You can improve DIGIT's performance and reliability by scaling its microservices.
This page will explain under which circumstances it can help to run more than one copy of any single service, and what considerations have to be made when doing so.
This article assumes you have access to scale the individual DIGIT microservices, and the mechanics of this are not covered here.
DIGIT is a distributed system, made of many microservices, each intended to be scaled, restarted, and configured independently.
DIGIT provides a great degree of flexibility, and allows to handle massive scale (transactions/day, managed machines). However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for configuring DIGIT; your transactions and usage patterns will need to inform how to prepare your DIGIT deployment to be used in production.
These pages are intended to provide both an intuition for how DIGIT works, as well as concrete tips and advice to make DIGIT more reliable at scale.
Before we can confidently productionize an installation of DIGIT, we need insight into what’s going on. This insight is provided by DIGIT's logs and metrics.
In the Distributed deployments to Kubernetes, logs are forwarded to whatever logging solution you have configured.
In the LocalDebian deployments, logs are written to /var/log/containers
Follow the to export DIGIT's metrics into a metric store of your choice.