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On National Informatica Cloud
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Provision infra for DIGIT on AWS using Terraform
The Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is one of the AWS services for deploying, managing, and scaling any distributed and containerized workloads, here we can provision the EKS cluster on AWS from ground up and using an automated way (infra-as-code) using terraform and then deploy the DIGIT Services config-as-code using Helm.
Know about EKS:
Know what is terraform:
AWS account with the admin access to provision EKS Service, you can always subscribe to free AWS account to learn the basics and try, but there is a limit to what is offered as free, for this demo you need to have a commercial subscription to the EKS service, if you want to try out for a day or two, it might cost you about Rs 500 - 1000. (Note: Post the Demo, for the internal folks, eGov will provide a 2-3 hrs time bound access to eGov's AWS account based on the request and available number of slots per day)
Install kubectl on your local machine that helps you interact with the kubernetes cluster
Install Helm that helps you package the services along with the configurations, envs, secrets, etc into a **[kubernetes manifests**](
Install terraform version (0.14.10) for the Infra-as-code (IaC) to provision cloud resources as code and with desired resource graph and also it helps to destroy the cluster at one go.
****Install AWS CLI **on your local machine so that you can use aws cli commands to provision and manage the cloud resources on your account.
Install AWS IAM Authenticator that helps you authenticate your connection from your local machine so that you should be able to deploy DIGIT services.
Use the AWS IAM User credentials provided for the Terraform (Infra-as-code) to connect with your AWS account and provision the cloud resources.
You'll get a Secret Access Key and Access Key ID. Save them safely.
Open the terminal and Run the following command you have already installed the AWS CLI and you have the credentials saved. (Provide the credentials and you can leave the region and output format as blank)
The above will create the following file In your machine as /Users/<your username>/.aws/credentials
Terraform helps you build a graph of all your resources, and parallelizes the creation and modification of any non-dependent resources. Because of this, Terraform builds infrastructure as efficiently as possible, and operators get insight into dependencies in their infrastructure.
Before we provision the cloud resources, we need to understand and be sure about what resources need to be provisioned by terraform to deploy DIGIT. The following picture shows the various key components. (EKS, Worker Nodes, PostGres DB, EBS Volumes, Load Balancer)
Considering the above deployment architecture, the following is the resource graph that we are going to provision using terraform in a standard way so that every time and for every env, it'll have the same infra.
EKS Control Plane (Kubernetes Master)
Work node group (VMs with the estimated number of vCPUs, Memory)
EBS Volumes (Persistent Volumes)
RDS (PostGres)
VPCs (Private network)
Users to access, deploy and read-only
Ideally, one would write the terraform script from the scratch using this doc.
Here we have already written the terraform script that provisions the production-grade DIGIT Infra and can be customized with the specified configuration.
Let's Clone the DIGIT-DevOps GitHub repo where the terraform script to provision EKS cluster is available and below is the structure of the files.
In here, you will find the under each of the modules that has the provisioning definition for DIGIT resources like EKS cluster, RDS, and Storage, etc. All these are modularized and reacts as per the customized options provided.
VPC Resources:
Internet Gateway
Route Table
EKS Cluster Resources:
IAM Role to allow EKS service to manage other AWS services
EC2 Security Group to allow networking traffic with EKS cluster
EKS Cluster
EKS Worker Nodes Resources:
IAM role allowing Kubernetes actions to access other AWS services
EC2 Security Group to allow networking traffic
Data source to fetch latest EKS worker AMI
AutoScaling Launch Configuration to configure worker instances
AutoScaling Group to launch worker instances
Configuration in this directory creates set of RDS resources including DB instance, DB subnet group, and DB parameter group.
Storage Module
Configuration in this directory creates EBS volume and attaches it together.
The following with create s3 bucket to store all the state of the execution to keep track.
The following contains the detailed resource definitions that need to be provisioned, please have a look at it.
Dir: DIGIT-DevOps/Infra-as-code/terraform/sample-aws
You can define your configurations in and provide the env specific cloud requirements so that using the same terraform template you can customize the configurations.
Following are the values that you need to mention in the following files, the blank ones will be prompted for inputs while execution.
Use this URL to create your own PGP key, this will create both public and private key in your machine, upload the public key into the keybase account that you have just created, and give a name to it and ensure that you mention that in your terraform. This allows to encrypt all the sensitive information.
Example user keybase user in eGov case is "egovterraform" needs to be created and has to uploaded his public key here -
you can use this portal to Decrypt your secret key. To decrypt PGP Message, Upload the PGP Message, PGP Private Key and Passphrase.
Now that we know what the terraform script does, the resources graph that it provisions and what custom values should be given with respect to your env.
Let's begin to run the terraform scripts to provision infra required to Deploy DIGIT on AWS.
First CD into the following directory and run the following command 1-by-1 and watch the output closely.
Upon Successful execution following resources gets created which can be verified by the command "terraform output"
s3 bucket: to store terraform state.
Network: VPC, security groups.
IAM users auth: using keybase to create admin, deployer, the user. Use this URL to create your own PGP key, this will create both public and private key in your machine, upload the public key into the keybase account that you have just created, and give a name to it and ensure that you mention that in your terraform. This allows to encrypt all the sensitive information.
Example user keybase user in eGov case is "egovterraform" needs to be created and has to uploaded his public key here -
you can use this portal to Decrypt your secret key. To decrypt PGP Message, Upload the PGP Message, PGP Private Key and Passphrase.
EKS cluster: with master(s) & worker node(s).
Storage(s): for es-master, es-data-v1, es-master-infra, es-data-infra-v1, zookeeper, kafka, kafka-infra.
Use this link to get the kubeconfig from EKS to get the kubeconfig file and being able to connect to the cluster from your local machine so that you should be able to deploy DIGIT services to the cluster.
Finally, Verify that you are able to connect to the cluster by running the following command
Whola! All set and now you can go Deploy DIGIT...
Complete DIGIT Installation step-by-step Instructions across various Infra types like Public & Private Clouds
While Quickstart Guide **would have helped you to get your hands dirty and build the Kubernetes cluster on a local/single VM instance, which you can consider for either local development, or to understand the details involved in infra and deployment.
However, DIGIT is a cloud-native platform at the same time cloud agnostic, depending on the scale and performance running DIGIT on production requires advanced capabilities like HA, DRS, autoscaling, resiliency, etc.. all these capabilities are provided out of the box by the commercial clouds like AWS, Google, Azure, VMware, OpenStack, etc.. and also the private clouds like NIC and few SDCs implemented clouds, all these cloud providers provide the kubernetes-as-a-managed-service that makes the entire infra setup and management seamless and automated, like infra-as-code, config-as-code.
Know the basics of Kubernetes:
Know the basics of kubectl commands
Know kubernetes manifests:
Know how to manage env values, secrets of any service deployed in kubernetes
Know how to port forward to a pod running inside k8s cluster and work locally
Know sops to secure your keys/creds:
Choose you cloud and follow the Instruction to setup a Kubernetes cluster before moving on to the Deployment.
Post infra setup (Kubernetes Cluster), the deployment has got 2 stages and 2 modes. We can see the stages first and then the modes. As part of a sample exercise we can deploy PGR, however deployment steps are similar, just that the prerequisites will have to be configured accordingly.
Stage 1: Prepare an <env.yaml> master config file, you can name this file as you wish which will have the following configurations, this env file need to be in line with your cluster name.
each service global, local env variables
credentials, secrets (You need to encrypt using sops and create a <env>-secret.yaml separately)
Number of replicas/scale of individual services (Depending on whether dev or prod)
mdms, config repos (Master Data, ULB, Tenant details, Users, etc)
sms g/w, email g/w, payment g/w
GMap key (In case you are using Google Map services in your PGR, PT, TL, etc)
S3 Bucket for Filestore
URL/DNS on which the DIGIT will be exposed
SSL Certificate for the above URL
End-points configs (Internal/external)
Stage 2: Run the digit_setup deployment script and simply answer the questions that it asks.
All Done, wait and watch for 10 min, you'll have the DIGIT setup completed and the application will be running on the given URL.
Essentially, DIGIT deployment means that we need to generate Kubernetes manifests for each individual service. We use the tool called helm, which is an easy, effective and customizable packaging and deployment solution. So depending on where and which env you initiate the deployment there are 2 modes that you can deploy.
From local machine - whatever we are trying in this sample exercise so far.
Advanced: From CI/CD System like Jenkins - Depending on how you want to setup your CI/CD and the expertise the steps will vary, however here you can find how we have setup CI/CD on Jenkins and the pipelines are created automatically without any manual intervention.
Post deployment, now the application will be accessible from the configured domain.
To try out PGR employee login, Lets create a sample tenant, city, user to login and assign LME employee role through the seed script
We have to do the kubectl port-forwarding of the egov-user service running from kubernetes cluster to your localhost, this will now give you access to egov-user service directly and interact with the api directly.
Seed the sample data
Ensure you have the postman to run the following seed data api, if not Install postman on your local
Import the following postman collection into the postman and run it, this will have the seed data that enable sample test users and localisation data.
By now we have successfully completed the digit setup on cloud, use the URL that you mentioned in your env.yaml Eg: and create a grievance to ensure the PGR module deployed is working fine. Refer the below product documentation for the steps.
Citizen: You can use your default mobile number (9999999999) to signin using the default Mobile OTP 123456.
Employee: Username: GRO and password: eGov@4321
Post grievance creation and assignment of the same to LME, capture the screenshot of the same and share it to ensure your setup is working fine.
Post validating the PGR functionality share the API response of the following request to assess the correctness of successful DIGIT PGR Deployment.
Finally, cleanup the DIGIT Setup if you wish, using the following command. This will delete the entire cluster and other cloud resources that were provisioned for the DIGIT Setup.
All Done, we have successfully Created infra on Cloud, Deployed Digit, Bootstrapped DIGIT, Performed a Transaction on PGR and Finally Destroyed the cluster.