DIGIT 2.1 changes to the DSS
This release for DSS focuses on improving user experience with feature enhancements that support rich dashboard insights using drill through and comparison indicators in tables.
The release includes the following features:
Breadcrumbs for better navigation
Drill through options in tables and charts
Comparison indicators in Table
New Chart Library
Typography enhancements
Time filter
Key Feature
Breadcrumbs for Navigation
In addition to the left navigation panel, the addition of breadcrumbs is also useful to provide a better sense of the current page insight. It is also very much helpful for mobile navigation. The user can navigate using the breadcrumbs by clicking on the required parent menu.
Drill through options in tables and charts
The ability provided in DSS to configure the drill through for required options in tables as well as charts. The drill through options is useful in configuring the required hierarchy of data set. This helps users to go up to 'N' levels to get deeper insights.
Comparison Indicators in Tables
Providing better insights about the metric performances of different dimensions, a comparison indicator is required inside data tables comparing usually with a different time range (last year/last month) and what is percentage change with time.
Chart Library
New Chart library was added to provide better support on mobile.
Typography enhancements for better readability.
Time Filter
Time filter enhanced for better user experience.
Not planned.
Doc Links
DIGIT 2.1 Changes to the Property Tax Module
The version supports the integration of the NOC module with the BPA module.
Common application form for multiple departments
Integration with NOC Department
Workflow inbox issue - instead of displaying the application in the assigned to me section, it is displayed in the common inbox
Document upload issue - when uploading any document, the document gets attached to the particular document header and before getting attached if the user clicks on add button to the next document header, both the documents are added to the new document header.
Not planned
DIGIT 2.1 Changes to the Property Tax Module
This latest release version offers the capability to edit applications in workflow by the citizen and the counter employee.
Send back to the citizen and Edit Application - New Property application, edit property application & Mutation/transfer of ownership application
Capture payer details on the citizen common pay page
Not Planned
DIGIT 2.1 Changes to the Public Grievance and Redressal Module
As part of the PGR products, we have added out of the box reports which will go live with product release to monitor basic KPIs and help administrators track adoption and employee performance with ease.
The following reports are created as part of the product offering in PGR with necessary filters in every report to get deeper insights from data.
ULB Report
GRO Performance Report
FME Performance Report
Description Report
Not planned.
Key Feature
Common Application form
The common application form gives the capability to fork one application into multiple applications for submission to different departments.
Citizen will enter details in one application form, whereas the application is forwarded to multiple departments like the ULB, Fire department or the Airport Authority of India.
Login for NOC user
This feature allows the NOC department user to login to DIGIT system and view the NOC application and view the source application for which the NOC is applied. The department user updates the status of the application with an approval or rejection certificate.
Provision for the ULB official to update the NOC information
This feature allows the ULB official to manually discuss the application with the NOC department and update the approval or rejection certificate for a building permit or OC application on behalf of the NOC verifier.
Doc Links
Doc Links
Key Feature
ULB Report
This report shows Department wise information on complaints that are logged into the system and statistics around the performance of the overall system.
GRO Performance Report
This report provides information on Grievance Routing Officer performance.
FME Performance Report
This report provides information on first-mile employee performance.
Description Report
This report provides a list of complaints assigned to the FME. The FME can take the printout and go on the ground with the necessary information and resolve the complaint, also if there are contractors or contract labourers this printout will solve the problem to handover list of complaints to them.
Doc Links
Key Feature
Send back to the citizen and Edit Application - New Property application, edit property application & Mutation/transfer of ownership application
On submitting an application by citizen or counter employee, it goes through the approval process. If the employee (Document verifier or field inspector) sees any discrepancy in the application they can send it back to the citizen for edits. Once reviewed and edited by the citizen the application will go through the complete approval flow as usual.
Fields that can be edited -
Capture payer details on the citizen common pay page
Similar to the employee common pay page, we’ll capture payer information on citizen common pay page. This will help the team with financial record sanitization and audits.
User story -https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/RAIN/boards/30/backlog?selectedIssue=RAIN-1136
DIGIT 2.1 Changes to the Water & Sewerage Module
This version of Water & Sewerage allows users to:
Edit existing water or sewerage connection information using a workflow approval process
Associate a non-owner (connection holder) of the property to any connection
Apart from these, a non-owner can also apply for a new connection, track application and view bills/receipts in his/her name.
Modify connection information
Edit property details
Edit W&S particulars
Workflow approval process
W&S connection to a non-owner
Apply for a new connection
Modify connection holder
Bills in the name of the connection holder
Key Feature
Edit property details
Start 'modify flow' by accessing the 'action button' at the footer of the connection details page
Choose from the two options 'Search Property' and 'Modify Property'
Using 'Search Property' search a property ID and replace the existing property ID associated with the connection
Click on 'Modify Property' to reach property information and make modifications
Modifications in property information will initiate workflow in property module
Edit W&S particulars
Under the 'modify flow' reach 'additional details' page
Change the required information page
Upload required documents
Apply/modify connection holder details
Additional card on 'property details' page to capture connection holder details at the time of applying for a new connection
The default option to capture connection holder details as 'owner details'
Provision to edit 'connection holder details' along with property and W&S details under the 'modify flow'
Miscellaneous features
Bills to be produced in the name of 'connection holder' present in the system
Access to 'My connections'
Search connection using both 'connection holder' and 'owner'
Demand correction from the employee side to handle use cases mentioned below:
Court case settlement
Arrears write off
DCB correction
Handling refunds
Modify connection, Bill amendment option in citizen side
Doc Links
New release features, enhancements, and fixes
DIGIT 2.1 is a release that has got a few functional changes and few non-functional standardization changes.
Functional: Introducing Water and Sewerage edit connection and Connection holder feature, DSS enhancements, Edit (send back to Citizen) property enhancements, and PGR APIs redesign along with workflow integration and reports.
Non-functional: Baselining Actions, Role action mapping, and English Localization data.
Water and Sewerage edit connection and Connection holder feature
Edit existing water or sewerage connection information using a workflow approval process.
Associate a non-owner (connection holder) of the property to any connection.
PGR API Contracts and APIs redesign
PGR APIs redesign along with workflow integration.
New reports
ULB Report
Description Report
LME Performance Report
GRO Performance Report
Updated Feature
DSS v1.2 Enhancements
Pie Charts
Time Filter
Comparison Indicators in Tables
Event Duration Graphs
Drilldown and Drillthroughs
Property Enhancements
Edit (Send Back to citizen) in Property Create, Update, and Mutation workflow
Workflow configuration to support Data Entry and Data migration in Property Service
Payer information on citizen side in open payments
UI and backend Enhancements
Searcher Ignore case for user input fields
DOB range Validation in HRMS and Trade License
Create a user for an unregistered mobile number as part of the Billing service
Added Deserialization Error Handler in Persister
Localization caching in the application (module wise - within the module)
Addition of spinner in all PT, TL, and Common pay screens
Non-functional enhancements
Actions and Roleaction mapping - Product baseline
Baseline English Localisation data
Readme and Localsetup documentations for all the services
Technical Enablement and other Tech documentations
DIGIT 2.1 - Technical Details of the Changes
Service Name
Role Action Mapping
Action test and Role action changes
Created FireNoc and Airport roles
ID format for NOC application
BPA Service and NOC service changes
Created a new role for PT_CEMP
DDR name updated for Tenants
Menu Tree
Disabled the localization option from the menu tree
Change language option after login
Logo Changes
Tenant logo changes
Trade Type Name changes
PGR Reports
PGR Report changes in DecryptionABAC file
Documents for WS Modify Connection
Application Type drop-down for WS
Service Name
PGR reports configurations
Dashboard Analytics
Dashboard Analytics configurations
WS Sanction Letter changes
Locality Searcher query changes
Added NOC service locality searcher
Bill PDF
WS Bill PDF changes
Added Minio config
UAT.yml upgrade for the digit 2.1 release
Added time to close complaint-uat config
DSS config override
Tenant ID
State-level Tenant Id configurations
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