. issued at the payment counter in case payments are made offline. Enter Gen/G8 Receipt Issue Date mentioned on the receipt.
Click on the Generate Receipt button once the payment is collected or processed. The system will display the payment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Download button to download/view the receipt. Click on the Print button to print the receipt.
To search for payment receipts navigate to the Universal Collections page in the sidebar main menu.
Enter the relevant search parameter. The system enables you to search using payment Receipt No. or Service Category, or payee Mobile No. Click on the Search button.
The system will display the relevant search results in the panel below. Click on the relevant record to view the payment receipt. The system will generate a pdf format of the payment receipt.
Click on the download icon on the pdf page to download the receipt. Click on the print icon on the pdf page to print the receipt.
Click on the Reset button to renew your search with different parameters.
An overview of the product and it's various modules.
DIGIT offers several modules. Each module is designed to automate the manual workflows for various governance units.
DIGIT enables ULBs to be more effective and accountable—and to make better, data-driven decisions. The platform ensures both interoperability among ULBs and rapid development of new modules by a wide array of software partners.
Download DIGIT Product Brochures
DIGIT-Property Tax (PT) is a self-serve web and mobile-based, easy-to-use and configurable product that addresses the objectives of municipal corporations and local government to automate all property tax operations, thus providing property tax assessment and payment services to citizens in real-time.
DIGIT-Public Grievance Redressal (PGR) is a self-serve web and mobile-based, easy-to-use and configurable product for submission of grievances by the citizens from anywhere, anytime. For the speedy and efficient resolution of civic related complaints, DIGIT-PGR facilitates the municipal employees with easy For the speedy and efficient resolution of civic related complaints, DIGIT-PGR enables the citizens to report the issues, real-time and enables municipal employees with easy identification of the issues and helps them to initiate corrective actions, without any delay.
DIGIT-Trade License (TL) enables local government to regulate the trade and protect the interest of the public at large against the health hazard and inconvenience which a business may cause. With DIGIT-TL traders can obtain the trade certificate in a simplified manner and ensure compliance with rules and safety guidelines issued by the government.
DIGIT-Online Building Permission System (OBPS) enables local government to bring in transparency, accountability and time-bound service for the public. With DIGIT-OBPS, professionals like architects, engineers, supervisors can seek permission for construction of a building from any Urban Local Bodies/District Town and Country Planning/Centre for Municipal Administration with a speedy, hassle-free and user-friendly procedure, online.
Learn how to apply for new trade license, renew and pay trade license fee
Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The TL module allows business owners to apply for a trade license online or even apply for renewal of an existing license.
The citizen can also approach the Counter Employee (CE) to submit new TL applications or raise renewal requests for existing licenses.
The Citizen or CE role can -
Download payment receipts, license certificates, or applications
Citizens or CE can apply for a new trade license through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app. To apply for new TL click on the Trade License card available in the Citizen Services section of the DIGIT home page.
Click on the New Application button on the screen. This will open the TL application form page.
The system displays the Required Documents - Trade License list. Click on the Print button to get a hard copy of the documents list for reference.
Click on the Apply button to proceed with the trade license application. The form sections are available on the top of the page.
The New Application form page contains various sub-sections -
Trade Details
Owner Details
The system displays the Trade Details page. The page contains 4 panels - Trade Details, Trade Unit, Accessories, and Trade Location Details.
In the Trade Details panel, enter the following details.
Select the applicable Financial Year. Select the relevant License Type from the drop-down list. Enter the Name of Trade. Select the appropriate Structure Type and Structure Sub Type. Enter the Trade Commencement Date. Enter the Trade GST No. if applicable. Enter the Operational Area (Sq Ft). and the Number of Employees for the listed trade.
In the Trade Unit panel, provide the following details -
In the Accessories panel, enter the following details -
Enter the following details in the Trade Location Details panel -
Select the City. The system displays the registered city by default. Enter the Property ID/UID, Door/House No., Building/Colony Name, Street Name, Mohalla, and Pincode for the listed premises. Click on the map icon to provide the GIS coordinates for the location. Enter the Electricity Connection No. for the listed premise.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Owner Details section.
Select the Type of Ownership and the Type of Sub-Ownership. Provide the following information in the Owner Information section.
Enter the owner Mobile No., Name, Father/Husband’s Name. Check Father or Husband to indicate the Relationship of the given name with the owner. Check the applicable Gender of the owner. Enter the Date of Birth of the owner. Enter the owner’s Email ID, PAN No., Correspondence Address. Select the applicable Special Owner Category from the drop-down list.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Documents section.
Click on the Upload File button to browse and upload the required documents for processing the TL. Click on the Next Step button once all the documents are uploaded.
The Application Summary page provides all the information filled in by the applicant. The Application Summary panel on top of the page provides the Trade License Tax and Total Amount details. This amount has to be paid by the applicant.
Click on the View Breakup button to fetch the fee details.
The Trade License Application No. is displayed along with this message. Click on the Download button to download a copy of the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
Citizens can renew their existing trade applications on the DIGIT portal. CE can also apply for TL renewal on behalf of the citizens. To renew TL navigate to the home page and then click on the Trade License option. Click on My Applications. Click on the Renew Now button on the specific license.
The system will display the license details. Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Edit button to make any changes to the existing license details. Click on the Submit for Renewal button to apply for renewal.
The Trade License is submitted for renewal.
To search for a submitted application or track the status of submitted applications navigate to the Trade License home page.
Enter at least one of the listed search parameters in the Search panel. The listed search parameters include
Application No.
Trade License No.
Owner Mobile No.
Application Type
From Date
To Date
Application Status
Click on the Search button. The system displays the records matching the listed parameter.
Click on the Application No. link. The screen displays the application details. Scroll down the page to view the details.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Edit option to edit the form details. The Task Status panel on the top of the Application displays the current status of the application.
Click on the View History button on the top right corner of the Task Status panel to view the actions taken on the application to date.
Applicants have to pay the license fee once the TL application is approved. The application status changes to Pending for Payment. To make payment for the trade license fee click on your Application No. to open the application. Click on the Take Action button.
Click on Pay. Enter the payment details. The system allows you to pay by cash, cheque, or credit/debit card. Click on the Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card tab depending on the preferred payment method.
Enter payment details as requested on the screen. Click on the Generate Receipt button to confirm the payment. The screen displays the success acknowledgement message along with the Payment Receipt No.
Once the payment is complete the Trade License Certificate is issued. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the Payment Receipt and Trade License Certificate.
Learn how to file complaints and track your complaints
Citizens represent individuals or communities who are the system end-users. The PGR module provides the citizens with the scope to file their complaints or grievances to initiate necessary action.
The Citizen role can -
The File Complaints option allows citizens to register their complaints.
To file complaints navigate to Complaints Home page. Click on the File Complaints tab on the screen. This will open the complaint form page. Select the relevant Complaint Type and the subtype from the drop-down list of options. Refer to the list of complaint types available in PGR.
The system will display the Complaint Registered Successfully message along with the Complaint No. Click on the Continue button. Your complaint details are available on the dashboard.
My Complaints tab enables citizens to track the status of their complaints.
To view or track complaints click on My Complaints tab. The system will display all complaints filed by you or from your account and the corresponding status. Click on the Open button corresponding to any complaint to view the complaint details.
The complaint summary view contains the Complaint Details, Complaint Timeline, and Comments text box. The complaint timeline indicates the action taken on the complaint and the current or pending action status of the complaint.
Enter any additional information about the complaint in the Comments section.
The PGR module enables the citizens to give their feedback on resolved complaints.
To rate resolved complaints navigate to the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the My Complaints tab. Scroll down to the complaint you want to rate. You can rate only complaints marked as Closed. Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section.
Click on the Rate button on the timeline.
Click on the number of stars on the screen to rate the work on the complaint on five. Click on the most appropriate feedback statement to rate the work. Add any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Submit button.
The system displays an acknowledgement for your ratings. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
To reopen the complaint navigate to Complaints > My Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the closed complaint that you want to reopen. Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section. Click on the Re-Open button on the timeline.
The Re-Open button will be available only for 5 days after the complaint is resolved and closed by the department employee. The number of days can vary depending on the State or ULBs. The citizen or CSR will not be able to reopen complaints once this period is over.
Select the appropriate reason for reopening the complaint. Click on the camera icon to upload any photos related to the complaint. Enter any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Continue button once done. The system displays an acknowledgement message stating the complaint is reopened. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
DV is responsible for verifying the supporting documents uploaded by the applicants or the counter employee on behalf of the applicant.
The DV can
Trade license applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The DV verifies and forwards the TL application to the Field Inspector if the DV finds all information and documents provided by the applicant correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The TL application is assigned to the selected Assignee for subsequent processing.
To edit applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Edit button. Change any details in the form as required.
FI is responsible for verifying the field details provided by the applicants.
The FI can
FI sends back the applications to the citizens if some vital information is missing in the application or there is a mistake in the information provided.
To send applications back to the citizen navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back.
Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context to the application. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button.
The system displays a success acknowledgement message stating that the application is sent back to the initiator.
The FI can send back the TL application to the DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments as additional information to the assignee stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of documents.
Trade license applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The FI verifies and forwards the TL application to the Approver if the information and documents provided by the applicant are correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The TL application is assigned to the selected Assignee for subsequent processing.
To make any changes in the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Edit button. Change any details in the form as required.
The Approver is responsible for the final approval of the TL application.
The Approver can
The Approver can send back the TL application to the FI or DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV or FI navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of application.
Trade license applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The Approver signs off the TL application once the information and documents provided by the applicant are found correct. The TL Certificate is issued once the application is approved.
To approve the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Approve button.
Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing. Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Approve button.
The TL application is approved and the TL Certificate is issued to the applicant. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the TL Certificate.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
DV is responsible for verifying the supporting documents uploaded by the property applicants or the counter employee on behalf of the applicants.
The DV can
Property applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the property regulatory requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The DV verifies and forwards the property applications to the Field Inspector if the DV finds all information and documents provided by the applicant correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The property application is assigned to the selected assignee for subsequent processing.
To edit applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Edit button. Change any details in the form as required.
FI is responsible for inspecting and verifying the field details of the property in the application.
The FI can
FI sends back the applications to the citizens if some vital information is missing in the application or there is a mistake in the information provided.
To send applications back to the citizen navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back.
Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context to the application. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button.
The system displays a success acknowledgement message stating that the application is sent back to the initiator.
The FI can send back the PT application to the DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of documents.
Property tax applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The FI verifies and forwards the property applications to the Approver if the information and documents provided by the applicant are correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The property application is assigned to the selected assignee for subsequent processing.
The Approver is responsible for the final approval of the PT application.
The Approver can
The Approver can send back the property applications to the FI or DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV or FI navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of application.
Property applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the regulatory requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The Approver signs off the PT application once the information and documents provided by the applicant are found correct.
To approve the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Approve button.
Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing. Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Approve button.
The property application is approved.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
Complaints can also be registered by ULB counter employees on behalf of the citizen.
The CSR or counter employees can perform the following actions on PGR -
To file complaints on behalf of the citizen navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Else, click on the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the File Complaint tab on the screen. This will open the complaint form page.
Enter the Citizen Name. and the Citizen Mobile No. Select the relevant Complaint Type and the subtype from the drop-down list of options. Refer to the list of complaint types available in PGR. Enter any additional information in the Complaint Additional Details field. The City field will display the city specified in your profile by default. You can change the city if required. Choose the applicable Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list. Enter the House No. and Street Name. Enter any Landmark to identify the exact location for the listed complaint.
Click on File Complaint button once you have finished filling in all the details. The system will display the Complaint Registered Successfully message along with the Complaint No.
Click on the Continue button. Your complaint details are available on the dashboard. Click on the complaint to view the complaint details.
Employees can search for specific complaints using the registered mobile number of citizens or by entering the last few digits of the complaint number.
To search complaints navigate to Complaints Home page. Enter Citizen Mobile No. Or, enter the last 6 digits of the Complaint No.
Click on the Search button. The system will retrieve and display the matching records. Click on the Clear Search button to initiate a fresh search.
To reopen the complaints navigate to Complaints > My Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the closed complaint that you want to reopen. Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section. Click on the Re-Open button on the timeline.
The Re-Open button will be available only for 5 days after the complaint is resolved and closed by the department employee. The number of days can vary depending on the State or ULBs. The citizen or CSR will not be able to reopen complaints once this period is over.
Select the appropriate reason for reopening the complaint. Click on the camera icon to upload any photos related to the complaint. Enter any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Continue button once done.
The system displays an acknowledgement message stating the complaint is reopened. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
The Grievance Routing Officer or GRO manages the complaints queue. The role ensures the complaints are routed to the appropriate employees for prompt action.
GROs can
Call citizens
Comment on complaints
Grievances filed by citizens are assigned to specific employees who are responsible for acting on and resolving the complaints.
To assign complaints, navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Or, navigate to Complaints > Open Complaints. The GRO Complaint page contains two tabs - Unassigned and Assigned complaints.
Click on the Unassigned tab. The list of unassigned complaints is available on the screen. Click on the Complaint you want to assign. This will open the Complaint Summary page.
Click on the Assign button available in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will display the list of employees. Select an employee.
Click on the Assign button.
The complaint is assigned to the selected employee.
Assigned complaints can be re-assigned by the GRO depending on the situation and requirements.
To re-assign complaints navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Click on the Assigned tab. Click on the complaint you want to re-assign. Click on the Re-Assign button available on the bottom right corner of the screen. Select the employee to whom the complaint should be assigned. Click on the Assign button.
The Complaint is re-assigned to the selected employee.
GROs can share complaints with other department users based on the requirements.
To share complaints click on the complaint you want to share.
Click on the share icon in blue on the top right corner of the screen.
Select the appropriate channel. The system will redirect you to the selected channel interface. Select the person or list of people for sharing. Click on the Send button.
The complaint is shared with the selected recipients.
In certain cases, the GRO might reject registered complaints. This usually happens when the complaint is beyond the operational scope of the department or the complaint is invalid.
To reject complaints navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Click on the relevant Complaint. This will open the Complaint Summary page. Click on the Reject button available in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select the appropriate Reason to Reject.
Add any additional information in the Comments space. Click on the Submit button. The complaint is rejected.
First Mile Employees or FMEs are responsible for acting on citizen complaints.
FMEs can -
Call citizens
Comment on complaints
FMEs work on the assigned complaints. In some cases, the FMEs may request complaints to be reassigned to some other employee.
To request reassign navigate to the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on Open Complaints. Search for a specific complaint using the Citizen Mobile No. or inputting the last 6 digits of the Complaint No.
Else, click on the relevant complaint from the list of open complaints. Click on the Request Re-Assign button available in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Select a specific reason for requesting a re-assign.
Enter any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Request Re-Assign button.
Once the complaints are actioned on the FME marks the issue resolved. The complaint is closed subsequently.
To mark the complaint resolved, navigate to the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on Open Complaints. Search for a specific complaint using the Citizen Mobile No. or inputting the last 6 digits of the Complaint No.
Else, click on the relevant complaint from the list of open complaints. **Click on the Mark Resolved** button available in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Click on the camera icon to upload photos as evidence that the issue has been resolved.
Enter any additional information related to the issue resolution in the Comments section. Click on the Mark Resolved button.
The system will display an acknowledgement message. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
Select the applicable Trade Category, Trade Type, Trade Sub Type, UOM (Unit of Measurement), and UOM value. Click on the icon to add more trade units.
Select the applicable Accessories for the listed trade. Select the corresponding UOM for the selected accessories. Enter the UOM value. Enter the Accessory Count. Click on the icon to add more accessories.
Scroll down the page to view the filled-in details. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application. Click on the Submit Application button. The system displays the Application Submitted Successfully acknowledgement message.
Enter any additional information in the Complaint Additional Details field. Click on the map icon to pinpoint the Complaint Location. The City field will display the city specified in your profile by default. You can change the city if required. Choose the applicable Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list. Enter the House No. and Street Name. Enter any Landmark to identify the exact location for the listed complaint.
Click on the camera icon to upload any photos for the complaint. Click on the Submit Complaint button once you have finished filling in all the details.
The bell icon on the top right corner of the complaint tab will display any notifications received for the complaint. Click on the bell icon to view the complaint details.
Complaint Types
Complaints Sub-Types
Streetlight not working
Installation of new street light
Garbage needs to be cleared
Burning of garbage
Damaged garbage bin
Non-sweeping of road
Congress grass-cutting
Overflowing/Blocked drain
Cleaning of drains
Water entered house rainy season
Water & Sewerage
Illegal discharge of sewage
Block/overflowing sewage
Shortage of water
Dirty water supply
Broken water pipe/leakage
Water pressure is very less
No water supply
Sewage main hole cover missing or broken
Sewerage main hole cover raising
Cleaning of sewerage moves slurry gear
Property Tax/ House Tax
How to pay property tax
Wrong calculation
Receipt not generated
Roads & Footpaths
Damaged road
Waterlogged road
Manhole cover missing or broken
Damaged/Blocked footpath
Construction material lying on road
Illegal rehries on road
Road jalli broken
Request spraying or fogging operation
Stray animals
Dead animals
Public Toilets
Dirty or smelly public toilets
Public toilet damaged
No water or electricity in public toilet
Land Violations
Illegal shops on footpath
Illegal construction
Illegal parking
Illegal cutting of trees
Cutting or trimming of tree required
Open Defecation
Open defecation
Parks require maintenance
Core Services is one of the key DIGIT components. Browse through this section to learn more about key configuration and integration details of these core services.
An illustrative guide to using the property tax module
The Property Tax (PT) module offers the citizens and governance bodies a convenient and transparent means of processing property taxes. Local governing bodies identify the applicable tax slabs for different types of properties. The PT module assesses properties, calculates tax amount, processes tax payment and generates tax collection reports.
The PT module enables citizens to pay property taxes online. It facilitates the governing bodies process property tax payments.
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Add Property
Search Property
Edit Property
Assess Property
Re-Assess Property
Pay Property Tax
Transfer Property Ownership
Download Receipts/Applications
Individuals and Community groups
Counter Employee (CE)
Add Property
Search Property
Edit Property
Assess Property
Re-Assess Property
Pay Property Tax
Transfer Property Ownership
Download Receipts/Applications
Counter employees who assist citizens register new property details, transfer ownership of property, pay property tax on their behalf
Document Verifier (DV)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Edit Application
Employees responsible for verifying the supporting documents submitted by citizens for a new property or transfer of ownership of property
Field Inspector (FI)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees who go on to the field (i.e. location of property) and physically verifies the information provided by the applicant is correct
Send Back
An employee who has the final authority to approve or reject the property registration
This section guides you through the details of using the PT module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the PT system.
This section contains all technical documents related to DIGIT stack.
The key services include -
This section provides technical details about business service setup, configuration, deployment, and API integration.
Details coming soon...
DIGIT offers key municipal services such as Public Grievance & Redressal, Trade License, Water & Sewerage, Property Tax, Fire NOC, and Building Plan Approval.
Details will be updated soon...
Occupancy certificate is an additional service in the building plan module. The architect has to apply for an occupancy certificate after completing the construction with the permit issued by the ULB/Department as reference.
To create an Occupancy certificate, OC eDCR scrutiny is mandatory where the architect has to submit the diagram of the actual construction. It is normal that there will be some deviation from what was planned for construction and what was actually constructed.
OC eDCR will validate whether the actual construction is complying to the by-laws and check for deviation from the originally planned diagram for which the permit was issued.
eDCR scrutiny for Occupancy certificate with the by-laws as on permit eDCR scrutiny date.
Comparison report between permit diagram and OC diagram
Create the Occupancy Certificate Application with OC eDCR scrutiny as reference.
Payment Gateway Integration for Application Fee and deviation penalty.
Check the status of the application.
Download artefacts
Key Features
Citizen options
Validate the application created by the Stakeholder
Make Payment for the application fee and deviation penalty
Check the status of the application
Download artefacts
Respond to queries/clarifications raised by the ULB/Department
Employee options
Document Scrutiny
Verify the document uploaded by the architect
Upload documents on behalf of the citizen
Forward to the next level officer in the workflow or reject the application
Ask for additional information from the citizen
Field Inspection
Conduct field inspection and update the field inspection report
Provision to upload multiple field inspection reports
Upload site images to the application
Forward to the next level officer in the workflow or reject the application
Ask for additional information from the citizen
NOC verification
Verify the NOCs uploaded by the stakeholder
Upload NOCs which the ULB official received from the NOC department offline
Forward to the next level officer in the workflow or reject the application
Ask for additional information from the citizen
Application approval
Add permit conditions to the application
Reject the application based on the facts presented by other officials in the workflow
Ask for additional information from the citizen
Approve the application
Other features
Deviation penalty is calculated based on the comparison report
SMS notification to the citizen/stakeholder on change of workflow state
Doc Links
BPA User Manual
BPA Configuration
Workflows are a series of steps that moves a process from one state to another state by actions performed by different kind of Actors - Humans, Machines, Time based events etc. to achieve a goal like onboarding an employee, or approve an application or grant a resource etc. The egov-workflow-v2 is a workflow engine which helps in performing these operations seamlessly using a predefined configuration.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has workflow persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created to store workflow configuration and data
Always allow anyone with a role in the workflow state machine to view the workflow instances and comment on it
On the creation of workflow, it will appear in the inbox of all employees that have roles that can perform any state transitioning actions in this state.
Once an instance is marked to an individual employee it will appear only in that employee's inbox although point 1 will still hold true and all others participating in the workflow can still search it and act if they have necessary action available to them
If the instance is marked to a person who cannot perform any state transitioning action, they can still comment/upload and mark to anyone else.
Overall SLA: SLA for the complete processing of the application/Entity
State-level SLA: SLA for a particular state in the workflow
Environment Variables
The default value of offset in search
The default value of limit in search
The maximum number of records that are returned in search response
Boolean flag if set to true default search will return records assigned to the user only, if false it will return all the records based on the user’s role. (default search is the search call when no query params are sent and based on the RequestInfo of the call, records are returned, it’s used to show applications in employee inbox)
Boolean flag set to true if a state-level workflow is required
Deploy the latest version of egov-workflow-v2 service
Add businessService persister yaml path in persister configuration
Add Role-Action mapping for BusinessService API’s
Overwrite the egov.wf.statelevel flag ( true for state level and false for tenant level)
Create businessService (workflow configuration) according to product requirements
Add Role-Action mapping for /processInstance/_search API
Add workflow persister yaml path in persister configuration
For Configuration details please refer to the links in Reference Docs
The workflow configuration can be used by any module which performs a sequence of operations on an application/Entity. It can be used to simulate and track processes in organisations to make it more efficient too and increase accountability.
Role-based workflow
An easy way of writing rule
File movement within workflow roles
To integrate, host of egov-workflow-v2 should be overwritten in helm chart
/process/_search should be added as the search endpoint for searching workflow process Instance object.
/process/_transition should be added to perform an action on an application. (It’s for internal use in modules and should not be added in Role-Action mapping)
The workflow configuration can be fetched by calling _search API to check if data can be updated or not in the current state
Configuring Workflows For New Product/Entity
Setting Up Workflows
API Swagger Documentation
Migration to Workflow 2.0
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection, therefore, the same link is added in each row)
A core application which provides location details of the tenant for which the services are being provided.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
PSQL server is running and database is created
Knowledge of egov-mdms service
egov-mdms service is running and all the required mdms master are loaded in it
The location information is also known as boundary data of ULB
Boundary data can be of different hierarchies ADMIN, ELECTION hierarchy which is defined by the Administrators, Revenue hierarchy defined by the Revenue department.
The election hierarchy has the locations divided into several types like zone, election ward, block, street and locality. The Revenue hierarchy has the locations divided into a zone, ward, block and locality.
The model which defines the localities like zone, ward and etc is boundary object which contains information like name, lat, long, parent or children boundary if any. The boundaries come under each other in a hierarchy like a zone contains wards, ward contains blocks, a block contains locality. The order in which the boundaries are contained in each other will differ based on the tenants.
Environment Variables
Host name for MDMS service.
MDMS Search URL.
MDMS module which contain boundary master.
MDMS master file which contain boundary detail.
Add/Update the mdms master file which contain boundary data of ULB’s.
Add Role-Action mapping for egov-location API’s.
Deploy/Redeploy the latest version of egov-mdms service.
Fill the above environment variables in egov-location with proper values.
Deploy the latest version of egov-location service.
The boundary data has been moved to mdms from the master tables in DB. The location service fetches the JSON from mdms and parses it to the structure of boundary object as mentioned above. A sample master would look like below.
Attribute Name
The tenantId (ULB code) for which the boundary data configuration is defined.
The name of the module where TenantBoundary master is present.
Unique code of the hierarchy type.
Unique name of the hierarchy type.
Id of boundary defined for particular hierarchy.
Sequence number of boundary attribute defined for the particular hierarchy.
Name of the boundary like Block 1 or Zone 1 or City name.
Local name of the boundary.
Longitude of the boundary.
Latitude of the boundary.
Label of the boundary.
Code of the boundary.
Details of its sub-boundaries.
The egov-location API’s can be used by any module which needs to store the location details of the tenant.
Get the boundary details based on boundary type and hierarchy type within the tenant boundary structure.
Get the geographical boundaries by providing appropriate GeoJson.
Get the tenant list in the given latitude and longitude.
To integrate, host of egov-location should be overwritten in helm chart.
/boundarys/_search should be added as the search endpoint for searching boundary details based on tenant Id, Boundary Type, Hierarchy Type etc.
/geography/_search should be added as the search endpoint .This method handles all requests related to geographical boundaries by providing appropriate GeoJson and other associated data based on tenantId or lat/long etc.
/tenant/_search should be added as the search endpoint. This method tries to resolve a given lat, long to a corresponding tenant, provided there exists a mapping between the reverse geocoded city to tenant.
The MDMS Tenant boundary master file should be loaded in MDMS service.
Local setup
Please refer to the Swagger API contract for egov-location service to understand the structure of APIs and to have a visualisation of all internal APIs.
eGov Payment Gateway acts as a liaison between eGov apps and external payment gateways facilitating payments, reconciliation of payments and lookup of transactions' status'.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has pg service persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and the database is created to store transaction data.
Create or initiate a transaction, to make a payment against a bill.
Make payment for multiple bill details [multi module] for a single consumer code at once.
Transaction to be initiated with a call to the transaction/_create API, various validations are carried out to ensure the sanctity of the request.
The response includes a generated transaction id and a redirect URL to the payment gateway itself.
Various validations are carried out to verify the authenticity of the request and the status is updated accordingly. If the transaction is successful, a receipt is generated for the same.
Reconciliation is carried out by two jobs scheduled via a Quartz clustered scheduler.
Early Reconciliation job is set to run every 15 minutes [configurable via app properties], and is aimed at reconciling transactions which were created 15 - 30 minutes ago and are in PENDING state.
Daily Reconciliation job is set to run once per day and is aimed at reconciling all transactions that are in PENDING state, except for ones which were created 30 minutes ago.
Axis, Phonepe and Paytm payment gateways are implemented.
Additional gateways can be added by implementing the Gateway interface. No changes required to the core packages.
Following properties in the application.properties file in egov-pg-service has to be added and set to default value after integrating with the new payment gateway. In the below table properties for AXIS bank, payment gateway is shown the same relevant property needs to be added for other payment gateways.
Bollean lag to set the payment gateway active/inactive
Currency representation for merchant, default(INR)
Payment merchant Id
Secret key for payment merchant
User name to access the payment merchant for transaction
Password of the user tp access payment merchant
Access code
Pay command
commans status
Url for making payment
URL to get the status of the transaction
Deploy the latest version of egov-pg-service
Add pg service persister yaml path in persister configuration
The egov-pg-service acts as communication/contact between eGov apps and external payment gateways.
Record of every transaction against a bill.
Record of payment for multiple bill details for a single consumer code at once.
To integrate, host of egov-pg-service should be overwritten in helm chart
/pg-service/transaction/v1/_create should be added in the module to initiates a new payment transaction, on successful validation
/pg-service/transaction/v1/_update should be added as the update endpoint to updates an existing payment transaction. This endpoint is issued only by payment gateways to update the status of payments. It verifies the authenticity of the request with the payment gateway and forward all query params received from a payment gateway
/pg-service/transaction/v1/_search should be added as the search endpoint for retrieving the current status of a payment in our system.
Swagger API Contract
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection, therefore, the same link is added in each row)
One of the applications in the Digit core group of services aims to reduce the time spent by developers on writing codes to store and fetch master data ( primary data needed for module functionality ) which doesn’t have any business logic associated with them. Instead of writing APIs, creating tables in every different service to store and retrieve data that is seldom changed MDMS service keeps them at a single location for all modules and provides data on will with the help of no more than three lines of configuration.
Prior Knowledge of Java/J2EE.
Prior Knowledge of Spring Boot.
Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON etc.
Prior knowledge of Git.
Advanced knowledge on how to operate JSON data would be an added advantage to understand the service.
Adds master data for usage without the need to create master data APIs in every module.
Reads data from GIT directly with no dependency on any database services.
Environment Variables
The default value of folder where master data files are stored
The default value of the file URL which contains master-config values
Deploy the latest version of Mdms-service
Add conf path for the file location
Add master config JSON path
The MDMS service provides ease of access to master data for any service.
No time spent writing repetitive codes with no business logic.
To integrate, host of egov-mdms-service should be overwritten in helm chart
egov-mdms-service/v1/_search should be added as the search endpoint for searching master data.
Mdms client from eGov snapshots should be added as mvn entity in pom.xml for ease of access since it provides mdms request pojos.
egov-mdms sample data
The objective of PDF generation service is to bulk generate pdf as per requirement.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Install npm.
Kafka server is up and running.
egov-persister service is running and has pdf generation persister config path added in it.
PSQL server is running and the database is created to store filestore id and job id of generated pdf.
Provide a common framework to generate PDF.
Provide flexibility to customise the PDF as per the requirement.
Provide functionality to add an image, Qr Code in PDF.
Provide functionality to generate pdf in bulk.
Provide functionality to specify a maximum number of records to be written in one PDF.
Environment Variables
Maximum number of records to be written in one PDF
Date timezone which will be used to convert epoch timestamp into date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Default value of localisation locale
Default value of localisation tenant
File path/URL'S of data config
File path/URL'S of format config
Mustache.js: (https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/ ):- as templating engine to populate format as defined in format config, from request json based on mappings defined in data config
Create data config and format config for a PDF according to product requirement.
Add data config and format config files in PDF configuration
Add the file path of data and format config in the environment yml file
Deploy the latest version of pdf-service in a particular environment.
For Configuration details please refer to the Customizing PDF Receipts & Certificates document in Reference Docs
The PDF configuration can be used by any module which needs to show particular information in PDF format that can be print/downloaded by the user.
Functionality to generate PDFs in bulk.
Avoid regeneration.
Support QR codes and Images.
Functionality to specify the maximum number of records to be written in one PDF.
Uploading generated PDF to filestore and return filestore id for easy access.
To download and print the required PDF _create API has to be called with the required key (For Integration with UI, please refer to the links in Reference Docs)
Customizing PDF Receipts & Certificates
Steps for Integration of PDF in UI for download and print PDF
API Swagger Documentation
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection therefore the same link is added in each row)
This service is used to issue a license to the user after verification. The service is designed in such a way that it can be used to serve different type of licenses. Currently used to issue trade licenses, perform stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass. The service is integrated with workflow where we can define the steps for approval of the application. Once the application is approved the license is generated.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has tl-services persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created
Used for license generations in trade licenses, stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass
Define roles to applicants on successful application to access Building Plan Approval services at the time of stakeholder registration
Generate application number and license number
Support workflows
Provide notification on various status changes for an application
Add MDMS configs required for Trade License and BPA stakeholder registration and restart MDMS service
Deploy the latest version of tl-services service
Add tl-service persister yaml path in persister configuration and restart persister service
Add Role-Action mapping for API’s
Create businessService (workflow configuration) according to trade license and stakeholder registration
Add tl-service indexer yaml path in indexer service configuration and restart indexer service
Following application properties in the Trade License service are configurable.
The format of the TL application number
The format of the TL license number
The format of the Stake holder application number
The format of the Stake holder license number
Max number of records to be returned
tenantId, applicationNumber, limit, offset, licenseNumbers
The search parameters on which citizen can search
tenantId, applicationNumber, applicationType, status, mobileNumber, fromDate, toDate, licenseNumbers, oldLicenseNumber, limit, offset
The search parameters on which employee can search
The name of kafka topic on which create request is published
The name of kafka topic on which update request is published
The name of kafka topic on which update request is published
The trade-license service is currently used to issue trade licenses, perform stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass.
Provide backend support for the different license registration process.
Mseva and SMS notifications on application status changes.
The elastic search index for creating visualizations and Dashboards.
Bpa Stakeholder registration provides new roles to the user to access the Building Plan Approval system.
Supports workflow which is configurable
To integrate, host of tl-services service should be overwritten in the helm chart.
{servicename}/_create/ _create should be added as the create endpoint for creating any license in the system
{servicename}/_search/ _search should be added as the search endpoint. This method handles all requests to search existing records depending on different search criteria
{servicename}/_update/ _update should be added as the update endpoint. This method is used to update fields in existing records or to update the status of the application based on workflow.
Billing Slabs
Local Setup
API Swagger Documentation (Trade License)
API Swagger Documentation (Stakeholder registration)
bpa_stakeholder_registration (3) (1).yaml23 KB
BPA StakeHolder Registration release Doc
In all below endpoints if the service name is BPAREG it is treated as a stakeholder registration application and if it is TL or if it is absent then the application is treated as trade license application.
Stakeholder registration APIs:- https://www.getpostman.com/collections/d18b79ccfb69ee8bb526
Trade-License APIs:- https://www.getpostman.com/collections/99f98723c45f97024831
{servicename}/_create, _create
This API is used to create an application for the license in the system. Whenever an application is created an application number is generated and assigned to the application for future reference.
{servicename}/_search, /_search
This API is used to search the applications in the system based on various search parameters like mobile number, the application number, status etc.
{servicename}/_update, _update
The _update API is used to update the application information or to forward the application from one state to another.
In the case of the stakeholder registration if the application reaches the last stage the role depending on the license type is given to the user.
{servicename}/{jobname}/_batch, /_batch
Searches trade licenses which are expiring and send a reminder SMS to owner's of the licenses
DIGIT is API based Platform here each API is denoting to a DIGIT resource. Access Control Service (ACS) primary job is to authorise end-user based on their roles and provide access to the DIGIT platform resources. Access control functionality basically works based on below points:
Actions: Actions are events which are performed by a user. This can be an API end-point or Frontend event. This is MDMS master
Roles: Role are assigned to the user, a user can hold multiple roles. Roles are defined in MDMS masters.
Role-Action: Role actions are mapping b/w Actions and Roles. Based on role, action mapping access control service identifies applicable action for the role.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
MDMS service is up and running
Serve the applicable actions for a user based on user role (To print menu three).
On each action which is performed by a user, access control looks at the roles for the user and validate actions mapping with the role.
Support tenant-level role-action. For instance, an employee from Amritsar can have a role of APPROVER for other ULB like Jalandhar and hence will be authorised to act as APPROVER in Jalandhar.
Deploy the latest version of Access Control Service
Deploy MDMS service to fetch the Role Action Mappings
Define the roles
Add the Actions (URL)
Add the role action mapping
(The details about the fields in the configuration can be found in the swagger contract)
Any microservice which requires authorisation can leverage the functionalities provided by access control service.
Any new microservice that is to be added in the platform won’t have to worry about authorisation. It can just add it’s role action mapping in the master data and Access Control Service will perform authorisation whenever API for the microservice is called.
To integrate with Access Control Service the role action mapping has to be configured(added) in the MDMS service.
The service needs to call /actions/_authorize API of Access Control Service to check for authorisation of any request
API Contract
MDMS Service
User service is responsible for user data management and providing functionality to login and logout into Digit system
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
Encryption and MDMS services are running
PSQL server is running and database
Redis is running
Store, update and search user data
Provide authentication
Provide login, logout functionality into DIGIT platform
Store user data PIIs in encrypted form
Setup latest version of egov-enc-service and egov-mdms- service
Deploy the latest version of egov-user service
Add Role-Action mapping for API’s
Following application properties file in user service are configurable.
default search record number limit
whether citizen login otp based
whether employee login otp based
fixed otp for citizen
allow fixed otp for citizen
whether otp compulsory for registration
validity time of access token
validity time of refresh token
expiry date of a password
unlock time
window size for counting attempts for lock
max failed login attempts before account is locked
User data management and functionality to login and logout into Digit system using OTP and password.
Providing following functionality to citizen and employee type users
User registration
Search user
Update user details
Forgot password
Change password
User role mapping(Single ULB to multiple roles)
Enable employee to login into DIGIT system based on a password.
Create user
Update user
Search user
User registration using OTP
OTP based login
To integrate, host of egov-user should be overwritten in the helm chart.
Use /citizen/_create and /users/_createnovalidate endpoints for creating users into the system
Use /v1/_search and /_search endpoints to search users in the system depending on various search parameters
Use /profile/_update for partial update and /users/_updatenovalidate for update
Use /password/nologin/_update for otp based password reset and /password/_update for logged in user password reset
Use /user/oauth/token for generating token, /_logoutfor logout and /_details for getting user information from his token
User service Product requirement
User Data encryption promotion details
Encryption Service
Public Grievances & Redressal (PGR) is a system that enables citizens to raise a complaint with there ULB’s. A citizen can track the complaint, upload image related to the complaint, re-open the complaint if he/she is not satisfied and rate the service. This document contains the details about how to setup PGR service and describes the functionalities it provides
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has pgr-services persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created to store complaint data
(Optional) Indexer config for pgr-services is added in egov-indexer yaml paths to index the generated data. Index is required for data visualisation in Kibana or in DSS.
(Optional) Report config for pgr-services is added in Report service config paths. Required if reports are to be provided to the user.
Following services should be up and running:
A citizen can file, track and rate the complaint
A citizen can add image and comments related to the complaint
A citizen can re-open the complaint in a certain given period of time after resolution
ULB can setup the complaint workflow according to their requirements and staff capacity
ULB can track the SLA for resolving each complaint and can use it as a metric to streamline the process for resolving complaints
Department wise assignment of the complaint to the LME
Deploy the latest version of pgr-services
Add pgr-service-persister.yml file in config folder in git and add that path in persister. (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called persist-yml-path )
If any Report Config is created, the config should be added to the config folder in git and that path should be added in Report service. (The file path is to be added in a file called “reportFileLocationsv1.txt” in Config folder)
If index is to be created add the indexer config path in indexer service. (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called egov-indexer-yaml-repo-path)
Add master data in MDMS service with the module name as RAINMAKER-PGR. Following is some sample master data for the service:
Create businessService (workflow configuration) using the __/businessservice/_create. Following is the product configuration for PGR:
Using /localization/messages/v1/_upsert , add localisation (templates) for notification messages to be sent. Following are the product notification templates:
Add Role-Action mapping for the APIs in MDMS. Following are the required entries. They should be mapped to both CITIZEN and appropriate employee roles.
PGR service can be integrated with any organisation or system which wants to track customer queries or complaint. The organisations can customise the workflow depending on their product requirements.
Easy tracking and resolution of complaints
Configurable workflow according to client requirement
Customer can raise a complaint using the /requests/_create
Organisation or System can search the complaint using /requests/_searchendpoint
Once the complaint is raised the organisation or system can call /requests/_update
endpoint to move the application further in workflow until it gets resolved.
Workflow Technical Document
User Technical Document
MDMS Technical Document
IDGen Technical Document
Localization Technical Document
Persister Technical Document
SMS Notification Technical Document
HRMS Technical Document
New release features, enhancements, and fixes
DIGIT 2.0 is a baselined release that has got few functional changes, but more of non-functional standardisation changes.
Functional: Introducing advance payment feature and Advance collection integration with W/S.
Non-functional: Upgrading spring boot and tracer version of all the backend services to enhance the range of non-functional benefits like performance, metrics, and security. Also, all digit services/configs are baselined to follow the Semantic Versioning. These would enable the partner eco-system, system Integrators and state teams for easy on-going upgrades and integrations.
Advance Payments
Advance Collection integration with W&S
API Contracts
Advance Collection integration with W&S
Infra/Ops Simplification & Enablement
Infra & Service monitoring v1.0.0 (Prometheus, Alertmanager & Grafana)
Cluster Resource monitoring
Request Traffic monitoring
DIGIT Service monitoring
All Java-based services SpringBoot upgraded from 1.5.X to 2.2.6 for better security, performance and metrics.
Backbone Services migrated to Helm templates to ease deployment on Kubernetes.
Introduced Minio as a digit platform service for SDCs to leverage S3 like object storage feature.
DIGIT on Spot Instances for AWS users saves 60% of the cloud cost.
Configurable SSO with GitHub or Google SSO OAuth for all the Infra apps like Jaeger, Grafana, Kibana.
Updated Feature
Baseline version upgrades
Bulk persister changes to support bulk persisting for migration in Persister Service.
Localization URL params to be changed to request params in Localization service
Receipt download link in SMS and email notifications.
Rainwater Harvesting attribute in Property Service
Filestore service enhancement - Support for SDC and S3 implementation.
Maven dependencies upgrade and merging the backend services to the master branch (Upgraded Tracer to 2.0.0, spring boot to 2.2.6, flyway-core to 6.4.3, etc along with code cleanup) for all the services across the services. The Changelog has been added.
Baseline versioning of all the services as per the streaming strategy.
UI enhancements
Generalized Client-side PDF generation component and integration with Property, Fire NOC, Trade License, and W&S applications).
Generalize acknowledgement screens component
MDMS namespace common component and integration with PT and TL modules.
Non-functional enhancements
Versioned Git Tags for all the services
Versioned MDMS and Config data.
Upgrade Notes
DIGIT 2.0 is a baselined release - considering simplification and standardization as a theme. It is strongly recommended all-state teams upgrade to leverage benefits.
All services versioning will follow SemVer 2.0, naming conventions and Git Tagging are improved for better tracing.
Next release might have a few more enhancements to the services naming conventions and handling MDMS and Configs better.
Impact: Functionally, the upgrade to DIGIT 2.0 will not impact the existing environments.
UI Technical Documents
Backend Service Documents
Infra/Deployment Documents
Fire NOC
Water & Sewerage
MDMS UI Configurations
Renaming of the backend services with a naming convention in place.
Config (MDMS, Configs) Baseline versioning.
Readme.md and Localsetup.md documentations for Core, Business, Municipal, and Other services.
DIGIT 2.0 Changes to the Water & Sewerage
Version 2.0 of 'Water & Sewerage' product allows the user to Apply for a New Water/Sewerage connection online. A citizen can apply for a new Water/ Sewerage connection Individually or in an Integrated manner. Citizen will receive a text and in-app notification on each step of the workflow. The Applications can be tracked online, in the 'My Applications' section provided to the citizen. Online application payment, send back to the citizen are some other features available for the citizen. Employees can search and process the application filed by the citizen. Some other features are workflow approval process, application payment collection etc.
W&S and Property integration, while applying for a New connection
Generation of artefacts at a desired stage of the application (For eg. Generation of 'estimation notice' after the 'field inspector' approves the application)
'Send back' as a workflow step to facilitate employees to carry out, the desired correction in the application
Separate 'Search' for 'Connections' and 'Applications' on Employee side
Apply for an Integrated connection and track the applications individually (Configurable workflow and calculation logic)
The citizen can manage applications in the 'My Application' section also make payment for the application online.
Capture plumber information
Usage of Property ontology to cater to diverse use cases (For eg. Water/Sewerage connections for Institutional, Commercial properties etc.)
The W&S Version 2.0 release is equipped to allow citizens and employee to create an application for new water and sewerage connection online. The application is designed to facilitate the following affordance:
Apply for water/sewerage connections including metered and non metered connection
Addition of rebate/penalty on the employee side to cater use cases pertaining to the presence of any schemes
Linkage of Property and W&S connection for a user
Configurations available
Workflow actions and steps for application processing
Calculation logic for water and sewerage estimated demand
Estimation notice and sanction letter format
Notifications format
'Property Type' localization value missing
Owner details, in case of multiple owners, need to refresh for getting other names
Not able to find Jalandhar property, Not working for Nawashahr as well (For both citizen and employee)
PB-PT-2020-04-04-004623 (Nawashahr)
PB-PT-2020-03-23-004500 (Jalandhar)
Displaying random value in case of multiple owners
Connection details missing from the Application summary page
Incorrect names and random DOB value in Application summary page
Application-based on the same property has different values for "Rainwater harvesting": Sewerage application: SW_AP/1013/2020-21/062956 Water application: WS_AP/1013/2020-21/062955
Application forms PDFs for the applications mentioned above have incorrect values for mentioned fields
No. of floors (It is not captured as a part of the property in case of Flat/part of a building, so this value is random)
Property Sub Usage type
After submission of the application by the counter employee,
Downloaded application PDF did not have meter installation date value, which was not also filled in the first place,
Task details page of Doc verifier is displaying a random date for the meter installation date
Downloaded application PDF by doc verifier still doesn't have the meter installation date
No download/Print option to DV, FI, AP after submission (Artifacts are needed to be downloaded)
Metered connection getting executed without initial meter reading
Learn how to add new property, assess or transfer property and pay property tax
Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The PT module allows property owners to register their property details online. These details are then used for various property-related transactions.
The citizen can also approach the Counter Employee (CE) to register new property, assess property or pay property tax.
The Citizen or CE role can -
Citizens or CE can add new property details through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app.
To add a new property click on the Property Tax card available in the Citizen Services section of the Home page.
Click on the Add New Property button on the screen. This will open a new form page.
The system will display the Required Documents - Property Tax list. Note the list of documents valid for address, identity, registration, usage, special category, and occupancy proofs.
Click on the Print button to get a hard copy of the documents list for reference. Click on the Apply button to proceed with adding your property. The form sections are available on the top of the page.
Add Property Form Sections
The add property form page contains various sections that include
Property Address
Property Details
Owner Details
Document Info
Enter the following information in the Property Address section.
The system will display the New Property form page.
The City field displays the registered city by default. Click on the drop-down list to select a different city. Enter the House/Shop No., Building/Colony Name, Street Name, Locality/Mohalla, and the Pincode. Enter the Existing Property ID in case there is a legacy property ID available for the listed property.
Click on the Next button to move to the next section.
Enter the following details in the Property Details section
Select the applicable Property Usage Type and the Property Type from the drop-down list available.
Check Yes or No to indicate Whether rainwater harvesting structure provided on the property? Enter Vasika No. and Vasika Date if applicable. Enter Allotment Letter No. and Allotment Date if applicable.
Enter Firm/Business Name if the property is listed as commercial or institutional. Enter any information in the Remarks field. Check the box Do you have any inflammable material stored on your property? if it is true. Check the box adjacent to Height of property more than 36 feet? if it is true. Fill in the Unit details if the selected property usage type is Commercial, Institutional, Other Non-Residential, or Residential.
The Unit Usage Type by default accepts the Property Usage Type value. Select the applicable Sub Usage Type for the listed property in case of Commercial or Institutional properties. Select the most applicable option for the type of Occupancy. Enter the Built-up-area (sq ft) value of the property. Select Floor to identify the relevant floor of the property. Click on +Add One More Unit button to add more units.
Click on the Next button to proceed to enter the Owner Details.
Enter the following information in the Owner Details section. Select the relevant Type of Ownership. Enter the Owner’s Name.
Check the applicable Gender of the owner. Enter the owner’s Mobile No. and Guardian’s Name. Select Relationship of the owner with the guardian. Enter the applicable Special Category. Enter the owner’s Email Id and the Correspondence Address. Check the Same as property address box if the correspondence address is the same as the address of the listed property. The Correspondence Address field is auto-populated in that case.
Click on the Next button to move to the Documents section.
Upload the required documents in the Documents section of the application form. In the Select Document field, select the type of document you are uploading for Address Proof, Identity Proof, Registration Proof, Usage Proof, and Construction Proof.
Click on the Upload File button to upload the documents.
Click on the Next button to proceed to the next section.
Click on the Add Property button once the details are reviewed and corrected. The system displays the New Property Successfully Added acknowledgement message.
The Property ID is available along with this message.
Click on the Download button on top of the message box to download the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
To search for a submitted application or track the status of submitted applications navigate to the Property Tax home page. There are two search options available. Users can search by property or application.
To Search by Property click on the Search Property tab. Enter the ULB. The system displays the registered City or ULB details by default. Enter any of the following search parameters or combinations to refine the search for property. Enter the Owner Mobile No. or the Unique Property ID allotted by the system. Enter the Existing Property ID if there is any legacy ID linked to the property.
Click on the Search button to view the results. Click on the Reset button to renew search with different parameters.
To Search by Application click on the Search Application tab.
Enter any of the following search parameters or combinations to refine the search for property. Enter the Application No. or the Owner Mobile No. or the Unique Property ID.
Click on the Search button to view the search results. Click on the Reset button to renew search with different parameters.
The search results show the filtered list of property entries along with the application Status.
An Active Status means the listed property is pending for further action. Inworkflow status means there is some action going on for the listed property and hence it is not accessible for any other action. Once the action is complete the status will change to Active.
Click on the Unique Property ID or Application No. hyperlink to access the property details.
Listed properties are assessed every financial year to calculate the property tax amount.
To assess property navigate to the Property Tax >> Assess & Search menu option on the sidebar. Alternatively, click on the Property Tax card on the Home page. Enter the required search parameter to refine your search for properties.
Click on the Search button to view the results. Click on the relevant Unique Property ID.
Scroll down the Property Information page to view the property details. Expand the Assessment History panel to view the previous assessment details.
Click on the Re-Assess button if you want to reassess the property. Expand the Payment History panel to view earlier payments made for the listed property.
Click on the Download Receipt button to get a soft copy of the listed payment. Expand the Application History panel to view the property application details.
Click on the View Details button to fetch application details. Click on the Assess Property button.
Select the relevant Financial Year.
The panel will display the Property Tax Amount details.
Click on the Add Rebate button to apply any rebates or discounts on the tax amount. This feature is not available for the citizens.
Enter any Additional Charges amount, if applicable. Select the appropriate Reason for Charges. Enter any Additional Rebate amount, if applicable. Select the appropriate Reason for Rebate.
Click on the Submit button to apply the rebate or charges to the tax amount. Click on the Calculation Details button to view the calculation logic applied for calculating the tax amount.
Click on the OK button to move back to the Assessment page.
Click on Assess Property once you complete reviewing all details. The system will display the assessment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Proceed to Payment button to pay the property tax. Else click on the Home button to navigate back to the home page.
Applicants have to pay the property tax once the property is assessed for the specified financial year.
To make payment for property tax click on the Proceed to Payment button after the property assessment is complete. The Payment Collection Details panel displays the tax Fee Details.
Enter the payment details. The system allows you to pay by cash, cheque, or credit/debit card. Click on the Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card tab depending on the preferred payment method.
Enter payment details as requested on the screen. Click on the Generate Receipt button to confirm the payment. The screen displays the success acknowledgement message along with the Payment Receipt No.
Once the payment is complete the Property Tax Receipt is issued. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the tax Payment Receipt.
The PT module allows users to transfer the ownership of property.
To transfer the ownership of property search for the property by entering the Unique Property ID or any other search parameter. Click on the Unique Property ID to open the application. Scroll down the Property Information page. Click on the Transfer Ownership button available in the Owner Details panel.
The system will display the list of Required Documents - Transfer to Ownership.
Click on the Print button to print the list of documents. Click on the Transfer Ownership button to proceed with the mutation process. The Transfer of Ownership form page is displayed.
The application timeline shows three sections -
Transfer Details
Document Upload
The Transfer Details page includes three panels -
Transferor Details - This panel displays the current owner details.
Transferee Details - This panel requires the user to input the details of the individual to whom the property is to be transferred.
Enter the following details in the form -
Select applicable Ownership Type. Enter the Name, Gender, and Mobile No. of the transferee. Enter Guardian’s Name of the transferee and the Relationship with Guardian. Enter the Email address of the transferee. Select the relevant Special Applicant Category. Enter the Correspondence Address of the transferee.
Registration Details - This panel requires the user to input the registration details in context to the transfer of the property ownership.
Enter the following details in the form.
Select Reason for Property Transfer. Enter Property Market Value, the Registration Document No. and the Registration Document Issue Date. Enter the Registration Document Value. Enter any Remarks.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Document Upload section.
Select Document you want to upload for Address Proof, Identity Proof, and Registration Proof. Click on the Upload File button to upload the copy of scanned documents.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary section.
The Summary page will display the filled-in application details. Scroll down the page to review the information entered. Click on the Previous Step button to go back and make any changes in the form.
Click on the Submit button once all details are reviewed. The screen will display the application success message. Click on the Download button on top of the message box to download the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
To make any changes in the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Edit Property button available at the bottom of the page. Change any details in the form as required. Click on the Update Property button once all changes are complete.
Digital Governance Platform
DIGIT Urban is India’s largest open-source platform for Urban Governance. It is built on OpenAPI (OAS 2.0) and provides API based access to a variety of urban/municipal services enabling state governments and city administrators to provide citizen services with relevant new services and also integrating the existing system into the platform and run seamlessly on any commercial/on-prem cloud infrastructure with scale and speed.
DIGIT Urban is a microservices-based platform which is built to scale. Microservices are small, autonomous and developer-friendly services that work together.
A big software or system can be broken down into multiple small components or services. These components can be designed, developed & deployed independently without compromising the integrity of the application.
Parallelism in development: Microservices architectures are mainly business-centric.
MicroServices have smart endpoints that process info and apply logic. They receive requests, process them, and generate a response accordingly.
Decentralized control between teams, so that its developers strive to produce useful tools that can then be used by others to solve the same problems.
MicroServices architecture allows its neighbouring services to function while it bows out of service. This architecture also scales to cater to its clients’ sudden spike in demand.
MicroService is ideal for evolutionary systems where it is difficult to anticipate the types of devices that may be accessing our application.
DIGIT 2.0 Changes to the Property Tax
The Property Tax System in DIGIT provides a digital interface to make property assessments, pay property tax, generate payment receipts or monitor and generate tax collection reports. It can be used by citizens, Urban Local Body (ULB) counter employees, field employees, and ULB Administrators to accomplish their specific tasks.
Ability to search Property in public domain
Ability to make Property tax payments without login in DIGIT
Payment link in the SMS and email notification
Enable email notification for property tax
Payment QR code on bills
Enlisting documents required to apply for property registration and transfer of ownership
DIGIT 2.0 Changes to the Public Grievance and Redressal
PGR is a standardized solution offering on DIGIT platform to register and redress citizen grievances. It provides a transparent and trackable mechanism to solve public grievances by inducing responsive administration. PGR enables the citizens to file the complaints using various channels and helps the municipal employees to resolve them in a timebound manner.
Additional user role added - Provision for the additional role of state CSR for addressing Public Grievances
Display the exact count of assigned or unassigned complaints in GRO/LME inbox
Support for New Role- State CSR - The Grievance Counter is one of the channels through which citizens can file a complaint in person or through a telephone. There could be different types of counters both at ULB level or at State level, for example, CM helpline, local government-related helplines, etc. The first version of PGR has provision for ULB level counter where the employee (ULB CSR) can file complaints on behalf of the citizen. The current enhancement has provision for the additional role of state-level CSR who can file complaints or track status on behalf of citizens in any city in the state. This is irrespective of ULB where the CSR is registered. This provides a central monitoring capability to the State level CSR as well as improves the responsiveness by cutting down the time to redress a complaint.
Display the exact count of complaints assigned - This feature focuses on showing the exact count of complaints the GRO (Grievance Redressal Officer) or LME (Last-Mile Employee) has in their Inbox. The GRO will have the visibility to all unassigned and assigned complaints. The LME will know the exact count of open complaints against his name. The initial version has only a count of complaints in GRO/LME Inbox which are displayed to that employee. Also, it had a restriction on the number of complaint records displayed, which was fixed at 200. This enhancement helps the GRO/LME to have a correct estimate of the work.
DIGIT 2.0 Changes to the Trade License
Trade License v2.0 enables seamless and hassle-free renewal mechanism for existing trade licenses. Separate workflows for unedited and edited renewal applications to accelerate the process.
The renewal application can be generated for any existing trade license
Users can edit trade type and owner details before submitting the renewal application
Separate workflows for unedited and edited renewal applications
The one-touch renewal process is applicable for unedited applications too
Users will receive SMS notifications for renewal application progress
DIGIT 2.0 changes to the Advance Payments
Advance payments feature helps citizens to make a payment more than the pending amount. The platform informs the citizen about the excess amount paid and the amount available as an advance in the bills and receipts.
Pay/ Adjust excess amount against the demand generated
Generate Receipt showing the excess payment
Generate Bill with advance amount adjustment
PDFMake: (https://github.com/bpampuch/pdfmake - Connect to preview ):- for generating PDFs
Ability to handle - platform and Reference implementation in W&S.
e with the pipelines
for Kibana, Jaeger, etc
dashboard for Infra and Service monitoring
for CI/CD
The Application Summary page provides all the information filled in by the applicant. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application.
Key Feature
Ability to search Property in public domain
This feature provides the ability to search properties registered in our system in the public domain. Users do not have to log in to our platform to see the property owners and due details.
Ability to make property tax payments without login in DIGIT
Citizens can pay their property tax dues without having to login into the system. Citizens can access this feature from open search, SMS/email notification, or any physical artefact having a payment link.
Payment link in the SMS and email notification
At the time of bill generation, SMS and an email notification will be triggered to the citizen’s registered IDs. The notification will have a payment link that will direct the citizen to the DIGIT common payment page. User does not have to log in.
Enable email notification for property tax
Email notification is configured for the property tax module. An email notification will also be triggered to the registered ID along with the SMS. The trigger for SMS and email notification can be configured.
Payment QR code on bills
Property tax bills will have a payment QR code printed. Each bill will have a unique QR code which will be a link to the common pay page.
Enlisting documents required to apply for property registration and transfer of ownership
Before initiating property registration and transfer of ownership application, the citizen will be informed about the documents required to complete the application. The list of documents can be configured based on the state’s requirements.
Doc Links
Property Tax User Manual
Property Tax Configuration
Doc Links
Key Features
Apply for new Water/Sewerage connection
The user can apply for the connection individually or integrated
For integrated connection, two separate applications are created. These applications are processed separately and can have a separate workflow, fee payment, SLAs, calculation logic etc.
Role-Based Access for Employees
Configurable role-action mapping
Actors, actions and state can be configured as required
Send back the application to the citizen
Property Integration
User can use his/her property ID to fetch property-related information and on the basis of that apply for a connection
Capture Plumber details
Plumber information ie. name, number, licence no. are captured in the system
Better Communication and transparency, by bringing plumber info in the system
'How it works' section
Videos can be uploaded about how to apply for a W&S connection
FAQs to handle common doubts
My Applications (Citizen)
Applications filed by citizen are maintained in the 'My Application' section
The citizen can take required actions on the application ie. pay the fee, modify, track, submit, resubmit etc.
Employee search screen
Applications and connections can be searched using separate screens
Different search parameters and search results, more flexibility
Apply/Collect fee on behalf of citizen
Pay application fee
The citizen can pay the estimated connection charges online using the card
Payment link in the application, mSeva notification, SMS notification
The citizen can make payment at the counter using cash, DD, cheque
Misc. features
All artefacts formats ie. application form, estimation notice and sanction letter are configurable
Citizens can maintain and download the artefacts
Citizen gets notified at each workflow step
Payment link in the SMS
All the labels, legend names, etc. can be configured using localization service. It can support multiple languages
For better usability and experience, the mobile view is optimized for each screen design
Type of Notification
Trigger Point
SMS Message
In-app notification
Application submitted
Application Submission
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, You have successfully submitted your application for a New <Service> Connection. Your Application No. is <Application number>. Click here to download your application <Application download link>. For more information, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name>, You have successfully submitted your application for a New <Service> Connection. Your Application No. is <Application number>.
Action Button: Download Application
Application rejected
DV/JE/AP Rejects Application
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been rejected. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been rejected. Click here for more details <View History Link>
Application sent back
DV/JE/AP sends back Application
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been sent back. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been sent back. Click here for more details <View History Link>
DV : Application forwarded
DV forwards Application
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending for field inspection' from 'Pending for document verification’. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending for field inspection' from 'Pending for document verification’. To track your application, click on <View History Link>
JE : Application forwarded
JE forwards Application
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending : Approval for connection' from 'Pending for field inspection’. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending: Approval for connection' from 'Pending for field inspection’. To track your application, click on <View History Link>
AP: Application approves for connection
Approver approves for Connection
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been approved. To make payment against your application, please click on <payment link> . Log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link> for more details.
Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been approved. To make payment against your application, please click on PAY NOW.
Action button: PAY NOW
Make Payment
Citizen/CEMP makes payment
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name> , Your payment for New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been been successfully recorded. You can download your receipt using this link <receipt download link>. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name> , Your payment for New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been been successfully recorded. You can download the receipt by clicking DOWNLOAD RECEIPT
Connection activation
CL activates connection
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been activated. To check your connection details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been activated. To check your connection details, click here <connection details page>.
Application edited
DV/JE/AP Edits the Application
All Owners + Applicant
Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been edited. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.
Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been edited. Click here for more details <View History Link>
Misc features
Keep the same consumer no.
Enhance flow(Restrict actions)
Legacy Data Upload and Management
Facilitate legacy data upload including connection details and DCB details. Provision to correct connection details and accounts due to error while uploading data.
Integrated Bill
Group connections against Property ID
Remittance in Different bank accounts
Generate integrated bills
Handling advance payment
Accepting advance payment
Door-step billing and collection
Edit meter reading. Ability to enable a door to door collection and generating bills on the spot once meter reading is updated in the system
Connection against non-owner
Title transfer
Transfer of connection
Block-level due date on bills
Ability to Define different Due dates at Ward level (within the ULB)
Apply flows
Change of usage
Non metered to metered
Regularizing connection
Doc Link
Apply for a new Water/Sewerage connection
Key Feature
License Renewal Application Updates
Renewal Application Type - A renewal application has to be filed in order to renew old license
Search Trade License - Users can search for TL using parameters- TL No. or Mobile No.
View Trade License Details - Users can view all the details of old license and verify details
Edit Specific Fields only - Users can edit only specific allowed fields - Trade Unit, Accessories, Mobile Number
Attach Required Documents - Users can reupload old documents or upload additional documents
Review Trade License Details - Users can review all the updated details
View Fee Estimate and Breakup - Users can view fee estimates and breakup for renewal applications
Submit Renewal Application - Users can submit the renewal application
Renewal Workflow Updates
The same workflow for edited renewal license application as for the new application - If the license details have been edited, then the application undergoes the same workflow as the new application
Separate Workflow for unedited renewal licenses application - If the user directly confirms details without editing then there should be a separate workflow for the renewal application which in general practice would be Apply-Pay-Download Trade License
Calculation Updates
Separate Fee Matrix for Renewal - Fees for renewal applications can be different from new applications. The Fee matrix should incorporate application type as an additional parameter
Time-Based Penalty/Rebate - In case of late renewals, the system should be able to apply penalties in terms of fixed charge or percentage of trade license charge. Vice versa in case of Rebate
Ad Hoc Penalty and Rebate - Ability to Employees for adding any ad hoc penalty/rebate
Notification Updates
Application Submission - Citizen will get the notification as soon as he submits a renewal application
At all workflow steps - Citizens should get notifications at all stages of the workflow. Detailed in Notification Segment
Reports Updates
Application Type Filters - New and Renew Application type segregation in Reports
Expired Licenses Registry - Registry for Employees to identify expired licenses
Edit Updates
Editable allowed fields - In case of renewal, users should be able to edit only allowed fields (Trade Type, Accessories, Documents)
Doc Links
Technical docs for TL renewal
Key Feature
Advance Carry Forward Tax head
If excess amount present against the consumer no. is displayed on the UI under this Tax Head on Bill Summary Pages
After the creation of new demand, this amount is adjusted against the other Tax heads and displayed on the UI
Ability to pay more than Bill Amount
Provision to make a payment under either 'Full amount' or 'Custom amount' options
A citizen can enter the desired amount under 'Custom amount ' option
Amount entered can be either less or more than the bill amount. So partial payment and advance payment both are possible.
Changes in Receipt Format
Two extra fields are provided in the Common Receipt Format
Total Bill Amount: Includes arrears, taxes, demand, advance adjusted
Advance available: Advance amount available against a particular consumer
Changes in Bill Format
Two extra fields are provided in the Common Bill Format
Advance available: Advance amount available against a particular consumer
Advance adjusted: Amount available under advance which is utilized against a particular demand
Bill amount incorrectly calculated
'Due amount' miscalculation, if multiple meter readings are added without payment
Advance adjusted incorrectly calculated
'Advance adjusted' miscalculated in the bill PDF
Key Feature
Cap on the amount entered
There is a check provided to inform the user about the amount entered when it crosses a certain limit.
The user gets an alert message in the form of warning when a certain amount is entered which crosses the limit.
Check is provided based on two conditions, any point of time it is the maximum of either
Fix amount, or
10 x Bill amount
Note to be taken that, there is no restriction over the maximum amount that can be paid
Changes in Bill PDF
Tax heads must display 'unadjusted' values on the bill PDF
Doc Links
To add an order for the documents
removed the sanction for OC low application
To update disclaimer
Changed URL - BPA to land
Added id Format for OC
Added checklist for OC
Updated usages
Updated Sub occupancy type
Updated Occupancy type
Added tax period for OC
Added tax headmaster for OC
Added billing service for OC
Changed id format for BPA permit
To update the ID format
to update application types
Updated URL for Required doc screen
Updated rebate and penalty
TL Renewal changes
Added disclaimer in the footer
Added new action for v2 localisation search
Disabling the Reports and UI localization Links
To update bill PDF advance adjusted changes
To Update PDF format
To add Advance and pending amount conditional logic
To add tenant Id in the eg_ws_meterreading table
To update the WS bill PDF format
To Update lower cases search
Added audit details for owner
Removed land info from bpa-persister
Added indexer for BPA
Added indexer for stakeholder Registration
Changed owners to land info and added revocation letter content
Added report run date
Added report run date
Added OC certificate
Updated texts
Changed alignment and added QA code
Added for OC
Changed alignment and added QA code
Added for OC
Changed filestore to filestoreId
Updated NOC persister
File Name
Code Change
Removed the following details from values.yml
scid-format: "SW/[CITY.CODE]/[fy:yyyy-yy]/[SEQ_EGOV_COMMON]"
value: {{ index .Values "scid-format" | quote }}
Removed the following details from values.yml
wcid-format: "WS/[CITY.CODE]/[fy:yyyy-yy]/[SEQ_EGOV_COMMON]"
value: {{ index .Values "wcid-format" | quote }}
Autocreate-new-seq flag must be enabled in IdGen Service of the environment file
autocreate-new-seq: "true"
Change the key from allowed-file-formats: to allowed-file-formats-map
Added EGOV_DEFAULT_STATE_ID in fire NOC environment file to pick up proper tenant during search call
SMS Notification Service
Added sms.config.map property for SMS changes-Remove the sms.config.map from the values.yml file
It should move to helm/environments/<env>.yaml
sms-config-map: "{'User':'$username', 'passwd': '$password', 'sid':'$senderid', 'mobilenumber':'$mobileno', 'message':'$message', 'mtype':'N', 'DR':'N', 'smsservicetype':'singlemsg'}"
Docker Artifact ID
MDMS Changes
Config Changes
Frontend v2.0
DSS Dashboard
Core Services v2.0
Payment Gateway
Zuul - API Gateway
Mail Notification
SMS Notification
ID Gen
User Chatbot
URL Shortening
PDF Generator
Access Control
User OTP
Business Services v2.0
Dashboard Analytics
Dashboard Ingest
EGF Instrument
EGF Master
Finance Collection Voucher Consumer
Municipal Services v2.0
Trade License
Trade License Calculator
Fire NOC
Fire NOC Calculator
Property Services
Property Tax Calculator
Property Tax
Water Charges
Water Charges Calculator
Sewerage Charges
Sewerage Charges Calculator
BPA Calculator
BPA Services
User Event
Land Services
Utilities Services v2.0
Custom Consumer
Others Service v2.0
InfraOps v2.0
Prometheus Operator
Kubestate metrics
Alert manager
PG Admin
Spot Instance Terminator
OAuth for Kibana, Jaeger
Key Feature
Additional user role added - Provision for the additional role of state CSR for addressing Public Grievances
An employee having role State CSR will be able to file a complaint in any city (which is live on the system) on behalf of the citizen
The state CSR will be able to able to search complaints in all ULB and track the status of complaint if enquired by a citizen on the basis of complaint number or mobile number
The state CSR will have access to state-level reports to review the performance across ULBs
Display the exact count of assigned or unassigned complaints in GRO/LME inbox
GRO will see the total count of complaints that are unassigned and assigned in his/her inbox and complaint displayed to him
LME will see the count of open complaints in his inbox and complaints which are displayed
GRO/LME will be able to see complaints and take action on the complaints in the queue (past 200 records) when he/she takes action on displayed records
Learn all about setting up DIGIT and its various components.
Details for these pages coming up soon...
Details will be updated soon...
Details coming soon...
Details coming soon...
Product themes and deliverable
Commitment and transparency are deeply ingrained values defining our product development approach. We are constantly developing new capabilities to facilitate the digital transformation of our cities. Take a glimpse into our DIGIT Roadmap to learn more about our upcoming tools and features.
Theme 1: Standardize and simplify for ease of use
Standardize software support processes, knowledge repositories; Improve tools to support automation
Theme 2: Deliver value to States
Deliver product backlog, completion of DIGIT products and decision support systems
Theme 3: Increase ease of use and ease of access to citizens
Create integrated user experience with a key focus on flexibility, accessibility, quality of service; Optimized user experience
Theme 4: Enhance data privacy and security
Update and enhance data privacy parameters on DIGIT across reports, modules, and dashboards
Theme 5: New product innovation
Identify high-impact product innovation areas through validation, understanding the domain, and processes involved
Release Date: 01/06/2020
Beta date:
GA date:
Water & Sewerage (W&S) -
Provide the capability to apply for new Water and Sewerage Connection. This simplifies the application process for Citizens and for Employees.
All the steps from application submission to connection provision are digitized.
All the processes and steps can be mapped to SLAs to enable tracking and monitoring for improving quality of service to citizens
Through standard workflows and notifications, citizens are updated on the status of the application and action needed.
Provide a configurable ‘Connection fee’ computation mechanism
The Water and Sewerage Connection is integrated with the DIGIT Property Registry. This enables ULBs to maintain a single source of truth for Properties in a decentralized manner, and ensure data is updated in a transparent and verifiable manner.
Property Tax (PT) -
Provide Citizens with the capability to search properties registered in DIGIT in the public domain without Login.
EoDB mandates the following details about a Property should be verifiable information, available in the public domain -
Ownership of the property for prospective buyers
Pending dues
Historical or past data about the property
Online Building Plan Approval System(OBPAS) -
Provide the capability to scrutinize the plan diagram for occupancy certificate post-construction online
Facilitate stakeholder to apply for an occupancy certificate application online
Provision to view the comparison report online, which shows the delta between permit diagram before construction and OC diagram post-construction.
Enable document scrutiny and real-time field inspection by the ULB officials
Generate occupancy certificate online with QR code
The entire application process is digitized without manual intervention.
Enable Citizen to make payments for a permit online
Keep Citizen informed of the application current status and probable SLAs by which the task would be complete
Integrated user Experience -
Enable ease of payments for Citizens
Citizens can pay their property tax dues without having to login into the system. Citizens can access this feature from open search, SMS/email notification, or any physical artefact having a payment link
At the time of bill generation, SMS and an email notification will be triggered to the citizen’s registered IDs. The notification will have a payment link that will direct the citizen to the common payment page. Users can make the payment without having to log in.
Bills will have a payment QR code printed. Each bill will have a unique QR code which will be a link to the common pay page.
Release Date: 01/06/2020
Beta date:
GA date:
Water & Sewerage (W&S) -
Provide the capability to modify existing Water and Sewerage Connection. This simplifies the process for modification of Connection for Citizens and for Employees in a transparent manner through
Workflow steps for verification of details
Decision Support System (DSS) -
Enhancements to Real-Time Dashboards with focus on the following
Improved drill-downs and drill throughs
Enhancements to search capability
Redesign for greater usability through mobile
Rigorous testing on multiple browsers and device sizes to improve responsiveness
Online Building Plan Approval System(OBPAS) -
EODB mandates CAF ( Common application form) for building permits
Allows citizen to create permit application as well as the application for NOCs in a single interface
Facilitate NOC department users to log in to the system online
View and process the application
Provide NOC online
Facilitate ULB users to validate the NOCs provided by the NOC department user online and process the building permit and occupancy certificate application.
Enable citizen to check the status of both permit application and NOC application online
Enhancement to Platform Capability -
Capability to handle Advance payments. This will be a platform level capability available for all Services. The first reference implementation of this will be with the Water & Sewerage module
Pay/ Adjust excess amount against the demand generated
Generate Receipt showing the excess payment
Generate Bill with advance amount adjustment
PGR Integration with WorkFlow service
The integration will help PGR to get features of workflow directly such as common Inbox for the employee, configurable actions for a role, view history, edit, comment, view summary
Workflow configuration will be possible while implementing it in new states (if required) as per their requirement.
Integrated user Experience -
Provide the capability to make payments through Whatsapp
Creating an additional channel for payment
Improve demand collection efficiency
Improve the ease of search and view bills
Improve speed and convenience for bill payment
Revamp the ‘User Experience’ to improve ease of use and ease of access for Citizens and Employees with focus on ‘Inclusiveness’
Evaluate alternative UX designs which improve- accessibility, usability and content
New Product Innovation -
Work with a knowledge partner to study and identify areas to be addressed in the domain of ‘Non-networked Sewerage Management’. This study will help identify:
Need assessment
Potential areas, where Digitization can be used
Solution Map
Standardization and Simplification -
Standardization of Master Data, Configurations, Taxonomies for ease of deployment
Knowledge assets, Tools, Documentation -
Upgrades to Product and Technical Documentation, Templates, Release Documentation
Knowledge repository setup for internal users and Partners
Self-help demo setup
Product Training material
Functional Enhancements -
Functional enhancements to meet State or Partner requirements.
Possible Products - mCollect, Finance
Enhancement to Platform Capability -
Provide the capability to configure notifications based on the channel - Email, SMS, Whatsapp
Enhancements to the Workflow services to address advanced use cases - auto-routing, escalation
Decision Support System -
Enhancements to Real-Time Dashboards to enable
Employee Performance Measurement
Configurable Notifications
Data Privacy -
Update and enhance the data privacy parameters on DIGIT in all aspects- reports, dashboards, specific modules
Standardization and Simplification -
Improve automation test cases coverage
Automating onboarding procedures
Add a provision to simplify most often asked state-level UI changes
Integrated User Experience -
Redesigned Citizen Portal with enhanced accessibility, findability
Redesigned Citizen and Employee User Experience
New Product Innovation -
Impactful product Innovation areas through validation and understanding the domain and processes involved by working with customers and partners
Proof of Concept for one Product. Possible: “ Fecal Sludge Management”
Knowledge assets, Tools, Documentation -
Upgrades to Product and Technical Documentation, Templates, Release Documentation
Knowledge repository setup
Self-help demo setup
Product Training material
Details will be updated soon...
Details coming soon...
Details coming soon...
Details coming soon...
Learn how to setup DIGIT master data.
Details coming soon...
Content of pages within this document is designed to help implementation parties and end-users in providing the required data in minimal interaction and iterations and ensure the quality, consistency and shape of data needed to configure into the system.
This page is intended to help stakeholders as given below on data gathering activities.
State Team
eGov Onsite Team/ Implementation Team
ULB Team (Nodal and DEO)
Implementation Partners
The artefacts of this document are the data template of a configurable entity, a page with content defining the entity template and helping on how to fill the template with required data.
Configuring Master Data for a new module requires creating a new module in the master config file and adding masters data. For better organizing, create all the master data files belongs to the module in the same folder. Organizing in the same folder is not mandatory it is based on the moduleName in the Master data file.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
User with permissions to edit the git repository where MDMS data is configured.
These data can be used to validate the incoming data.
After adding the new module data, the MDMS service needs to be restarted to read the newly added data.
Adding new module
The Master config file is structured as below. Each key in the Master config is a module and each key in the module is a master.
The new module can be added below the existing modules in the master config file.
Creating Masters data
Please check the link to create new master Adding New Master
Sample Master config file
Sample Module folder
MDMS stands for Master Data Management Service. MDMS is One of the applications in the eGov DIGIT core group of services. This service aims to reduce the time spent by developers on writing codes to store and fetch master data ( primary data needed for module functionality ) which doesn’t have any business logic associated with them.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Prior Knowledge of Java/J2EE.
Prior Knowledge of Spring Boot.
Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON, etc.
Prior knowledge of Git.
Advanced knowledge on how to operate JSON data would be an added advantage to understand the service.
The MDMS service reads the data from a set of JSON files from a pre-specified location.
It can either be an online location (readable JSON files from online) or offline (JSON files stored in local memory).
The JSON files will be in a prescribed format and store the data on a map. The tenantID of the file serves as a key and a map of master data details as values.
Once the data is stored in the map the same can be retrieved by making an API request to the MDMS service. Filters can be applied in the request to retrieve data based on the existing fields of JSON.
For deploying the changes in MDMS data, the service needs to be restarted.
The changes in MDMS data could be adding new data, updating existing data, or deletion.
The config JSON files to be written should follow the listed rules
The config files should have JSON extension
The file should mention the tenantId, module name, and the master name first before defining the data
Serves as a Key
Name of the module to which the master data belongs
The Master Name will be substituted by the actual name of the master data. The array succeeding it will contain the actual data.
Example Config JSON for “Billing Service”
Reference Doc Link 1
Reference Doc Link 2
API Contract Reference
Tenant represents a body in a system. In the municipal system, a state and its ULBs (Urban local bodies) are tenants. ULB represents a city or a town in a state. Tenant configuration is done in MDMS.
Before proceeding with the configuration, the following pre-requisites are met -
Knowledge of json and how to write a json is required.
Knowledge of MDMS is required.
User with permissions to edit the git repository where MDMS data is configured.
For login page city name selection is required. Tenant added in MDMS shows in city drop-down of the login page.
In reports or in the employee inbox page the details related to ULB is displayed from the fetched ULB data which is added in MDMS.
Modules i.e., TL, PT, MCS can be enabled based on the requirement for the tenant.
After adding the new tenant, the MDMS service needs to be restarted to read the newly added data.
Tenant is added in tenant.json. In MDMS, file tenant.json, under tenant folder holds the details of state and ULBs to be added in that state.
Naming Convention for Tenants Code
“Code”:“uk.citya” is StateTenantId.ULBTenantName"
Localization should be pushed for ULB grade and ULB name. The format is given below.
Localization for ULB Grade
Localization for ULB Name
Format of localization code for tenant name <MDMS_State_Tenant_Folder_Name>_<Tenants_Fille_Name>_<Tenant_Code> (replace dot with underscore)
Boundary data should be added for the new tenant.
MDMS supports the configuration of data at different levels. While we enable a state there can be data that is common to all the ULB’s of the state and data specific to each ULB’s. The data further can be configured at each module level as state-specific or ULB’s specific.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Prior Knowledge of Java/J2EE.
Prior Knowledge of Spring Boot.
Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON, etc.
Prior knowledge of Git.
Advanced knowledge on how to operate JSON data would be an added advantage to understand the service.
State Level Masters are maintained in a common folder.
ULB Level Masters are maintained in separate folders named after the ULB.
Module Specific State Level Masters are maintained by a folder named after the specific module that is placed outside the common folder.
For deploying the changes(adding new data, updating existing data or deletion) in MDMS, the MDMS service needs to be restarted.
State Level Master Configuration
The common master data across all ULB’s and modules like department, designation, etc are placed under the common-masters folder which is under the tenant folder of the MDMS repository.
The common master data across all ULB’s and are module-specific are placed in a folder named after each module. These folders are placed directly under the tenant folder.
ULB Level Master Configuration
Modules data that are specific to each ULB like boundary data, interest, penalty, etc are configured each ULBwise. There will be a folder per ULB under the tenant folder and all the ULB’s module-specific data are placed under this folder.
Learn how to configure the DIGIT platform. Partner with us to enhance and integrate more into the platform.
Summary of DIGIT OpenSource GitRepos and it's purpose. If you are a partner/contributor you may choose to fork or clone depending on need and capacity.
For creating a new master in MDMS, create the JSON file with the master data and configure the newly created master in the master config file.
Before proceeding with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
User with permissions to edit the git repository where MDMS data is configured.
After adding the new master, the MDMS service needs to be restarted to read the newly added data.
Creating Master JSON The new JSON file needs to contain 3 keys as shown in the below code snippet. The new master can be created for Statewide or ULB wise. Tenant id and config in the master config file determines this.
Configuring the master config file The Master config file is structured as below. Each key in the Master config is a module and each key in the module is a master.
Each master contain the following data and keys are self-explanatory
DIGIT environment setup is conducted at two levels.
An Urban Local Body (ULB) is defined as a tenant. The information which describes the various attributes of a ULB is known as tenant information. This detail is required to add the ULB into the system.
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning as given in this document under section 'Data Definition'.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description are understood properly.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you and discuss the same to clear out the doubts.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist by taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity. There are no checklist activities exists which are specific to the entity.
Key configurations at the state level include -
To enable tenant the above data should be pushed in tenant.json file. Here "ULB Grade" and City "Code" are important fields. ULB Grade can have a set of allowed values that determines the ULB type, (, Municipality (municipal council, municipal board, municipal committee) (Nagar Parishad), etc). City "Code" has to be unique to each tenant. This city-specific code is used in all transactions. Not permissible to change the code. If changed we will lose the data of the previous transactions done.
"logoId": "", Here the last section of the path should be "/<tenantId>/logo.png". If we use anything else, logo will not be displayed on the UI. <tenantId> is the tenant code ie “uk.citya”.
ex: ///common-masters/ Here “pb” is the tenant folder name.
ex: ///TradeLicense/ Here “pb” is the tenant folder name and “TradeLicense“ is the module name.
ex: ////TradeLicense/ Here “amritsar“ is the ULB name and “TradeLicense“ is the module name. All the data specific to this module for the ULB are configured inside this folder.
To see common checklist refer to the page consisting of all the activities which are to be followed to ensure completeness and quality of data.
Sample Master file
Sample Master configuration
API Contract Reference
S. No.
ULB Name*
ULB Code*
ULB Grade*
City Name*
City Local Name
District Name*
District Code*
Region Name
Region Code
Sonepur Nagar Panchayat
Contact Number*
ULB Website*
Email Address
GIS Location Link
Call Center No.
Facebook Link
Twitter Link
Logo file Path*
Main Hall, Sonepur
24.8874° N
86.9198° E
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
ULB Name
Name of ULB. E.g. Kannur Municipal Corporation/ Saptarishi Municipal Council
ULB Code
It is a unique identifier which is assigned to each ULB. LGD (Local Government Directory) has already assigned a code urban local bodies and the same is used here
ULB Grade
Grade of ULB. e.g. Corporation, Municipality, Nagar Panchayat etc
City Name
Name of city/ town which is covered by the ULB. E.g. Kannur/ Saptarishi
City Local Name
Name of the city in the local language. e.g Telugu, Hindi etc
District Name
Name of the District where the city is situated
District Code
It is a unique identifier which is assigned to each district. LGD (Local Government Directory) has already assigned code districts and the same is used here
Region Name
Name of the region the listed district belongs to
Region Code
Unique code of the region to uniquely identify it
Contact Number
Contact person phone no. of ULB
Postal address of the ULB for the correspondence
ULB Website
URL address of the website for the ULB
Email Address
Email of the address of ULB where the email from the citizen can be received
Latitude part of coordinates of the centroid of the city
Longitude part of coordinates of the centroid of the city
GIS Location Link
GIS Location link of the ULB
Call Center No
Call centre contact number of ULB
Facebook Link
Face book page link of ULB
Twitter Link
Twitter page link of the ULB
Logo file Path
URL of logo file path to download the logo of ULB
Point of Sales (POS) machine is a machine that helps in handling transaction processing. This machine accepts and verifies the payments which are made by citizens for prevailing the services of DIGIT.
POS facilitates a middleware app developed in order to verify the payment process between the DIGIT module and the payment.
In this case, no data is required from the state team.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
SSL is Secure Sockets Layer is an encryption-based network security protocol developed for the assurance of privacy, authenticity and data integrity in internet communications.
Ideally, the domain name configuration and the SSL certification are obtained consecutively without fail from the state’s IT team.
No data is needed from the state team for this.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
ULB level setup involves the configuration of ULB specific data parameters such as ULB boundaries, ULB bank accounts, and hierarchy details.
tenant json file
State Level Common-Master Data
State Level Module Specific Common-Master Data
ULB Specific Data
An email account of the client/state team has to be set up in order to receive/send the email notifications.
In order to achieve the functionality, an email account has to be set up at there server since most of the states would defer from creating an account with the Gmail/public server. Further, this email account has to be integrated with the various DIGIT modules.
In order to achieve the above functionality, we require the below-mentioned details
Sr. No.
Email ID
Your Name
Account Type
Incoming Mail Server
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
Incoming Server POP3 Port
Outgoing server SMTP Port
Encrypted Connection Type
Days after which the email should be removed from the server
The values mentioned here are sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Email ID
Email id which is being configured
Your Name
The name on behalf of which the email would be sent in order to receive the updates
Account Type
The type of email account type protocol which will be used to download messages
Incoming Mail Server
The IP address of the email server through which messages would be received
Outgoing Mail Server(SMTP)
The IP address of the email server through which messages would be sent
The password of the email server
Incoming Server POP3 Port
The port number through which the emails are received
Outgoing server SMTP Port
The port number through which the emails are to be sent
Encrypted Connection Type
The encryption type which is used for the connection
Days after which the email should be removed from the server
The number of days after which the email should be deleted from the server (not from the local device)
Below steps could be followed in order to fill the template:
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Ask the state to gather all the data related to the technical configuration from the email server settings.
Get the attached template filled from the state and a sample data is provided in the data table section for reference.
The data would be available in the POP and IMAP account settings at the server level.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
The departments are defined as different sections within the ULB based on which the functions performed by ULBs and employees in ULB are grouped. The budgets details of the ULBs are also defined by the department. It is suggested that the ULB across the state adopt the same department naming terminology. This document will help you in filling the department detail in the template provided.
Sr. No.
Department Code*
Department name (In English)*
Department Name (In Local Language)*
Public Health And Sanitation
सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता
Town Planning
नगर नियोजन
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Department Code*
Unique code for the department to identify a department
Department Name ( In English)*
The name of the department in the ULB in English
Department Name (In Local Language)*
The name of the department working in the ULB in local language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc. whichever is applicable
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning given in this document under section 'Data Definition'.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description are understood properly.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all the departments in ULB well before start filling then into the template.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed after the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
To see the common checklist refer to the Checklist page consisting of all the activities which are to be followed to ensure complete and quality data.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity. There is no entity-specific checklist is applicable for this entity.
Whenever an android mobile App is developed it has to be published on the Google play store in order to let the users avail its service. This page provides information about configuring the google play store account to make DIGIT mobile apps available for easy download.
In order to start the configuration for the google play store following would be required:
Sr. No
Email Id
Data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Email Id
Gmail account id through which the app would be published on the google play store
Password for the Gmail account
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Ask the state team/client to create an email account on Gmail.
Ask the client to log in to the google play console here and make the required payment so that further tasks could be processed.
Ask the client to share the email id and password in the template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that the email account is created on Gmail since the play store works on Google accounts only
Email Id and Password is required in order to login to the google play store for configuration
DIGIT has modules which require the user to pay for the service that he/ she is availing for example property tax, trade license etc. . In order to achieve the functionality, we have a common payment gateway developed which acts a liaison between DIGIT apps and external payment gateways (which depends on the client requirements).
This module facilitates payments and lookup of transaction status.
Following are the details required from the payment gateway vendor in order to configure the payment gateway:
Sr. No
Integration Kit
API Documentation
Redirect Working Key
Merchant Id
Test credential of Debit Card/ Net banking
File Name
File Name
File Name
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Integration Kit
This is a document that is sent by the vendor which contains information on how to integrate the service
API Documentation
This is a separate document which is sent by the vendor in order to help ideally helps us to retrieve the transaction status
Redirect Working Key
The working key is provided by the vendor for the generation of the redirection URL
Merchant Id
Merchant id provided by the vendor
Test credential of Debit Card/ Net Banking
These are the details of the debit/credit card or net banking credentials which would help us test the gateway
This contains the card number/Code/Account number etc.
The payment gateway is a vendor oriented service that is integrated with different modules in order to facilitate the transactions. Below mentioned are the steps which are followed:
The client has to finalize a payment gateway vendor (for example PAYU, Paytm, HDFC, AXIS atc.) depending upon the requirements.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
After which the details/ documents mentioned in the template would be provided by the vendor.
These details are to be received separately for both prods as well as UAT.
Get the IP address for UAT and Production environments whitelisted from the vendor.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
While finalizing a payment gateway vendor make sure that the vendor should support transactions into multiple bank accounts based on the key( which would be tenantid)
Do get the details for both the environments separately i.e UAT and Production
The domain name is the address through which the internet users can access the website rather than entering the whole IP address in the search bar of the browser.
This domain name is ideally chosen by the state/client since its a product which has to be used for/by them.
Following is the table through which the information can be shared.
Sr. No.
Domain Name
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Since all state governments/clients prefer to host the websites on their servers, this activity is ideally done by them.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Domain Name
The name/address of the website being used to access the website/ module
It is the IP address that has to be mapped to the domain name
Following are the steps which are to be followed:
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
If the state agrees to host the website on their server, provide them with the 2 columns mentioned in the attached template.
If the state disagrees to host on their server, then a domain name has to be purchased by any of the external vendors and the EXTERNAL-IP address has to be mapped with them.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity:
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
No mistake should be done in providing the EXTERNAL-IP address
Only one domain name and its corresponding IP address have to be provided
The SMS service is a way of communicating necessary information/updates to the users on their various transactions on DIGIT applications.
In order to update the users, there are certain notification parameters that are system configured for various steps in the application process. These configurations can be changed/reconfigured based upon the ULB requirements.
We have the below-mentioned parameters which we use for configuration:
Sr. No.
The data given in the above table is sample data. The parameters and its values are SMS service provided specific and may vary accordingly.
For the SMS service to be integrated there are various things for which the vendor more or less guides us for the steps to be followed but below mentioned are a few basic steps and the generic data definitions which could be followed.
Below mentioned are the descriptions of the parameters which are needed for configuration:
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
The parameter required to be configured
The corresponding value of the parameter
Parameter names could differ from vendor to vendor.
Since the SMS service is a vendor delivered service for which the below steps would have to be followed:
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
The SMS vendor has to provide the data in the data template attached.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that the vendor should support multiple language functionality and especially the local language of the state.
This is the next step after collating all the boundary hierarchies which are being used in the state. In a hierarchy, there are certain types of boundary classification and in all the levels there will be a mapping which we could define as a parent-child mapping in order to link certain levels of the classification.
For example, a hierarchy could be:
Administration Hierarchy: City/ULB → Zone → Ward → Locality
In the above-mentioned hierarchy, a City/ULB is being divided into different into zones followed by zones into wards and at the end wards into the locality.
Data has to be collected for every boundary hierarchy type and boundary type with a mapping between the boundary code and its parent boundary code. Following is the table which is to be used across all the hierarchy types.
Sr. No.
Boundary Code*
Boundary Name* (In English)
Boundary Name* ( In Local Language)
Parent Boundary Code*
Boundary Type*
Hierarchy Type Code*
Ward no.1
वार्ड नंबर 1
Ward no.2
वार्ड नंबर 2
Ward no.3
वार्ड नंबर 3
Ward no.4
वार्ड नंबर 4
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Following is the definition of the data columns which are being used in the template:
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Boundary Code
This is a code for the sub-classification for a particular boundary. Should be unique across all boundaries defined
Boundary Name (In English)
The name of the boundary that is being defined in the English language
Boundary Name (In Local Language)
The name of the boundary that is being defined in the local language of the state e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc.
Parent Boundary Code
This is the boundary code of the parent which identifies to which parent the child belongs to
Boundary Type
The name of the boundary type i.e. Ward, Zone etc.
Hierarchy Type Code
Following are the steps which should be used to fill the template:
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
After Identifying all the boundary hierarchy, get the sub-classification of all the hierarchies.
Figure out the codes for all the sub-classification for a particular city/ULB.
Start filling the template from the top of the hierarchy in a drill-down approach.
A parent-child mapping code has to be created for every boundary level except for the top level.
Follow the steps until you reach the last sub-classification.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Every boundary type of data should be filled separately
A ULB is divided into certain categories of boundaries by ULB administrative authorities in order to carry out ULB’s functions better. A ULB/City could be divided by a different set of delimitation of boundaries based on functions as given below.
Revenue - Delimitation of ULB into boundaries to perform the target setting and collection of revenue.
Administration - Delimitation of ULB into boundaries for the better administration of ULB.
Locality/ Location - Delimitation of ULB into boundaries based on the places known to citizen with names and easily identifiable by the common person.
All these authorities have designated certain levels of boundary classification for a certain ULB.
The below mention table is used to collect data for the types of hierarchy being followed:
Sr. No.
Boundary Hierarchy Type*
Administration level boundary classified on the basis of administrative functions such as scrutinize certain rules and regulations
Revenue-based classification of a ULB is done on the basis of revenue collection
Location-based classification could be done in order to identify a certain place. For example, Locality of a house of a citizen could follow the below hierarchy:
House no.
The above-mentioned data for the boundary hierarchy is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Code is used to identify a certain classification of the type of boundary hierarchy
Boundary Hierarchy Type
The meaningful name to define one group of boundaries defined to perform one function
A brief description of the boundary hierarchy
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify all the types of boundaries which are being used in the state in order to carry out various administrative/revenue functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Then fill up the hierarchy types and the codes in the respective columns in the template.
Code should be created for the type of boundary being classified.
A brief description of the boundary hierarchy type would be helpful.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that the hierarchies types should be uniform across all the ULB’s /cities in the state
Only 3 types of boundary hierarchies are allowed
A designation is an act of pointing someone out with a name, a title or an assignment. For example, someone being named president of an organization. This document is to help to gather various designations data which are generally used in ULBs.
Sr. No.
Designation Code*
Designation Name* (In English )
Designation Name* (In Local Language)
Accounts Officer
लेखा अधिकारी
Additional Commissioner
अपर आयुक्त
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Designation Code
Unique Identifier for designation which is used as a reference for child configuration mapping
Designation Name (In English)
Designation name in English
Designation Name (In Local Language)
Designation Name in the local language. e.g. Hindi, Telugu etc. whichever is applicable
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning given in this document under section 'Data Definition'.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description are understood properly.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all the designations exists in the ULB, refer to governments gazette to define the designations in ULBs.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed after the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
To see the common checklist refer to the Checklist page consisting of all the activities which are to be followed to ensure complete and quality data.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity. There is no entity-specific checklist is applicable for this entity.
Localization is a practice to localize various UI visible data into the local wordings according to the client's requirements. This practice of localization is enforced to various clients so that it becomes easier for the people using the service to understand the common terminology and make the best use of the available system.
The following texts (but not limited to) on the web page can be localized:
Messages: Alert messages, success messages, validation messages and other notifications etc.
Help Texts
The module-specific master data would already have been made available in the localized form while collecting the data for the respective module-specific configuration.
Sr. No.
Message (In English)*
Message (In Local Language)*
Trade License
Search Trade Licenses
व्यापार लाइसेंस खोजें
Trade License
Trade License Reports
ट्रेड लाइसेंस रिपोर्ट
Property Tax
Data mentioned in the data table is a sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
The code for which the localized language is to be provided
The module in which the code belongs to
Message(In English)
The English language that is being displayed on the UI
Message(In Local Language)
The text in the local language that the client wants to be displayed
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Present the client the full sheet of codes as well as the English language for which the localized texts are required.
Ask the client to fill the localized text in the last column which is the message(local language) column.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
At times in the different modules, there is a need to capture the address of the user’s place of residence or where the person is doing a trade, for which the user has to enter his/her full address which creates a task. In order to simplify the process, we can have google map geolocation service in place which would help us get the exact coordinates of the place on the map and help us identify the place.
This service is paid and the client has to purchase the below items:
Google Map API's
https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key "Maps Javascript API", "Places API" and "Geolocation API" are needed and first 200$ usages are free, once it exceeds, the price per 1000 requests as given below.
Maps JavaScript API (web-client) Return the location and accuracy radius of a device, based on Wi-Fi or cell towers. $5
Geolocation API Return the location and accuracy radius of a device, based on Wi-Fi or cell towers. $5
Places API for Web (web-server) Turn a phone number, address, or name into a place, and provide its name and address. $17
Sr. No
Google API URL*
API Key*
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Google API URL
The URL of the API that is being purchased
The key which the google would provide after the purchase for the API has been done
The data provided is sample data
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Ask the clients to purchase the above-mentioned APIs in the Introduction section.
Get the details for the API URL and key from the client.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
The Trade License application, developed on the eGov-DIGIT platform, makes the process of obtaining a Trade License easy, smooth, and transparent. The module, hence, removes the need for manual processing and streamlines the key trade license management functions to provide a better user experience.
DIGIT Trade License module enables citizens to -
Apply for new trade license or renew an existing trade license.
Upload all the relevant documents required for the license.
Make payment for the Trade License (New/Renewal) fee using the online payment gateway.
Receive notifications and alerts by emails or SMS for new application status updates and pending renewals.
Download Trade License, Payment & Acknowledgement Receipts online.
DIGIT Trade License module enables employees to -
Create flexible role-based workflows.
Configure license fees calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
Receipt Register
Application Status
Cancelled Receipt Register
ULBwise Collection Report
ULBwise Application Status
Master data templates allow users to configure the key parameters and details required for the effective functioning of the modules. This section offers comprehensive information on how to configure the master data templates for each module.
The Trade Category List can be defined as the primary or the 1st level classification “head” for trade(s) defined at a ULB/State Level.
The table above contains sample Trade Category data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Enter a unique Trade Category Code for each trade head.
Enter the Trade Category Name. Some trade categories are already defined in the master. Add new categories as required.
Enter the Trade Category Name (Local Language).
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Once the are defined, the next task is to -
Define Trade Types
Map Trade Category to listed Trade Types
The Trade Type can be defined as the next (2nd) level classification of Trade. There can be multiple trade types and the list may vary from one State/ULB to another.
The table above contains sample Trade Type data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Select the relevant Trade Category Code from the available drop-down list of Trade Category. This will map the listed Trade Type to the corresponding Trade Category.
Enter a unique Trade Type Code to identify the type of trade.
Enter a Trade Type Name (In English).
Enter the Trade Type Name (In Local Language).
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
This is the 3rd step that comes after the boundary data collection. Cross hierarchy mapping happens in case a child has a relationship with more than 2 parents. This double relationship between the child and parents could happen between different hierarchies as well.
For example: In Admin level boundary hierarchy a mohalla M1(child) could be a part of 2 Wards(parent) W1 and W2. In such a case a single Mohalla(child) has to be mapped to 2 Wards(parent).
Below is the data table for the Boundary:
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Firstly Identify all the child levels which have a relation with more than 2 parent boundary types and their hierarchy types as well.
Fill up the boundary hierarchy (names/ codes) types in place of boundary type 1/2.
Then along with the codes start filling in one by one with the proper mapping between every child and parent.
The Sr. No should be in an incremental order for every new child level.
Prepare a new table for every different parent-child relation.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity. There is no entity-specific checklist activity applicable here.
Along with the , the Trade License application process does require certain documents as an attachment of proof. The proof can be defined by a set of documents ranging from
Identification Proof (Drivers License/ Voter Card/ Adhaar/ Pan etc.)
Trade Premises Proof (Lease Agreement, Electricity Bills, etc).
Misc Documents (Affidavit, Self- Declaration, etc).
The Number and the Documents required could vary across the State, ULB(s), and might be dependent on Trade Subtypes, all of which are totally configurable on DIGIT.
The table above contains sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Collect the above information and feed it below the “Trade Sub Type Name” column accordingly. The Description of Trade Sub Type Name must be provided as per the language specified in the respective column.
Add the “Trade Sub Type Code” respectively against the identified trade type(s).
Fill in the *Document 1 & *Document 2 columns respectively.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
The structure type is the first level of classification of the premises where the trade has to be established and conducted. This is mostly used as management information in the trade detail.
The table above contains sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document for more details on data type, size, and definitions.
Contact the person who shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the relevant structure types.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per specifications. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
The separate entity-specific checklist is not needed for this entity data template.
It is a ULB bank account which is operative at least to receive or deposit the day to day revenue collection done by the ULB. It is used by online payment integrator to disburse the amount in ULBs accounts which have been collected through a payment gateway into a pool account managed by the payment gateway.
Below given data table represents the excel template attached. Data given in the table is a sample data.
Data given in the table is sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify the bank account which is to be used to transfer the amount which is collected online for various services.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every checklist point/ activity mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed after the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Trade Type can be further sub-classified into Trade Sub Type depending on the trade ontology existing in the ULBs or States. Hence, Hotels can be further classified into Dhabas in North India or Udupis in South India.
Once the are defined, the next task is to -
Define Trade Sub Types
Map Trade Types to corresponding Trade Sub Types
The table above contains sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Select the relevant Trade Type Code from the Trade Type master data. This will map the listed Trade Sub Type to the selected Trade Type.
Enter a unique value for Trade Sub Type Code.
Enter the English name for Trade Sub Type Name (English).
Enter the local name for the Trade Sub Type Name (Local Language).
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Once the Trade Ontology is defined, the next step is to allocate the license fee associated with the Trades.
Dependent on the Trade Classification Level (/ ), the fee allocated might be the same across the Sate or could vary from ULB to ULB. There could be a distinct fee(s) for two different types of applications (new and renewal).
Following are the key tasks to be executed :
Allocate the License Fee according to Trade Classification Level (Types/Subtypes).
Map the License fee with respective Trade Classification Level.
The table above contains sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
Collect the above information and feed it below the “Trade Sub Type Name” column accordingly. The Description of Trade Sub Type Name must be provided as per the language specified in the respective column.
Add the “Trade Sub Type Code” respectively against the identified trade type(s).
Fill in the New License Fee & New Renewal Fee accordingly. The New License Fee & Renewal Fee can be the same as well as distinct, depending on the by-laws/ mandate followed by the State/ULB.
Fill in the fields related to Units of Measurement (UOM Unit, From/To) for the available trades only.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
The first level of classification of a property based on its construction is defined as Property Type. Generally, the property is divided into two types :
Vacant Land
Mostly these property types are fixed and commonly used in all the ULBs across the country. Hence this data is not needed anymore in the template.
The data described in the above table is a sample.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the “Property Types” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Collect the above information and feed it below the “Property Type Description” column accordingly. The Description of Property Type must be provided as per the language specified in the respective column.
Add the “Property Type Code” respectively against the identified Property Type(s).
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
There is no separate checklist applicable to this entity.
Roads are constructed in order to facilitate the locomotion of people from a place to another.
The roads constructed in a state are classified into certain categories which could be on the basis of the width of the road, construction material or the function and location. Road type is one of factor defining the unit rates and hence configuration is needed for DIGIT module in order to describe the property and what are the taxes it could attract.
Given below is the sample data table from the template in which the data has to be collected:
Please note that the values mentioned in the data table are sample values and the states are free to add/update according to their specific requirements.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Firstly identify all the classifications of road types which are present in the state.
Secondly get the codes for that classification, if not present form the codes with abbreviated terms.
After which start filling the template with the proper codes and description.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Not Applicable
The code of the for which this particular boundary is defined
Identify the “” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
To see the common checklist refer to the page consisting of all the activities which are to be followed to ensure complete and quality data.
Identify the “” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Trade Category Code*
Trade Category Name* (In English)
Trade Category Name* (In Local Language)
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Category Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Category. Eg: TC1 For Goods, TC2 for Services
Trade Category Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Category in English. Eg: Goods, Services etc.
Trade Category Name (In Local Language)
Name of the Trade Category in Local Language (as decided). Eg: Service is described as “सर्विस” in Hindi
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The format of the Trade Category Code defined should be alphanumeric and unique
TC1: Goods
TC2: Services
Trade Category Name (In either Language) should not contain any special characters
Goods: [Allowed]
#Goods! : [Not allowed]
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The format of the Trade Type Code defined should be alphanumeric and unique
Trade Type Name (in either language) should not contain any special characters
Hospital: [Allowed]
#Hospital! : [Not allowed]
Hierarchy Type
Hierarchy Type 1*
Hierarchy Type 2*
Boundary Type*
Boundary Code*
Boundary Type*
Boundary Code*
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Hierarchy Type 1
The type of hierarchy 1 the boundary belongs to which is to be mapped with other boundaries in hierarchy 2. Refer Boundary Hierarchies
Hierarchy Type 2
The type of hierarchy 2 the boundary belongs to which is to be mapped with other boundaries in hierarchy 1. Refer Boundary Hierarchies
Boundary Type
This is the type of boundary from hierarchy 1. Refer Boundary Data
Boundary Code
This is the code of the boundary for the boundary from hierarchy 1. Refer Boundary Data
Boundary Type
This is the type of boundary from hierarchy 2. Refer Boundary Data
Boundary Code
This is the code of the boundary for the boundary from hierarchy 2. Refer Boundary Data
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Trade Sub Type Name (In either Language) should not contain any special characters
Small Bakery: [Allowed]
#Small_Bakery! : [Not allowed]
Sr. No.
Structure Type* (In English)
Structure Type* (In Local Language)
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Unique code to identify the records uniquely
Structure Type* (In English)
Structure type in English
Structure Type* (In Local Language)
Structure type in local language e.g. Hindi, Telugu etc.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
ULB Name*
Bank Name*
Branch Name*
Account Number*
Account Type*
Dehradun Municipal Corporation
Haridwar Municipal Corporation
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory
Definition/ Description
Unique code is given to the bank detail record e.g. dehradun
ULB Name
Name of Urban Local Body
Bank Name
Name of the bank where the account exists
Branch Name
Name of the bank branch where the account exists
Account Number
Bank account number to be used to transfer the amount
Account Type
Account type. e.g. Saving, Current etc.
IFS code of branch as per FBI guidelines
Sr. No.
Code should not consist of any special characters
E.g. dehradun is allowed but dehradun@1 is not allowed
The account number should not consist of any special characters.
As issued by the bank
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The format of the Trade Sub Type Code defined should be text and unique
Trade Type Name (in either language) should not contain any special characters
Clinic: [Allowed]
#Clinic! : [Not allowed]
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Trade Type Name (In either Language) should not contain any special characters
Small Bakery: [Allowed]
#Small_Bakery! : [Not allowed]
Sr. No.
Property Type Code*
Property Type* (In English)
Property Type* (In Local Language)
Vacant Land
खाली जमीन
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Property Type Code
Unique Identifier for property type record
Property Type (In English)
Nomenclature of “Property Type” in English
Property Type (In Local Language)
Nomenclature of “Property Type” in local language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Road Type Code*
Road Type* (In English)
Road Type* (In Local Language)
Less than 12 meters in width
12 मीटर से कम चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर
From 12 meters to 24 meters in width
12 मीटर से 24 मीटर तक की चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर
More than 24 meters in width
24 मीटर से अधिक की चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Road Type Code
This is a unique code given for the classification of road types
Road Type (In English)
This describes the category of the road in the English language
Road Type (In Local Language)
This describes the category of the road in the local language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Trade Type Code*
Trade Type Name* (In English)
Trade Type Name* (In Local Language)
Trade Category Code*
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Type Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Type. Eg: TRADE_TYPE_MEDICAL is assigned to Hospitals
Trade Type Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Type in English. Eg: Goods, Services etc.
Trade Type Name (In Local Language)
Name of the Trade Type in Local Language (as decided). Eg: Service is described as “सर्विस” in Hindi
Trade Category Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Category. Eg: TC1 For Goods, TC2 for Services
Sr. No.
*Trade Subtype Code
*Trade Subtype Name (In English)
*Application Type
*Document 1
*Document 2
Small Bakery
Small Bakery
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Sub Type Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Sub Type. Eg: TRADE_SMALL_BAKERY is assigned to Bakery
Trade Sub Type Name (English)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in English Eg: Clinic
Application Type
Type of application for which the documents related to trade are configured. It can either be new or renewal
Document 1
The primary document required as a verification parameter. Refer to the Standard Document List
Document 2
The Secondary Document required as a verification parameter. Refer to the Standard Document List
Sr. No.
Trade Sub Type Code*
Trade Sub Type Name* (In English)
Trade Sub Type Name* (In Local Language)
Trade Type Code*
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Sub Type Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Sub Type. Eg: TRADE_TYPE_Dhaba is assigned to Hotels
Trade Sub Type Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in English. Eg: Clinic
Trade Sub Type Name (In Local Language)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in Local Language (as decided). Eg: Dhaba is described as “ढाबा” in Hindi
Trade Type Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Type. Eg: TRADE_TYPE_MEDICAL is assigned to Hospitals
Sr. No
Trade Sub Type Code*
Trade Sub Type Name (In English)
New License Fee*
Renewal License Fee*
UOM From
Small Bakery
Small Bakery
Medium Bakery
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Sub Type Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Sub Type. Eg: TRADE_SMALL_BAKERY is assigned to Bakery
Trade Sub Type Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in English. Eg: Small Bakery
New License Fee
The fee charged as when the license applied for the respective trade for the first time.
Renewal License Fee
The fee charged as when the license applied for the respective trade for the renewal.
The Units of Measurement” associated with the Trade. Eg: Workers is the UOM associated with the trade “Bakery”
UOM From
Initial Range from which the “Units of Measurement” is applicable for a Trade
Final Range to which the “Units of Measurement” is applicable to a Trade
DIGIT Property Tax facilitate ULBs and citizens to automate the assessment/ re-assessment of property tax for a property and its demand billing and collection. It also enables the ULBs as well as citizens to process the transfer of title of a property in case of a sale, gift or will and captures the history of ownership.
The main features of the product are as given below.
Completely automated assessment and re-assessment of property tax against a property.
Online self-assessment process
Integrated workflow for ULB staff to perform the check and approve.
Transfer of title (Mutation)
Online application
Integrated workflow for ULB staff to perform the check and approve.
Generating the demand
Collection of property tax through various modes (Cash, Cheque, POS (Credit/ Debit Card), NEFT/RTGS, Online - Through Payment Gateway)
Auto calculation of rebate, interest and penalty.
Receipt Register
Cancelled Receipt Register
Demand Register
The Construction Type refers to the list of Building construction types in the ULB limits considered for tax calculation.
DIGIT Property Tax system has certain pre-defined categories namely :
Semi Pucca
Sr. No.
Construction Type Code*
Construction Type (In English)*
Construction Type (In Local Language)*
Pakka Building With R.C.C. Roof or R.B. Roof
पक्का भवन, आर0सी0सी0छत या आर0बी0 छत सहित
Any Other Pakka Building
अन्य पक्का भवन
Kuccha building that is all other building not covered in clauses (a) and (b)
कच्चा भवन अर्थात समस्त अन्य भवन जो (एक) और (दो) में अच्छादित नही है
The data described in the above table is a sample.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Construction Type Code
Unique Identifier for Construction Type as defined in the Property Master.
Construction Type ( In English)
Nomenclature of “Construction Type” in English.
Construction Type (In Local Language)
Nomenclature of “Construction Type” in the local language as Telugu, Hindi etc.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Identify the construction types applicable and fill into the given template.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
There is no checklist applicable separately to this entity.
Structure sub type is the second level of classification of the premises where the trade has to be established and conducted. This is mostly used as management information in the trade detail.
Sr. No.
Structure Sub Type* (In English)
Structure Sub Type* (In Local Language)
Structure Type Code*
Hand Driven Vehicle
हाथ चालित वाहन
Motor-Driven Vehicle
मोटर चालित वाहन
The table above contains sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Unique code to identify each and every record uniquely
Structure Sub Type* (In English)
Structure sub type in English
Structure Sub Type* (In Local Language)
Structure sub type in local language e.g. in Hindi, Telugu etc.
Structure Type Code*
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document for more details on data type, size, and definitions.
Contact the person who shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the relevant structure sub types with its proper mapping with structure type.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per specifications. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
The separate entity-specific checklist is not needed for this entity data template.
The Property Sub Type represents 2nd level classification to the Property Type and provides the option to further classify the property type in sub types. For example property type ‘Built-up’ is further classified into Independent House, A Flat In Apartment and Half Constructed Half Open and considered differently on tax calculation procedure.
Sr. No.
Property Sub Type Code*
Property Sub Type* (In English)
Property Sub Type* (In Local Language)
Property Type Code*
Flat / Part of the building
फ्लैट / भवन का हिस्सा
Independent House / Whole Building
स्वतंत्र घर / पूरी इमारत
The data described in the above table is a sample.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Property Sub Type Code
Unique Identifier for property sub type record
Property Sub Type (In English)
Nomenclature of “Property Sub Type” in English
Property Sub Type (In Local Language)
Nomenclature of “Property Sub Type” in local language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc.
Property Type Code
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Identify all the property sub types applicable and fill into the given template.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
There is no separate checklist is applicable to this entity.
Usage Category Minor is nothing but a further classification of “ Usage Category Major’s ”, which can be explained as a broad diversification of the usage of your property.
This broad diversification is ideally used to classify the tax amount to which a property could be exempted from.
Below mentioned is the data table that is used for collecting data:
Sr. No
Usage Category Minor Code*
Usage Category Minor* (In English)*
Usage Category Minor* (In Local Language)
Exemption Rate (In %)*
Max Exemption Amount
Flat Exemption Amount
Usage Category Major Code*
Please note that the data mentioned in the table is sample data, however, the state might further update this on the basis of their requirements.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Usage Category Minor Code
This is the unique identifier that is given to every category.
Usage Category Minor (In English)
This is the description of the Minor category in English.
Usage Category Minor (In Local Language)
This is the description of the Minor Category in the Local Language.
Exemption Rate (in % )
This column defines the % to which the property could be exempted.
Max Exemption Amount
This is the maximum amount which the property can be exempted from.
Flat Exemption Amount
The amount that should be exempted for a particular category from the property tax.
Usage Category Major Code
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Gather all the details available for the usage category minor type.
Start collecting the codes for the same, if not available abbreviate the description to create a relevant code.
Start filling the template with the codes and descriptions for details in the relevant columns.
After that start mapping them with the relevant Usage Category major codes.
Get the rates as well as amounts for the exemption if any.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
Not Applicable
A property can be used for a variety of things such as to live or to do some trading/selling etc activity or for any other purpose. Properties can be classified into various categories on the basis of there usage. Ideally, property usage is categorized as residential, non-residential or a mix of both.
Sr. No
Usage Category Major Code*
Usage Category Major* (In English)
Usage Category Major* (In Local Language)
गैर आवासीय
The data described in the above table is a sample.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Usage Category Major Code
This is a unique identifier being assigned to every major category.
Usage Category Major (In English)
This is the description of the major category in the English Language.
Usage Category Major (In Local Language)
This is the description of the major category in the Local Language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Identify all the property usages categorized at first level and fill into the given template.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
This is a further sub-classification of the usage types into sub minor category. Here the properties can be further classified such as commercial food joints etc.
Below mentioned is the data table from the template used to collect the data:
Sr. No.
Usage Category Sub Minor Code*
Usage Category Minor Code*
Usage Category Sub Minor* (In English)
Usage Category Sub Minor* (In Local Language)
Exemption Rate(In %)
Max Exemption Amount
Flat Exemption Amount
Effective From Date
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Usage Category Sub Minor Code
This is the unique code given to every category
Usage Category Minor Code
Usage Category Sub Minor (In English)
This is the description of the sub minor category in English
Usage Category Sub Minor (In Local Language)
This is the description of the sub minor category in Local Language
Exemption Rate (in % )
This column defines the % to which the property could be exempted
Max Exemption Amount
This is the maximum amount which the property can be exempted from
Flat Exemption Amount
This is the flat amount by which the property owner can be exempted
Effective From Date
This the date from which the exemption is applicable.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify all the sub minor categories used across the state.
After which identify the codes of all the sub minor categories, if not present abbreviate the description.
Get the details(description) of these codes.
Start filling the template with the codes and description in English and one native language would be helpful.
Get the exemption maximum amounts and their respective percentages.
Most importantly do get a mapping of these sub minor codes to their parent which is minor usage type.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed on the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
The Usage category could be more detailed out on classifying them further and detailing more specifically on what kind of usage it is such as hotel, shops, community centre etc.
Below mentioned is the definition of the template which is used in data gathering:
Usage Category Detail Code*
Usage Category Sub Minor Code*
Usage Category Detail (In English)*
Usage Category Detail (In Local Language)*
Effective From Financial Year*
होटल पेईग गेस्ट हाउस 10 कमरों तक(बेगैर वातानुकूलित)
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Usage Category Detail Code
This column ideally contains the code for which the Usage Category Detail is being categorized
Usage Category Sub Minor Code
Usage Category Detail Description (English)
Description/ Detail of the detail code in which the category is being classified in the English Language
Usage Category Detail Description (Local Language)
Description/ Detail of the detail code in which the category is being classified in Local Language. e.g. Hindi, Telugu etc.
Effective From Financial Year
This is the year from which the category detail has come into effect for property tax
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Gather all the details for this last classification of Usage Category Detail.
Figure out the codes, if not present abbreviate the description so that it creates relevancy between code and description.
Get the relations to the sub minor, minor and major.
Start filling the template with the codes and description of the usage Category detail and then followed by relative sub minor codes.
In the active column fill up weather the category is still active or not.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed on the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
This is a further sub-classification of the ownership which details what is the ownership sub category, whether there is a single owner, multiple owner etc. . An example has been given in the attachments section of the page.
The data has to be collected for all the subcategories of ownership type present in the state. Below mentioned is the table of the template that is being used to gather data:
Sr. No
Ownership Sub Category Code*
Ownership Category Code*
Ownership Sub Category* (In English)
Ownership Sub Category* (In Local Language)
Single Owner
एकल स्वामी
Multiple Owner
मल्टीपल ओनर
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Ownership Sub Category Code
This is the code that is being used to categorize the sub type
Ownership Category Code
Ownership Sub Category (In English)
Description of the ownership Sub type in the English Language
Ownership Sub Category (In Local Language)
Description of the ownership Sub type in Native Language
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts. First, get all the sub classifications for the listed category.
Get the codes and start filling the template.
Fill in the codes for the sub category in the 2nd column with there proper mapping of Ownership Type category(Parent level).
Repeat the steps for all the ownership type categories(Parent Level) .
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
There should be a mapping code between the sub category (child) and Property Tax: Ownership Category (parent level), no child can be left without a parent
Make sure that no code which is not mentioned in the ownership category classification (parent) can be used
Ownership is the state or fact of exclusive rights and control over property, which may be an asset, including an object, land or real estate, or intellectual property. Ownership involves multiple rights, collectively referred to as title, which may be separated and held by different parties. Further, the ownership can be categories based on the nature and type of the parties property is owned by e.g Property owned by an individual who is the resident of the city, by an institution etc.
Given below is the sample data table from the template in which the data has to be collected:
Sr. No
Ownership Category Code*
Ownership Category* (In English)
Ownership Category* (In Local Language)
सहकारी समिति
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Ownership Category Code
Code to uniquely identify the ownership category record
Ownership Category (In English)
This is the name of the ownership category in the English language
Ownership Category (In Local Language)
This is the name of the ownership category in the local language
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Firstly Identify all the categories of the owners present in the state.
After which identify the codes of all the categories, if not present then form an abbreviated version of the code.
Start filling the template with the codes in the second column, its English name in 3rd and Local Language name in 4th.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
The Owner’s Special Category represents those property owners whose property belongs to the “reserved” category as defined by the state. These special categories are entitled to a rebate in the property tax amount, as per the defined categories by a State/ ULB.
Sr. No.
Owner Type Code*
Owner Type Name (English)*
Owner Type Name (Local Language)*
Freedom Fighter
स्वतंत्रता सेनानी
Handicapped Persons
विकलांग व्यक्ति
Data given in the table is a sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Owner Type Code
Unique Identifier for Owner Type
Owner Type Name ( In English)
Nomenclature of “Owner Type” in English
Owner Type Name (In Local Language)
Nomenclature of “Owner Type” in the local language as Telugu, Hindi, etc.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the “Owner Categories” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Add the “Owner Type Code” respectively.
Add a description to the Owner Type Name, as per the required language.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The predefined format of the Owner Type Code only must be used and not any random code
Unique code of structure type to establish the mapping with
Property Type code referring to the
This is the mapping between the minor’s and major’s of the usage category which can be found
This is the relationship between sub minor and
This is the mapping between detail and Sub Minor Code. Refer entity for more detail
This is the mapping between the and Sub category