Learn how to apply for new water or sewerage connections, pay bills
Citizens represent individuals, groups or communities that are using the W&S module online to manage their water and sewerage connections. The W&S module offers an efficient means of tracking and managing water and sewerage connections.
The citizens can -
Download bills, receipts and approval letters
The Apply for New Connection option allows citizens to submit their application for new water or sewerage connection. Application forms are submitted through the portal for further processing and approval for new connections by the ULB employees.
To apply for new connections
Navigate to the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar. Alternatively, click on the Water & Sewerage card available on the Citizen Services panel on the home page.
Click on the Apply for New Connection option.
The system displays the list of required documents for processing new water or sewerage connections. Click on the Print button below to print the list for reference.
Click on the Apply button to begin filling the application form. The application form contains three sections - Connection Details, Documents, and Summary.
In the Property Details panel enter the Property ID for the new connection. Click on the Find/Create Property ID click here link if you do not remember the property ID or the property is not yet registered in the system. Search for the relevant property details or click on the Register New Property button to register the property.
Click on the Select button available for the relevant property in the search list. This will auto-populate the property details in the application.
The Same as Owner Details box is checked by default in the Connection Holder Details panel. Uncheck this box if the connection holder details are not the same as the property owner. Now enter the connection holder’s Mobile No., Name, Gender, Guardian Name, Relationship with the mentioned guardian, Correspondence Address and Special Applicant Category details.
Check the Water or Sewerage box in the Connection Details panel to indicate the type of connection you are applying for. Check both boxes if the application is for both water and sewerage.
Enter the No. of Taps proposed if you are applying for water connection. Select the applicable value for Pipe Size Proposed (in inches). Enter the required No. of Water Closets and No. of Toilets details for sewerage connection. Click on the Next Step button to proceed to the Documents section of the application.
The system allocates a unique Application No. available on the top of the application form page. Click on the Select Documents drop-down menu to identify the relevant document that will be uploaded as Identity Proof, Address Proof, Building Plan etc.
Click on the Upload File button to attach the documents to the application. Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary section of the application.
The system displays the success acknowledgement message. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the application.
The application is processed by the ULB employees who verify the attached documents and carry out field inspections before the final approval. The citizen is allotted a unique consumer number once the application is processed and approved.
Citizens can view their applications to find status details, pending fees to be paid, or any other notifications linked to the application.
To view applications
Click on the My Applications option in the W&S home page.
The system displays all the applications submitted by the citizen and the current status of each application. Click on the View Details button below the application for detailed information on the application status and actions taken on the application.
Click on the View History button available in the Application Summary panel on top. This displays all the tasks completed and in progress along with the date.
The Fee Estimate panel displays the payable application fee details. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee calculation details.
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application and then click on Pay to make the fee payment. The Pay option is enabled once the application is in Pending for Payment status.
Click on the Download or Print button on the top right corner of the page to download or print the application or the payment receipt.
The W&S module allows citizens to check the meter readings in case they have metered connections.
To check meter readings
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen. Click on the Consumer Number link available for listed connection.
Click on the View Consumption Details button available in the Service Details panel on the Connection Details page.
The meter reading and current consumption readings are available in the Consumption Details page.
Scroll down the page to view past readings.
Citizens can view their water or sewerage connection details through the portal.
To view connection details
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen. Click on the Consumer Number link available for the listed connection.
The Connection Details page displays the Service Details, Property Details, Owner Details and the Connection Holder Details. Scroll down the page to view these details.
The citizen portal allows users to view their existing connection details and pay water or sewerage bills online.
To view and pay bills
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen.
Click on the Pay Now button available for connections that have pending dues.
Alternatively, click on the Pay Water & Sewerage Bill card on the W&S home page. Enter the required search parameters to search for a specific bill.
Click on the Pay Now button available for connections that have pending dues.
The Bill Details shows the Total Amount, Due Date, and amount breakup details. Scroll down to view the associated Service Details and Property Details. Click on the Download Bill button to download the bill. Click on the Pay button to make the payment.
Select Full Amount or Custom Amount depending on whether you are paying the entire bill amount or making a partial payment or advance payment. Enter the Amount to pay (Rs) in case of Custom Amount. Enter the Payer Details.
Select the relevant option for Payment Paid By. Select Owner if the payment is done by the owner else select Other if someone else is making the bill payment. Enter the Payer Name and Payer Mobile No. In the case of Owner, these details are auto-populated.
Click on the Make Payment button to proceed with the payment. Select the preferred payment method and provide the required payment details. The system displays the payment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the payment receipt.
Citizens can view past bill payment details from their portal.
To view past payment details -
Click on the Past Payments option on the W&S home page.
The system displays historic payment details.
Click on the Download Receipt button to download the payment receipt. The Partially Paid status will be displayed if only part of the bill amount is paid.
The Summary page displays the filled in application details. Scroll down the page to check the details. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application. Click on the Submit button once the review is complete.