Module roadmap
Learn more about PT workflows and its configuration
The Digital Governance Platform
DIGIT Urban Stack is a set of Open APIs, services, and reference implementations, setup as a public good, to allow government entities, businesses, startups, and civil society to use a unique digital Infrastructure and build solutions for urban India at a large scale. It provides a set of open standards, specifications and documentation to create a level playing field and enable ecosystem players to innovate on the stack. As a public good, the platform is provided without profit or restriction to all members of society.
Open Source - DIGIT is Open Source and has been built using the best in class Open Source technology stacks powering the most advanced companies in the world. DIGIT is able to provide the lowest total cost of ownership and helps ensure that governments retain strategic control of their systems and data.
Mobile-Enabled - DIGIT has adopted a mobile-first approach, with robust mobile applications enabling citizens to easily access government services through their phones. Government officials and field workers are also empowered with mobile applications that enable them to deliver 24×7 governance with ease.
Real-time Dashboards - DIGIT’s real-time dashboards provide governments with actionable insights on demand. Administrators and department heads are empowered with verified data that enables them to manage their work and budgets better. Field level employee reports enable effective performance management and ensure efficient usage of government resources.
DIGIT focuses on inclusion and is designed on the principle of enhancing both platform openness and choice for citizens. The platform uses open APIs and standards, creating a powerful framework to drive convergence across the multiple systems currently in use and to lower the barrier to entry for locally-developed solutions. Keeping in mind that most Indians use the internet through their phones, we follow and advocate a “mobile-first” approach, while supporting multi-channel access to accommodate diverse needs and preferences.
Know more about our Ecosystem or Contact Us for more details.
DIGIT New-Partner-Training-Plan (Apr-2021)
Join the virtual DIGIT Technical Training sessions to learn in-depth about the DIGIT platform architecture, key capabilities, and applications. These sessions will help understand DIGIT products, platform configurations, customizations and extension possibilities.
Event registration links and session details are provided below. Click on the Register button to enrol for the sessions.
Date / Time
Session Plan
Topics Covered
Target Audience
Registration Link
21st April 2021
(11.45 am to 1.30 pm)
Overview of DIGIT Implementation
Leadership/ Program and Tech Management
21st April 2021
(2.30 pm to 3.30 pm)
DIGIT Platform Overview
Session 1
Architects / Tech Leads
21st April 2021
(4.00 pm to 5.30 pm)
DIGIT Platform Overview
Session 2
DevOps / Architects / Tech Leads
22nd April 2021
(11.00 am to 1.00 pm)
Product Demos
Session 1
Leadership / Business Analysts / Domain Experts
22nd April 2021
(2.00 pm to 4.00 pm)
Product Demos
Session 2
Leadership / Business Analysts / Domain Experts
23rd April 2021
(11.00 am to 1.00 pm)
DIGIT Extension / Customisation Session 1
Tech Leads / Senior Developers
23rd April 2021
(2.00 pm to 4.00 pm)
DIGIT Extension / Customisation Session 2
Extension case study
Architects / Tech Leads / Senior Developers
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
FSM module release details
Emptying of septic tank / Pit (Desludging) request can be created by the citizen online which will be processed by the ULB. The processed request will then be assigned to a particular desludging operator post payment of desludging charges by the citizen.
The desludging operator then completes the emptying task on the ground and transports the faecal sludge to the designated septage treatment plant where a plan operator updates the vehicle log and septage dumped at the plant.
Create Emptying of septic tank/pit application
View status of the application
Make payment for an application
Rate the service
Create Emptying of septic tank/pit application
Update application
Make payment for an application
Assign/Re-assign DSO for an application
Complete request on behalf of DSO
Desludging operator
Assign vehicle to a request
Decline a request
Complete request
FSTP Operator
Update vehicle log
Key Feature
Create Emptying of septic tank/pit request
Feature to allow the citizen to create desludging(emptying of septic tank/pit ) application online or at ULB counters.
Make payment for a request
Allow citizen to make payment for a request either online or through ULB counters
Update application and Generate demand
ULB employee can modify the application created if required and update the demand/charges that the citizen should pay for the request raised.
Assign DSO to a request
ULB employee will assign the request to a particular registered DSO (desludging operator) based on the availability of the vehicle
Re-assign DSO to a request
ULB employee can reassign a request if the assigned DSO declines the request under some unavoidable circumstances.
Cancel the request
ULB employee can cancel the request for data entry mistakes
Reject the request
Reject the request which is invalid or doesn’t have the proper information to process the request
DSO Assign vehicle and completes the request
DSO can tag a vehicle to a request which is assigned to him, process and update the volume of septage collected at the site and complete the request.
Update Vehicle log by FSTP / SeTP Operator
The septage which is collected at the site would be transported to the Septage treatment plant where the plant operator can update the vehicle entry time to the plant and the volume of septage dumped at the plant.
Dashboard and Reports
Doc Links
User manual for citizens, DSO, SeTPO, and Employee
DIGIT Infra and architecture details
DIGIT is India’s largest open-source platform for Urban Governance. It is built on OpenAPI (OAS 2.0) and provides API based access to a variety of urban/municipal services enabling state governments and city administrators to provide citizen services with relevant new services and also integrating the existing system into the platform and run seamlessly on any commercial/on-prem cloud infrastructure with scale and speed.
DIGIT is a microservices-based platform that is built to scale. Microservices are small, autonomous and developer-friendly services that work together.
A big software or system can be broken down into multiple small components or services. These components can be designed, developed & deployed independently without compromising the integrity of the application.
Parallelism in development: Microservices architectures are mainly business-centric.
MicroServices have smart endpoints that process info and apply logic. They receive requests, process them, and generate a response accordingly.
Decentralized control between teams, so that its developers strive to produce useful tools that can then be used by others to solve the same problems.
MicroServices architecture allows its neighbouring services to function while it bows out of service. This architecture also scales to cater to its clients’ sudden spike in demand.
MicroService is ideal for evolutionary systems where it is difficult to anticipate the types of devices that may be accessing our application.
DIGIT follows Multilayer or n-tiered distributed architecture pattern. As seen in the illustration above there are different horizontal layers with some set of components eg. Data Access Layer, Infra Services, Business Services, different modules layers, client Apps and some vertical adapters. Every layer consists of a set of microservices. Each layer of the layered architecture pattern has a specific role and responsibility within the application.
Layered architecture increases flexibility, maintainability, and scalability
Multiple applications can reuse the components
Different components of the application can be independently deployed, maintained, and updated, on different time schedules
Layered architecture also makes it possible to configure different levels of security to different components
Layered architecture also helps users test the components independent of each other
HRMS module release details
This release offers capabilities to create multi-tenant employees from the UI and provides out-of-the-box employee reports for the admins.
Enabling multi-tenancy on the UI
Out of the box HRMS report
UX revamp of the HRMS product
This section contains DIGIT product and module related documents
DIGIT offers several modules. Each module is designed to automate the manual workflows for various governance units.
DIGIT enables ULBs to be more effective and accountable—and to make better, data-driven decisions. The platform ensures both interoperability among ULBs and rapid development of new modules by a wide array of software partners.
Service Category is a comprehensive list of services existing for the specific State/ULB. Service Category basically defines the miscellaneous revenue collection heads. Example - Rental, Entry Fees, User Charges etc.
Service categories are defined at a global level for different types of revenues. Payment collection and processing for certain services like property tax and trade licenses are done through the individual modules. The mCollect module processes payments for other miscellaneous services.
The Service Category masters list allows States/ULBs to identify the miscellaneous services for which payments and collections can be processed.
The data given in the table is sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different types of service categories on the basis of ULB’s functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
EDCR module release details
eDCR Service 1.1.0 is a baselined release that has got few enhancements to the existing features.
eDCR 1.1.0: The above feature is useful and required in other states.
The above features are configurable. Users can enable the features if required for the selected state.
Impact: Functionally, the upgrade to eDCR 1.1.0 will not impact the existing environments.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Verify the data once again by going through the and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Service Name
WS - Bill Amendment
Added role action mapping, tax heads, idformat and demand revision basis changes for Bill Amendment
HRMS - Employee Report
Created new role to view HRMS Employee report and mapped role action
Added FSM related role actions, Billing service, FSM and Vehicle files.
Enabled cities for FSM.
Updated Min max value for property Type
Changed email id to be generic for city A and removed access from Employee role and mapped with specific employee
Added missing role actions in BPA for different stakeholder types
PDF Service
Added amendment coupon pdf changes for water and sewerage connections
Updated the changes required for multiple road types in water and sewerage connection
Report - Employee report
Added new file employee report for HRMS Admin and configured the report path
Report - PGR Reports
Updated PGR report config file and GRO, LME report designation id and tenantid search fix
egov-persister, egov-indexer
Added persister file for dso, fsm calculator, fsm, vehicle, vendor, fsm receipt, indexer file for fsm and vendor
WS - Bill Amendment
Added Water and Sewerage service bill amendment credit/debit note pdf config path
Added FSM persister and indexer file path
Docker Artifact ID
Frontend v2.3
DSS Dashboard
Core Services v2.3
Payment Gateway
Zuul - API Gateway
Mail Notification
SMS Notification
No changes in the current release.
No changes in the current release.
ID Gen
User Chatbot
No changes in the current release.
No changes in the current release.
URL Shortening
PDF Generator
Access Control
No changes in the current release.
User OTP
Business Services v2.3
Dashboard Analytics
Dashboard Ingest
EGF Instrument
EGF Master
Finance Collection Voucher Consumer
Municipal Services v2.3
Trade License
Trade License Calculator
Fire NOC
Fire NOC Calculator
Property Services
Property Tax Calculator
Property Tax
No changes in the current release.
Water Charges
Water Charges Calculator
Sewerage Charges
Sewerage Charges Calculator
BPA Calculator
BPA Services
User Event
PGR Service
Land Services
NOC Services
New Service
FSM Calculator
New Service
New Service
New Service
Utilities Services v2.3
Custom Consumer
No changes in the current release.
No changes in the current release.
Others Service
Configs v2.3
MDMS v2.3
Localization v2.3
Doc Links
Sr. No.
Service Category Code*
Service Category (In English)*
Service Category (In Local Language)*
Other Fee and Fines
अन्य शुल्क और जुर्माना
Service and Administration Charges
सेवा और प्रशासन प्रभार
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Service Category Code
Unique Identifier for “Service Category” and also a reference for the child mapping
Service Category (English)
Name of “Service Category” in English. This will help the user select the category name to process the payment collection
Service Category (Local Language)
Name of “Service Category” in Local Language. This will help the user select the category name to process the payment collection
Sr. No
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The Service Category should not contain any special characters
Other Fee and Fines : [Allowed]
#Other Fee and Fines! : [Not allowed]
Learn more about TL workflows and its configuration
Details coming soon..
Module roadmap
Details coming soon..
Key Feature
Handling multi-tenancy on the UI in HRMS
Admin in the ULB can now assign multiple jurisdictions to the employees. The jurisdiction assigned can be for multiple ULBs and have multiple roles assigned to the employees.
Till now, this action was handled from the backend.
Admins can view and download out of box reports for all the employees under their jurisdiction. It will help them manage the ULB resources and help them understand the ULB employee hierarchy and jurisdictions.
This page provides configuration details for MCS master data templates
The mCollect module is designed to facilitate the ULBs process miscellaneous types of payments. Miscellaneous payments may include parking fees, advertising fees, etc. The module objective is to process and record payment collections on account of miscellaneous heads within the ULBs. This makes it easy to track payment receipts and generate reports for administrative purpose.
Capture details of payment collection
Generate and print the collection receipt
Access to dashboard analytics
Generate reports for administration
Receipt Register
Cancelled Receipt Register
A complete guide to using mCollect module
The mCollect module is designed to facilitate the ULBs process miscellaneous types of payments. Miscellaneous payments may include parking fees, advertising fees, rent, challans, etc. The module objective is to process and record payment collections on account of miscellaneous heads within the ULBs. This makes it easy to track payment receipts and generate reports for administrative purposes.
The MCS module enables ULB employees to -
Capture payment details
Generate and print payment collection receipts
Access dashboard analytics
Generate reports for administration
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
The citizen pays the applicable fees for miscellaneous services through the CEs or FEs
Counter Employee (CE)
Process New Collection
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
Counter employees collect miscellaneous payments from the citizens online
Field Employee (FE)
Process New Collection
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
Field employees also collect miscellaneous payments from the citizens on the field
This section guides you through the details of using the MCS module for the defined roles. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the MCS system.
Citizen User Manual/modules-features/user-guides/guide-mcollect/citizen-user-manual
Employee User Manual/modules-features/user-guides/guide-mcollect/employee-user-manual
New release features, enhancements, and fixes
DIGIT 2.3 release offers new modules, few functional changes, and non-functional changes.
Functional: Faecal Sludge Management module, Bill Amendment module, and Enhancements in HRMS.
Non-functional: Security fixes.
Faecal Sludge Management (FSM)
Apply for Emptying of Septic Tank / Pit
My Applications and View Applications
Make Online Payment for Emptying of Septic Tank / Pit Charges
Download Application PDF and Receipt
Rating the service
Create a new Emptying of Septic Tank / Pit Application
Search and View Applications
Download Application PDF and Receipt
Update Application/Demand
Collect Payment
Assign DSO
Reassign DSO
Complete Request on behalf of DSO
Desludging operator
DSO Login
Assign Vehicle
Complete Request
Decline Request
Search and View Applications
FSTP Operator
Update vehicle log
Backend APIs
Create and Search Vendor/Desludging operator
Create and Search Vehicle
Create and Search Billing Slabs
Bill Amendment
Application initiation
Workflow-based application process
Reference implementation for Water and Sewerage.
Credit/ Debit note PDF
Application Acknowledgement
HRMS Reports
Employee Report
Updated Feature
HRMS Enhancements
Multi-Tenancy support while creating Employee
PGR Reports and Enhancements
Support for PGR v2
The Google map integration in Citizen Create complaint flow
Few of the Security fixes:
Sensitive Information in URL
Standard pseudo-random number generators cannot withstand cryptographic attacks
Improper Neutralization of CRLF Sequences in HTTP Headers ('HTTP Response Splitting')
Avoid Exception, Runtime Exception or Throwable in catch or Throw Statements(Merged only for municipal repo)
Avoid sensitive information exposure through error messages(partially)
Size Validations(partially)
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)
Sensitive Information in URL
It was observed that the application uses eval(code).
Do not use dangerouslySetInnerHTML property in React components.
Do not release debuggable apps
Avoid post cross-document messages with an overly permissive target origin
Building plan approval system
Scrutiny report download issue from UI screen fixed
Fixed stakeholder registration issue for stakeholder like engineers, town planner etc.
Added missing role actions in BPA for different stakeholders
Security fix for vertical escalation issue for citizen/stakeholder
Security fix for horizontal escalation issue for citizen/stakeholder
Updated service code in the receipt search and download receipt
eDCR Enhancements
Projections: Portico validation
Glass Facade openings validation
Information and Communication Technology landing point (ICT)
Mezzanine At Room
Amenities on Setback
Enhanced chimney feature to accommodate multiple area and height
Enhanced parapet feature to accommodate multiple area and height
The Service Subcategory refers to the secondary level of services. For instance, the Sanitation Tax service describes the specific tax collection service existing at the ULB level.
Before creating the Service Subcategory make sure you have created the Service Category list. Map the Service Subcategory to the corresponding Service Category.
Sr. No.
Service Subcategory Code*
Service Subcategory (In English)*
Service Subcategory (In Local Language)*
Service Category Code*
Service Category
Sanitation Tax
स्वच्छता कर
Parks Entry Fee
पार्क प्रवेश शुल्क
Entry Fee
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Service Subcategory Code
Unique Identifier for “Service Subcategory”.
Service Subcategory (English)
Name of “Service Subcategory” in English. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name for processing the payment collection
Service Subcategory (Local Language)
Name of “Service Subcategory” in Local Language. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name for processing the payment collection
Service Category Code
Unique Identifier for “Service Category”
Service Category
The listed Service Subcategory is mapped to the appropriate Service Category
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different types of service subcategory on the basis of ULB’s functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The Service Category & Subcategory Name should not contain any special characters
Other Fee and Fines : [Allowed]
#Other Fee and Fines! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-service-subcategory.xlsx - 14KB
Sample Datasample-confugration-data-service-subcategory.xlsx - 14KB
Service Subcategory is mapped to relevant GL code to help capture the accounting-related parameters for each service subcategory. The same is used to pass the accounting vouchers into the accounting and finance system.
Service Subcategory Code*
Service Subcategory (English)*
Service Subcategory (Local Language)*
Parks Entry Fee
पार्क प्रवेश शुल्क
Sanitation Tax
स्वच्छता कर
The data given in the table above is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Service Category
Service Subcategory (English)
Service Subcategory (local Language)
Name of “Service Sub-category” in Local Language. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name while doing the collection
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different types of service subcategory GL code on the basis of ULB’s functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity. There is no entity-specific checklist activity applicable.
Sample Datasample-confugration-data-service-subcategory-gl-code-mapping.xlsx - 11KB
The mCollect module is designed to facilitate the ULBs process miscellaneous types of payments. Miscellaneous payments may include parking fees, advertising fees, etc. The module objective is to process and record payment collections on account of miscellaneous heads within the ULBs. This makes it easy to track payment receipts and generate reports for administrative purpose.
Capture details of payment collection
Generate and print the collection receipt
Access to dashboard analytics
Generate reports for administration
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the MCS module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the MCS module.
Functional Specifications
MCS Roadmap
MCS User Manual
Product Brochure
MCS Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
MCS Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details.
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on MCS module deployment.
#147/J, 1st floor, 10th Cross, 12th Main, 3rd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore 560034
+91 80 4125 5708
Functional overview for stakeholders
The Trade License product provides a digital interface, allowing citizens to apply for the Trade License and subsequently make the trade license fee payment online.
The Trade License product enables:
Ease of doing business — Traders can apply for new licenses, renewals, amendments, and supplemental licenses
Regulatory Tracking — Administrators can track and manage regulatory processes
Shorter Timelines — It streamlines and automates business licensing processes and helps a business to be set up quickly
Data-driven decision making — The application collates valuable information on the economic activity and employment opportunities in a ULB
The list below summarizes the key features supported by the TL module -
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Applying for a Trade License
Trade License Issue
Modifications to a Trade License
Renewal of Trade License
Payments and Fee
Dashboards and Reports
General Features
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
OTP Based Login for Citizen via Web/Mobile App
OTP Based Login for Employee via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during first time registration for both Employee and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized Profile for Citizens and employees on Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchies of employees
Role-based access for performing different actions relating to Trade License modules
User can apply for a new TL from the system. User can select the type of license to apply. The user enters trade details, owner details and documents after which application can be reviewed and submitted. Similarly, a counter employee can also apply for TL on behalf of the citizen. The system has a workflow integration which enables stage-wise approval before Approval for issuing the Trade License.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Citizen can Apply for a new Trade License through mobile app/ Web
Citizen/CSC can capture Trade details, Trade Units, Accessories, Owner Details, Address, purpose, Date of issuance, License number etc.
Citizen/CSC Upload Documents
Citizen/CSC can calculate Breakup Based on Selected Trade
Citizen/CSC can select Multiple Accessories for the Trade
Citizen/CSC can Apply for Multiple Trade Licenses
Citizen/CSC can Download/Print Application Summary
Citizen/CSC can Download/Print Trade Reference No
Citizen/CSC can View the applied licenses
The system has the facility to deliver the service online & through SEWA KENDRA.
The portal displays all the information including the processes and documents required for the convenience of the citizen.
The system has the facility to assign a unique identification number based on the license type, which will be used for all future transactions of the license.
The system has the facility to assign the application to the respective Inspector for survey and verification. After the application is submitted, it goes to the document verifier. The next step after document verification is field inspection. After the field inspector’s approval, the TL is approved by the approver.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Document Verifier, Verifies & Forwards or Rejects the application
Licensing Inspector, Verifies and Forward the Application
Licensing Inspector, Sends Back or Rejects the Application
Licensing Inspectors Approves the Application
Citizen, Pays for the license post verification process online or at the CSC
CSC, Collects Fee post verification.
The system allows the printing of license and sending the license through e-mail.
The system allows the SMS alerts to the applicant regarding the date of inspection/visit by the inspector, approval/rejection of the application.
The system allows the inspector to enter the field visit details and a field visit report is generated and automatically routed to the superintendent.
The system has the facility to edit/update the Application based on the Inspection report against the application.
The system has the facility to provide a hassle-free renewal process for citizen and employee ease, leading to increased revenues, by reducing unlicensed trades. The system allows sending of SMS and Email notifications and reminders based on the renewal cycle.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
The citizen can pay for the license post verification process
CSC, Collects Fee post verification.
The system allows intimating the applicant about the payment of the license fee through SMS/ e-Mail.
The system allows the Generation of receipt for the payment
The payment modes enabled are Card(offline), cash, cheque, DD
Following reports offered by the module -
Cancelled Receipt Register Report
TL Collection
TL Application Status- showing the number of licenses approved/rejected.
TL ULB Wise Status
State Dashboard: View Reports for Total Licenses, Licenses Issued, Payment Collected, Payment Distribution
Notifications - The system has the capability to send notifications to citizens. These notifications can be sent for various steps like - verification completion, payment reminder, payment confirmation. These notifications can be sent in the language chosen by the ULB through all channels - SMS, Whatsapp, Email.
Configurable Masters - The system provides the following masters that can be configured as per the State’s requirements:
Charges & Calculation : Calculation Engine, Rebate, Penalty,
Rate Master
State Masters: Trade Ontology, Documents List, Accessories, Ownership, Employee Data Mapping, Boundary Data Mapping, Fee Matrix (License Fees)
System specification in compliance with the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) BRAP 2019
This page provides configuration details for TL master data templates
The DIGIT-Trade License application makes the process of obtaining a Trade License easy, smooth, and transparent. The module, hence, removes the need for manual processing and streamlines the key trade license management functions to provide a better user experience.
DIGIT Trade License module enables citizens to -
Apply for new trade license or renew an existing trade license.
Upload all the relevant documents required for the license.
Make payment for the Trade License (New/Renewal) fee using the online payment gateway.
Receive notifications and alerts by emails or SMS for new application status updates and pending renewals.
Download Trade License, Payment & Acknowledgement Receipts online.
DIGIT Trade License module enables employees to -
Create flexible role-based workflows.
Configure license fees calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
Receipt Register
Application Status
Cancelled Receipt Register
ULBwise Collection Report
ULBwise Application Status
Apply for trade license, ensure compliance with trade safety guidelines, and lots more
DIGIT-Trade License (TL) enables local government to regulate the trade and protect the interest of the public at large against the health hazard and inconvenience which a business may cause. With DIGIT-TL traders can obtain the trade certificate in a simplified manner and ensure compliance with rules and safety guidelines issued by the government. The module offers the citizens and governance bodies a convenient and transparent means of processing trade licenses.
The Trade License application makes the process of obtaining a Trade License easy, smooth, and transparent. The module, hence, removes the need for manual processing and streamlines the key trade license management functions to provide a better user experience.
DIGIT Trade License module enables citizens to -
Apply for new trade license or renew an existing trade license.
Upload all the relevant documents required for the license.
Make payment for the Trade License (New/Renewal) fee using the online payment gateway.
Receive notifications and alerts by emails or SMS for new application status updates and pending renewals.
Download Trade License, Payment & Acknowledgement Receipts online.
DIGIT Trade License module enables employees to -
Create flexible role-based workflows.
Configure license fees calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the TL module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the TL module.
Functional Specifications
TL Roadmap
TL User Manual
Product Brochure
TL Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
TL Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on TL module deployment.
#147/J, 1st floor, 10th Cross, 12th Main, 3rd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore 560034
+91 80 4125 5708
Projections: Portico
Portico is an area with a roof by the front door of a home(Any other side also). Validate the length, width, height and distance to the exterior wall.
Glass Facade openings
The glass facade is a large smooth building front that is made entirely of glass, thus serving as a great inlet for natural light. Validate the length, width and height.
Information and Communication Technology landing point (ICT)
Every apartment, commercial, institutional, high-rise building and all buildings with a plot size of 1 acre and more must include an ICT point. Light and ventilation, door height and room dimensions are validated.
Mezzanine At Room
Captured mezzanine area at room level
Amenities on Setback
Enhanced accessory block feature to accommodate units with colour code, and multiple distances with colour code support.
Enhanced chimney feature to accommodate multiple area and height
Enhanced parapet feature to accommodate multiple area and height
Enhance functional Coverage
UX Revamp - Citizen & Employee - eChallan - CItizen payment and receipt search
mCollect as collection extension for other services like PT,TL,etc. (as in SRTT)
Increase adoption
- Product dashboard to measure adoption on field - Deploy updated UX to the existing clients
- Completing the product dashboard documentation & Testing
- A/B testing on features based on the usage and adoption patterns
Product innovation
POC - Revenue enhancement using mCollect (Exploring GIS, automation, etc.)
Ease of deployment & Partner Enablement
- Out of box reports and DSS
Detailed document for Self Help and Training mechanism
Out of box POS integration and app
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Learn how to search, download and print your payment receipts
The citizen pays the fees for miscellaneous services through the CEs or FEs. Once the payment transaction is complete the citizen can access the payment receipts online.
Citizens can
Search receipts
Download receipts
Print receipts
Citizens can search for payment receipts and download or print these online. To search for payment receipts navigate to the Collections option in the sidebar main menu.
Enter the relevant search parameter. The system enables you to search using payment Receipt No. or Service Category, or payee Mobile No. Click on the Search button.
The system will display the relevant search results in the panel below. Click on the relevant record to view the payment receipt.
The system will generate a pdf format of the payment receipt. Click on the download icon on the pdf page to download the receipt.
Click on the Print icon on the pdf page to print the receipt.
Click on the Reset button to renew your search with different parameters.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
The counter employees or field employees collect and process the miscellaneous payments on behalf of the citizens.
The CE or FE role can -
Collect payment
Search payment receipts
Print receipts
Download payment receipts
CE can process and collect payments for miscellaneous services through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app. To process a new payment navigate to the Universal Collections option in the sidebar main menu.
Click on the New Collection button on the screen. This will open a new collection form page.
Enter the Mobile No. and Consumer Name of the payee.
Select the applicable Service Category.
The system will prompt the input of Tax amount, CGST, SGST, Field Fee, or any other details depending on the selected Service Category.
Enter the From Date and To Date to identify the applicable payment period. **Enter any additional information in the Comments** field.
Click on the Next button to move to the payment section. The Payment Collection Details page displays the fee details and capture payment form. The Fee Details panel displays the fee breakup and Total Amount details.
The Capture Payment panel displays the available payment methods. Click on the preferred payment tab. The available payment tabs are Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card.
Enter the Paid By and the Payee Name details.
Enter the Payer Mobile No.
Enter the Cheque No., Cheque Date, IFSC, Bank Name, and Bank Branch details in case of payment by cheque. Enter your credit card or debit card Last 4 digits, Transaction No., and Re-enter Transaction No. details if you have selected the Credit/Debit Card payment option.
Enter the Gen/G8 Receipt No. issued at the payment counter in case payments are made offline. Enter Gen/G8 Receipt Issue Date mentioned on the receipt.
Click on the Generate Receipt button once the payment is collected or processed. The system will display the payment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Download button to download/view the receipt. Click on the Print button to print the receipt.
To search for payment receipts navigate to the Universal Collections page in the sidebar main menu.
Enter the relevant search parameter. The system enables you to search using payment Receipt No. or Service Category, or payee Mobile No. Click on the Search button.
The system will display the relevant search results in the panel below. Click on the relevant record to view the payment receipt. The system will generate a pdf format of the payment receipt.
Click on the download icon on the pdf page to download the receipt. Click on the print icon on the pdf page to print the receipt.
Click on the Reset button to renew your search with different parameters.
For traders to do business in India, ease in redundant procedures and regulatory processes is of paramount importance. DIGIT-Trade License increases procedural efficiency and improves the accessibility and transparency of information thus enabling the business to flourish and function with ease.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
User Story - RAIN-1909: HRMS: Out of the box reportsIN QA
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The type of category which is to be mapped with the relevant service subcategory. Click for Service category reference
Name of “Service Sub-category” in English. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name while doing the collection. Click for Service Subcategory reference
General Ledger Code (GL Code) is a string of alphanumeric characters assigned to each Service. Click for the General Ledger Code Reference
The CODE which is specified and assigned to each ULB. It refers to the
The Master Department Code linked to the“Service Category” at the State Level. The Department Code can be ascertained from the ULB Departments master. Click to learn more about ULB Departments
The type of fund allocated/associated with the respective service subcategory. Click for Fund reference
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reform No.
Reform Area
Weightage (score)
Sector Specific
Implement an online application system with the following features:
i. Online submission of application without the need to submit physical copy of application
ii. Eliminate physical touchpoint for document submission
iii. Allow option of online payment of application fee
iv. Allow applicant to track status of application online
v. Applicant can download the final certificate online
Already available in the system
List of Functionalities
Corresponding Features
Registration, Login, Creation of User Profile
Provision for Language Selection during first-time registration via Mobile/ Web App.
OTP Based Login for Citizen/ Employee via Mobile/ Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchy of employees
Provision of Personalized Profile for Citizen/ Employee on Web App
Applying for a Trade License
Citizen/CSC: Enters Trade Details, Trade Units, Accessories, Owner Details.
Citizen/CSC: Upload Documents
Citizen/CSC: ULB Wise Trade Selection
Citizen/CSC: Calculation Breakup Based on Selected Trade
Citizen/CSC: Multiple Accessories Field Count
Citizen/CSC: Multiple Trade License.
Citizen/CSC: Download/Print Application Summary
Citizen/CSC: Download/PRINT Trade Reference No
Citizen/CSC: View the applied licenses.
Citizen: Pays for the license post verification process.
CSC: Collects Fee post verification.
Trade Licence Issue
Document Verifier : Verify & Forward/ Reject the application
Licensing Inspector: Verify and Forward/ Send back/ Reject the Application.
Licensing Officer: Approve/ Send back the Application
Licensing Officer: Reject/ Cancel the Application
Modification to a Trade License
Edit/ Update the Application based on the Inspection report against the application.
Renewal of a Trade Licence
Renew trade license.
Payment and Fee
Configurable Workflow Rights : Edit & Payment Collection
Payments & Collection : Various Payment Modes
Dashboards and reports
Cancelled Receipt Register Report
TL Collection
TL Application Status- showing the number of licenses approved/rejected.
TL ULB Wise Status
State Dashboard: View Reports for Total Licenses, Licenses Issued, Payment Collected, Payment Distribution
General features
Notifications : SMS Notifications
Charges & Calculation : Calculation Engine
Charges & Calculation : Rebate/ Penalty- Date Based
Charges & Calculation : Ad-Hoc Rebate/ Penalty
Charges & Calculation : Exemptions Trade Type & Owner Type
Configuration masters
Configurable Workflow Rights : Edit & Payment Collection
Configurable Verification & Approval
The structure type is the first level of classification of the premises where the trade has to be established and conducted. This is mostly used as management information in the trade detail.
Sr. No.
Structure Type* (In English)
Structure Type* (In Local Language)
The table above contains sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Unique code to identify the records uniquely
Structure Type* (In English)
Structure type in English
Structure Type* (In Local Language)
Structure type in local language e.g. Hindi, Telugu etc.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document for more details on data type, size, and definitions.
Contact the person who shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the relevant structure types.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per specifications. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
A separate entity-specific checklist is not needed for this entity data template.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-structure-type_v1-1- (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuraion-data-structure-type-and-subtype-1-.xlsx - 9KB
Once the Trade Categories are defined, the next task is to -
Define Trade Types
Map Trade Category to listed Trade Types
The Trade Type can be defined as the next (2nd) level classification of Trade. There can be multiple trade types and the list may vary from one State/ULB to another.
Sr. No.
Trade Type Code*
Trade Type Name* (In English)
Trade Type Name* (In Local Language)
Trade Category Code*
The table above contains sample Trade Type data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Type Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Type. Eg: TRADE_TYPE_MEDICAL is assigned to Hospitals
Trade Type Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Type in English. Eg: Goods, Services etc.
Trade Type Name (In Local Language)
Name of the Trade Type in Local Language (as decided). Eg: Service is described as “सर्विस” in Hindi
Trade Category Code
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Select the relevant Trade Category Code from the available drop-down list of Trade Category. This will map the listed Trade Type to the corresponding Trade Category.
Enter a unique Trade Type Code to identify the type of trade.
Enter a Trade Type Name (In English).
Enter the Trade Type Name (In Local Language).
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The format of the Trade Type Code defined should be alphanumeric and unique
Trade Type Name (in either language) should not contain any special characters
Hospital: [Allowed]
#Hospital! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-trade-master-3-.xlsx - 17KB
Sample Data Templatesample-configuration-data-template-trade-master-filled-3- (1).xlsx - 19KB
Once the Trade Ontology is defined, the next step is to allocate the license fee associated with the Trades.
Dependent on the Trade Classification Level (Types/ Subtypes), the fee allocated might be the same across the Sate or could vary from ULB to ULB. There could be a distinct fee(s) for two different types of applications (new and renewal).
Following are the key tasks to be executed :
Allocate the License Fee according to Trade Classification Level (Types/Subtypes).
Map the License fee with respective Trade Classification Level.
Sr. No
Trade Sub Type Code*
Trade Sub Type Name (In English)
New License Fee*
Renewal License Fee*
UOM From
Small Bakery
Small Bakery
Medium Bakery
The table above contains sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Sub Type Code
Trade Sub Type Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in English. Eg: Small Bakery
New License Fee
The fee charged when the license applied for the respective trade for the first time.
Renewal License Fee
The fee charged when the license applied for the respective trade for the renewal.
The Units of Measurement” associated with the Trade. Eg: Workers is the UOM associated with the trade “Bakery”
UOM From
Initial Range from which the “Units of Measurement” is applicable for a Trade
Final Range to which the “Units of Measurement” is applicable to a Trade
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
Identify the “Trade Sub Types” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Collect the above information and feed it below the “Trade Sub Type Name” column accordingly. The Description of Trade Sub Type Name must be provided as per the language specified in the respective column.
Add the “Trade Sub Type Code” respectively against the identified trade type(s).
Fill in the New License Fee & New Renewal Fee accordingly. The New License Fee & Renewal Fee can be the same as well as distinct, depending on the by-laws/ mandate followed by the State/ULB.
Fill in the fields related to Units of Measurement (UOM Unit, From/To) for the available trades only.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Trade Type Name (In either Language) should not contain any special characters
Small Bakery: [Allowed]
#Small_Bakery! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-trade-master-4-.xlsx - 23KB
Sample Data Templatesample-configuration-data-template-trade-master-filled-4- (1).xlsx - 24KB
Structure sub type is the second level of classification of the premises where the trade has to be established and conducted. This is mostly used as management information in the trade detail.
Sr. No.
Structure Sub Type* (In English)
Structure Sub Type* (In Local Language)
Structure Type Code*
Hand Driven Vehicle
हाथ चालित वाहन
Motor-Driven Vehicle
मोटर चालित वाहन
The table above contains sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Unique code to identify each and every record uniquely
Structure Sub Type* (In English)
Structure sub type in English
Structure Sub Type* (In Local Language)
Structure sub type in local language e.g. in Hindi, Telugu etc.
Structure Type Code*
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document for more details on data type, size, and definitions.
Contact the person who shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the relevant structure sub types with its proper mapping with structure type.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per specifications. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
A separate entity-specific checklist is not needed for this entity data template.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-structure-subtype_v1-1-.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuraion-data-structure-type-and-subtype-2-.xlsx - 9KB
The Trade Category List can be defined as the primary or the 1st level classification “head” for trade(s) defined at a ULB/State Level.
Trade Category Code*
Trade Category Name* (In English)
Trade Category Name* (In Local Language)
The table above contains sample Trade Category data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Category Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Category. Eg: TC1 For Goods, TC2 for Services
Trade Category Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Category in English. Eg: Goods, Services etc.
Trade Category Name (In Local Language)
Name of the Trade Category in Local Language (as decided). Eg: Service is described as “सर्विस” in Hindi
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Enter a unique Trade Category Code for each trade head.
Enter the Trade Category Name. Some trade categories are already defined in the master. Add new categories as required.
Enter the Trade Category Name (Local Language).
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The format of the Trade Category Code defined should be alphanumeric and unique
TC1: Goods
TC2: Services
Trade Category Name (In either Language) should not contain any special characters
Goods: [Allowed]
#Goods! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-trade-master-2-.xlsx - 17KB
Sample Data Templatesample-configuration-data-template-trade-master-filled-2-.xlsx - 19KB
Trade Type can be further sub-classified into Trade Sub Type depending on the trade ontology existing in the ULBs or States. Hence, Hotels can be further classified into Dhabas in North India or Udupis in South India.
Once the Trade Type(s) are defined, the next task is to -
Define Trade Sub Types
Map Trade Types to corresponding Trade Sub Types
Sr. No.
Trade Sub Type Code*
Trade Sub Type Name* (In English)
Trade Sub Type Name* (In Local Language)
Trade Type Code*
The table above contains sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Sub Type Code
The Code assigned to the Trade Sub Type. Eg: TRADE_TYPE_Dhaba is assigned to Hotels
Trade Sub Type Name (In English)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in English. Eg: Clinic
Trade Sub Type Name (In Local Language)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in Local Language (as decided). Eg: Dhaba is described as “ढाबा” in Hindi
Trade Type Code
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Select the relevant Trade Type Code from the Trade Type master data. This will map the listed Trade Sub Type to the selected Trade Type.
Enter a unique value for Trade Sub Type Code.
Enter the English name for Trade Sub Type Name (English).
Enter the local name for the Trade Sub Type Name (Local Language).
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The format of the Trade Sub Type Code defined should be text and unique
Trade Type Name (in either language) should not contain any special characters
Clinic: [Allowed]
#Clinic! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-trade-master-3- (1).xlsx - 17KB
Sample Data Templatesample-configuration-data-template-trade-master-filled-3-.xlsx - 19KB
An illustrative guide to using the TL module
The Trade License (TL) module offers the citizens and governance bodies a convenient and transparent means of processing trade licenses. Trade license is the permission issued by the local governing bodies to carry on specified business or trading activity within the authorized area. It is a mandatory document required to run a business or commercial activity of any type.
The TL module enables citizens to apply for trade licenses or renew existing licenses online. It facilitates the governing bodies to validate and approve the license applications.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Apply for Trade License
Pay for license
Track status of the license application
Download payment receipts
Individuals and business entities
Counter Employee (CE)
Apply for a Trade License
Complete the Payment for Trade License
Keep a track of the status of the Trade License
Download/Print payment receipts, applications, TL certificate
Counter employees who assist citizens and file new trade license applications or renewal applications on their behalf
Document Verifier (DV)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees responsible for verifying the supporting documents submitted by citizens for new trade license or renewal of existing licenses
Field Inspector (FI)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees who go on to the field (i.e. location of trade) and physically verifies the information provided by the applicant is correct, checks safety precaution followed by the trade owner
Send Back
Cancel TL
The employee who has the final authority to approve or reject the application
This section guides you through the details of using the TL module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the TL system.
Along with the rates, the Trade License application process does require certain documents as an attachment of proof. The proof can be defined by a set of documents ranging from
Identification Proof (Drivers License/ Voter Card/ Adhaar/ Pan etc.)
Trade Premises Proof (Lease Agreement, Electricity Bills, etc).
Misc Documents (Affidavit, Self- Declaration, etc).
The Number and the Documents required could vary across the State, ULB(s), and might be dependent on Trade Subtypes, all of which are totally configurable on DIGIT.
Sr. No.
*Trade Subtype Code
*Trade Subtype Name (In English)
*Application Type
*Document 1
*Document 2
Small Bakery
Small Bakery
The table above contains sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Trade Sub Type Code
Trade Sub Type Name (English)
Name of the Trade Sub Type in English Eg: Clinic
Application Type
Type of application for which the documents related to trade are configured. It can either be new or renewal
Document 1
Document 2
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the “Trade Sub Types” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Collect the above information and feed it below the “Trade Sub Type Name” column accordingly. The Description of Trade Sub Type Name must be provided as per the language specified in the respective column.
Add the “Trade Sub Type Code” respectively against the identified trade type(s).
Fill in the *Document 1 & *Document 2 columns respectively.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Trade Sub Type Name (In either Language) should not contain any special characters
Small Bakery: [Allowed]
#Small_Bakery! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-trade-master-4- (1).xlsx - 23KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-template-trade-master-filled-4-.xlsx - 24KB
This service is used to issue a license to the user after verification. The service is designed in such a way that it can be used to serve different type of licenses. Currently used to issue trade licenses, perform stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass. The service is integrated with workflow where we can define the steps for approval of the application. Once the application is approved the license is generated.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has tl-services persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created
Used for license generations in trade licenses, stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass
Define roles to applicants on successful application to access Building Plan Approval services at the time of stakeholder registration
Generate application number and license number
Support workflows
Provide notification on various status changes for an application
Add MDMS configs required for Trade License and BPA stakeholder registration and restart MDMS service
Deploy the latest version of tl-services service
Add tl-service persister yaml path in persister configuration and restart persister service
Add Role-Action mapping for API’s
Create businessService (workflow configuration) according to trade license and stakeholder registration
Add tl-service indexer yaml path in indexer service configuration and restart indexer service
Following application properties in the Trade License service are configurable.
The format of the TL application number
The format of the TL license number
The format of the Stake holder application number
The format of the Stake holder license number
Max number of records to be returned
tenantId, applicationNumber, limit, offset, licenseNumbers
The search parameters on which citizen can search
tenantId, applicationNumber, applicationType, status, mobileNumber, fromDate, toDate, licenseNumbers, oldLicenseNumber, limit, offset
The search parameters on which employee can search
The name of kafka topic on which create request is published
The name of kafka topic on which update request is published
The name of kafka topic on which update request is published
The trade-license service is currently used to issue trade licenses, perform stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass.
Provide backend support for the different license registration process.
Mseva and SMS notifications on application status changes.
The elastic search index for creating visualizations and Dashboards.
Bpa Stakeholder registration provides new roles to the user to access the Building Plan Approval system.
Supports workflow which is configurable
To integrate, host of tl-services service should be overwritten in the helm chart.
{servicename}/_create/ _create should be added as the create endpoint for creating any license in the system
{servicename}/_search/ _search should be added as the search endpoint. This method handles all requests to search existing records depending on different search criteria
{servicename}/_update/ _update should be added as the update endpoint. This method is used to update fields in existing records or to update the status of the application based on workflow.
Local Setup
API Swagger Documentation (Trade License)
In all below endpoints if the service name is BPAREG it is treated as a stakeholder registration application and if it is TL or if it is absent then the application is treated as trade license application.
Stakeholder registration APIs:- https://www.getpostman.com/collections/d18b79ccfb69ee8bb526
Trade-License APIs:- https://www.getpostman.com/collections/99f98723c45f97024831
{servicename}/_create, _create
This API is used to create an application for the license in the system. Whenever an application is created an application number is generated and assigned to the application for future reference.
{servicename}/_search, /_search
This API is used to search the applications in the system based on various search parameters like mobile number, the application number, status etc.
{servicename}/_update, _update
The _update API is used to update the application information or to forward the application from one state to another.
In the case of the stakeholder registration if the application reaches the last stage the role depending on the license type is given to the user.
{servicename}/{jobname}/_batch, /_batch
Searches trade licenses which are expiring and send a reminder SMS to owner's of the licenses
Functional overview for stakeholders
The PGR module is an application that allows citizens to lodge complaints and track them. Employees track and address the grievances registered in the system to ensure speedy resolution. The platform is available for use in both mediums as a web and mobile app.
The list below summarizes the key features supported by the PGR module -
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Lodging a Complaint
Assigning a Complaint
Resolving a Complaint
Manage Complaints
Track Complaints
Dashboards and Reports
General Features
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
OTP Based Login for Citizen via Web/Mobile App
OTP Based Login for Employee via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during first time registration for both Employee and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized Profile for Citizens and employees on Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchies of employees
Role-based access for performing different actions relating to grievance redressal
The Citizen or Citizen Service Representative (CSR) on behalf of citizens can lodge, civic works related complaints in the PGR system. Users can also upload associated or relevant pictures with the complaint. For identifying the location of the complaint, the user can provide city, mohalla, house no. and other details or even select the location using maps. After filing the complaint a complaint number is generated.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Provision for Citizens to Lodge and Track Complaints via Mobile or Web App
Provision for Employees to Assign, Reassign, Resolve complaints via Mobile or Web App
The citizen can Upload Photographs
The citizen can Select grievance from a list
The citizen can Capture Address
The citizen can Capture additional details about the complaint
CSC Employee can File a complaint on behalf of the citizen.
CSC Employee can Capture Complaint location, medium of complaint, complaint type and other details
The system provides 2 levels of comprehensive grievance list
Grievances mapped with departments
The system generates a unique ticket number for each complaint based on complaint type and the same is communicated to the citizen by SMS, Whatsapp, and/or email.
The assigning officer has a dashboard with unassigned complaints. Any complaint can be selected to view details and expected closure timelines. The assigning officer can select and assign complaints to appropriate Employee from a department-wise list. A complaint can also be re-assigned if it is assigned incorrectly or for any other reason.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Assigning Officer can Assign grievance to employees
Assigning Officer can Reject Complaints by providing the Reason for Rejection
Assigning Officer: Re-assign complaints
The Employee can view the complaints assigned to him on the dashboard with functionality to mark them for closure. An employee can view details and closure timelines of the complaints from a list. After resolving the complaint the Employee can upload pictures as evidence and also enter comments. With the help of the Share feature, complaints details can be shared via Whatsapp, SMS, email etc to contractors. If the citizen finds the resolution to be unsatisfactory, the complaint can be reopened. Citizens can also provide feedback and rate the resolution.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Last Mile Employee can Add photograph and comments after the resolution
Last Mile Employee can Request for re-assign of complaints
Last Mile Employee can interact with assigning Officer over a Call
The employee has access to the dashboard of open complaints from which he can select a complaint to view details and closure timelines. An employee can also request to reassign the complaint by selecting a reason from the list. In that case, the request goes to assigning officer and the complaint can be reassigned to a different Employee. The system has different interfaces for Assigning officer, Employee and CSR. The assigning officer can view tabs that contain unassigned and assigned complaints which are received from the citizens. The assigning officer can also view open/ closed complaints and access PGR reports for all grievances. Employee’s interface contains open and closed complaints which are assigned to him. CSR can view/ search the list of all the complaints filed on citizen’s behalf. The system has the provision to search, sort and refresh the list of grievances.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Assigning Officer can view Complaint Worklist (Inbox)
Assigning Officer can View a list of all complaints
Assigning Officer can view Auto prioritization of list based on SLA
Assigning Officer can Review submitted complaints
Last Mile Employee can View a list of all complaints
Last Mile Employee can view Auto prioritization of list based on SLA
Last Mile Employee can Review submitted complaints
CSC can Search and view complaints based on complaint number, phone number, name of the complainant
The citizen can reopen a complaint that has been resolved if he is not satisfied with the resolution
The citizen can rate a complaint after its resolution
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
The citizen can View all complaints filed - pending and completed
The citizen receives Notifications via App, SMS, email for complaint updates
Citizens can View the complaint timeline in the app
Citizens can Interact with the municipality (Call & Comments)
Assigning Officer can Track Assigned Complaints with a timeline view
Assigning Officer can Receive updates on complaints
Assigning Officer can Interact with Last Mile Employee (Call)
PGR Reports provide an operational bird’s eye view of the PGR system in the city. It enables city managers - commissioners, department heads, administrators at various levels to keep a track of the volume of complaints being received and the performance of the ULB and its employees in addressing them. Reports can be filtered based on date and also can be downloaded in pdf and xls formats.
Grievance key statistics: View dashboards & reports to find Grievance filed, pending, completed and overdue- ULB wise, location wise details
SLA performance: View dashboards & reports to get SLA performance and time taken for resolution details
State Dashboard: Drilldown by Various Levels
Reports: View Reports by State, ULB, Complaint Types, Department
Auto routing - The system has the capability for Auto routing to assigning officer (city/department level) followed by assigning to the last mile employee.
Auto escalation - The system has the capability for escalation of non-resolved cases with a defined timeline to the ULB/Concerned head.
Notifications - The system has the capability to send notifications to citizens. These notifications can be sent for various steps like - complaint filing, change of status, complaint resolution. These notifications can be sent in the language chosen by the ULB through all channels - SMS, Whatsapp, Email.
Configurable Masters - The system provides the following masters that can be configured as per the State’s requirements:
Assigning Officer: View, edit and update profile
Assigning Officer: Department wise employee list
Last Mile Employee: Employee Directory
Configure assigning officer: Assigning officer can be at ULB / department level
Learn more about PGR workflows and its configuration
Workflows are a series of steps that moves a process from one state to another state by actions performed by different kinds of Actors - Humans, Machines, Time based events etc. to achieve a goal like onboarding an employee, or approve an application or grant a resource etc.
The workflow services contribute to adding a flexible and dynamic approach to using the modules in the long run. PGR workflows cater to the evolving requirements as we introduce new features in PGR like escalation and routing. These features are also useful in other modules like Trade License and Fire NoC.
This document is meant for the Tech team to understand the requirement of workflows in PGR. And to come at a conclusion whether it is possible to fulfil the requirement of workflow through workflow service available at eGov.
Role-Action Mapping:
Citizen- Submit a complaint, Re-open complaint, Rate (not a workflow feature)
CSR- Submit a complaint, Re-open complaint
GRO- Reject Complaint, Assign complaint
LME- Request for Re-assign, Resolve complain
Actions and their Meaning
*Green color shows the ideal process for workflow
Employee Inbox UI: Web and Mobile
SLA: configuration at ULB level
All other features and functionalities should remain unaffected like complaint types, uploading a photo, capturing address, UI for the citizen, search complaint, complaint history, comments etc.
PGR module simplifies the public grievance management process
DIGIT-Public Grievance & Redressal (PGR) is a web and mobile-enabled system designed to register and resolve public grievances. The seamless interface enables citizens to submit their grievances anytime and from anywhere. The complaints are routed to the concerned municipal departments and employees who work towards resolving the issues within a specified time limit. This digitized and easily configurable platform facilitates speedy and efficient resolution of civic complaints while providing the local urban bodies with an intuitive system that categorizes issues and helps them to initiate corrective actions, without any delay.
Efficient public grievance redressal mechanism
Simple user registration and login system
Simplified complaint and sub complaint selection options
GIS location mapping
Easy complaint status tracking options
Interactive dashboards
Auto-escalations and SLAs
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the PGR module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the PGR module.
Functional Specifications
PGR Roadmap
PGR User Manual
Product Brochure
PGR Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
PGR Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on PGR module deployment.
The computerized and automatic Trade License system offered by eGov, facilitates citizens who seek to apply for a Trade License within any Urban Local Body with a transparent, speedy, hassle-free and user-friendly procedure. Trade License (TL) is one of the components of a smart city that ensures a check on all the trade practices and increases the ease of conducting business within the state. Keeping in mind the benefits associated with the product offered, the proposed system is about to be implemented in 500+ ULBs across the country in 15 states. (For details on product features refer to Section-2)
For the offered product, the implementation process can be divided into seven major distinctive stages. Each stage has a predefined entry and exit criteria, roles & responsibilities to assure objective monitoring and decision making for the overall success of the engagement. The whole implementation lifecycle is typical of 38-42 weeks for the State, keeping in mind the entry and exit criteria defined at the beginning and end of each stage are met on time recommended.
Exhibit 1: Phases of Implementation.
Stage Zero is that of program setup and onboarding which is a pre-requisite for the initiative to kick-off and requires setup of the governance model, implementation Team and decision regarding other significant elements of the initiative like funding and procurement process. Stage One requires scoping of the initiative and decisions on the priorities for implementation by the State Implementation Team. In stage two, the State Team will work upon identifying and finding solutions to the significant gaps in the product offered with respect to the need of the State. Configuration and customization of the product offered is the primary objective of stage four. This involves working on various aspects of State-specific needs and incorporating them into the product offered. In stage five, post doing UAT and including all the necessary feedback on the product, the roll-out of the product is done at the State level (Go Live) from a couple of ULBs to pan State coverage in batches. Finally, in stage 6 sustenance and ongoing improvements are worked upon while the product is already functioning in the State. (For details on implementation plan refer to Section-3)
Implementation of Trade License (TL) requires meticulous planning and close coordination between various stakeholders at the center and State level. The success of the initiative is dependent upon many factors like strong Program governance, availability of the trained resource, financial planning, targeted Implementation Team onboarding, focus on last-mile capacity building and ensuring necessary support to Urban center. Achievement of all these factors will provide the most effective and efficient roll-out and adoption of the Trade License System in the State.
The purpose of this document is to give an overview of the Trade License System (TLS). The Trade License product provides a digital interface, allowing citizens to apply for the Trade License and subsequently make the payment online.
The Trade License product enables:
Ease of doing business — Traders can apply for new licenses, renewals, amendments, and supplemental licenses
Regulatory Tracking — Administrators can track and manage regulatory processes
Shorter Timelines — It streamlines and automates business licensing processes and helps a business to be set up quickly
Data-driven decision making — The application collates valuable information on the economic activity and employment opportunities in a ULB
The TL product features can be broadly classified as the following modules:
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Applying for a Trade License
Trade License Issue
Modifications to a Trade License
Renewal of Trade License
Payments and Fee
Dashboards and Reports
General Features
Click here to view module capabilities and product functional specifications.
This section provides an overview of the methodology for State-wide implementation of TL. The Implementation of TL is distributed across seven distinct stages. Each stage has a predefined entry & exit criteria and roles & responsibilities. This is to ensure objective monitoring and decision making for the overall success of the program. Details of each stage are defined in this section.
Note: This document is specific for States that have more than 30 ULBs
TL implementation program is expected to be completed approximately between 38- 42 weeks with the resource deployment by the State and System Integrator (SI) Team (as defined below). However, it is critical that activities and exit criteria set for each stage are achieved to adhere to this timeline.
This is a set of initial critical activities undertaken on receiving a letter of Enrolment or MOU from the State. Successful completion of these activities assures that the program is started with crucial personnel, System Integrator (SI) Teams, and funds.
Stage 0 - Program Setup/ On-Boarding
4-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Acceptance Letter/MoU by State
Exit Criteria
Finalise Trade License Program Vision
Finalise funding for the program
Define State-specific procurement process
Trade License Cell appointment (*). Consisting of:
Domain expert
Nodal officer (EO/ Commissioner/ Senior Official)
Program Head
System Integrator (SI) Team sign-up/onboarding
*Details of TL cell is mentioned in section 4 of the handbook
System Integrator and state will agree on program scope, program timelines, and budgeting & resourcing.
This stage envisages the in-person interaction of crucial State officials and implementation System Integrator (SI) Teams to kick-start the program. This stage may require multiple interactions/meetings with different interest groups. The principal objective of these interactions is to identify scope and planning strategies for phasing/ rollout, create an active collaboration & Governance approach and agree on a high-level timeline for the engagement.
Stage 1 - Program kick-off
4-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Program setup (Stage 0) is complete
SI Team signed-up
Key Activities
Project kick-off meeting and consultation from stakeholders
Identify & agree on high-level scope and exclusions
Identify pilot ULBs (using criteria such as business penetration, revenue generated from previous TL systems etc.)
Product Walkthroughs
Define Project Steering Committee structure and Project Governance process
Define phases of Rollout/ Deployment
Agreement on Deployment Priorities and high-level delivery timelines
Identify and study all TL process
Definition of TL as per the municipal governance of the State
State wise conceptualization of trade categories
Citizen services/channels around it
Integration with other Departmental processes (*)
Finalise Program Success Metrics for Rollout, Adoption and Governance adhering to the vision of the program
Internal Capacity Building, program logistics at State and ULBs, as per the current scenario
Collection of baseline data to measure end line target for the product (revenue generated, total properties in ULBs etc.)
Circulation of baseline data collection templates to the state/SI Team
Exit Criteria
Publish the program charter
Implementation plan agreement with priority features and broad timelines
Program Governance Model
Program Success Metrics
Capacity Building
TL Cell formation and appointment (#)
Data preparation/collection kick-off from Pilot ULBs
Cloud Infrastructure procured
Project Office Space allocated
Program Branding (name, logo, tagline etc.)
*Exploration is required to understand the Inter and Intra Departmental Jurisdictions of Local Governments with respect to Trade License.
#Details of TL cell is mentioned in section 4 of the handbook
State Baseline Data: A Baseline Template is provided to collect certain vital information like no. of transactions, revenue collected in the last FYs, collection mode, budget data, etc. This data must be collected pre-rollout
During the Solution design stage, key State officials and members, who are subject matter experts, are expected to share State acts and policies and help interpret the same for the System Integrator (SI) Team. This stage baselines the State-specific product features in the Product Configuration report.
Stage 2 - Solution Design
4-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Program Charter
TL cell appointment
Key Activities
Standardisation of all TL processes
Initiate policy change if needed, based on the Processes defined
Define criteria for success
Conduct Product familiarisation workshop
Initiate collection of master data from pilot ULBs
Finalise data migration/collection/sync-up approach as per requirement
Finalise data validation approach
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Dashboard design finalisation for Program Tracking
Exit Criteria
State Sign Off and Publishing of the TL processes, data template/workflows
Finalisation of Roll-out plan (in different phases)
Product Configuration Report Sign Off
Solution agreement for required State- specific product customisations
Program tracking mechanism finalization and sign off by the state
Initial reporting structure
Dashboard KPIs
Sign-off on data approach (Data collection/migration/correction/ sync-up/validation)
Detailed project plan
Pilot ULBs Specific Product Data Configuration: Master data is required from the Product Perspective for go live. For e.g.: Boundary Data, List of Employees etc. A Master Data Template will be provided for the collection of this particular data type.
This stage consists of a series of developments in accordance with the detailed project plan to ensure smooth functioning of the customised product. Master Data Collection & Environment Setup will be achieved in this phase. Further monitoring and maintenance strategies are put in place.
Stage 3 – Configuration & Customization
6-8 weeks
Entry Criteria
Product Configuration Report has been Signed Off by the state
Sign-off on data approach (Data collection/migration/correction/ sync-up/validation)
State Sign Off and Publishing of the TL processes, data template/workflows
Detailed Project Plan
Key Activities
Setting up development environments
Development/customisation of reports and dashboards
Development/Integration of portal
Third-Party Integrations (Payment gateway, Handheld/pos device)
Updation of user manuals and other key documents
Preparation & execution of Test Cases
Setup monitoring, support & maintenance processes, tools and dashboards
TL Legacy data collection from Pilot ULBs as per the data agreement signoff by the state
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Identify ULB level nodal officers for day to day support
Migration and verification of Pilot ULB data as per the data agreement signoff by the state
Exit Criteria
Configured/Customized product that is ready for UAT
Set up of Monitoring, support & maintenance of Dashboards
finalization of Initial Reporting and Dashboard KPIs
Identification of participants for UAT session
During this stage, demonstration of the product followed by a hands-on session is conducted for the ULB officials. Necessary training of ULB officials and resources required for UAT is conducted and identified respectively. The establishment of the State support Team and required processes are initiated in this stage.
Stage 4 – UAT & Go Live
2-3 weeks
Entry Criteria
Configured/Customized product ready for UAT
Pilot ULB Officials associated with TL are available for UAT & Training
Key Activities
UAT Environment Setup
Issues/bug identification and resolution
Regression UAT and Sign off from Pilot ULBs/ State
Setting up the Production environment
Setting up Support Centre & processes (Help Desk)
Training (Users, trainer)
master trainers identified from ground for simultaneous training
Training the Support Resources
Marketing & promotion activities
Go Live & launch event
Setup of review and monitoring cadence/team
Usage/review/Dashboard/Field Visits
Exit Criteria
UAT Sign-off & Go Live for Pilot ULBs
Setup of review and monitoring cadence
Note: The Nodal Officer is responsible to identify the ULB officials who are associated with the TL process on ground and will be working with the technological Product in the respective ULBs
On successful Go-Live in the Pilot ULBs, and further fine tuning to stabilize the product, the solution will be rolled out to the rest of the ULBs in phases. Guidance and support from the State Team will be required to create the rollout plans and assure the necessary infrastructure for training and deployment is available at each ULB.
Note: The rollout phase needs to be detailed out for iterative activities of onboarding ULBs in batches.
Stage 5 – Rollout
5-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Pilot has been successful in the State
there are less than 3 open critical incidents (issues) with respect to product, implementation and data
Key Activities
ULB configurations phase wise as per the Project Plan
Verification and migration of ULB data phase wise as per the Data Agreement Sign Off provided by the State
Establishment of bug ticketing tool for resolving ground level issues by the state team
Training the Users at the district level
Pan State Roll Out - Phase wise
Stabilise product
Exit Criteria
State-wide Rollout in batches:
Adoption tracking & Review Cadence operational
Help Desk Effectiveness assured
Critical Bugs fixed
Program Success Metrics Tracking Kick-started
Note: Only once all the stages are complete in one batch of rollout of around 30 ULBs, the next batch begins. There are multiple phases of rollout. The second batch begins after the first batch has successfully fulfilled all the criteria of the Rollout Phase. Typical timeline for closure of rollout in each batch is 5-6 weeks (in a batch of 30 ULBs)
The final stage consists of strategies to ensure the sustenance of the product in the State. Systems are put in place to ensure the continuous tracking of data and provisions are made to improve the product if new data suggests.
Stage 6- Sustenance and Ongoing Improvement
Ongoing process
Entry Criteria
Rollout Phase 1(First set of ULBs where rollout will happen after Pilot)
Key Ongoing Activities
Adoption Review Meetings as per the vision defined for the program.
Meetings are chaired by the Program Head
Need to be conducted weekly
TL Cell Focuses on Using data for:
tracking field issues and performance data to identify improvements
identify additional Integrations around TL to make processes more robust towards enhancing TL revenues (e.g. Upstream and downstream Processes)
Plans of ongoing Sustenance in Place with respect to:
IT support
Process Effectiveness and Improvements
This section outlines the activities involved in each stage of the implementation along with responsibility and accountability of critical stakeholders - State, eGov Team and System Integrator Team onboard.
TL Cell: TL Cell is the government-appointed body chaired by the Principal Secretary/Secretary, Urban Development Department with members from Urban Development Department etc.
Resource requirements for the TL cell required to be formed by the State
Resource Name
No. Of Resources
Project Head
Domain Expert
District Nodal Officer
1 per district
MIS Expert
Designation mentioned above are as per designations already driving TLs implementation at the State level.
The description of each designation is explained below.
These are the preferred figures. In the case of Domain Expert, 2 people is subject to availability
Description of resource persons:
Project Head: Is the Head of the TL Cell who will drive the project from the State’s Side
Domain Expert: Person who is well aware of the on-ground scenario, well versed with the act, GOs passed, Prevalent Business processes, Deviations from the acts, TL Rates/ slabs applicable
Nodal officer (EO/Commissioner/ Senior Official): the project coordinator in each district to drive the project centrally. Monitor usage post Go Live- point of escalation for Implementation Team, Seasoned and worked in Multiple ULBs on various modules and has a good understanding of TL, Facilitate and Track data collection Post Go Live, Monitors and facilitates adoption of application. point of contact for eGov, SI and at the HQ level.
MIS Expert: Day to day tracking of the data specific to ULBs, data entry, reporting and review to senior officials
eGOv Team: eGov Team is the technical partner of the project which will provide all necessary support to the State concerning the implementation, Program Designing etc.
System Integrator (SI)Team: SI Team will be responsible for consulting, program management and the implementation of products in the ULBs in close collaboration with the TL cell, technical partner (eGov) and various other stakeholders.
Guidelines to read the tables below:
Execute - One who owns the accountability to complete the activity
Consult - One who may initiate, guide and in the process, handhold the execution of the activity
Stage 0 - Program Setup/ On-Boarding
State Leadership
Appoint of TL Cell
Finalise funding for the program
Define state -specific procurement process
System Integrator(SI) Team sign-up/onboarding
Finalise Trade License Program Vision
Note: Stage 0 is where the TL cell and SI team is formed, hence there are only two entities playing a role which is that of eGov and the state leadership. Once the TL cell and SI team is finalised, their role begins in the following stages.
Stage 1 - Program kick-off
TL Cell
SI Team
Identify & agree on scope and exclusions
Identify pilot ULBs
Project Kickoff - Implementation Methodology Presentation
Product Walkthroughs
Define Project Steering Committee structure and Project Governance process
Define phases of deployment/ rollout
Agreement on Deployment Priorities and high-level delivery timelines
Identify and study all TL process
Finalize Program Success Metrics for Adoption and Governance adhering to the vision of the program
Stage 1 - Program kick-off
TL Cell
SI Team
Internal Capacity Building, program logistics at State and ULBs, as per the current scenario
Collection of baseline data to measure end line target for the product (Revenue generated, total properties in ULBs etc.)
Circulation of baseline data collection templates to the state/SI Team
Stage 2 - Solution Design
TL Cell
SI Team
Standardisation of all TL processes
Define criteria for success
Initiate policy change, if needed based on Processes defined
Conduct Product familiarisation workshop
Initiate collection of master data from pilot ULBs
Finalise data migration/collection/sync-up approach
Finalise data validation approach
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Dashboard design finalisation for Program Tracking
Stage 3 – Configuration & Customization
TL Cell
SI Team
Setting up development environments
Development/customisation of reports and dashboards
Development/Integration of portal
Third-Party Integrations (Payment gateway, Handheld/pos device)
Updation of user manuals and other key documents
Preparation & execution of Test Cases
Setup monitoring, support & maintenance processes, tools and dashboards
TL legacy data collection from Pilot ULBs (at least)
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Verification and Migration of Pilot ULB data
Identification of participants for UAT session
Stage 4 – UAT & Go Live
TL Cell
SI Team
UAT Environment Setup
Issues/bug identification and resolution
Regression UAT and sign off from Pilot ULBs/ State
Setting up the Production environment
Setting up Support Centre & processes (Help Desk)
Training user
Training Trainer
Stage 4 – UAT & Go Live
TL Cell
SI Team
Training the Support Resources
Marketing & promotion activities
Go Live & launch event
Setup of review and monitoring cadence/team
Stage 5: Rollout
TL Cell
SI Team
ULB configurations phase wise as per the Project Plan
Verification and Migration of ULB data phase wise as per the Data Agreement Sign Off provided by the State
Establishment of bug ticketing tool for resolving ground level issues by the state team
Training the Users at the district level
Pan State Roll Out – Phase wise
Stabilise product
Stage 6- Sustenance and Ongoing Improvement
TL Cell
SI Team
Adoption Review Meetings as per the vision defined for the program
TL Cell Focuses on Using data for:
tracking field issues and performance data to identify improvements
identify additional Integrations around TL to make processes more robust towards enhancing TL revenues (e.g Upstream and downstream Processes)
Plans of ongoing Sustenance in Place with respect to:
IT support (infra, helpdesk, ongoing enhancements)
Process Effectiveness and Improvements
The actual Infra will be provided based on the questionnaire inputs received from the state
The state will take care of providing necessary project infrastructure and office facilities during the program for all on-site project Team members, which will be confirmed during the initiation phase. This includes workspace, office equipment (e.g., telephone with STD, fax machine, photocopy machine, etc.), stationery, PC/workstation, project LAN and internet access, etc.
The state will provide the necessary administrative support staff to carry out day-to-day project administration tasks, e.g., meeting rooms, Videoconferencing, etc.
The state should provide a Project Office and at least one conference room with speakerphone throughout the Project Duration.
Project Scope
Any new requirements received from State during the implementation phase will be handled through a change management process
State Team
The state will nominate a reasonably sized multifunctional Team from various departments of the State to be responsible for the implementation. The state Team would be required for information, validation, and execution through the implementation cycle and the Team members should be reasonably empowered to take decisions. Any delay in the decision-making process and the non-availability of the State Team may have an impact on the schedule.
The participants from State are expected to have a thorough understanding of the State’s internal processes.
The state will engage internal and external stakeholders required for this engagement and ensure their availability whenever needed.
The Tech Implementation Partner will ensure provision of the following:
User education and training documentation delivery as per the default product documentation of the identified product versions.
Product manuals are expected to be shared with the State as part of the user manual.
All documentation in English and the language requirement of the state.
Training to the end-users will be driven by the state Team.
The state will be responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure required for the Training, which includes the following readiness.
Training Rooms (Parallel Training Sessions) with Projector, White Board, Markers, Internet Connection, sufficient seating capacity, Desktop/Laptop for each participant and availability of Network for Trainees to connect to the server.
The scope of the implementation will be limited to the services mentioned in Section 2.
eGoc Team will have an identified SPOC for handling the first level of communication with the client unless discussed and agreed.
eGov Team will not be involved in defining the test cases or executing the test cases.
Necessary signoff would be provided by the state upon completion of the defined milestones.
Defining the time frame to go live, the time frame to scale it pan state, the value proposition of the programme for the state and year-on-year financial targets and adoption targets
Project Plan:
A detailed plan of Program schedule/timelines, implementation phases, team structure and ongoing support and maintenance required.
System Integrator:
The Entity/Company which collates all the subsystem required for the project and integrates them to achieve the program objective
Program Charter:
Outline of implementation plan agreement with priority applications and broad timelines, program governance model, program success metrics and capacity building.
Acceptance Letter/MOU:
Formal Acceptance/Sign Off of the Client State with a clear mandate of the Program
Program Success Metrics:
Defining the parameters (which are measurable) prior to the program, on which the success of the program is to be measured on the completion of the program
Project steering committee:
The key body within the governance structure which is responsible for the business issues associated with the project that are essential in ensuring the delivery of the project outputs and the attainment of project outcomes.
Project governance:
Set of policies, regulations, functions, processes, procedures and responsibilities that define the establishment, management and control of projects, programmes and portfolios.
List of activities measured against time taken to complete them in accordance with the project goals
Baseline data:
Set of information that serves as a foundation to compare other data acquired afterwards
Project Kick off meeting:
Meeting with the project team and the client of the project. This meeting would follow definition of the base elements for the project and other project planning activities
Fitment Study:
GAP Study of the Existing/Required Field Process Vs Product
Data migration:
Existing Records of the functional activities need to be moved into the Database of the newly released Application
Data collection:
Required data for the roll-out of the applications, which needs to be collected from the existing functional process
Data validation approach:
This approach enables the sanctity of the Data with built-in validation by Design
Data synchronization:
The process of establishing consistency among data from a source to a target data storage and vice versa and the continuous harmonization of the data over time.
Pilot Implementation:
Any new process is tested out as pilot in one or two instances before pan implementation
Pilot ULB:
The ULB's Selected for the pilot implementation are called pilot ULB’s.
Roll out:
On successful clearance of the Pilot, the Process/Application/Services are implemented across all Offices/ULB's
Deployment defines the complete package of Software components set up in a particular environment
Details of changes to be made in the Product to comply with the needed field process
Defining existing content such as Options and Variables based on the requirements on the ground
Product walkthrough:
Explaining the users step-by-step through a set of actions that they need to take to achieve a specific outcome
A comprehensive guide to an effective module demo
Welcome to the Trade License or TL product demo script. This document is meant to guide DIGIT implementation partners and demo planners through the module demo. The key objective of the demo is to walk users through the TL module and the key features supported by the module.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Learn how to apply for new trade license, renew and pay trade license fee
Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The TL module allows business owners to apply for a trade license online or even apply for renewal of an existing license.
The citizen can also approach the Counter Employee (CE) to submit new TL applications or raise renewal requests for existing licenses.
The Citizen or CE role can -
Download payment receipts, license certificates, or applications
Citizens or CE can apply for a new trade license through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app. To apply for a new TL click on the Trade License card available in the Citizen Services section of the DIGIT home page.
Click on the New Application button on the screen. This will open the TL application form page.
The system displays the Required Documents - Trade License list. Click on the Print button to get a hard copy of the documents list for reference.
Click on the Apply button to proceed with the trade license application. The form sections are available on the top of the page.
The New Application form page contains various sub-sections -
Trade Details
Owner Details
The system displays the Trade Details page. The page contains 4 panels - Trade Details, Trade Unit, Accessories, and Trade Location Details.
In the Trade Details panel, enter the following details.
Select the applicable Financial Year. Select the relevant License Type from the drop-down list. Enter the Name of Trade. Select the appropriate Structure Type and Structure Sub Type. Enter the Trade Commencement Date. Enter the Trade GST No. if applicable. Enter the Operational Area (Sq Ft). and the Number of Employees for the listed trade.
In the Trade Unit panel, provide the following details -
In the Accessories panel, enter the following details -
Enter the following details in the Trade Location Details panel -
Select the City. The system displays the registered city by default. Enter the Property ID/UID, Door/House No., Building/Colony Name, Street Name, Mohalla, and Pincode for the listed premises. Click on the map icon to provide the GIS coordinates for the location. Enter the Electricity Connection No. for the listed premise.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Owner Details section.
Select the Type of Ownership and the Type of Sub-Ownership. Provide the following information in the Owner Information section.
Enter the owner Mobile No., Name, Father/Husband’s Name. Check Father or Husband to indicate the Relationship of the given name with the owner. Check the applicable Gender of the owner. Enter the Date of Birth of the owner. Enter the owner’s Email ID, PAN No., Correspondence Address. Select the applicable Special Owner Category from the drop-down list.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Documents section.
Click on the Upload File button to browse and upload the required documents for processing the TL. Click on the Next Step button once all the documents are uploaded.
The Application Summary page provides all the information filled in by the applicant. The Application Summary panel on top of the page provides the Trade License Tax and Total Amount details. This amount has to be paid by the applicant.
Click on the View Breakup button to fetch the fee details.
The Trade License Application No. is displayed along with this message. Click on the Download button to download a copy of the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
Citizens can renew their existing trade applications on the DIGIT portal. CE can also apply for TL renewal on behalf of the citizens. To renew TL navigate to the home page and then click on the Trade License option. Click on My Applications. Click on the Renew Now button on the specific license.
The system will display the license details. Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Edit button to make any changes to the existing license details. Click on the Submit for Renewal button to apply for renewal.
The Trade License is submitted for renewal.
To search for a submitted application or track the status of submitted applications navigate to the Trade License home page.
Enter at least one of the listed search parameters in the Search panel. The listed search parameters include
Application No.
Trade License No.
Owner Mobile No.
Application Type
From Date
To Date
Application Status
Click on the Search button. The system displays the records matching the listed parameter.
Click on the Application No. link. The screen displays the application details. Scroll down the page to view the details.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Edit option to edit the form details. The Task Status panel on the top of the Application displays the current status of the application.
Click on the View History button on the top right corner of the Task Status panel to view the actions taken on the application to date.
Applicants have to pay the license fee once the TL application is approved. The application status changes to Pending for Payment. To make payment for the trade license fee click on your Application No. to open the application. Click on the Take Action button.
Click on Pay. Enter the payment details. The system allows you to pay by cash, cheque, or credit/debit card. Click on the Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card tab depending on the preferred payment method.
Enter payment details as requested on the screen. Click on the Generate Receipt button to confirm the payment. The screen displays the success acknowledgement message along with the Payment Receipt No.
Once the payment is complete the Trade License Certificate is issued. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the Payment Receipt and Trade License Certificate.
Download the brochure to view product features, capabilities, scope and application details
DIGIT-Public Grievance Redressal (PGR) is a self-serve web and mobile-based, easy-to-use and configurable product for submission of grievances by the citizens from anywhere, anytime. For the speedy and efficient resolution of civic related complaints, DIGIT-PGR enables the citizens to report the issues in real-time and enables municipal employees with easy identification of the issues and helps them to initiate corrective actions, without any delay.
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This page provides configuration details for PGR master data templates
DIGIT Public Grievance Redressal system abbreviated as PGR is a mechanism commonly used to receive and act on complaints or grievances reported by residents of a city/ ULB enabling prompt actions on any issue raised by them and to avail services more effectively.
DIGIT PGR offers a variety of features to make complaint lodging and redressal easy for residents and employees of a ULB. A list of standard features is given below.
Web and mobile interface to lodge, track, reopen, and update feedback on the complaint made by the citizen.
Web and mobile interface to comment, forward, and close the complaint by the ULB employees.
Browse details on configuring master data template
A grievance is a formal complaint submitted to a ULB. Something wrong or something believed to cause distress in services provided by the ULB is considered as grounds for complaint. Grievances that are closely associated with ULB’s functions classified into different buckets, that different sections of ULB deal with are known as grievance types.
The data given in the table is sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different types of grievances on the basis of ULB’s functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Code assigned to the . Eg: TC1 For Goods, TC2 for Services
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Code assigned to the . Eg: TRADE_SMALL_BAKERY is assigned to Bakery
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Unique code of structure type to establish the mapping with
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Code assigned to the Eg: TRADE_TYPE_MEDICAL is assigned to Hospitals
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Code assigned to the. Eg: TRADE_SMALL_BAKERY is assigned to Bakery
The primary document required as a verification parameter. Refer to the
The Secondary Document required as a verification parameter. Refer to the
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Select the applicable Trade Category, Trade Type, Trade Sub Type, UOM (Unit of Measurement), and UOM value. Click on the icon to add more trade units.
Select the applicable Accessories for the listed trade. Select the corresponding UOM for the selected accessories. Enter the UOM value. Enter the Accessory Count. Click on the icon to add more accessories.
Scroll down the page to view the filled-in details. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application. Click on the Submit Application button. The system displays the Application Submitted Successfully acknowledgement message.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
To see a common checklist refer to the page consisting of all the activities which are to be followed to ensure completeness and quality of data.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
S. N.
This action will raise the complaint
Re-open complaint
Once a complaint is resolved or rejected, this action will re-submit the complaint and it will go through the workflow
Reject Complaint
This action will reject the complaint and then gives the option to citizen/CSR to RE-OPEN within 5 days
Assign complaint
This action will help GRO/DGRO to assign the complaint to last mile employee (LME) by giving them LME list to choose from
Request for Re-assign
This action will send back complaint to GRO/DGRO for reassignment
Resolve complaint
This action resolves the complaint then gives the option to citizen/CSR to RE-OPEN within 5 days
Re-assign complaint
This action will help GRO to re-assign complaint if assignment made by him is not accurate or any other reason
Sr. No
Current State
Next State
Submit Complaint
Pending at GRO
Pending at GRO
Pending at GRO
Pending at GRO
Assign complaint
Pending at LME
Pending at GRO
Pending at LME
Pending at LME
Pending at LME
Request Re-assign
Pending at GRO
Pending at LME
Resolve complaint
Pending at LME
Sr. No.
Grievance Type Code*
Grievance Type* (In English)
Grievance Type* (In Local Language)
Street Lights
स्ट्रीट लाइट
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Grievance Type Code*
Unique code is given to the grievance type. This code is used to uniquely identify the complaint type and as a reference in the child record. E.g. SLS given above in data table to identify Street Lights complaint type
Grievance Type* (In English)
This is the text or string stating grievance type in English
Grievance Type* (In Local Language)
This the text or string stating the grievance type in local language like Hindi, Telugu etc. whatever is applicable
Sr. No.
Grievance type code should not have any special characters other than ‘-', and '_’
SLS - [Allowed]
SLS1 - [Allowed]
SL#1 - [Not Allowed]
Grievance type should be text and should not contain special characters other than ‘-', '_', SPACE
Street Light - [Allowed]
Street_Light# -[Not allowed]
Details coming soon..
Learn more about module migration details
Config/Service Name
Persister yml for bulk migration
The above build has to be deployed to perform the migration. The batch persister config has to be added in config Repo. After adding the file in the repo, update the persister path in environment yml file. Make sure the persister.bulk.enabled is set to true. Once done restart the persister pod.
To start the migration call the following API with tenantId as param it will migrate data belonging to that tenantId. The API does not have role action mapping and should be used by port forwarding rainmaker-pgr pod.
*(Last query related to document might need little modification as values in NOT IN clause can be more than the 2 specified)
null value is stored in action for adding comments in the old system it’s mapped to COMMENT in new system.
The Locality attribute in new eg_pgr_address_v2 table does not allow NULL values whereas the locality attribute in the old eg_pgr_address in Punjab prod data has NULL values. Those values are filled in migration with dummy value NOT_AVAILABLE.
For 128 records accountId is NULL and so they won’t be associated with any citizen login.
For some records in the media column corrupt data is present. For example, in one case instead of fileStore uuid some normal text describing the complaint is present. While some other records have values like no. For data with such text having a length greater than 64 are set to null, else DB validations are violated.
In the old system-id is stored for referencing user data. In new systems we use uuid to refer user, therefore all id is mapped to respective uuid which are then migrated to the new system. If some user has uuid as NULL default value NOT_SPECIFIED will be used.
Some 1104 complaints has value in the column named feedback which seems to be from some set of predefined values like "Resolution Time", "Quality of work", ”others” etc. The new structure does not have any such column so we will be storing this in additionalDetails.
Address and landmark column in eg_pgr_service has values in some column they are also stored in additionalDetails.
Phone column contains phone numbers, we are not migrating that column as it has PII data and will be already present in user service as well.
If sla is not found in the old config (will only happen if some complaint category is removed from MDMS and complaints are present in the system of that category) default SLA value will be used.
Browse details on configuring master data template
The grievance sub-type defines the second level of classification of grievances which are related to ULB’s functions and adds detail to a grievance type.
The data table below represents the structure of the template and given here to explain the template in detail.
Sr. No.
Grievance Subtype Code*
Grievance Subtype * (In English)
Grievance Subtype* (In Local Language)
Grievance Type Code*
Department Code*
SLA* (In Hours)
No Street Light
कोई स्ट्रीट लाइट नहीं है
Street Light Not Working
स्ट्रीट लाइट काम नहीं कर रही है
Illegal Discharge of Sewage
सीवेज का अवैध निपटान
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Grievance Subtype Code
Unique code is given to the grievance subtype and is used to uniquely identify the complaint subtype. E.g. SLS01 given above in data table to identify Street Lights complaint subtype
Grievance Subtype (In English)
This is the text or string stating grievance subtype in English
Grievance Subtype (In Local Language)
This the text or string stating the grievance subtype in local language like Hindi, Telugu etc. whatever is applicable
Grievance Type Code
Department Code
SLA (In Hours)
This field defined the service level agreements in hours. This the time within which a complaint raised to be resolved
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different subtypes of grievances on the basis of ULB’s functions and grievance types.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every checklist point/ activity mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed after the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
To see the common checklist refer to the page Checklist consisting of all the activities which are to be followed to ensure complete and quality data.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Grievance Subtype code should not have any special characters other than ‘-', and '_’
SLS01 - [Allowed]
SLSA - [Allowed]
SLS#1 - [Not Allowed]
Grievance Subtype should be text and should not contain special characters other than ‘-', '_', SPACE
No Street Light - [Allowed]
No Street Light# -[Not allowed]
An illustrative guide to using the PGR module
The Public Grievance Redressal or the PGR is a standardized solution offering on the DIGIT platform to register and redress citizen grievances. It provides a transparent and trackable mechanism to solve public grievances by inducing responsive administration. PGR enables the citizens to file complaints using various channels and helps the municipal employees to resolve them timely.
Citizens can lodge complaints, track, reopen and rate complaints through the web portal or the mobile application.
ULB employees too can use the web or mobile interface to comment, forward, assign, verify, share, and resolve citizen complaints.
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The manual provides a detailed description of how to use the system for each role.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
File Complaints
Track Complaints
Rate Complaints
Reopen Complaints
Individuals and society groups/communities
Customer Service Representatives (CSR)
File Complaints
Track Complaints
Reopen Complaints
Counter employees who assist citizens and register complaints on their behalf
Grievance Routing Officer (GRO)
Assign Complaints to FME
Rejects Complaints
ULB officers who assign complaints to concerned employees
First Mile Employee (FME)
Resolve Complaints
Share Complaints - Whatsapp/SMS
Request Re-assign
Employees who work on assigned complaints
This section guides you through the details of using the PGR module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the PGR system.
Learn how to setup and configure PGR service
Public Grievances & Redressal (PGR) is a system that enables citizens to raise a complaint with the ULBs. A citizen can track the complaint, upload image related to the complaint, re-open the complaint if he/she is not satisfied and rate the service. This document contains the details about how to setup PGR service and describes the functionalities it provides
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has pgr-services persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created to store complaint data
(Optional) Indexer config for pgr-services is added in egov-indexer yaml paths to index the generated data. Index is required for data visualisation in Kibana or in DSS.
(Optional) Report config for pgr-services is added in Report service config paths. Required if reports are to be provided to the user.
Following services should be up and running:
A citizen can file, track and rate the complaint
A citizen can add image and comments related to the complaint
A citizen can re-open the complaint in a certain given period of time after resolution
ULB can setup the complaint workflow according to their requirements and staff capacity
ULB can track the SLA for resolving each complaint and can use it as a metric to streamline the process for resolving complaints
Department wise assignment of the complaint to the LME
Deploy the latest version of pgr-services
Add pgr-service-persister.yml file in config folder in git and add that path in persister. (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called persist-yml-path )
If any Report Config is created, the config should be added to the config folder in git and that path should be added in Report service. (The file path is to be added in a file called “reportFileLocationsv1.txt” in Config folder)
If index is to be created add the indexer config path in indexer service. (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called egov-indexer-yaml-repo-path)
Add master data in MDMS service with the module name as RAINMAKER-PGR. Following is some sample master data for the service:
Create businessService (workflow configuration) using the __/businessservice/_create. Following is the product configuration for PGR:
Using /localization/messages/v1/_upsert , add localisation (templates) for notification messages to be sent. Following are the product notification templates:
Add Role-Action mapping for the APIs in MDMS. Following are the required entries. They should be mapped to both CITIZEN and appropriate employee roles.
PGR service can be integrated with any organisation or system which wants to track customer queries or complaint. The organisations can customise the workflow depending on their product requirements.
Easy tracking and resolution of complaints
Configurable workflow according to client requirement
Customer can raise a complaint using the /requests/_create
Organisation or System can search the complaint using /requests/_searchendpoint
Once the complaint is raised the organisation or system can call /requests/_update
endpoint to move the application further in workflow until it gets resolved.
Workflow Technical Document
User Technical Document
Online automated management of property tax revenues and collections
DIGIT-Property Tax (PT) is a self-serve web and mobile-based, easy-to-use and configurable product that addresses the objectives of municipal corporations and local government to automate all property tax operations, thus providing property tax assessment and payment services to citizens in real-time.
Manage property database
Various payment options available to citizens to make payments from their convenient places
Auto-generated defaulters’ list and real-time online tracking
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the PT module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the PT module.
Functional Specifications
PT Roadmap
PT User Manual
Product Brochure
PT Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
PT Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on PT module deployment.
Functional overview for stakeholders
The Property Tax System(PT) provides a digital interface to make property assessments, pay property tax, generate payment receipts and monitor tax collection. It can be used by the citizens, Urban Local Body (ULB) counter and field employees and ULB Administrators to accomplish their specific tasks. It is available as a mobile and web-based application.
The PT product features can be broadly classified as the following modules:
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Filling an Assessment for a Property
Searching for a Property
Modifications to a Property
Generate Demand Notice
Payments collection and Receipts
Dashboards and Reports
General Features
OTP Based Login for Citizen via Web/Mobile App
OTP Based Login for Employee via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during first time registration for both Employee and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized Profile for Citizens and employees on Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchy of employees
Role-based access for performing different actions relating to property tax modules
With this feature, a citizen and employee can perform a self-assessment of a new property for a financial year. This feature helps in registering the property in the system. The details of the property can be entered online and can be assessed for the calculation of the taxes.
The PT Product is designed in a user friendly manner and reduces chances of error. System calculates the tax automatically and creates the demand. If a user wants to reassess his property due to any reason (for eg, incorrect data, change in property etc), it can be done by editing details of the last assessment.
An employee can edit the details of the last assessment, on behalf of the citizen-based on the owner’s input. Citizen can track down the status of his incomplete assessment. Any incomplete assessment can be searched and completed.
Citizen/CSC can Assess New Property (By Different Financial Years).
Citizen/CSC can Capture Address, Assessment Info, Owner Info.for all types of properties like residential houses, flats and commercial buildings.
o Sample Details captured:
Door Number,
Mutation number,
Number of floors,
Area covered,
Owner and co-owner,
Mailing & permanent address,
Built year
Individual room measurements
The system computes the property taxes automatically as per process and rules of the state.
The system has a facility to make entry in system by inspector after site visit and assessment of the same by the superintendent.
The system supports dynamic calculation for late fees, interest, rebates, etc. as on the day of demand generation.
The system fetches the data of previous year property data while e-filing for current year so that all the dues are calculated.
The system assigns a unique property ID based on the process defined in the ULBs.
Citizen/CSC : View/Print Summary of Filled Form
Assessment Form
Assessment Form is also sent by email to citizen
Upload Documents
Ownership/Title related
ID Proof
Any other statutory documents
Citizen or Employee can track down the status of his incomplete assessment. Any incomplete assessment can be searched and completed.
Citizen/CSC can search for Property by
Mobile No,
Property Tax Unique ID
Citizen/ CSC can view Incomplete Assessments
Citizen/CSC can reassess Searched Property
View Property details and pending dues
The PT system provides the ability to capture mutation and transfer of ownership. It reduces interfaces between the user and the State and thus promote greater transparency. It also helps in reducing the time taken for mutation after registration. The system provides the ability for alteration of assessment after verification and inspection. Any structural changes like addition/extension/reduction of existing built up area or construction type OR utility changes like usage or occupancy have an impact on the increase/decrease in property tax demand. These changes can be handled by the ‘Additional/Alteration of Assessment’ feature.
The System provides the ability for bifurcation/ amalgamation of property. The property bifurcation/ amalgamation undergoes an approval process. The parent property needs to be modified accordingly, which can be done in the system.
Mutation of property and change of ownership details
Capture Extension/ Addition and Alteration and reassessment based on changed property details
Bifurcation of property
Amalgamation of property
System has the capability to automatically generate demand notice for a financial year based on set triggers like time-based roll over on completion of a financial year. The system notifies the citizens about the demand through SMS/Email. The generated Bills can also be grouped and printed for physical distribution by the ULB employees. The system provides the capability to Employees to merge and download bills based on given parameters to plan their distribution drives.
Generate Demand Notice based on periodic basis
Group Demand Notices
Print Demand Notices
Cancel Demand Notices
Send notifications to citizens on demand generation- SMS, Whatsapp, Email, Physical bil
The citizen/ employee can view payment status of previous assessments from Assessment History section. Payment for any assessment with full or partially paid amount can be completed. Receipts for assessment can be downloaded in Assessment history section after searching for the property details.
Payment of Property Tax -Online, Cheque, Cash, DD, during assessment
Partial Payment of Property Tax -Online, Cheque, Cash, DD, during assessment
The system allows a citizen to pay for anyone's property without changing the demand
The system can also be integrated with PoS machines to enable doorstep collection of property tax and issual of receipt
PT reports provides facility to access receipt register, cancelled receipt register, account receipt register, ULB wise PT collection report, DCB Register. All reports can be downloaded in PDF/XLS format.State level administrator can monitor property tax collections, assessments and other information at a state level through dashboards.
State Dashboard : View Reports for Total Collections, Properties Assessed, ULBs on Prod, Usage Type, Payment Distribution
State Dashboard : PT Collection Timeline (Monthly,Weekly)
State Dashboard : ULB Wise (Collection, Assessments)
Cancelled Receipt Register Report
PT Collection Report (ULB/Date Wise)
Notifications - The system has the capability to send notifications to citizens. These notifications can be sent for various steps like - assessment completion, payment reminder, payment confirmation. These notifications can be sent in the language chosen by the ULB through all channels - SMS, Whatsapp, Email.
Legacy Data Migration - The system has the capability to migrate Demand and Collection. In most states, the preliminary step would be to migrate Legacy data of existing properties/connections along with the Demand and Collection details. This would ensure that subsequent demand generation happens through the system.
Configurable Masters - The system provides the following masters that can be configured as per the State’s
Requirements -
Charges & Calculation : Calculation Engine, Rebate, Penalty,
Rate Master
State Masters : Property Ontology, Documents List, Employee Data Mapping, Boundary Data Mapping
System specification in compliance with the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) BRAP 2019
List of Features- Property Tax
This page provides configuration details for PT master data templates
DIGIT Property Tax facilitate ULBs and citizens to automate the assessment/ re-assessment of property tax for a property and its demand billing and collection. It also enables the ULBs as well as citizens to process the transfer of title of a property in case of a sale, gift or will and captures the history of ownership.
The main features of the product are as given below.
Completely automated assessment and re-assessment of property tax against a property.
Online self-assessment process
Integrated workflow for ULB staff to perform the check and approve.
Transfer of title (Mutation)
Online application
Integrated workflow for ULB staff to perform the check and approve.
Generating the demand
Collection of property tax through various modes (Cash, Cheque, POS (Credit/ Debit Card), NEFT/RTGS, Online - Through Payment Gateway)
Auto calculation of rebate, interest and penalty.
Receipt Register
Cancelled Receipt Register
Demand Register
The list of complaint types and mapped sub types
Complaints Types
Complaints Sub-Types
Streetlight not working
Installation of new street light
Garbage needs to be cleared
Burning of garbage
Damaged garbage bin
Non-sweeping of road
Congress grass-cutting
Overflowing/Blocked drain
Cleaning of drains
Water entered house rainy season
Water & Sewerage
Illegal discharge of sewage
Block/overflowing sewage
Shortage of water
Dirty water supply
Broken water pipe/leakage
Water pressure is very less
No water supply
Sewage main hole cover missing or broken
Sewerage main hole cover raising
Cleaning of sewerage moves slurry gear
Property Tax/ House Tax
How to pay property tax
Wrong calculation
Receipt not generated
Roads & Footpaths
Damaged road
Waterlogged road
Manhole cover missing or broken
Damaged/Blocked footpath
Construction material lying on road
Illegal rehries on road
Road jalli broken
Request spraying or fogging operation
Stray animals
Dead animals
Public Toilets
Dirty or smelly public toilets
Public toilet damaged
No water or electricity in public toilet
Land Violations
Illegal shops on footpath
Illegal construction
Illegal parking
Illegal cutting of trees
Cutting or trimming of tree required
Open Defecation
Open defecation
Parks require maintenance
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
A comprehensive guide to an effective module demo
Welcome to the Public Grievances and Redressal or PGR product demo script. This document is meant to guide DIGIT implementation partners and demo planners through the module demo. The key objective of the demo is to walk users through the PGR module and the key features supported by the module.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
Complaints can also be registered by ULB counter employees on behalf of the citizen.
The CSR or counter employees can perform the following actions on PGR -
File Complaints
Search or Track Complaints
Reopen Complaints
To file complaints on behalf of the citizen navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Else, click on the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the File Complaint tab on the screen. This will open the complaint form page.
Enter the Citizen Name. and the Citizen Mobile No. Select the relevant Complaint Type and the subtype from the drop-down list of options. Refer to the list of complaint types available in PGR. Enter any additional information in the Complaint Additional Details field. The City field will display the city specified in your profile by default. You can change the city if required. Choose the applicable Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list. Enter the House No. and Street Name. Enter any Landmark to identify the exact location for the listed complaint.
Click on File Complaint button once you have finished filling in all the details. The system will display the Complaint Registered Successfully message along with the Complaint No.
Click on the Continue button. Your complaint details are available on the dashboard. Click on the complaint to view the complaint details.
Employees can search for specific complaints using the registered mobile number of citizens or by entering the last few digits of the complaint number.
To search complaints navigate to Complaints Home page. Enter Citizen Mobile No. Or, enter the last 6 digits of the Complaint No.
Click on the Search button. The system will retrieve and display the matching records. Click on the Clear Search button to initiate a fresh search.
To reopen the complaints navigate to Complaints > My Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the closed complaint that you want to reopen. Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section. Click on the Re-Open button on the timeline.
The Re-Open button will be available only for 5 days after the complaint is resolved and closed by the department employee. The number of days can vary depending on the State or ULBs. The citizen or CSR will not be able to reopen complaints once this period is over.
Select the appropriate reason for reopening the complaint. Click on the camera icon to upload any photos related to the complaint. Enter any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Continue button once done.
The system displays an acknowledgement message stating the complaint is reopened. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
The Grievance Routing Officer or GRO manages the complaints queue. The role ensures the complaints are routed to the appropriate employees for prompt action.
GROs can
Call citizens
Comment on complaints
Grievances filed by citizens are assigned to specific employees who are responsible for acting on and resolving the complaints.
To assign complaints, navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Or, navigate to Complaints > Open Complaints. The GRO Complaint page contains two tabs - Unassigned and Assigned complaints.
Click on the Unassigned tab. The list of unassigned complaints is available on the screen. Click on the Complaint you want to assign. This will open the Complaint Summary page.
Click on the Assign button available in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will display the list of employees. Select an employee.
Click on the Assign button.
The complaint is assigned to the selected employee.
Assigned complaints can be re-assigned by the GRO depending on the situation and requirements.
To re-assign complaints navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Click on the Assigned tab. Click on the complaint you want to re-assign. Click on the Re-Assign button available on the bottom right corner of the screen. Select the employee to whom the complaint should be assigned. Click on the Assign button.
The Complaint is re-assigned to the selected employee.
GROs can share complaints with other department users based on the requirements.
To share complaints click on the complaint you want to share.
Click on the share icon in blue on the top right corner of the screen.
Select the appropriate channel. The system will redirect you to the selected channel interface. Select the person or list of people for sharing. Click on the Send button.
The complaint is shared with the selected recipients.
In certain cases, the GRO might reject registered complaints. This usually happens when the complaint is beyond the operational scope of the department or the complaint is invalid.
To reject complaints navigate to the Home page and click on the Complaints card. Click on the relevant Complaint. This will open the Complaint Summary page. Click on the Reject button available in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select the appropriate Reason to Reject.
Add any additional information in the Comments space. Click on the Submit button. The complaint is rejected.
First Mile Employees or FMEs are responsible for acting on citizen complaints.
FMEs can -
Call citizens
Comment on complaints
FMEs work on the assigned complaints. In some cases, the FMEs may request complaints to be reassigned to some other employee.
To request reassign navigate to the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on Open Complaints. Search for a specific complaint using the Citizen Mobile No. or inputting the last 6 digits of the Complaint No.
Else, click on the relevant complaint from the list of open complaints. Click on the Request Re-Assign button available in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Select a specific reason for requesting a re-assign.
Enter any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Request Re-Assign button.
Once the complaints are actioned on the FME marks the issue resolved. The complaint is closed subsequently.
To mark the complaint resolved, navigate to the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on Open Complaints. Search for a specific complaint using the Citizen Mobile No. or inputting the last 6 digits of the Complaint No.
Else, click on the relevant complaint from the list of open complaints. **Click on the Mark Resolved** button available in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Click on the camera icon to upload photos as evidence that the issue has been resolved.
Enter any additional information related to the issue resolution in the Comments section. Click on the Mark Resolved button.
The system will display an acknowledgement message. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
Learn how to file complaints and track your complaints
Citizens represent individuals or communities who are the system end-users. The PGR module provides the citizens with the scope to file their complaints or grievances to initiate necessary action.
The Citizen role can -
The File Complaints option allows citizens to register their complaints.
To file complaints navigate to Complaints Home page. Click on the File Complaints tab on the screen. This will open the complaint form page. Select the relevant Complaint Type and the subtype from the drop-down list of options. Refer to the list of complaint types available in PGR.
The system will display the Complaint Registered Successfully message along with the Complaint No. Click on the Continue button. Your complaint details are available on the dashboard.
My Complaints tab enables citizens to track the status of their complaints.
To view or track complaints click on My Complaints tab. The system will display all complaints filed by you or from your account and the corresponding status. Click on the Open button corresponding to any complaint to view the complaint details.
The complaint summary view contains the Complaint Details, Complaint Timeline, and Comments text box. The complaint timeline indicates the action taken on the complaint and the current or pending action status of the complaint.
Enter any additional information about the complaint in the Comments section.
The PGR module enables the citizens to give their feedback on resolved complaints.
To rate resolved complaints navigate to the Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the My Complaints tab. Scroll down to the complaint you want to rate. You can rate only complaints marked as Closed. Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section.
Click on the Rate button on the timeline.
Click on the number of stars on the screen to rate the work on the complaint on five. Click on the most appropriate feedback statement to rate the work. Add any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Submit button.
The system displays an acknowledgement for your ratings. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
To reopen the complaint navigate to Complaints > My Complaints menu option in the sidebar. Click on the closed complaint that you want to reopen. Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section. Click on the Re-Open button on the timeline.
The Re-Open button will be available only for 5 days after the complaint is resolved and closed by the department employee. The number of days can vary depending on the State or ULBs. The citizen or CSR will not be able to reopen complaints once this period is over.
Select the appropriate reason for reopening the complaint. Click on the camera icon to upload any photos related to the complaint. Enter any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Continue button once done. The system displays an acknowledgement message stating the complaint is reopened. Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
Download the brochure to view product features, capabilities, scope and application details
DIGIT-Property Tax (PT) is a self-serve web and mobile-based, easy-to-use and configurable product that addresses the objectives of municipal corporations and local government to automate all property tax operations, thus providing property tax assessment and payment services to citizens in real-time.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Enhance functional Coverage
Open dashboards for citizens - To view defaulters - ULB collection performance - Document required in PT UX Revamp - Citizen & Employee - Mutation - Bill Genie & other functions - Receipt Cancellation
Capital rules based assessments supporting the product
- Amalgamation of a property - Bifurcation of a property
Increase adoption
- Product dashboard to measure adoption on field
- Completing the product dashboard documentation & Testing - Deploy updated UX to the existing clients - Data Uploader for improving data migration activities
- A/B testing on features based on the usage and adoption patterns - Data uploader using excel files - POC with impel
- A/B testing on features based on the usage and adoption patterns - Explore interoperability with other govt. functions like registry deptt. etc.
Product innovation
Implementing registry principle in the property tax product
POC - Revenue enhancement tool to plug revenue leakages using GIS, image processing, etc.
Ease of deployment & Partner Enablement
- Centralized Demo environment with completed demo scripts and videos - Standardized reports and dashboard for PT
- Internalizing the BBPS protocols & integration (as done in UK)
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Rebate is provided on early payments which are done in month April in every financial year at the rate of 5% when the property is paid fully up to prevailing financial year demand.`
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Get the rebate rate and the amount involved with it.
Get the year and the end date for the rebate period.
Start filling the template from the right which is the rebate percentage and end it with the rebate end date.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Not Applicable.
The request to change in owners associated with a property in municipal record is known as mutation or transfer of title. To process this request and make the necessary changes in the property records ULBs charge for a fee which is calculated based on the fee defined based on a few parameters.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Identify usage wise mutation fee amount and fill into the given template.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Not Applicable
The computerized and automatic Property Tax system offered by eGov, facilitates citizens who seek to pay their Property Tax within any Urban Local Body with a transparent, speedy, hassle-free and user-friendly procedure. Property Tax (PT) is one of the components of a smart city that has the capability of providing the highest revenue of a state. Keeping in mind the benefits associated with the product offered, the proposed system is about to be implemented in 500+ ULBs across the country in 15 states. (For details on product features refer to Section-2)
For the offered product, the implementation process can be divided into seven major distinctive stages. Each stage has a predefined entry and exit criteria, roles & responsibilities to assure objective monitoring and decision making for the overall success of the engagement. The whole implementation lifecycle is typical of 38-42 weeks for the State, keeping in mind the entry, and exit criteria defined at the beginning and end of each stage are met on time recommended.
Stage Zero-program setup and onboarding is a pre-requisite for the initiative to kick-off and requires setup of the governance model, implementation Team and decision regarding other significant elements of the initiative like funding and procurement process. Stage One requires scoping of the initiative and decisions on the priorities for implementation by the State Implementation Team. In stage two, the State Team will work upon identifying and finding solutions to the significant gaps in the product offered with respect to the need of the State. Configuration and customization of the product offered is the primary objective of stage four. This involves working on various aspects of State-specific needs and incorporating them into the product offered. In stage five, post doing UAT and including all the necessary feedback on the product, the roll-out of the product is done at the State level (Go Live) from a couple of ULBs to pan State coverage in batches. Finally, in stage 6 sustenance and ongoing improvements are worked upon while the product is already functioning in the State. (For details on implementation plan refer to Section-3)
Implementation of Property Tax (PT) requires meticulous planning and close coordination between various stakeholders at the center and State level. The success of the initiative is dependent upon many factors like strong Program governance, availability of the trained resource, financial planning, targeted Implementation Team onboarding, focus on last-mile capacity building and ensuring necessary support to Urban center. Achievement of all these factors will provide the most effective and efficient roll-out and adoption of the Property Tax System in the State.
The Property Tax System(PT) provides a digital interface to make property assessments, pay property tax, generate payment receipts and monitor tax collection. It can be used by the citizens, Urban Local Body (ULB) counter and field employees, and ULB Administrators to accomplish their specific tasks. It is available as a mobile and web-based application. The PT product features can be broadly classified as the following modules:
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Filling an Assessment for a Property
Searching for a Property
Modifications to a Property
Generate Demand Notice
Payments collection and Receipts
Dashboards and Reports
General Features
This module provides enables the following capabilities
OTP Based Login for Citizen via Web/Mobile App
OTP Based Login for Employee via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during first time registration for both Employee and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized Profile for Citizens and employees on Web App
Login Credentials for various hierarchy of employees
Role based access for performing different actions relating to property tax modules
With this feature, a citizen and employee can perform self assessment of a new property for a financial year. This feature helps in registering the property in the system. The details of the property can be entered online and can be assessed for calculation of the taxes. The PT Product is designed in a user friendly manner and reduces chances of error. System calculates the tax automatically and creates the demand. If a user wants to reassess his property due to any reason (for eg, incorrect data, change in property etc), it can be done by editing details of last assessment. Employee can edit the details of the last assessment, on behalf of the citizen based on owner’s input. Citizen can track down the status of his incomplete assessment. Any incomplete assessment can be searched and completed.
This module provides enables the following capabilities:
Citizen/CSC can Assess New Property (By Different Financial Years).
Citizen/CSC can Capture Address, Assessment Info, Owner Info.for all types of properties like residential houses, flats and commercial buildings.
Sample Details captured:
Door Number,
Mutation number,
Number of floors,
Area covered,
Owner and co-owner,
Mailing & permanent address,
Built year
Individual room measurements
The system computes the property taxes automatically as per process and rules of the state.
The system has a facility to make entry in system by inspector after site visit and assessment of the same by the superintendent.
The system supports dynamic calculation for late fees, interest, rebates, etc. as on the day of demand generation.
The system fetches the data of previous year property data while e-filing for current year so that all the dues are calculated.
The system assigns a unique property ID based on the process defined in the ULBs.
Citizen/CSC : View/Print Summary of Filled Form
Assessment Form
Assessment Form is also sent by email to citizen
Upload Documents
Ownership/Title related
ID Proof
Any other statutory documents
Citizen or Employee can track down the status of his incomplete assessment. Any incomplete assessment can be searched and completed.
This module provides the following capabilities:
Citizen/CSC can search for Property by
Mobile No,
Property Tax Unique ID
Citizen/ CSC can view Incomplete Assessments
Citizen/CSC can reassess Searched Property
View Property details and pending dues
The PT system provides the ability to capture mutation and transfer of ownership. It reduces interfaces between the user and the State and thus promote greater transparency. It also helps in reducing the time taken for mutation after registration. The system provides the ability for alteration of assessment after verification and inspection. Any structural changes like addition/extension/reduction of existing built up area or construction type OR utility changes like usage or occupancy have an impact on the increase/decrease in property tax demand. These changes can be handled by the ‘Additional/Alteration of Assessment’ feature. The System provides the ability for bifurcation/ amalgamation of property. The property bifurcation/ amalgamation undergoes an approval process. The parent property needs to be modified accordingly, which can be done in the system.
This module provides the following capabilities:
Mutation of property and change of ownership details
Capture Extension/ Addition and Alteration and reassessment based on changed property details
Bifurcation of property
Amalgamation of property
System has the capability to automatically generate demand notice for a financial year based on set triggers like time-based roll over on completion of a financial year. The system notifies the citizens about the demand through SMS/Email. The generated Bills can also be grouped and printed for physical distribution by the ULB employees. The system provides the capability to Employees to merge and download bills based on given parameters to plan their distribution drives.
This module provides the following capabilities:
Generate Demand Notice based on periodic basis
Group Demand Notices
Print Demand Notices
Cancel Demand Notices
Send notifications to citizens on demand generation- SMS, Whatsapp, Email, Physical bill
The citizen/ employee can view payment status of previous assessments from Assessment History section. Payment for any assessment with full or partially paid amount can be completed. Receipts for assessment can be downloaded in Assessment history section after searching for the property details.
This module provides the following capabilities:
Payment of Property Tax -Online, Cheque, Cash, DD, during assessment
Partial Payment of Property Tax -Online, Cheque, Cash, DD, during assessment
The system allows a citizen to pay for anyone's property without changing the demand
The system can also be integrated with PoS machines to enable doorstep collection of property tax and issue of receipt.
PT reports provides facility to access receipt register, cancelled receipt register, account receipt register, ULB wise PT collection report, DCB Register. All reports can be downloaded in PDF/XLS format. State level administrator can monitor property tax collections, assessments and other information at a state level through dashboards.
This module provides the following capabilities:
State Dashboard : View Reports for Total Collections, Properties Assessed, ULBs on Prod, Usage Type, Payment Distribution
State Dashboard : PT Collection Timeline (Monthly,Weekly)
State Dashboard : ULB Wise (Collection, Assessments)
Cancelled Receipt Register Report
PT Collection Report (ULB/Date Wise)
The system has the capability to send notifications to citizens. These notifications can be sent for various steps like - assessment completion, payment reminder, payment confirmation. These notifications can be sent in the language chosen by the ULB through all channels - SMS, Whatsapp, Email.
The system has the capability to migrate Demand and Collection. In most states, the preliminary step would be to migrate Legacy data of existing properties/connections along with the Demand and Collection details. This would ensure that subsequent demand generation happens through the system.
The system provides the following masters that can be configured as per the State’s requirements:
Charges & Calculation : Calculation Engine, Rebate, Penalty,
Rate Master
State Masters : Property Ontology, Documents List, Employee Data Mapping, Boundary Data Mapping
This section provides an overview of the methodology for State-wide implementation of PT. The Implementation of PT is distributed across seven distinct stages. Each stage has a predefined entry & exit criteria and roles & responsibilities. This is to ensure objective monitoring and decision making for the overall success of the program. Details of each stage are defined in this section.
Note: This document is specific for States that have more than 30 ULBs
PT implementation program is expected to be completed approximately between 38- 42 weeks depending on the variety in Processes, Integration and the Disparate legacy data systems involved. This is done with the resource deployment by the State and System Integrator (SI) Team. However, it is critical that activities and exit criteria set for each stage are achieved to adhere to this timeline.
This is a set of initial critical activities undertaken on receiving a letter of Enrollment or MOU from the State. Successful completion of these activities assures that the program is started with crucial personnel, System Integrator(SI) Teams, and funds.
*Details of PT cell is mentioned in section 4 of the handbook
System Integrator and state will agree on program scope, program timelines, and budgeting & resourcing.
This stage envisages in-person interaction of crucial State officials and implementation System Integrator(SI) Teams to kick-start the program. This stage may require multiple interactions/meetings with different interest groups. The principal objective of these interactions is to identify and agree on the scope and exclusions of Pilot ULBs, create an active collaboration & Governance approach and agree on a high-level timeline for the engagement.
*Details of PT cell is mentioned in section 4 of the handbook
During the Solution design stage, key State officials and members, who are subject matter experts, are expected to share their inputs, discuss the process and help understand how to bring in compliance around the system design for the System Integrator(SI) Team. This stage baselines the State-specific product features in the Product Configuration report.
This stage consists of a series of developments in accordance with the detailed project plan to ensure smooth functioning of the customised product. Master Data Collection & Environment Setup will be achieved in this phase. Further monitoring and maintenance strategies are put in place.
During this stage, demonstration of the product followed by a hands on session is conducted for the ULB officials. Necessary training of ULB officials and resources required for UAT is conducted and identified respectively. The establishment of the State support Team and required processes are initiated in this stage.
On successful Go-Live in the Pilot ULBs, and further fine tuning to stabilize the product, the solution will be rolled out to the rest of the ULBs in phases. Guidance and support from the State Team will be required to create the rollout plans and assure the necessary infrastructure for training and deployment is available at each ULB.
Note: The rollout phase needs to be detailed out for iterative activities of onboarding ULBs in batches.
Note: Only once all the stages are complete in one batch of rollout of around 30 ULBs, the next batch begins. There are multiple phases of rollout. The second batch begins after the first batch has successfully fulfilled all the criteria of the Rollout Phase. Typical timeline for closure of rollout in each batch is 5-6 weeks (in a batch of 30 ULBs)
The final stage consists of strategies to ensure the sustenance of the program in the State. Systems are put in place to ensure the continuous tracking of data and provisions are made to improve the product if new data suggests.
This section outlines the activities involved in each stage of the implementation along with responsibility and accountability of critical stakeholders - State, eGov Team and System Integrator Team onboard.
PT Cell: PT Cell is the government-appointed body chaired by the Principal Secretary/Secretary, Urban Development Department with members from Urban Development Department etc.
Resource requirements for the PT cell required to be formed by the State
Designations mentioned above are in accordance with those already driving PT implementation at the State level.
The description of each designation is explained below.
Project Head: Is the Head of the PT Cell who will drive the project from the State’s Side
Domain Expert: Person who is well aware of the on ground scenario, well versed with the act, GOs passed, Prevalent Business processes, Deviations from the acts, PT Rates/ slabs applicable. In addition, provisions may be made to include External Domain Consultants/Advisors.
Nodal officer (EO/Commissioner/ Senior Official): the product coordinator to drive the project centrally. Monitor usage post Go Live- point of escalation for Implementation Team, Seasoned and worked in Multiple ULBs on various modules and has a good understanding of PT, Facilitate and Track data collection Post Go Live, Monitors and facilitates adoption of application. Point of contact for Management team, SI and at the HQ level.
MIS Expert: Data Preparation for ULBs,Day to day tracking of the data specific to ULBs, data collection/validation for correctness and comprehesiness, reporting and review to senior officials
eGOv Team: eGov Team is the technical partner of the project which will provide all necessary support to the State/UT concerning the implementation, Program Designing etc.
System Integrator (SI)Team: SI Team will be responsible for consulting, program management and the implementation of the state specific customized and configured products in the ULBs in close collaboration with the PT cell, technical partner (eGov) and various other stakeholders.
Execute - One who owns the accountability to complete the activity
Consult - One who may initiate, guide and in the process, handhold the execution of the activity
Note: Stage 0 is where the PT cell and SI team is formed, hence there are only two entities playing a role which is that of eGov and the state leadership. Once the PT cell and SI team is finalised, their role begins in the following stages.
Defining the time frame to go live, the time frame to scale it pan state, the value proposition of the programme for the state and year-on-year financial targets and adoption targets
Project Plan:
A detailed plan of Program schedule/timelines, implementation phases, team structure and ongoing support and maintenance required.
System Integrator:
The Entity/Company which collates all the subsystem required for the project and integrates them to achieve the program objective
Program Charter:
Outline of implementation plan agreement with priority applications and broad timelines, program governance model, program success metrics and capacity building.
Acceptance Letter/MOU:
Formal Acceptance/Sign Off of the Client State with a clear mandate of the Program
Program Success Metrics:
Defining the parameters (which are measurable) prior to the program, on which the success of the program is to be measured on the completion of the program
Project steering committee:
The key body within the governance structure which is responsible for the business issues associated with the project that are essential in ensuring the delivery of the project outputs and the attainment of project outcomes.
Project governance:
Set of policies, regulations, functions, processes, procedures and responsibilities that define the establishment, management and control of projects, programmes and portfolios.
List of activities measured against time taken to complete them in accordance with the project goals
Baseline data:
Set of information that serves as a foundation to compare other data acquired afterwards
Project Kick off meeting:
Meeting with the project team and the client of the project. This meeting would follow definition of the base elements for the project and other project planning activities
Fitment Study:
GAP Study of the Existing/Required Field Process Vs Product
Data migration:
Existing Records of the functional activities need to be moved into the Database of the newly released Application
Data collection:
Required data for the roll-out of the applications, which needs to be collected from the existing functional process
Data validation approach:
This approach enables the sanctity of the Data with built-in validation by Design
Data synchronization:
The process of establishing consistency among data from a source to a target data storage and vice versa and the continuous harmonization of the data over time.
Pilot Implementation:
Any new process is tested out as pilot in one or two instances before pan implementation
Pilot ULB:
The ULB's Selected for the pilot implementation are called pilot ULB’s.
Roll out:
On successful clearance of the Pilot, the Process/Application/Services are implemented across all Offices/ULB's
Deployment defines the complete package of Software components set up in a particular environment
Details of changes to be made in the Product to comply with the needed field process
Defining existing content such as Options and Variables based on the requirements on the ground
Product walkthrough:
Explaining the users step-by-step through a set of actions that they need to take to achieve a specific outcome
The penalty is defined as an amount which is charged to the citizen in violation of any rule. There would be multiple penalties defined associated with different rules and acts. Penalty rate decides on how and what amount to be calculated for a penalty.
Within DIGIT, the calculation of the penalty amount is configurable at both the State & ULB level.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify all the different types of penalty amounts (by percentage/ by a flat amount) etc and fill them in the provided columns respectively.
Fill in the details of the financial year/ date from which the type of defined penalties will be applicable.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed one the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Not Applicable
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reference to parent grievance type code from the entity
Unique department code from the entity
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Enter any additional information in the Complaint Additional Details field. Click on the map icon to pinpoint the Complaint Location. The City field will display the city specified in your profile by default. You can change the city if required. Choose the applicable Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list. Enter the House No. and Street Name. Enter any Landmark to identify the exact location for the listed complaint.
Click on the camera icon to upload any photos for the complaint. Click on the Submit Complaint button once you have finished filling in all the details.
The bell icon on the top right corner of the complaint tab will display any notifications received for the complaint. Click on the bell icon to view the complaint details.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
RebateRate(In %)*
RebateEndDate (DD/MM)*
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
RebateRate(In %)
The percentage at which the rebate has to be provided
The maximum amount of rebate that can be given
The flat amount which is levied
The year for which the rebate is being given
RebateEndDate (DD/MM)
The date at which the rebate period ends
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Property Usage Code*
Flat Fee Amount*
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Property Usage Code
Property usage code - the fee depends upon the type of property usage
Flat Fee Amount
Mutation fee flat amount
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Reform No.
Reform Area
Weightage (score)
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize land transaction deeds of last 10 years at all sub-registrar offices and make the same available on an online system to check for ownership details and history. The metadata should be searchable for each record and a soft copy of the registered deed should be available. The searchable metadata available should be:
i. Name of buyer
ii. Name of seller
iii. Survey no.
iv. Registration number
v. Registration date
The feature of ‘Property Registry’ in the product will enable this recommendation
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize and publish the updated Record of Rights (ROR) at all Revenue department offices online in public domain for all areas of the State/UT. The searchable metadata available should be:
i. Name of buyer
ii. Name of seller
iii. Date of mutation
iv. Survey no.
The Property tax system enables this capability
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize and publish data of Property Tax payment dues online in public domain for all the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the State/UT. The searchable metadata available should be:
i. Name of the Property Tax payer
ii. Property Tax dues
iii. Survey no. of land / Unique Identification no. of property
This feature is enabled by the citizens itself
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize cadastral maps of all rural areas in the State/UT and make them available in public domain
This can be enabled and worked on by the state team
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Integrate the below-mentioned records on one website:
i. Data of land transaction deeds for last 10 years at all sub-registrar offices (Name of buyer, Name of seller, Registration number, Registration date, Survey no.),
ii. Updated Record of Rights at all Revenue department offices (Date of mutation), and
iii. Data of Property Tax payment dues at all urban areas of the State/UT (Name of the Property Tax payer, Property Tax dues)
iv. Revenue Court case data (Court case number, Name of parties involved, Date of filing of court case, Status of case [Ongoing/Resolved])
v. Civil Court case data (Court case number, Name of parties involved, Date of filing of court case, Status of case [Ongoing/Resolved])
The website should be publicly accessible. It will help in establishing property ownership and identify tax encumbrances. The integration should be done for all areas of the State/UT.
The integration with external portals and systems of other departments can be enabled by state teams who can enhance the offered product to cater to this recommendation
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Implement an online application system having the following features
i. Mandatory Online application submission including submission of draft deed and other documents
ii. Provision of online payment of Stamp duty and Registration fee
iii. Auto generation of appointment date and time on making the payment of Stamp duty and Registration fee
The system will provide these capabilities which can be customized as per the state specific rules and regulations
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Provide model deed templates for sale, gift, lease, mortgage and rent in downloadable and editable format along with instructions to use them
This provision is made available through the ULB portal to make these features accessible to the citizens
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Integrate the mutation process with the registration process and mandate initiation of mutation process (Revenue department and/ or ULB) as soon as the deed is registered. Ensure that:
i. Information to mutation authority to be automatically shared on completion of transaction (registration). This should be considered as initiation of mutation process.
ii. No separate application from transferee to be required.
iii. SMS/email should be sent to transferee/ transferor to inform about the initiation of mutation
The integration with external portals and systems of other departments can be enabled by state teams who can enhance the offered product to cater to this recommendation
Stage 0 - Program Setup/ On-Boarding
4-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Acceptance Letter/MoU by State
Exit Criteria
Finalize Property Tax Program Vision
Finalize funding for the program
Define State- specific procurement process
Property Tax Cell appointment (*). Consisting of :
Domain expert
Nodal officer (EO/ Commissioner/ Senior Official)
Program Head
System Integrator(SI) Team sign-up/onboarding
Stage 1 - Program kick-off
4-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Program setup (Stage 0) is complete
SI Team onboarded
Key Activities
Identify & agree on scope and exclusions
Identify pilot ULBs
Project Kickoff - Implementation Methodology Presentation
Product Walkthroughs
Define Project Steering Committee Structure and Project Governance process
Define phases of rollout/ deployment
Agreement on Deployment Priorities and high-level delivery timelines
Assessment of all current PT processes along
(1) Citizen services/channels around it
(2) Integration with other Department process
Finalise Program Success Metrics for Rollout, Adoption and Governance, adhering to the vision of the program
Internal Capacity Building, program logistics at State and ULBs, as per the current scenario
Collection of baseline data to measure endline target for the product (Revenue generated, total properties in ULBs etc.)
Exit Criteria
Publish the program charter
Implementation plan agreement with priority applications and broad timelines
Program Governance Model and processes
Program Success Metrics
Capacity Building
PT Cell formation and appointment (*)
Data preparation/collection kickoff from Pilot ULBs
Cloud Infrastructure procured
Project Office Space allocated
Program Branding (name, logo, tagline etc.)
Stage 2 - Solution Design
4-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Program Charter
PT Cell appointment
Key Activities
Standardisation of all PT processes
Initiate policy change if needed, based on the Processes defined
Conduct Product familiarisation workshop
Initiate collection of master data from pilot ULBs
Finalise data migration/collection/sync-up approach
Finalise data validation approach
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Dashboard design finalisation for Program Tracking
Exit Criteria
Publish the PT processes, data template/workflows
Finalisation of Roll-out plan (in different phases)
Solution agreement for required State- specific customisations
Program tracking mechanism (Dashboard design finalisation)
Sign-off on approach to work with legacy or manual data (Data collection/migration/correction/ sync-up/validation)
Detailed project plan
Stage 3 – Configuration & Customization
6-8 weeks
Entry Criteria
Product Configuration Report has been signed off by the state
Detailed Project Plan set up in accordance with master data collection and environment setup
Key Activities
Setting up development environments
Development/customisation of reports and dashboards
Development/ integration of portal
Third-Party integrations (payment gateway, handheld/pos device)
Updation of user manuals and other key documents
Preparation & execution of Test Cases
Setup monitoring, support & maintenance processes, tools and dashboards
PT legacy data collection from Pilot ULBs(at least). No historical transaction will be considered. Only outstanding and property details shall be migrated
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Identify ULB level Nodal officers for day to day support
Migration and verification of Pilot ULB data
Exit Criteria
Configured/Customized product that is ready for UAT
Monitoring, support & maintenance of Dashboards
Finalization of Initial Reporting and Dashboard KPIs
Identification of participants for UAT session
Training for System Content related Capacity Building finalised
Stage 4 – UAT & Go Live
2-3 weeks
Entry Criteria
Configured/Customized product ready for UAT
Pilot ULB Officials associated with TL are available for UAT & Training
Key Activities
UAT Environment Setup
Regression UAT and sign off from Pilot ULBs/ State
Issues/bug resolution
Setting up the Production environment
Setting up Support Center & processes (Help Desk)
Training (Users, trainer)
master trainers identified from ground for simultaneous training
Training the support resources
Marketing & promotion activities
Go Live & launch event
Setup of review and monitoring cadence/team
Usage/review/Dashboard/Field Visits
Exit Criteria
UAT Sign-off & Go Live for Pilot ULBs
Setup of review and monitoring cadence
Stage 5 – Rollout
5-6 weeks
Entry Criteria
Pilot has been successful in the State
there are less than 3 open critical incidents (issues) with respect to product, implementation and data
Key Activities
ULB configurations phase wise as per the Project Plan
Migration and verification of ULB data
Logistics planning for training
Establishment of bug ticketing tool for resolving ground level issues by the state team
Training the Users at the district level
Pan State Roll Out - Phase wise
Stabilise product
Exit Criteria
State-wide Rollout in batches:
Adoption tracking & Review Cadence operational
Help Desk Effectiveness assured
Critical Bugs fixed
Program Success Metrics Tracking Kick-started
Stage 6- Sustenance and Ongoing Improvement
Ongoing process
Entry Criteria
Rollout Phase 1 (First set of 30 ULBs where rollout will happen after all ULBs are live)
Key Ongoing Activities
Adoption Review Meetings as per the vision defined for the program
Plans for Execution of Core Team to ensure Sustenance of the initiative in the areas of:
IT support (infra, helpdesk, ongoing enhancements)
Process Effectiveness and Improvements
PT Cell Focuses on Using data for:
tracking field issues and performance data to identify improvements
identify additional Integrations around PT to make processes more robust towards enhancing PT revenues (e.g Upstream and downstream Processes)
Resource Name
No. Of Resources
Project Head
Domain Expert
1 Representation from Corporations/Council/Panchayat etc.
District Nodal Officer
1 per district
MIS Expert
1 per district
Stage 0 - Program Setup/ On-Boarding
State Leadership
Appoint PT Cell
Finalise funding for the program
Define state -specific procurement process
System Integrator(SI) Team sign-up/onboarding
Finalise Property Tax Program Vision
Stage 1 - Program kick-off
PT Cell
SI Team
Identify & agree on scope and exclusions
Identify pilot ULBs
Project Kickoff - Implementation Methodology Presentation
Product Walkthroughs
Define Project Steering Committee structure and Project Governance process
Define phases of deployment/ rollout
Agreement on Deployment Priorities and high-level delivery timelines
Assessment of all PT process along
(1) citizen services/channels around it
(2) Integration with other department process
Finalize Program Success Metrics for Adoption and Governance adhering to the vision of the program
Internal Capacity Building, program logistics at State and ULBs, as per the current scenario
Collection of baseline data to measure endline target for the product (Revenue generated, total properties in ULBs etc.)
Stage 2 - Solution Design
PT Cell
SI Team
Standardisation of all PT processes, if needed
Initiate policy change, if needed based on identified improvements
Conduct Product familiarisation workshop
Initiate collection of master data from pilot ULBs
Finalise data migration/collection/sync-up approach
Finalise data validation approach
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Stage 3 – Configuration & Customization
PT Cell
SI Team
Setting up development environments
Development/customisation of reports and dashboards
Development/Integration of portal
Third-Party Integrations (Payment gateway, Handheld/pos device)
Updation of user manuals and other key documents
Preparation & execution of Test Cases
Setup monitoring, support & maintenance processes, tools and dashboards
PT legacy data collection from Pilot ULBs(at least)
Capacity Building for making state team aware about basic usage of tools like MS Office, mails etc.
Migration and verification of Pilot ULB data
Stage 4 – UAT & Go Live
PT Cell
SI Team
UAT Environment Setup
Identification of participants for UAT session
Issues/bug resolution
Regression UAT and sign off from Pilot ULBs/ State
Setting up the Production environment
Setting up Support Center & processes (Help Desk)
Training user
Training Trainer
Training the Support Resources
Marketing & promotion activities
Go Live & launch event
Setup of review and monitoring cadence/team
Stage 5: Rollout
PT Cell
SI Team
ULB configurations phase wise as per the Project Plan
Migration and verification of ULB data
Logistics planning for training
Establishment of bug ticketing tool for resolving ground level issues by the state team
Training the Users at the district level
Pan State Roll Out - All Locations
Stabilise product
Stage 6- Sustenance and Ongoing Improvement
PT Cell
SI Team
Adoption Review Meetings as per the vision defined for the program
PT Cell Focuses on Using data for:
tracking field issues and performance data to identify improvements
identify additional Integrations around PT to make processes more robust towards enhancing PT revenues (e.g Upstream and downstream Processes)
Plans of ongoing Sustenance in Place with respect to :
IT support (infra, helpdesk, ongoing enhancements)
Process Effectiveness and Improvements
The actual Infra will be provided based on the questionnaire inputs received from the state
The state will take care of providing necessary project infrastructure and office facilities during the program for all on-site project Team members, which will be confirmed during the initiation phase. This includes workspace, office equipment (e.g., telephone with STD, fax machine, photocopy machine, etc.), stationery, PC/workstation, project LAN and internet access, etc.
The state will provide the necessary administrative support staff to carry out day-to-day project administration tasks, e.g., meeting rooms, Videoconferencing, etc.
The state should provide a Project Office and at least one conference room with speakerphone throughout the Project Duration.
Project Scope
Any new requirements received from State during the implementation phase will be handled through a change management process
State Team
The state will nominate a reasonably sized multifunctional Team from various departments of the State to be responsible for the implementation. The state Team would be required for information, validation, and execution through the implementation cycle and the Team members should be reasonably empowered to take decisions. Any delay in the decision-making process and the non-availability of the State Team may have an impact on the schedule.
The participants from State are expected to have a thorough understanding of the State’s internal processes.
The state will engage internal and external stakeholders required for this engagement and ensure their availability whenever needed.
The Tech Implementation Partner will ensure provision of the following:
User education and training documentation delivery as per the default product documentation of the identified product versions.
Product manuals are expected to be shared with the State as part of the user manual.
All documentation in English and the language requirement of the state.
Training to the end-users will be driven by the state Team.
The state will be responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure required for the Training, which includes the following readiness.
Training Rooms (Parallel Training Sessions) with Projector, White Board, Markers, Internet Connection, sufficient seating capacity, Desktop/Laptop for each participant and availability of Network for Trainees to connect to the server.
The scope of the implementation will be limited to the services mentioned in Section 2.
State Team will have an identified SPOC for handling the first level of eGov communication with the client unless discussed and agreed.
eGov Team will not be involved in defining the test cases or executing the test cases.
Necessary signoff would be provided by the state upon completion of the defined milestones.
Sr. No.
Penalty Head
*Penalty Rate (In % )
Minimum Penalty Amount
*Flat Amount
*From Financial Year
*Start Date
Late assessment
Unauthorized Construction
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Penalty Rate
The Penalty charged by percentage
Min Penalty Amount
The Minimum amount charged as penalty
Flat Amount
The pre-decided amount that must be charged as penalty on the amount
From Financial Year
The year from which the penalty rate begins
Penalty Start Date
The Date from which the penalty amount will be applicable within a financial year
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Reform No.
Reform Area
Weightage (score)
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize land transaction deeds of last 10 years at all sub-registrar offices and make the same available on an online system to check for ownership details and history. The metadata should be searchable for each record and a soft copy of the registered deed should be available. The searchable metadata available should be:
i. Name of buyer
ii. Name of seller
iii. Survey no.
iv. Registration number
v. Registration date
The feature of ‘Property Registry’ in the product will enable this recommendation
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize and publish the updated Record of Rights (ROR) at all Revenue department offices online in public domain for all areas of the State/UT. The searchable metadata available should be:
i. Name of buyer
ii. Name of seller
iii. Date of mutation
iv. Survey no.
The Property tax system enables this capability
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize and publish data of Property Tax payment dues online in public domain for all the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the State/UT. The searchable metadata available should be:
i. Name of the Property Tax payer
ii. Property Tax dues
iii. Survey no. of land / Unique Identification no. of property
This feature is enabled by the citizens itself
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Digitize cadastral maps of all rural areas in the State/UT and make them available in public domain
This can be enabled and worked on by the state team
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Integrate the below-mentioned records on one website:
i. Data of land transaction deeds for last 10 years at all sub-registrar offices (Name of buyer, Name of seller, Registration number, Registration date, Survey no.),
ii. Updated Record of Rights at all Revenue department offices (Date of mutation), and
iii. Data of Property Tax payment dues at all urban areas of the State/UT (Name of the Property Tax payer, Property Tax dues)
iv. Revenue Court case data (Court case number, Name of parties involved, Date of filing of court case, Status of case [Ongoing/Resolved])
v. Civil Court case data (Court case number, Name of parties involved, Date of filing of court case, Status of case [Ongoing/Resolved])
The website should be publicly accessible. It will help in establishing property ownership and identify tax encumbrances. The integration should be done for all areas of the State/UT.
The integration with external portals and systems of other departments can be enabled by state teams who can enhance the offered product to cater to this recommendation
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Implement an online application system having the following features
i. Mandatory Online application submission including submission of draft deed and other documents
ii. Provision of online payment of Stamp duty and Registration fee
iii. Auto generation of appointment date and time on making the payment of Stamp duty and Registration fee
The system will provide these capabilities which can be customised as per the state specific rules and regulations
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Provide model deed templates for sale, gift, lease, mortgage and rent in downloadable and editable format along with instructions to use them
This provision is made available through the ULB portal to make these features accessible to the citizens
Land administration and Transfer of Land and Property
Integrate the mutation process with the registration process and mandate initiation of mutation process (Revenue department and/ or ULB) as soon as the deed is registered. Ensure that:
i. Information to mutation authority to be automatically shared on completion of transaction (registration). This should be considered as initiation of mutation process.
ii. No separate application from transferee to be required.
iii. SMS/email should be sent to transferee/ transferor to inform about the initiation of mutation
The integration with external portals and systems of other departments can be enabled by state teams who can enhance the offered product to cater to this recommendation
List of Functionalities
Corresponding Features
Registration, Login, Creation of User Profile
Provision for Language Selection during first time registration via Mobile/ Web App.
OTP Based Login for Citizen/ Employee via Mobile/ Web App
Login Credentials for various hierarchy of employees.
Provision of Personalized Profile for Citizen/ Employee on Web App
Filing an assessment for a property
Citizen/CSC : Assess New Property (By Different Financial Years).
Citizen/CSC : Capture Address, Assessment Info, Owner Info.
Citizen/CSC : View/Print Summary of Filled Form
Searching for a property
Citizen/CSC : Search Property (By Mobile No,City, Property Tax Unique ID, Existing ID).
Citizen/CSC : View the Searched Property
Citizen : View My Properties
Citizen : View Incomplete Assessments
Citizen/CSC : Edit the Searched Property
Citizen/CSC : Reassess Searched Property
Generate demand notice
Generate Demand Notice based on periodic basis
Group/ Print/ Cancel Demand Notices
Send notifications to citizens on demand generation- SMS, Whatsapp, Email, Physical bill
Modifications to a property
Mutation of property and change of ownership details
Capture Extension/ Addition and Alteration and reassessment based on changed property details
Bifurcation/ Amalgamation of property
Payment collection and receipts
Payment of TAX (Online,Cheque,Cash,DD) : During Assessment
Payment of TAX (Online,Cheque,Cash,DD) : Partial Payment
Citizen/CSC : Download Receipts for payments
Dashboards and reports
State Dashboard : View Reports for Total Collections, Properties Assessed, ULBs on Prod, Usage Type, Payment Distribution
State Dashboard : PT Collection Timeline (Monthly,Weekly)
State Dashboard : ULB Wise (Collection, Assessments)
Cancelled Receipt Register Report
PT Collection Report (ULB/Date Wise)
General features
Legacy data migration
System assigns a unique property ID based on the Process defined in the ULBs.
System has the facility to classify the property based on its type.
System allows changing the type of property.
Configuration masters
Configurable Rate Master (ULB Specific) : Fire Cess/ Building Height
Charges & Calculation : Calculation Engine, Rebate, Penalty
State Masters : Property Ontology, Documents List, Employee Data Mapping, Boundary Data Mapping
The Owner’s Special Category represents those property owners whose property belongs to the “reserved” category as defined by the state. These special categories are entitled to a rebate in the property tax amount, as per the defined categories by a State/ ULB.
Sr. No.
Owner Type Code*
Owner Type Name (English)*
Owner Type Name (Local Language)*
Freedom Fighter
स्वतंत्रता सेनानी
Handicapped Persons
विकलांग व्यक्ति
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Owner Type Code
Unique Identifier for Owner Type
Owner Type Name ( In English)
Nomenclature of “Owner Type” in English
Owner Type Name (In Local Language)
Nomenclature of “Owner Type” in the local language as Telugu, Hindi, etc.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the “Owner Categories” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Add the “Owner Type Code” respectively.
Add a description to the Owner Type Name, as per the required language.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The predefined format of the Owner Type Code only must be used and not any random code
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-pt-master-3-.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Dataconfiguration-sample-data-pt-master-3- (1).xlsx - 15KB
This is a further sub-classification of the ownership which details what is the ownership sub category, whether there is a single owner, multiple owner etc. . An example has been given in the attachments section of the page.
The data has to be collected for all the subcategories of ownership type present in the state. Below mentioned is the table of the template that is being used to gather data:
Sr. No
Ownership Sub Category Code*
Ownership Category Code*
Ownership Sub Category* (In English)
Ownership Sub Category* (In Local Language)
Single Owner
एकल स्वामी
Multiple Owner
मल्टीपल ओनर
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Ownership Sub Category Code
This is the code that is being used to categorize the sub type
Ownership Category Code
Ownership Sub Category (In English)
Description of the ownership Sub type in the English Language
Ownership Sub Category (In Local Language)
Description of the ownership Sub type in Native Language
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts. First, get all the sub classifications for the listed category.
Get the codes and start filling the template.
Fill in the codes for the sub category in the 2nd column with the proper mapping of Ownership Type category (Parent level).
Repeat the steps for all the ownership type categories(Parent Level).
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
There should be a mapping code between the sub category (child) and Property Tax: Ownership Category (parent level), no child can be left without a parent
Make sure that no code which is not mentioned in the ownership category classification (parent) can be used
Configuration Data Templateconfigurable-data-template-pt-ownership-sub-type.xlsx - 9KB
Sample Dataconfigurable-sample-data-ownership-sub-category.xlsx - 11KB
In order to justify the Property Owner’s Special Category status, there are certain supporting documents that are required as the attachment of proof. These documents are crucial in terms of providing/ availing rebate on the property tax amount.
Sr. No.
Owner Type Code*
Ownership Documents Description (English)*
Ownership Documents Description (Local Language)*
Certificate issued by DC/ Competent Authority
डीसी / सक्षम प्राधिकारी द्वारा जारी प्रमाण पत्र
Death Certificate + Spouse proof
डेथ सर्टिफ़िकेट + जीवनसाथी प्रमाण
Certificate of Handicap by a competent authority
सक्षम प्राधिकारी द्वारा विकलांग का प्रमाण पत्र
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Owner Type Code
Ownership Documents Description (English)
Nomenclature of “Owner Documents” in English. For ownership type Freedom Fighter, the document required is the certificate issued by DC/ Competent Authority
Ownership Documents Description (Local Language)*
Nomenclature of “Owner Documents” in Hindi
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the “Owner Categories” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Add the “Owner Type Code” respectively. The predefined format of the Owner Type Code only must be used from the “Owner Special Category” Master Sheet and not any random code. This will provide the base reference for the mapping of ownership type with the required documents.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The format of the Owner Type Code defined should be Text
War Widow is represented as WIDOW
Owner Type Code should not contain any special characters
WIDOW: [Allowed]
#WIDOW! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-pt-master-3- (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Dataconfiguration-sample-data-pt-master-3-.xlsx - 15KB
This is the amount which is calculated on percentage defined and collected from citizen if failed to pay the property tax demand on time. It is also called the late payment penalty.
Minimum Amount
Flat Amount
Maximum Amount
From FY*
Start Date*
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
The interest rate percentage.
Minimum Amount
Min amount of interest penalty levied.
Flat Amount
The flat amount which is levied.
Maximum Amount
The maximum amount which could be levied.
From FY
The year from which the interest rate begins.
Start Date
The date from which this penalty has to start.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Get the interest rate that is being levied over a period of time.
Get the year as well as the date from which this was brought in place.
Start filling the data from the interest rate followed by the rest of the details.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
Not Applicable
Configuration Data Templateconfigurable-data-template-interest-rates-v1.xlsx - 9KB
Sample Dataconfigurable-sample-data-interest-rates-v1.xlsx - 9KB
Unit rates are also an important part of property tax. The property tax for a property is calculated on the area covered by the property. These unit rates could differ from ULB to ULB, Ward to Ward, Mohalla to Mohalla and then can be based on different parameters such as Road Type, Property Construction Type etc.
Sr. No.
Boundary Code*
Boundary Name*
Parameter 1*
Parameter 2
Unit Rate*
Haldwani Mandir
< 12 m
Haldwani Mandir
>= 12 m and <= 24 m
Haldwani Mandir
> 24 m
Kali Mata Mandir Road
< 12 m
Kali Mata Mandir Road
>= 12 m and <= 24 m
Kali Mata Mandir Road
> 24 m
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Boundary Code
Boundary Name (In English)
Parameter 1
This has to be the parameter 1 code on the basis of which the unit rates are being defined
Parameter 2
This is the second parameter(if available) on the basis of which the unit rates are being defined
Unit rates
The unit rate
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Figure out on what boundary types are the property tax unit rates being defined and start filling that with its code and its name in English in the boundary code and boundary code name column.
In case there are more parameters on which the unit rates are being classified such as road type, construction type is being classified, start making a different column for the same starting from parameter 1, parameter 2…
Make sure you replace the column name from parameter 1 to the classification on which it is being classified.
At the end fill up the unit rates column.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
Configuration Data Templateconfigurable-data-template-property-tax-unit-rate-v1.xlsx - 9KB
Sample Dataconfigurable-sample-data-property-tax-unit-rate-v1.xlsx - 10KB
Taxes are calculated based on the type of property and differ for each type.
For example, a residential property could have a different rate than a non-residential property, which could differ from year to year.
The tax could be a general property tax or a new type of tax introduced.
Sr. No.
Tax Head*
General Tax (Residential)
General Tax (Non-residential)
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Tax Head
The type of tax and the property on which the tax is being levied
The year from which the tax rate is being defined
The rate at which the tax is to be levied
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Gather the details for all the types of properties and the type of taxes levied on them.
Start filling the type of tax and the property type from the first column and then start defining the rates and year of application.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
Configuration Data Templateconfigurable-data-template-tax-rate-v1.xlsx - 9KB
Sample Dataconfigurable-sample-data-tax-rate-v1.xlsx - 10KB
Ownership is the state or fact of exclusive rights and control over property, which may be an asset, including an object, land or real estate, or intellectual property. Ownership involves multiple rights, collectively referred to as title, which may be separated and held by different parties. Further, the ownership can be categorised based on the nature and type of the parties property is owned by e.g Property owned by an individual who is the resident of the city, by an institution etc.
Given below is the sample data table from the template in which the data has to be collected:
Sr. No
Ownership Category Code*
Ownership Category* (In English)
Ownership Category* (In Local Language)
सहकारी समिति
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Ownership Category Code
Code to uniquely identify the ownership category record
Ownership Category (In English)
This is the name of the ownership category in the English language
Ownership Category (In Local Language)
This is the name of the ownership category in the local language
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Firstly Identify all the categories of the owners present in the state.
After which identify the codes of all the categories, if not present then form an abbreviated version of the code.
Start filling the template with the codes in the second column, its English name in 3rd and Local Language name in 4th.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
Configuration Data Templateconfiigurable-template-pt-ownershiptype.xlsx - 8KB
Sample Datasample-configurable-data-pt-ownership-category.xlsx - 9KB
A property can be used for a variety of things such as to live or to do some trading/selling etc activity or for any other purpose. Properties can be classified into various categories on the basis of its usage. Ideally, property usage is categorized as residential, non-residential or a mix of both.
Sr. No
Usage Category Major Code*
Usage Category Major* (In English)
Usage Category Major* (In Local Language)
गैर आवासीय
The data described in the above table is sample.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Usage Category Major Code
This is a unique identifier being assigned to every major category.
Usage Category Major (In English)
This is the description of the major category in the English Language.
Usage Category Major (In Local Language)
This is the description of the major category in the Local Language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out to the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Identify all the property usages categorized at the first level and fill into the given template.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Not Applicable
Configuration Data Templateconfigurable-template-pt-usage-typemajor.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Dataconfigurable-sample-data-usage-category-major.xlsx - 10KB
The Usage category could be more detailed out on classifying them further and detailing more specifically on what kind of usage it is such as hotel, shops, community centre etc.
Below mentioned is the definition of the template which is used in data gathering:
Usage Category Detail Code*
Usage Category Sub Minor Code*
Usage Category Detail (In English)*
Usage Category Detail (In Local Language)*
Effective From Financial Year*
होटल पेईग गेस्ट हाउस 10 कमरों तक(बेगैर वातानुकूलित)
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Usage Category Detail Code
This column ideally contains the code for which the Usage Category Detail is being categorized
Usage Category Sub Minor Code
Usage Category Detail Description (English)
Description/ Detail of the detail code in which the category is being classified in the English Language
Usage Category Detail Description (Local Language)
Description/ Detail of the detail code in which the category is being classified in Local Language. e.g. Hindi, Telugu etc.
Effective From Financial Year
This is the year from which the category detail has come into effect for property tax
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Gather all the details for this last classification of Usage Category Detail.
Figure out the codes, if not present abbreviate the description so that it creates relevancy between code and description.
Get the relations to the sub minor, minor and major.
Start filling the template with the codes and description of the usage Category detail and then followed by relative sub minor codes.
In the active column fill up whether the category is still active or not.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed on the data that is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Configuration Data Templateconfigurable-data-template-usagetypedetail-v1.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Dataconfigurable-sample-data-usagetypedetail-v1.xlsx - 10KB
The first level of classification of a property based on its construction is defined as Property Type. Generally, the property is divided into two types :
Vacant Land
Mostly these property types are fixed and commonly used in all the ULBs across the country. Hence this data is not needed anymore in the template.
Sr. No.
Property Type Code*
Property Type* (In English)
Property Type* (In Local Language)
Vacant Land
खाली जमीन
The data provided in the above table is sample.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Property Type Code
Unique Identifier for property type record
Property Type (In English)
Nomenclature of “Property Type” in English
Property Type (In Local Language)
Nomenclature of “Property Type” in local language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the “Property Types” that exists at a ULB/ State level.
Collect the above information and feed it below the “Property Type Description” column accordingly. The Description of Property Type must be provided as per the language specified in the respective column.
Add the “Property Type Code” respectively against the identified Property Type(s).
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
There is no separate checklist applicable to this entity.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-pt-master-1-.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Dataconfiguration-sample-data-pt-master-1-.xlsx - 15KB
The Property Sub Type represents 2nd level classification to the Property Type and provides the option to further classify the property type in sub types. For example property type ‘Built-up’ is further classified into Independent House, A Flat In Apartment and Half Constructed Half Open and considered differently on tax calculation procedure.
Sr. No.
Property Sub Type Code*
Property Sub Type* (In English)
Property Sub Type* (In Local Language)
Property Type Code*
Flat / Part of the building
फ्लैट / भवन का हिस्सा
Independent House / Whole Building
स्वतंत्र घर / पूरी इमारत
The data described in the above table is sample.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Property Sub Type Code
Unique Identifier for property sub type record
Property Sub Type (In English)
Nomenclature of “Property Sub Type” in English
Property Sub Type (In Local Language)
Nomenclature of “Property Sub Type” in local language e.g. Telugu, Hindi etc.
Property Type Code
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out to the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Identify all the property sub types applicable and fill into the given template.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
There is no separate checklist is applicable to this entity.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-pt-master-2-.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Dataconfiguration-sample-data-pt-master-2-.xlsx - 15KB
Roads are constructed in order to facilitate the locomotion of people from a place to another.
The roads constructed in a state are classified into certain categories which could be on the basis of the width of the road, construction material or the function and location. Road type is one of the primary factor defining the unit rates and hence configuration is needed for the DIGIT module in order to describe the property and what are the taxes it could attract.
Given below is the sample data table from the template in which the data has to be collected:
Sr. No.
Road Type Code*
Road Type* (In English)
Road Type* (In Local Language)
Less than 12 meters in width
12 मीटर से कम चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर
From 12 meters to 24 meters in width
12 मीटर से 24 मीटर तक की चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर
More than 24 meters in width
24 मीटर से अधिक की चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर
Please note that the values mentioned in the data table are sample values and the states are free to add/update according to their specific requirements.
Configuration Data Templateproperty-tax-roadtype_template_v1.xlsx - 9KB
Sample Datasample_data_propety-tax_road_type.xlsx - 9KB
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Construction Type refers to the list of Building construction types in the ULB limits considered for tax calculation.
DIGIT Property Tax system has certain pre-defined categories namely :
Semi Pucca
Sr. No.
Construction Type Code*
Construction Type (In English)*
Construction Type (In Local Language)*
Pakka Building With R.C.C. Roof or R.B. Roof
पक्का भवन, आर0सी0सी0छत या आर0बी0 छत सहित
Any Other Pakka Building
अन्य पक्का भवन
Kuccha building that is all other building not covered in clauses (a) and (b)
कच्चा भवन अर्थात समस्त अन्य भवन जो (एक) और (दो) में अच्छादित नही है
The data described in the above table is a sample.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-pt-master.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Dataconfiguration-sample-data-pt-master.xlsx - 15KB
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This is a further or third level sub-classification of the property usage types into sub minor category. Here the properties can be further classified such as commercial food joints etc.
Below mentioned is the data table from the template used to collect the data:
The data given in the table is sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify all the sub minor categories used across the state.
After which identify the codes of all the sub minor categories, if not present abbreviate the description.
Get the details(description) of these codes.
Start filling the template with the codes and description in English and one native language would be helpful.
Get the exemption maximum amounts and their respective percentages.
Most importantly do get a mapping of these sub minor codes to their parent which is minor usage type.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed on the data that is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Not Applicable
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
DV is responsible for verifying the supporting documents uploaded by the property applicants or the counter employee on behalf of the applicants.
The DV can
Property applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the property regulatory requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The DV verifies and forwards the property applications to the Field Inspector if the DV finds all information and documents provided by the applicant correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The property application is assigned to the selected assignee for subsequent processing.
To edit applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Edit button. Change any details in the form as required.
The FI can
FI sends back the applications to the citizens if some vital information is missing in the application or there is a mistake in the information provided.
To send applications back to the citizen navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back.
Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context to the application. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button.
The system displays a success acknowledgement message stating that the application is sent back to the initiator.
The FI can send back the PT application to the DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of documents.
Property tax applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The FI verifies and forwards the property applications to the Approver if the information and documents provided by the applicant are correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The property application is assigned to the selected assignee for subsequent processing.
The Approver can
The Approver can send back the property applications to the FI or DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV or FI navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of application.
Property applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the regulatory requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The Approver signs off the PT application once the information and documents provided by the applicant are found correct.
To approve the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Approve button.
Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing. Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Approve button.
The property application is approved.
Learn how to add new property, assess or transfer property and pay property tax
Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The PT module allows property owners to register their property details online. These details are then used for various property-related transactions.
The citizen can also approach the Counter Employee (CE) to register new property, assess property or pay property tax.
The Citizen or CE role can -
Citizens or CE can add new property details through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app.
To add a new property click on the Property Tax card available in the Citizen Services section of the Home page.
Click on the Add New Property button on the screen. This will open a new form page.
The system will display the Required Documents - Property Tax list. Note the list of documents valid for address, identity, registration, usage, special category, and occupancy proofs.
Click on the Print button to get a hard copy of the documents list for reference. Click on the Apply button to proceed with adding your property. The form sections are available on the top of the page.
Add Property Form Sections
The add property form page contains various sections that include
Property Address
Property Details
Owner Details
Document Info
Enter the following information in the Property Address section.
The City field displays the registered city by default. Click on the drop-down list to select a different city. Enter the House/Shop No., Building/Colony Name, Street Name, Locality/Mohalla, and the Pincode. Enter the Existing Property ID in case there is a legacy property ID available for the listed property.
Click on the Next button to move to the next section.
Enter the following details in the Property Details section
Select the applicable Property Usage Type and the Property Type from the drop-down list available.
Check Yes or No to indicate Whether rainwater harvesting structure provided on the property? Enter Vasika No. and Vasika Date if applicable. Enter Allotment Letter No. and Allotment Date if applicable.
Enter Firm/Business Name if the property is listed as commercial or institutional. Enter any information in the Remarks field. Check the box Do you have any inflammable material stored on your property? if it is true. Check the box adjacent to Height of property more than 36 feet? if it is true. Fill in the Unit details if the selected property usage type is Commercial, Institutional, Other Non-Residential, or Residential.
The Unit Usage Type by default accepts the Property Usage Type value. Select the applicable Sub Usage Type for the listed property in case of Commercial or Institutional properties. Select the most applicable option for the type of Occupancy. Enter the Built-up-area (sq ft) value of the property. Select Floor to identify the relevant floor of the property. Click on +Add One More Unit button to add more units.
Click on the Next button to proceed to enter the Owner Details.
Enter the following information in the Owner Details section. Select the relevant Type of Ownership. Enter the Owner’s Name.
Check the applicable Gender of the owner. Enter the owner’s Mobile No. and Guardian’s Name. Select Relationship of the owner with the guardian. Enter the applicable Special Category. Enter the owner’s Email Id and the Correspondence Address. Check the Same as property address box if the correspondence address is the same as the address of the listed property. The Correspondence Address field is auto-populated in that case.
Click on the Next button to move to the Documents section.
Upload the required documents in the Documents section of the application form. In the Select Document field, select the type of document you are uploading for Address Proof, Identity Proof, Registration Proof, Usage Proof, and Construction Proof.
Click on the Upload File button to upload the documents.
Click on the Next button to proceed to the next section.
Click on the Add Property button once the details are reviewed and corrected. The system displays the New Property Successfully Added acknowledgement message.
The Property ID is available along with this message.
Click on the Download button on top of the message box to download the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
To search for a submitted application or track the status of submitted applications navigate to the Property Tax home page. There are two search options available. Users can search by property or application.
To Search by Property click on the Search Property tab. Enter the ULB. The system displays the registered City or ULB details by default. Enter any of the following search parameters or combinations to refine the search for property. Enter the Owner Mobile No. or the Unique Property ID allotted by the system. Enter the Existing Property ID if there is any legacy ID linked to the property.
Click on the Search button to view the results. Click on the Reset button to renew search with different parameters.
To Search by Application click on the Search Application tab.
Enter any of the following search parameters or combinations to refine the search for property. Enter the Application No. or the Owner Mobile No. or the Unique Property ID.
Click on the Search button to view the search results. Click on the Reset button to renew search with different parameters.
The search results show the filtered list of property entries along with the application Status.
An Active Status means the listed property is pending for further action. Inworkflow status means there is some action going on for the listed property and hence it is not accessible for any other action. Once the action is complete the status will change to Active.
Click on the Unique Property ID or Application No. hyperlink to access the property details.
Listed properties are assessed every financial year to calculate the property tax amount.
To assess property navigate to the Property Tax >> Assess & Search menu option on the sidebar. Alternatively, click on the Property Tax card on the Home page. Enter the required search parameter to refine your search for properties.
Click on the Search button to view the results. Click on the relevant Unique Property ID.
Scroll down the Property Information page to view the property details. Expand the Assessment History panel to view the previous assessment details.
Click on the Re-Assess button if you want to reassess the property. Expand the Payment History panel to view earlier payments made for the listed property.
Click on the Download Receipt button to get a soft copy of the listed payment. Expand the Application History panel to view the property application details.
Click on the View Details button to fetch application details. Click on the Assess Property button.
Select the relevant Financial Year.
The panel will display the Property Tax Amount details.
Click on the Add Rebate button to apply any rebates or discounts on the tax amount. This feature is not available for the citizens.
Enter any Additional Charges amount, if applicable. Select the appropriate Reason for Charges. Enter any Additional Rebate amount, if applicable. Select the appropriate Reason for Rebate.
Click on the Submit button to apply the rebate or charges to the tax amount. Click on the Calculation Details button to view the calculation logic applied for calculating the tax amount.
Click on the OK button to move back to the Assessment page.
Click on Assess Property once you complete reviewing all details. The system will display the assessment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Proceed to Payment button to pay the property tax. Else click on the Home button to navigate back to the home page.
Applicants have to pay the property tax once the property is assessed for the specified financial year.
To make payment for property tax click on the Proceed to Payment button after the property assessment is complete. The Payment Collection Details panel displays the tax Fee Details.
Enter the payment details. The system allows you to pay by cash, cheque, or credit/debit card. Click on the Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card tab depending on the preferred payment method.
Enter payment details as requested on the screen. Click on the Generate Receipt button to confirm the payment. The screen displays the success acknowledgement message along with the Payment Receipt No.
Once the payment is complete the Property Tax Receipt is issued. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the tax Payment Receipt.
The PT module allows users to transfer the ownership of property.
To transfer the ownership of property search for the property by entering the Unique Property ID or any other search parameter. Click on the Unique Property ID to open the application. Scroll down the Property Information page. Click on the Transfer Ownership button available in the Owner Details panel.
The system will display the list of Required Documents - Transfer to Ownership.
Click on the Print button to print the list of documents. Click on the Transfer Ownership button to proceed with the mutation process. The Transfer of Ownership form page is displayed.
The application timeline shows three sections -
Transfer Details
Document Upload
The Transfer Details page includes three panels -
Transferor Details - This panel displays the current owner details.
Transferee Details - This panel requires the user to input the details of the individual to whom the property is to be transferred.
Enter the following details in the form -
Select applicable Ownership Type. Enter the Name, Gender, and Mobile No. of the transferee. Enter Guardian’s Name of the transferee and the Relationship with Guardian. Enter the Email address of the transferee. Select the relevant Special Applicant Category. Enter the Correspondence Address of the transferee.
Registration Details - This panel requires the user to input the registration details in context to the transfer of the property ownership.
Enter the following details in the form.
Select Reason for Property Transfer. Enter Property Market Value, the Registration Document No. and the Registration Document Issue Date. Enter the Registration Document Value. Enter any Remarks.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Document Upload section.
Select Document you want to upload for Address Proof, Identity Proof, and Registration Proof. Click on the Upload File button to upload the copy of scanned documents.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary section.
The Summary page will display the filled-in application details. Scroll down the page to review the information entered. Click on the Previous Step button to go back and make any changes in the form.
Click on the Submit button once all details are reviewed. The screen will display the application success message. Click on the Download button on top of the message box to download the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
To make any changes in the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Edit Property button available at the bottom of the page. Change any details in the form as required. Click on the Update Property button once all changes are complete.
Usage Category Minor is nothing but a further classification of , which can be explained as a broad diversification of the usage of your property.
This broad diversification is ideally used to classify the tax amount to which a property could be exempted from.
Below mentioned is the data table that is used for collecting data:
Please note that the data mentioned in the table is sample data, however, the state might further update this on the basis of their requirements.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Gather all the details available for the usage category minor type.
Start collecting the codes for the same, if not available abbreviate the description to create a relevant code.
Start filling the template with the codes and descriptions for details in the relevant columns.
After that start mapping them with the relevant Usage Category major codes.
Get the rates as well as amounts for the exemption if any.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Not Applicable
Key themes and deliverables
Commitment and transparency are deeply ingrained values defining our product development approach. We are constantly developing new capabilities to facilitate the digital transformation of our cities. Take a glimpse into our DIGIT Roadmap to learn more about our upcoming tools and features.
Property Tax -
Open dashboards for citizens - Public dashboards with tax defaulter's info, documents required to avail services, open payments and more
Standardized reports - Out of box report and dashboard for the product as a partner enablement initiative
Receipt cancellation - Upgrade the UI and UX for the remaining use cases to provide uniform UX to the citizens and employees across all products.
Arrear breakup
UX revamp - interface changes designed to enhance usability and performance
Pending dues
Historical or past data about the property
Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) -
eDCR productization to enable conversion from dxf to pdf - redrawing the required diagrams from the composite input Plan with endpoints referred for taking a measurement and displaying the actual measured value in a different color
Public Grievances & Redressal (PGR) -
Reap benefit integration
mCollect -
Standardized reports - Out of box report and dashboard for the product
Finance -
Receipt Changes. Multi-bank, SL wise recording - Allow multiple bank mapping to a business service
Adoption & Enhancements
Auto escalation on breach of SLA
Standardization (ontologies/localization/workflow)
PII audit across all products
Identify gaps in privacy across roles and use cases
Kibana dashboards for products
Intuitive UI elements for added ease and convenience
Property Tax -
Simplified Push Payments BBPS, demand base system - Internalize BBPS integration in the product and enable out of box implementation to increase citizen-led payment
Implementing registry principles in PT - Identify and plug the gaps in the current PT registry
Data uploader using excel files - User interface to allow the upload of legacy data excel files to upload legacy data in the product
Public Grievances & Redressal (PGR) -
Multi-selection of complaints & bulk action - Employees can select multiple complaints and perform actions (like allocation) in a couple of steps
mCollect -
Collection extension for other services like PT, TL - Enable collection of the core taxes through the mCollect interface
Whatsapp POC - WhatsApp as a channel for citizens to request desludging
OCR POC - Use Optical character recognition to get test result info by taking a photograph instead of manually entering the figures
Scheduling - Manage schedule for the desludging vehicles on a daily basis
Standardization and Simplification -
Standardization of Master Data, Configurations, Taxonomies for ease of deployment
Knowledge assets, Tools, Documentation -
Self-help demo setup - product videos to assist users with key module workflows
Product Training material - help links and how-to articles
Property Tax -
Capital rules-based assessments supporting the product
Amalgamation of property / Bifurcation of property - feature enhancement to manage amalgamation or division of a property use cases
Third-party integration with national or local initiatives - Expand capabilities to allow complaints lodged via National Initiatives (Like Swachta) to be routed to DIGIT's PGR for action
mCollect -
POS integration - Out of box app to integrate with POS machines on the field
Finance -
TP collection reconciliation - Third-party collection reconciliation framework
Vehicle tracking - Track the desludging vehicles that are servicing the requests from citizens
Integration with IoT devices - Integrating IoT devices to track performance and assess standards at FSTP plant
FSTP performance tracking - Building capability for the treatment operators to track the performance of various treatment plants
Adoption -
Rollout dashboards
Automating infra uptime and tracking incidences via a dashboard
Bots - CSV to system data transfer
Bots - email id
National dashboard - POC
Mobile app
Findability/access to multiple channels -
Product packaging
Property Tax -
Explore PT integration with other departments like stamps and registration - the key objective is to increase the coverage of the property tax base of the ULB and also identify the revenue leakage points in the ULB
Abstraction to business models - Abstracting the core components of various business models across containment/transport/treatment/reuse so that any state can use the platform
Marketplace - Having a market place model for emptying & transport to connect desludging operators with citizens
Open dashboards/data (for researchers) - Creating a one-stop solution for accessing key data points in the FSM space
Adoption and Enhancements -
BBPS integration - BBPs has multiple modes of payment - cash, transfer cheques, and electronic modes
Offline to online driven adoption (QR codes, redesign of receipts, etc) - critical in providing awareness of onboarding on the digital medium and a key catalyst for boosting online adoption
Pair with Whatsapp portal - Provide an alternative channel for the citizen to avail services, eliminating the dependency on other traditional channels
IVRS integration - Interactive Voice Response, a phone call based channel for availing services like Grievance Redressal
CSC integration - Inclusion of CSC/ Sewa Kendras as a channel for providing DIGIT services to Citizens
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This is the mapping between the and Sub category
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Unique Identifier assigned for the . For example, Freedom Fighter is represented as FREEDOMFIGHTER
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The code of the boundary that is being used, depending upon the client's requirement it could be Mohalla or Ward but has to be from the data collected
The name/description of the boundary that is being used for the classification. The names have to be from the data collected
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This is the mapping between detail and Sub Minor Code. Refer entity for more detail
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Property Type code referring to the
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
FI is responsible for inspecting and verifying the field details of the property in the application.
The Approver is responsible for the final approval of the PT application.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
The system will display the New Property form page.
The Application Summary page provides all the information filled in by the applicant. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Sr. No.
Usage Category Sub Minor Code*
Usage Category Minor Code*
Usage Category Sub Minor* (In English)
Usage Category Sub Minor* (In Local Language)
Exemption Rate(In %)
Max Exemption Amount
Flat Exemption Amount
Effective From Date
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Usage Category Sub Minor Code
This is the unique code given to every category
Usage Category Minor Code
This is the relationship between sub minor and minor usage categories.
Usage Category Sub Minor (In English)
This is the description of the sub minor category in English
Usage Category Sub Minor (In Local Language)
This is the description of the sub minor category in Local Language
Exemption Rate (in % )
This column defines the % to which the property could be exempted
Max Exemption Amount
This is the maximum amount which the property can be exempted from
Flat Exemption Amount
This is the flat amount by which the property owner can be exempted
Effective From Date
This the date from which the exemption is applicable.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
Deepen the Impact of Urban Missions
Product feature enhancements and concentrated focus on increasing adoption
Champion New Societal Missions
New products to address the sanitation issues facing urban areas and public finance management solutions
Improve Usability and Accessibility
Create integrated user experience with a key focus on flexibility, accessibility, quality of service; Optimized user experience
Enhance Platform Capabilities
Adopt improvements on the platforms that will address some key issues like privacy, security as well as adding new capabilities like GIS
Drive Product Research and Innovation
Identify high-impact research and product innovation areas through validation, understanding the domain, and processes involved
Release Date: 01/06/2021
Beta date:
GA date:
Release Date: 01/06/2021
Beta date:
GA date:
Release Date: 01/12/2021
Beta date:
GA date:
Release Date: 01/03/2022
Beta date:
GA date:
Sr. No
Usage Category Minor Code*
Usage Category Minor* (In English)*
Usage Category Minor* (In Local Language)
Exemption Rate (In %)*
Max Exemption Amount
Flat Exemption Amount
Usage Category Major Code*
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Usage Category Minor Code
This is the unique identifier that is given to every category.
Usage Category Minor (In English)
This is the description of the Minor category in English.
Usage Category Minor (In Local Language)
This is the description of the Minor Category in the Local Language.
Exemption Rate (in % )
This column defines the % to which the property could be exempted.
Max Exemption Amount
This is the maximum amount which the property can be exempted from.
Flat Exemption Amount
The amount that should be exempted for a particular category from the property tax.
Usage Category Major Code
This is the mapping between the minor’s and major’s of the usage category which can be found in Usage Category Major
Sewerage Charges are recurring charges levied for a pre-defined billing period. The billing period is configurable as per the state or ULB requirement. The rate for calculation of sewerage charges can vary widely and is dependent upon various parameters. For instance, they can be dependent either upon plot size slab combined with property usage type or solely dependent upon property usage type. In some cases, sewerage charges can also be levied as a percentage of water charges.
Sr. No.
*Property Usage Type
*Property size slab from (units)
*Property size slab to (units)
*Percentage of water charges (%)
*Flat fee (in Rs)
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Property usage type
Slab (Property size value)
From and to value for property size
Flat fee
Flat sewerage charges collected based on property usage type
Percentage of water charges
Percent value
Consumption charges per unit corresponding to the usage type
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Select the relevant Property Usage Type from the available drop-down list.
Enter the From and To value for property size to specify the range applicable for the selected property.
Enter the Flat Fee applicable for the selected property and Slab.
Enter the applicable Percentage of Water Charges value. The sewerage charges will be calculated as a percentage of the water charges.
Enter the corresponding consumption Rate per unit.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-sewerage-rates.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-sewerage-rates.xlsx - 11KB
App to facilitate application for new W&S connections, pay bills, activate connections, generate bills
The Water & Sewerage module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing water and sewerage connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key water or sewerage management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.
DIGIT W&S module enables citizens to -
Apply for new sewerage or water connections
Upload documents required for processing new connections
Pay water or sewerage connection charges and bills using an online payment gateway
Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation
Download water or sewerage connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online
DIGIT W&S module enables employees at ULB and State level to -
Process applications using customizable workflows
Configure water and sewerage charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic
View custom dashboards for module statistics
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the W&S module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the W&S module.
Functional Specifications
W&S Roadmap
W&S User Manual
Product Brochure
W&S Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
W&S Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on W&S module deployment.
Interest is levied on the consumer if the consumer fails to make the bill payment before a specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid interest charges. The number of days after which the interest is applicable is configurable at the ULB level. The interest amount is charged to the consumer on a daily basis once the specified grace period is over and till the bill payment is done.
Interest rate: The interest rate on a daily basis can be levied on -
Entire bill amount
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Interest based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace Period (days)
*Interest rate
Balance Pending
Data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Interest-based on
Interest can be levied on either bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Interest rate
Time-based Interest percentage
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the applicable Grace Period for calculating interest.
Select the relevant parameter for Interest-Based On to specify if the interest is applied to the bill amount or pending balance.
Enter the applicable percentage value for Interest Rate that will be used to calculate the interest amount.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-interest-rate (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-interest-rate (1).xlsx - 9KB
The Sewerage Charges module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing sewerage connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key sewerage management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.
DIGIT Sewerage Charges module enables citizens to -
Apply for new sewerage connections.
Upload documents required for processing new connections.
Pay sewerage connection charges and bills using online payment gateway.
Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation.
Download sewerage connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online.
DIGIT Sewerage module enables employees at ULB and State level to -
Process applications using customizable workflows.
Configure sewerage charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
The penalty is levied on the consumer if the consumer fails to make the payment for the bill raised before a specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid penalty charges. The number of days after which the penalty is applicable should be configurable at the ULB level.
The penalty can be -
Fixed amount; or
Percentage: In case of percentage, it can be levied on either
Entire bill amount; or
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Penalty based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace period (days)
Penalty flat amount (Rs)
Penalty (%)
Balance Pending
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Penalty flat amount
If the penalty is not levied on a percentage basis, it is generally a flat fee which is penalty charges amount
Penalty based on
The penalty can be a certain percentage of the bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Penalty (%)
The penalty is calculated as a percentage amount based on either Bill amount or Balance pending
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the applicable value for the Grace Period.
Enter the corresponding Penalty Flat Amount.
Select the relevant parameter for Penalty Based On to specify if the calculation of the penalty is based on the bill amount or the pending balance.
Enter the applicable percentage value for calculating the Penalty amount.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-penalty-rates (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-penalty-rates (1).xlsx - 9KB
This page provides configuration details for W&S master data templates
The Water Charges module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing water connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key water management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.
DIGIT Water Charges module enables citizens to -
Apply for new water connections.
Upload documents required for processing new connections.
Pay water connection charges and water bills using an online payment gateway.
Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation.
Download water connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online.
DIGIT Water module enables employees at ULB and State level to -
Process applications using customizable workflows.
Configure water charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
Water Charges are levied for metered connections based on consumption. The rate for calculation of water charges varies widely and is dependent upon various parameters. In the DIGIT W&S module, water charges defined are based on actual consumption and property usage type.
Sr. No.
*Property Usage Type
*Water consumed value from (units)
*Water consumed value to (units)
*Rate (in Rs/ unit)
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Property usage type
Water consumed value from
From value for water consumed
Water consumed value to
To value for water consumed
Consumption charges per unit corresponding to the usage type
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Select the property type from the drop-down list available in the Property Usage Type column.
Enter the Slab (water consumed) range details in the From and To Value for water consumed.
Enter the Rate for the specified slab range and property type.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
A separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-water-rates-metered-.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-water-rates-metered-.xlsx - 10KB
Bill amendment release details
Bill Amendment is a platform-level feature that can be used to create credit/ debit notes against a consumer for a configured service. Demand revision required due to out of system calculations i.e. tax exemptions, court case settlements, one-time settlement schemes can be performed using this feature.
Workflow-based application approval system for better accountability of demand revision.
Artifact generation in the form of credit/debit note for record purposes
Auto application of note amount into latest or upcoming bills
Key Feature
Key Feature
Application initiation
Respective modules can be configured to leverage the Bill Amendment feature (By default W&S is configured with Bill Amendment )
Configured module Tax Heads will be auto-populated and respective credit/ debit amounts can be filled against those tax heads.
Dynamic document upload and data fields captured depending on the ‘demand revision basis’.
Applications for the creation of credit/ debit notes to revise citizen dues can be initiated from the employee login
Search page to fetch consumer for whom the application needs to be initiated
Search page to track and process the applications
Workflow-based application process
Default workflow has two roles, i.e. Initiator and Approver
Different employees can be created and provided access for above roles
After the application is initiated and submitted, it goes for approval
After the application is approved credit/ debit note is generated
Credit/ Debit note PDF is generated after approval and stored as a part of the application, which can always be accessed from the download section of ‘application summary’ page
Application of note amount
The note amount will be auto-applied against the same consumer in the current bill, if pending dues are present. Otherwise, it will be applied in the upcoming bill.
New UI for better accessibility
Application initiation from the citizen side
Extending this feature to deal with the current year and previous year items
Doc Links
Water pipes are available in different sizes. Pipe size is a common parameter used for calculating water charges. The allotted pipe size for new water connections depends on specific service requirements.
Sr. No.
Pipe Size*
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Pipe size
Value for Pipe size
Unit of measurement for the pipe size value
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out to the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Enter the Pipe Size details.
Enter the corresponding UOM for the specified Pipe Size.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per specifications. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
UOM should same for all the values provided pipe size in the template
E.g. If it is given as Inches then it should be inches for all.
A separate entity-specific checklist is not needed for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-pipe-size-types.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-pipe-size-types.xlsx - 9KB
An illustrative guide to using Water & Sewerage module
The W&S module allows citizens to apply for new connections and pay bills online. For employees, this module enables automated processing of new connection requests, editing existing connection details, generating water bills, and facilitating online collection of bill payments.
The module supports the following key functions -
Apply for new connections
Pay one-time connection charges for new water or sewerage connections
Pay recurring bills using online payment gateway
Download artefacts such as application details, connection details, bills, receipts, sanction letter and estimation notice
Process applications using configurable workflows
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Apply for new connection
Pay one-time connection charges
Pay bills
Download artefacts
Individuals and society groups/communities who want to apply for new water or sewerage connections, or pay bills
Counter Employee
Create new applications
Process applications
Edit existing connection details
Add meter reading
Collect connection charges
Collect bill payment
Download bills, receipts, and approval letter for new connections
ULB employees responsible for submitting applications for new connections on behalf of the citizens or pay their bills at the counter
Document Verifier (DV)
Send applications back to citizen
Reject applications
Verify and forward applications
ULB employees responsible for verifying the documents uploaded along with the application
Field Inspector (FI)
Send applications back to citizen
Generate estimation notice
Add additional details
Reject applications
Verify and forward applications
ULB employees responsible for conducting the onsite inspection
Reject applications
Approve applications
ULB employee responsible for rejecting or approving new connection requests
All employee roles
Search connections/applications
Process new connections/modify applications
View connection details
Download artefacts
This section guides you through the details of using the [module name] module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the module.
Interest is levied from the consumer in case the consumer fails to make the payment of the bill before the specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid interest charges. The number of days after which the interest is applicable is configurable at the ULB level. Interest Rates are calculated essentially on a daily percentage basis.
The interest rate on a daily basis can be levied on -
Entire bill amount
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Interest based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace Period (days)
*Interest rate (%)
Bill Amount
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Interest-based on
Interest can be levied on either bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill.
Interest rate
Time-based Interest percentage
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the Grace Period.
Select the relevant Interest-based On parameter.
Enter the Interest Rate.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-interest-rate.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-interest-rate.xlsx - 9KB
Water Charges are recurring charges levied for a pre-defined billing period. The billing period is configurable as per the state or ULB requirement. The rate for calculation of water charges vary widely and is dependent upon various parameters. Charges for water are dependent upon either plot size slab or No. of taps combined with property usage type. In some cases, they can also be solely dependent upon the property usage type.
Sr. No.
Property Usage Type*
Property size value from (units)
Property size value to (units)
No. of taps
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Property usage type
Slab (Property size value)
From and to value for property size
No. of Taps
No. of Taps to be recorded for calculation of water charges
Consumption charges per unit corresponding to the usage type
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Select the property type from the drop-down list available in the Property Usage Type column.
Enter the Slab (property size value) range details in the From and To Value for property size.
Enter the value for No. of Taps. The water charges will be calculated on the number of taps.
Enter the Rate or the per-unit water consumption charges that will be applicable for the listed parameters.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-water-rates-non-metered-.xlsx - 11KB
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-water-rates-non-metered-.xlsx - 10KB
There are two reasons for recording the water source. One is to measure availability vs consumption. And, the other is to monitor the water quality. Each ULB captures this information. Hence, the water source details are configurable at the ULB level. ULBs can configure water source data at two levels - water source and water sub source.
Sr. No.
*Water source
*Water sub source
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Water source
Water source major category
Water sub source
Water source minor category
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document for more details on data type, size, and definitions.
Contact the person who shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the relevant Water Source.
Enter the corresponding Water Sub Source. This will map the water sub source to the specified water source.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
A separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-water-source-types.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-water-source-types.xlsx - 11KB
The penalty is levied on the consumer in case the consumer fails to make the payment for the bill raised before the specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid penalty charges. The number of days after which the penalty is applicable is configurable at the ULB level. The penalty calculation logic may differ from one state or ULB to another.
The penalty can be -
Fixed amount
Percentage: When it is a percentage, it can be levied on
Entire bill amount
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Penalty based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace period (days)
*Penalty flat amount (Rs)
*Penalty (%)
Balance Pending
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Penalty flat amount
If the penalty is not levied on a percentage basis, it is generally a flat fee which is penalty charges amount
Penalty based on
The penalty can be a certain percentage of the bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Penalty (%)
The penalty is calculated as a percentage amount based on either Bill amount or Balance pending
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter an appropriate value for Penalty Based On.
Enter a value for the Grace Period.
Enter the Penalty Flat Amount.
Enter the Penalty value in percent.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-penalty-rates.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-penalty-rates.xlsx - 9KB
Learn how to apply for new water or sewerage connections, pay bills
Citizens represent individuals, groups or communities that are using the W&S module online to manage their water and sewerage connections. The W&S module offers an efficient means of tracking and managing water and sewerage connections.
The citizens can -
Download bills, receipts and approval letters
The Apply for New Connection option allows citizens to submit their application for new water or sewerage connection. Application forms are submitted through the portal for further processing and approval for new connections by the ULB employees.
To apply for new connections
Navigate to the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar. Alternatively, click on the Water & Sewerage card available on the Citizen Services panel on the home page.
Click on the Apply for New Connection option.
The system displays the list of required documents for processing new water or sewerage connections. Click on the Print button below to print the list for reference.
Click on the Apply button to begin filling the application form. The application form contains three sections - Connection Details, Documents, and Summary.
In the Property Details panel enter the Property ID for the new connection. Click on the Find/Create Property ID click here link if you do not remember the property ID or the property is not yet registered in the system. Search for the relevant property details or click on the Register New Property button to register the property.
Click on the Select button available for the relevant property in the search list. This will auto-populate the property details in the application.
The Same as Owner Details box is checked by default in the Connection Holder Details panel. Uncheck this box if the connection holder details are not the same as the property owner. Now enter the connection holder’s Mobile No., Name, Gender, Guardian Name, Relationship with the mentioned guardian, Correspondence Address and Special Applicant Category details.
Check the Water or Sewerage box in the Connection Details panel to indicate the type of connection you are applying for. Check both boxes if the application is for both water and sewerage.
Enter the No. of Taps proposed if you are applying for water connection. Select the applicable value for Pipe Size Proposed (in inches). Enter the required No. of Water Closets and No. of Toilets details for sewerage connection. Click on the Next Step button to proceed to the Documents section of the application.
The system allocates a unique Application No. available on the top of the application form page. Click on the Select Documents drop-down menu to identify the relevant document that will be uploaded as Identity Proof, Address Proof, Building Plan etc.
Click on the Upload File button to attach the documents to the application. Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary section of the application.
The system displays the success acknowledgement message. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the application.
The application is processed by the ULB employees who verify the attached documents and carry out field inspections before the final approval. The citizen is allotted a unique consumer number once the application is processed and approved.
Citizens can view their applications to find status details, pending fees to be paid, or any other notifications linked to the application.
To view applications
Click on the My Applications option on the W&S home page.
The system displays all the applications submitted by the citizen and the current status of each application. Click on the View Details button below the application for detailed information on the application status and actions taken on the application.
Click on the View History button available in the Application Summary panel on top. This displays all the tasks completed and in progress along with the date.
The Fee Estimate panel displays the payable application fee details. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee calculation details.
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application and then click on Pay to make the fee payment. The Pay option is enabled once the application is in Pending for Payment status.
Click on the Download or Print button on the top right corner of the page to download or print the application or the payment receipt.
The W&S module allows citizens to check the meter readings in case they have metered connections.
To check meter readings
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen. Click on the Consumer Number link available for the listed connection.
Click on the View Consumption Details button available in the Service Details panel on the Connection Details page.
The meter reading and current consumption readings are available on the Consumption Details page.
Scroll down the page to view past readings.
Citizens can view their water or sewerage connection details through the portal.
To view connection details
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen. Click on the Consumer Number link available for the listed connection.
The Connection Details page displays the Service Details, Property Details, Owner Details and the Connection Holder Details. Scroll down the page to view these details.
The citizen portal allows users to view their existing connection details and pay water or sewerage bills online.
To view and pay bills
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen.
Click on the Pay Now button available for connections that have pending dues.
Alternatively, click on the Pay Water & Sewerage Bill card on the W&S home page. Enter the required search parameters to search for a specific bill.
Click on the Pay Now button available for connections that have pending dues.
The Bill Details shows the Total Amount, Due Date, and amount breakup details. Scroll down to view the associated Service Details and Property Details. Click on the Download Bill button to download the bill. Click on the Pay button to make the payment.
Select Full Amount or Custom Amount depending on whether you are paying the entire bill amount or making a partial payment or advance payment. Enter the Amount to pay (Rs) in case of Custom Amount. Enter the Payer Details.
Select the relevant option for Payment Paid By. Select Owner if the payment is done by the owner else select Other if someone else is making the bill payment. Enter the Payer Name and Payer Mobile No. In the case of Owner, these details are auto-populated.
Click on the Make Payment button to proceed with the payment. Select the preferred payment method and provide the required payment details. The system displays the payment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the payment receipt.
Citizens can view past bill payment details from their portal.
To view past payment details -
Click on the Past Payments option on the W&S home page.
The system displays historic payment details.
Click on the Download Receipt button to download the payment receipt. The Partially Paid status will be displayed if only part of the bill amount is paid.
The Counter Employee (CE) represents the ULB employee responsible for assisting the citizens with water and sewerage connection related activities. The W&S module provides the CE with the scope to submit applications for new connections on behalf of the citizens or collect payment for the citizen bills at the counter.
The CE can -
The CEs can apply for new water or sewerage connection applications and submit it on behalf of the citizens.
To apply for new connections
Click on the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar or the Water & Sewerage card on the DIGIT home page.
The W&S portal enables CEs and other ULB employees to search for specific applications or connections using different search parameters.
To search for W&S connections
Click on the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar or the Water & Sewerage card on the DIGIT home page. The Search Connections tab on the page displays the various search parameters that filter the search for specific connections. Enter the applicable City. This is a mandatory search filter.
Enter the Property ID, or Owner Mobile No., or Consumer Number, or the Old Consumer Number to filter the view of connections based on the specified parameter. Click on the Search button to view the search results. Click on the Reset button to renew the search using different parameters.
To search for W&S applications
Click on the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar or the Water & Sewerage card on the DIGIT home page. Click on the Search Applications tab.
Enter the Consumer No. or Application Number, or Owner Mobile No., or Application Type to filter the search for applications. The application search can also be filtered by Application Status or defining a specific period in the From Date and To Date fields. The system fetches the applications created between the specified period or after the specified date.
Click on the Search button to view the search results. Click on the Reset button to renew the search using different parameters.
CEs add the meter readings for each connection to generate monthly bills based on the recorded usage.
To add meter readings
Search for the specific connection using relevant search parameters. Click on the Consumer Number link available for listed connections. Click on View Consumption Details available in the Service Details panel.
Click on the Add Meter Reading button on the top right corner of the Consumption Details page.
The Billing Period by default is set to the last reading date and current reading date.
Select the applicable Meter Status. The meter status can be changed to reflect the current working condition of the meter. Meters can be set to Working, Locked, Breakdown, Non-meter, Reset, or Replacement, as applicable.
Enter the Current Reading in the meter reading page. The system displays the Last Reading and the Last Reading Date. Enter the Current Reading Date. The date field auto-populates the current date by default.
The actual Consumption is automatically calculated by the system. The customer is billed on the basis of the actual consumption.
Click on the Save button to save the reading. This will generate the bill or demand for payment that has to be made by the customer.
Once the application for new water or sewerage connection is approved and the citizen has paid the applicable connection charges, the CE is responsible for activating the new connection.
To activate new connections
Search for the applications that are Pending for Connection Activation. Click on the Application No. to open the application.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Edit option to enter connection activation details.
Review the Connection Details and the list of Documents furnished with the application.
Enter the connection details in the Additional Details section of the application.
Enter the Connection Execution Date. The connection will be activated on the specified date. For metered connections, enter the Meter ID, Meter Installation Date, and Initial Meter Reading (KL).
Click on Next Step to the Summary section of the application. Review the application details. Click on the Take Action button and then click on the Activate Connection option.
Enter any Comments for activating the connection. Click on the Activate Connection button.
The connection activation success message is displayed on the screen. A system generates a unique Consumer No. to identify the connection.
CEs can pay W&S bills for the citizens. The CEs can add penalty or rebates to the bill amount depending on the applicable penalty or rebates available for the customers.
To pay bills
Enter the relevant search parameter to filter the view of W&S connections. Click on the Collect button for the specific connection.
The Bill Details panel displays the pending dues details and its breakup.
Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to adjust any penalties or rebates applicable for the customer.
Add the Adhoc Penalty Amount or the Adhoc Rebate Amount. Select the Reason For Adhoc Penalty or Reason for Adhoc Rebate from the given drop-down list. Enter any additional information in the Enter Comments section.
Click on the Add button to add the penalty or rebate amount to the total bill amount. Click on the Download Bill button to download the bill. Click on the Pay button.
Select Full Amount or Custom Amount to specify the full or partial payment of the bill. Enter the Amount to Pay if Custom Amount is selected. Click on the applicable payment tab in the Capture Payment panel.
Enter the required payment details and make the payment. Click on the Generate Receipt button to process the payment.
The payment success acknowledgement message is displayed on the screen. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the payment receipt.
The W&S module enables CEs to make any changes to the existing water or sewerage connection details in a few simple steps. Such changes may reflect any updates in property details or the connection details.
To modify connection details
Search for the specific connection using applicable search parameters. Click on the Consumer Number link to open the connection details page.
Scroll down the page and click on the Take Action button. Click on Modify Connection.
The system does not allow employees to modify connection details in 2 cases
If there are any pending dues for the connection - the owner has to settle the pending dues before making any modifications to the connection details.
If there is already any other modification application pending for approval - the owner can raise another modification request only once the previous application is approved.
The Modify Connection application form contains 4 sections. The Property Details panel displays the existing property details linked to the connection. Click on the Search Property button to replace the existing property details with another property. Select the applicable Property ID. The change request for property details will be forwarded to the Approver for final approval.
Click on the Modify Property button to make any changes to the existing property. This action is integrated with the Property Tax module. So, whatever changes or edits are requested for the listed property will go through the Edit Property workflow for verification and final approval from the Property Tax department.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Additional Details section.
Change the Connection Details as required on this page. Users can modify the existing Connection Type, Number of Taps, Water Source, Water Sub Source, and applicable Pipe Size details. Change the Activation Details if required. Enter new meter details in the Meter ID and Meter Installation Date fields.
Enter the Modification Effective From date. The requested changes will be reflected from the selected date. Click on the Next Step button to upload supporting documents for the requested changes.
Select the applicable Documents and then click on Upload Files to attach the selected documents with the application.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary page of the application. Scroll down the page to review the modification requests. The existing connection details are available below the requested changes for easy reference.
Click on the Submit button for processing the modification requests. The application is sent to the Approver for final approval.
The Document Verifier (DV) is responsible for verifying the required and supporting documents uploaded by the citizen with the W&S application. The application is forwarded to the Field Inspector for further review once the DV finds the documents uploaded meet the requirements. Else, the application is either sent back to the citizen for refurbishing the documents or rejected.
DV can
DV can edit application details on behalf of the applicants.
To edit applications
The applications Pending for Document Verification is available on the DIGIT home page. Else, search for the application using the search parameters.
Open the application. Click on the View History button available in the Task Status panel on top to view the list of actions taken on the application so far. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee breakup details in the Fee Estimate panel.
Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to add any ad hoc penalty or rebate amount to the total fee payable. Scroll down the application to review the filled in details. Click on the View button for each uploaded document to review details.
Click on the Take Action button and then click on Edit to make required corrections. Review the Connection Details and the list of Documents furnished with the application.
Enter the connection details in the Additional Details section of the application. Select the applicable Connection Type. Enter the Number of Taps, Water Source, Water Sub Source, and Pipe Size details.
Select ULB if the plumber is provided by the ULB. Else, check the Self option. In case the plumber is provided by the ULB enter the Plumber License No., Plumber Name, and Plumber Mobile No. details.
Select the relevant Road Type. Enter the Area (in sq ft) to indicate the length of road cutting required to lay the pipes. Enter the Connection Execution Date. The connection will be activated on the specified date.
Click on Next Step to the Summary section of the application. Review the application details. Complete the changes and click on the Submit button to save the changes.
DV can send the application back to the citizen for any corrections or if any vital document has not been uploaded.
To send the application back to the citizen
Enter the Application No. or any other search parameter to search for the application. Click on the Application No. link to open the application. Scroll down the application page to review the filled in details.
Click on the View File button to open the documents uploaded in the application. Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Send Back to citizen button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or any document is missing.
State the reasons for sending the application back to the citizen in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is placed back in the Citizen queue for required edits.
The DV can reject the application if the documents and information furnished by the citizen do not meet the prescribed guidelines.
To reject the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Reject button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or the information provided in the application is inaccurate.
State the reasons for rejecting the application in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button.
The application is rejected and a notification is sent to the applicant informing the same.
The DV verifies and forwards the application if the documents and information provided in the application are found satisfactory and complete.
To verify and forward the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Verify and Forward button once all documents are verified.
Select the applicable Assignee Name who will carry out the next phase of verification. Provide any additional information for the assignee in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The application is forwarded to the field inspector for further processing.
The field inspector or FI is responsible for conducting the field inspection of the connection site and premises. The FI prepares the inspection report based on the observations on the defined inspection parameters.
The FI can
To edit applications
The application Pending for Field Inspection is available on the DIGIT home page. Else, search for the application using the search parameters.
Open the application. Click on the View History button available in the Task Status panel on top to view the list of actions taken on the application so far. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee breakup details in the Fee Estimate panel.
Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to add any ad hoc penalty or rebate amount to the total fee payable.
Scroll down the application to review the filled in details. Click on the View button for each uploaded document to review details. Click on the Take Action button and then click on Edit to make required corrections.
Review the Connection Details and the list of Documents furnished with the application.
Enter the connection details in the Additional Details section of the application. Select the applicable Connection Type. Enter the Number of Taps, Water Source, Water Sub Source, and Pipe Size details.
Select ULB if the plumber is provided by the ULB. Else, check the Self option. In case the plumber is provided by the ULB enter the Plumber License No., Plumber Name, and Plumber Mobile No. details.
Select the relevant Road Type. Enter the Area (in sq ft) to indicate the length of road cutting required to lay the pipes. Enter the Connection Execution Date. The connection will be activated on the specified date. For metered connections, enter the Meter ID, Meter Installation Date, and Initial Meter Reading (KL).
Click on Next Step to the Summary section of the application. Review the application details. Complete the changes and click on the Take Action button to proceed with the required action on the application.
FIs can send the application back to the DV for any corrections or if any vital document has not been uploaded.
To send the application back
Enter the Application No. or any other search parameter to search for the application. Click on the Application No. link to open the application. Scroll down the application page to review the filled in details.
Click on the View File button to open the documents uploaded in the application. Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Send Back button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or any document is missing.
State the reasons for sending the application back to the citizen in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is placed back in the DV queue for required edits.
The FI can reject the application if the documents and information furnished by the citizen do not meet the prescribed guidelines.
To reject the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Reject button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or the information provided in the application is inaccurate.
State the reasons for rejecting the application in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button.
The application is rejected and a notification is sent to the applicant informing the same.
The FI verifies and forwards the application if the documents and information provided in the application are found satisfactory and complete.
To verify and forward the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Verify and Forward button once the field inspection is complete and found to be satisfactory.
Select the applicable Assignee Name who will carry out the next phase of verification. Provide any additional information for the assignee in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The application is forwarded to the W&S Approver for final approval.
The W&S Approver is responsible for approving or rejecting the application for new water or sewerage connections. Once approved the applicant must pay the connection charges to initiate the activation of the connection. The counter employee fills in the activation details and activates the connection. Post connection activation the system generates a unique consumer number.
The Approver can
To edit applications
The application Pending for Approval is available on the DIGIT home page. Else, search for the application using the search parameters. Open the application.
Click on the View History button available in the Task Status panel on top to view the list of actions taken on the application so far. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee breakup details in the Fee Estimate panel. Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to add any ad hoc penalty or rebate amount to the total fee payable.
Scroll down the application to review the filled in details. Click on the View button for each uploaded document to review details.
Click on the Take Action button and then click on Edit to make the required corrections. Complete the changes and click on the Submit button to save the changes.
The Approver can send the application back to the FI for any corrections or if any vital document has not been uploaded.
To send the application back to the citizen
Enter the Application No. or any other search parameter to search for the application. Click on the Application No. link to open the application. Scroll down the application page to review the filled in details.
Click on the View File button to open the documents uploaded in the application. Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Send Back button if the application does not meet specific requirements or any document is missing.
State the reasons for sending the application back to the FI in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is placed back in the FI queue for the required processing.
The Approver can reject the application if the documents and information furnished by the citizen do not meet the prescribed guidelines.
To reject the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Reject button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or the information provided in the application is inaccurate.
State the reasons for rejecting the application in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button.
The application is rejected and a notification is sent to the applicant informing the same.
The Approver verifies the application and if the documents and information provided in the application are found satisfactory and complete, the connection request is approved.
To approve connections
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Approve Connection button once the application is reviewed and verified.
Provide any additional information for the applicant in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Approve Connection button.
The application for new water or sewerage connection is approved. The applicant is allotted a unique Consumer Number. The application is now routed back to the citizen to make the payment towards connection charges. Once the payment is done the connection is activated.
Refer to
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All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Specifies the
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Summary page displays the filled in application details. Scroll down the page to check the details. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application. Click on the Submit button once the review is complete.
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Click on the New Application button available on the top right corner of the page. Follow the steps iterated in the for new connections section to apply for new connections.
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Migrating legacy data
This section covers the principles eGov will be following for migrating legacy property registry along with demand and collection balances to the DIGIT system (currently in Uttarakhand but can be used for other clients in future). eGov has been successful in implementing property tax applications in states of Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and various other Municipal Corporations like Greater Chennai, Nagpur and so on using best practices defined here.
The state team is supposed to take care of the below activities before property data is shared to eGov for data migration:
State team to share all master data and its localization that are part of the property tax. For example masters like - city, boundary, usage type, property type and so on
State team to do the data gathering and prepare the property tax data in the predefined template shared by eGov
Data prepared needs to be scrutinised by the data owner from the State’s team. Following data validations to be considered in particular:
Validate if all sheets have accurate records (owner details, property details and DCB details, Floor details) in terms of what is expected
DCB details can be more than the number of records in the property sheet
There can be multiple owners for a single property. But there needs to be an owner and DCB for each of the properties
Have a check on all mandatory data present
All sheets to be aligned with the unique id field
The state has to share the complete set of property data for a city in a single go. They can also give one set for residential properties and another for commercial properties, but cannot give multiple sets for the same.
Data owner to give a sign off on data before handing over to eGov team
State team to be aware of assumptions and default values that will be applied as part of the data migration process. This will be shared by the eGov team
UAT and production environment where the data is to be loaded to be provisioned and set up
Data received from the State team will be cleansed by eGov with default values
Mandatory fields that have no financial impact on citizens can be filled with default values in the absence of values specified by the State team. Few examples are listed below -
Covered areas can be updated as 0
Road type as 12 meters
The number of floors can be updated as 1
Certain fields that have a financial impact can also have default values like tax amount in the absence of values specified by the State team. (It can be updated as Rs.1)
If the mobile number is blank, a dummy mobile number will be updated. Care will be taken to ensure that this is not an actual mobile number and this number will be removed from notifications. Dummy numbers can be something like 99999xxxxx where the first few dummy numbers in a state will be 9999900001, 9999900002, 9999900003 so on.
Follow the below assumptions to do data cleaning
If the mobile number and user name combinations are duplicating we will consider these properties belong to the same owner. This means one user will be created in the system which will have a link to two properties.
Have a marker if any assumptions and default values are applied on a record
Certain data are currently not assumed or defaulted. Below listed are a few cases -
Owner details completely not available for a property - If complete owner details are missing, these records to be kept in the not to be migrated list.
If DCB is not there or given for a range of years - since there are a lot of use cases here, we can keep this record in the not to be migrated list
Duplicate old property id - leave the data as it is and then edit it later using the data entry screen
If boundary data is not present or data not aligned with the master data shared - update to a default mohalla which the state agrees to
Door number is not present - update the value as “door number”
Owner Name blank in the owner details sheet - update the value as “owner”.
Load the records using property migration kit to UAT server
Prepare a list of all passed and failed property records and share them back with the State team. Passed records along with values defaulted will be shared.
If the State team wants eGov to retry all failed records they are expected to come back with the revised data within one week.
Repeat Step 1 for revised records received from the State team.
The final status of the data load will be shared with the State team.
State team to verify data loaded on UAT server and provide a sign off for each of the ULBs within 1 week
On getting sign-off of UAT data, eGov will load that data to production using the migration kit used for loading to UAT instances. This can be done only if the production infrastructure is ready.
Get sign off on the production data before the application can be made live.
Total Records
Duplicate/Wrong data
% of data loadable after imposing assumptions
% of incorrect data
356 in the first sheet
261 in the second pass
Communication for data migration exercise can be split into the following stages:
There will be a SPOC from the State team who is the data owner who will share data with the eGov team. Excel sheet data will be put on google drive and shared with the project manager from eGov. Similarly, all communications from the eGov side to State will be routed through the project manager.
A demo of how PT module works - State + ULBs
Product fitment discussion, configurable data finalization and sign off - State
An overview of how data migration works - State + ULBs
Sharing the template (along with checklists and FAQs) in which we will collect data and type of data required against each field along with training - State + ULBs
Sharing assumptions which will be followed while migrating data - State + ULBs
During migration
Data inconsistencies observed in Data cleaning stage - State
Gaps needed to complete data migration (like mohalla mapping) - State
List of records which will be migrated as-is and the ones which will be migrated with assumptions - State
List of properties migrated without error - State
List of properties migrated with error for ULBs manual entry - State
UAT Sign-off document - State + ULB
Final confirmation post migration on Production - State + ULB
All failed records from the second pass will be manually entered into the system using data entry screens
The state has to make a mandate to collect property tax only using DIGIT.
All records with assumption markers or incorrect data can be updated by counter employees when citizens come for payment. Maybe this option can be given to the citizen when coming for online payment.
When a citizen is coming for making his payment, the counter operator can check if their property exists in the system using propertyid or mobile number. If it is found to be missing, it can be captured afresh in the system using the data entry option. All required information can be obtained from the citizen, either from previous year receipts that they carry or directly asking them.
With this approach, a ULB can go live with 90% of property data within a short time.
Data Migration Checklist
Data provided in the standard template attached only will be accepted for further analysis and process.
Data provided into the template is loaded into staging tables and then validation and data clean-up is done.
Properties with current Tax 0. (2020-21)
Properties with advance collection
Properties with current tax partially payment
Properties with Mohalla not configured in master
Masters mapping with the configured masters data in the system.
All the findings of data are reported to the onsite team and sought clarification.
Once all the queries/ findings are cleared/addressed data is moved into UAT.
Data is verified into UAT with sampling by the state team. Go ahead.
Preparing some basic checkpoints before moving into production.
Move the data into production and verify the checkpoints.
An illustrative guide to using the property tax module
The Property Tax (PT) module offers the citizens and governance bodies a convenient and transparent means of processing property taxes. Local governing bodies identify the applicable tax slabs for different types of properties. The PT module assesses properties, calculates tax amount, processes tax payment and generates tax collection reports.
The PT module enables citizens to pay property taxes online. It facilitates the governing bodies process property tax payments.
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Add Property
Search Property
Edit Property
Assess Property
Re-Assess Property
Pay Property Tax
Transfer Property Ownership
Download Receipts/Applications
Individuals and Community groups
Counter Employee (CE)
Add Property
Search Property
Edit Property
Assess Property
Re-Assess Property
Pay Property Tax
Transfer Property Ownership
Download Receipts/Applications
Counter employees who assist citizens register new property details, transfer ownership of property, pay property tax on their behalf
Document Verifier (DV)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Edit Application
Employees responsible for verifying the supporting documents submitted by citizens for a new property or transfer of ownership of property
Field Inspector (FI)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees who go on to the field (i.e. location of property) and physically verifies the information provided by the applicant is correct
Send Back
An employee who has the final authority to approve or reject the property registration
This section guides you through the details of using the PT module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the PT system.
Functional overview for stakeholders
The Water and Sewerage (W&S) module provides a digital interface to apply for water and sewerage connections and, pay the water and sewerage charges for connection/s. It can be used by the citizens, Urban Local Body (ULB) counter employees and field employees, and ULB Administrators to accomplish their specific tasks. It is available as a mobile and web-based application.
The Water and Sewerage product features can be broadly classified as the following modules:
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Applying for a new Water/Sewerage connection
Searching for a Connection
Modifications to a Connection
Entering meter reading of metered connections
Generate Demand
Payment collection and Receipts
Closure of water connection
Dashboards and Reports
This module provides enables the following capabilities
OTP Based Login for Citizen via Web/Mobile App
OTP Based Login for Employee via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during first time registration for both Employee and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized Profile for Citizens and employees on Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchy of employees
Role-based access for performing different actions relating to the W&S module
The system allows the Citizen / ULB user (with an appropriate role in the system) to apply for a New Water/Sewerage connection. The application goes through an approval workflow before it is available for various transactions in the system. The workflow to be followed for a new water/sewerage connection is configurable. In the workflow, the ULB official will generate the estimation notice. Once the payment is made, a work order will be generated.
Every time there is a change in the status of an application, the citizen will be intimated through in-app notifications, SMS and email. The citizen and employee can view the history of the various states that an application has been in and the comments added by the employee in each state of the application.
The employee from the W&S department will be able to access the feature, to search for water and sewerage connections. They can search for any connection based on parameters such as:
Consumer number
Application number
Owner mobile number
Application status
From date
To date
The search result contains, Application number, Consumer number, Owner name, Status, Due amount and Pay now option. The Employee can make payment for a connection on the citizen’s behalf using the ‘Pay Now’ option.
Citizens can also search for their connection in the portal. They can search using the Owners mobile number, Property ID, Consumer number etc. The search result yields, Owner’s Name, Address, Due amount and Pay option.
The system facilitates the title transfer of water tap connection from one person to the other person. Title transfer of water tap connection directly depends upon Property tax. If title transfer is done in the property tax module then at the time of final approval, the changes will reflect in the W&S module automatically. After the title transfer has been completed successfully, subsequent bills will be generated with the details of the new owner/s.
Water tap change in usage happens when property type is changed from residential to Non-residential or from Non-residential to residential. Change in usage directly depends on the property tax module. If the property type is changed in the Property tax system then it will automatically reflect in the W&S system. When there is a change in the usage type, the subsequent bills will reflect the rates as per the updated usage category. When there is a change in the usage category in the middle of the billing cycle, pro-rata charges will be applied in the next billing period.
The change in connection category from non-metered to metered and vice-versa is also possible in the W&S system with the appropriate workflow configured to intimate all stakeholders of the change and collect any charges (if applicable) from the citizen.
On the W&S billing screen, there is a card called ‘Meter reading’. An employee can click on ‘Meter reading’ which redirects the employee to the meter reading landing screen. The employee can search based on the following criteria:
Boundary Type
Boundary Value
Billing Year
Billing Period
Billing Period Value
Consumer No.
This feature facilitates the employee to search for all results based on desired criteria. The search result yields the following values: consumer number, owner name, meter status, last reading, current reading, date and consumption.
The employee can edit meter status, current reading, date and consumption under certain conditions. Based on this information the employee can generate the bills for connections.
In the system, there is a feature to generate demand under the billing section. Generate demand has a search feature in which, the connections can be searched for which demand has been already generated. An employee can view, also edit those demands based on certain conditions.
The system has the capability to configure the demand generation as an automatic or a manual process. In the automatic process, the demand generation for non-metered connections is automatically done periodically. For metered connection as soon as the employee enters the meter reading and clicks on ‘SAVE’, the demand is generated.
Any success/ failure to generate demand triggers an automatic notification to the concerned ULB officials via email. Also, the demand generation cycle, demand generation date and officials who should receive the notifications can be configured.
The citizen can pay for dues by searching his/her connection. In search results, the citizen can click on pay, which redirects to the summary page of the dues. After this, the citizen can pay for dues online. An employee can also collect the payment on the citizen’s behalf. After searching for the desired connection, clicking on pay will redirect the employee to the common payment page. The employee can print the receipt after the payment is successfully collected. The citizen is also notified and gets a download receipt link in the notification.
If the Water tap owner has got his own water source then the water tap owner can initiate for Water tap connection closure permanently. So, that tap will be closed permanently and demand would not be generated for the connection. Application for the closing of water tap connection is accepted only with the latest water charges receipt and clearing of old dues.
The state-level administrator can keep track of relevant metrics by using dashboards. Dashboards for W&S can be accessed by a state-level user under login. The dashboard has these components:
Financial Indicators
W&S Total collections YTD
Water Collection
Sewerage Collection
Water - Demand vs Collection (Monthly trend)
Sewerage - Demand vs Collection (Monthly trend)
Municipal Adoption
W & S : No. Of ULBs Live
W & S: Total Number of ULBs
Water Consumers by Connection Type
W & S Consumers by Usage Type
Total Collections by Source
Total Collections by Mode
W & S Adoption : ULB Wise
Today’s Collections
W&S Total collections: Today
Water Charges - Total collections: Today
Sewerage Charges - Total collections: Today
W&S - Total No. of Receipts: Today
Water - Total No. of Receipts: Today
Sewerage - Total No. of Receipts: Today
Mode wise W&S collections: Today
W&S ULB wise collections: Today
The table below lists the functionalities supported by the offered product as per the recommendations under the guidelines mentioned under the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) guidelines of 2019.
Reform Area
Weightage (score)
Obtaining Utility Permits
Obtaining Water Connection
Implement an online application system with the following features:
i. Online submission of application without the need to submit a physical copy of the application
ii. Eliminate physical touchpoint for document submission
iii. Allow the option of online payment of application fee
iv. Allow the applicant to track the status of the application online
( Available in DIGIT Platform)
Obtaining Utility Permits
Obtaining Water Connection
Display information on tariffs (in Rs. per kL) and notify customers of the change in tariff ahead of the billing cycle (for commercial and industrial users)
( Available in DIGIT Platform)
Obtaining Utility Permits
Obtaining Water Connection
Allow users to pay water bills online
( Available in DIGIT Platform)
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
DV is responsible for verifying the supporting documents uploaded by the applicants or the counter employee on behalf of the applicant.
The DV can
Trade license applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The DV verifies and forwards the TL application to the Field Inspector if the DV finds all information and documents provided by the applicant correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The TL application is assigned to the selected Assignee for subsequent processing.
To edit applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Edit button. Change any details in the form as required.
FI is responsible for verifying the field details provided by the applicants.
The FI can
FI sends back the applications to the citizens if some vital information is missing in the application or there is a mistake in the information provided.
To send applications back to the citizen navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back.
Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context to the application. Click on the Send Back to Citizen button.
The system displays a success acknowledgement message stating that the application is sent back to the initiator.
The FI can send back the TL application to the DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments as additional information to the assignee stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of documents.
Trade license applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The FI verifies and forwards the TL application to the Approver if the information and documents provided by the applicant are correct.
To verify and forward the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Verify and Forward button. Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing.
Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The TL application is assigned to the selected Assignee for subsequent processing.
To make any changes in the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Edit button. Change any details in the form as required.
The Approver is responsible for the final approval of the TL application.
The Approver can
The Approver can send back the TL application to the FI or DV if there is any mistake or lapses in the document verification process.
To send back applications to the DV or FI navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Send Back button.
Select the Assignee Name who will be responsible for verifying the application. Enter any Comments stating why the application is sent back. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any files or images in context. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is assigned back to the selected assignee for verification of application.
Trade license applications are rejected if the supporting documents uploaded by the applicant fails to comply with the license requirements or the details provided in the form are incorrect.
To reject applications navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on Reject.
Enter your Comments to state the reason for rejection. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents to validate the rejection. Click on the Reject button.
The applicant will receive a rejection notification on his mobile number or email address.
The Approver signs off the TL application once the information and documents provided by the applicant are found correct. The TL Certificate is issued once the application is approved.
To approve the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Take Action button available at the bottom of the page. Click on the Approve button.
Select the relevant Assignee Name from the list of available employees for subsequent processing. Enter any additional information in the Comments field in context to the application for the assignee’s knowledge. Click on Upload Files to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Approve button.
The TL application is approved and the TL Certificate is issued to the applicant. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the TL Certificate.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.