Buildings can be classified into various categories on the basis of their usage. Different fire stations can have different ontology for building usage type but in order to provide citizens and businesses a uniform experience, it is important that the building usage types ontology is standardized at the state level.
For this purpose, the states can also use the National Building Code of India (NBC), a comprehensive building code, which is a national instrument providing guidelines for regulating building construction activities across the country.
Sr. No.
*Building Usage Type Code
*Building Usage Type
*Building Group (as per NBC)
*Building Usage Type (as per NBC)
Group A
Educational Institute
Group B
The data given in the above table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Building Usage Type Code
The code is given to the building usage type by the Fire Station. Eg: BU01 for Residential, BU02 for educational institute
Building Usage Type
Name of building usage type by the Fire Station. Eg: Residential, Educational Institute
Building Group (as per NBC)
The code is given to the building usage type as per NBC. Eg: Group A, Group B
Building Usage Type (as per NBC)
Name of building usage type as per NBC. Eg: Residential, Educational
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify all the different types of buildings on the basis of their usage that are being catered by the fire station in their area and start filling them in the Building Usage Type column.
Next, give each building usage type a unique code and enter the code in the Building Usage Type Code column, next to the Building usage type.
Map the data filled in the building usage types column to the building usage type and building groups as per the national building code.
Record the appropriate group and building type from NBC in the Building Group (as per NBC) and Building Usage Type (as per NBC) respectively.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Building Usage Type Codes that are defined by the Fire Station should be alphanumeric and Unique
BU01: Residential
BU02: Educational Institute
Building Usage Type should not contain any special characters
Residential : [Allowed]
#Residential! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-building-usage-type.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-building-usage-type-1-.xlsx - 9KB
NBC Building Classificationnbc-building-classification.xlsx - 9KB
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The first step is to identify all the fire stations within the state. It is important to note that all the ULBs may not have a fire department. Generally, the bigger ULBs of the state have a fire department that caters to that ULB at the same time to all the surrounding smaller ULBs and rural areas as well.
Sr. No.
*Fire Station Code
*Fire Station Name
The data given in the above table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Fire Station Code
The code is given to the fire station by the state team. Eg: FS01 For Patiala Fire station, FS02 for Amritsar Fire station
Fire Station Name
Name of the fire station. Eg: Patiala, Amritsar
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify all the fire stations operating in the state and enter their names in the Fire Station Name column
Next, give each fire station a unique code and enter that code in the Fire Station Code column.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Fire Station Codes that are defined by the state team should be alphanumeric and Unique
FS01: Amritsar
FS02: Jalandhar
Fire station Name should not contain any special characters
Amritsar : [Allowed]
#Amritsar! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templatesample-configuration-data-fire-noc-master.xlsx - 9KB
Sample Dataconfiguration-data-template-fire-noc-fee.xlsx - 13KB
After the building usage types are identified, the next activity is to identify the building sub usage types.
Buildings types can be further classified into various subcategories to go into the granular level of their usage details. The National Building Code of India (NBC) also classifies the building's usage type into the sub usage types which can be seen in the attachment.
Sr. No.
*Building Usage Type Code
*Sub Type Code
*Building Sub Usage Type
*Sub Divison (as per NBC)
*Building Sub Usage Type (as per NBC)
Apartment House
The data given in the above table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Building Usage Type Code
Sub Type Code
The code is given to the building sub usage type by the Fire Station. Eg: BSU01 for Hotel, BSU02 for Apartment Houses
Building Sub Usage Type
Name of subcategories within each building usage type as per the fire station. Eg: Hotel, Apartment Houses
Sub Divison (as per NBC)
The code is given to the building sub usage type as per NBC. Eg: Subdivision A4, A5
Building Sub Usage Type (as per NBC)
Name of subcategories within each building usage type as per NBC. Eg: Hotel, Apartment House
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify and add all the different sub usage types for each building group that are being catered by the fire station in the Building Sub Usage Type column.
Next, give each building Sub Usage type a unique code and enter the code in the Sub Usage Type Code column, next to the Building Sub Usage type.
Map the data filled in the building sub usage type column to the building sub usage type and Subdivision as per the national building code.
Record the appropriate subdivision and building sub usage type from NBC in the Subdivision (as per NBC) and Building Sub Usage Type (as per NBC) respectively.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
BU01: Residential
BU02: Educational
Building Sub Usage Type Codes that are defined by the Fire Station should be alphanumeric and unique
BSU01: Hotel
BSU02: Apartment
Building Sub Usage Type should not contain any special characters
Hotel : [Allowed]
#Hotel! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-building-sub-usage-type.xlsx - 9KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-building-sub-usage-type.xlsx - 8KB
NBC Classificationnbc-building-sub-usage-type.xlsx - 11KB
After the building usage and sub usage ontology has been defined for all the Firestations, the next step is to collect the Fire NOC fee that the citizens have to pay to obtain the certificate.
The Fire NOC fee is dependent on the following parameters:
Fire Station
Building Usage type
Building Sub usage type
Fire NOC type
Sr. No.
*Fire Station Code
*Building Usage Type Code
*Sub Type Code
*Fire NOC Fee
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Fire Station Code
Building Usage Code
Building Sub Usage Code
Fire NOC Fee
The amount that will be charged for each Fire NOC type. For Eg: 2000 for new, 0 for Provisional and 1000 for renew
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the Fire station codes of all the fire stations that are there in the Fire Station master, in the ‘Fire Station Code Column’.
Next, enter the Building usage types codes and building sub usage type codes that being catered by the fire station, next to the Fire Station Code.
Identify the fees that the fire stations are charging to issuing a new, provisional, or renewed Fire NOC for every building usage and sub usage combination.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Fire station codes, Building Usage code, and Sub usage Codes have to be similar to the codes entered in their respective masters
The Fire NOC fee should be an integer, without having any alphabet or symbol preceding or succeeding it
2000: [Allowed]
Rs. 2000 : [Not allowed]
2000 Rs. : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-fire-noc-fee.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-data-template-fire-noc-fee-1-.xlsx - 13KB
This page provides configuration details for Fire NOC master data templates
The Fire No-Objection Certificate (NOC) application, developed on the eGov-DIGIT platform, makes the process of obtaining a Fire NOC easy, smooth, and transparent. It eliminates the current manual process by automating and streamlining it, thus providing a better citizen service experience with the Urban Local Body (ULB) and Fire station employees.
Features offered to the citizens-
Apply for provisional or new fire NOC or renew existing Fire NOC.
Upload all the relevant documents required for the certificate.
Make payment for the Fire NOC using the online payment gateway.
Receive notifications and alerts by SMS, whenever the status of the application changes.
Download Fire NOC
Features offered to the Employees-
Flexible role-based workflow.
Configurable fee calculation mechanism.
Dashboard with application statistics.
Search applications using configurable parameters.
Receipt Register
Application Status
Fire-Noc calculator service is used to calculate the fire noc charges for the building based on the billing slab defined in the system. This service allows an employee with SUPERUSER role to create the billing slab with different combination of the height of the building, built_-_up area, plot size, number of floors etc.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Prior knowledge of JavaScript.
Prior knowledge of Node.js platform.
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has firenoc-calculator-persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created to store firenoc application data
Following services should be up and running:
An employee with SUPERUSER role can create, update billing slab(s)
firenoc-services internally call firenoc-calculator to generate demand.
Deploy the latest version of firenoc-services and firenoc-calculator.
Add firenoc-calculator-persister.yml file in config folder in git and add that path in persister . (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called persist-yml-path )
Firenoc Calculator makes calls to egov-mdms-service to fetch required master files. These are significant in validations of application.
firenoc-calculator will be integrated with firenoc-services. firenoc-services internally invoke the firenoc-calculator service to calculate and generate demand for the charges.
Firenoc calculator application is used to calculate the fire noc charges for the building based on the different billing slabs in the DB that's why the calculation and demand generation logic will be separate out from firenoc services. So in future, if calculation logic needs to modify then changes can be carried out for each implementation without modifying the Firenoc services.
Firenoc application to call /firenoc-calculator/v1/_calculate to calculate and generate the demand for the Firenoc application
/firenoc-calculator/v1/_getbill this API updates demand with time based penalty if applicable and generates bill for the given criteria.
ULB Employee can create billing slab calling /firenoc-calculator/billingslab/_create
ULB Employee can update billing slab calling /firenoc-calculator/billingslab/_update
ULB Employee can search billing slab calling /firenoc-calculator/billingslab/_search
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection therefore same link is added in each row)
Service configuration
The main objective of the Fire-NOC module is to provide a No Objection Certificate indicating that the building is designed as per fire safety norms and regulation.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Prior knowledge of JavaScript.
Prior knowledge of Node.js platform.
Kafka server is up and running
JSONPath for filtering required data from json objects.
Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON etc.
egov-persister service is running and has firenoc-services persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created
Prior knowledge of eGov-mdms service, eGov-persister, eGov-user, eGov-location, eGov-localization, eGov-idgen
Used for No Objection Certificate generations indicating that the building is designed as per fire safety norms and regulation.
Generate application number and fire noc number
Support workflow
Provide notification on various status changes for an application
Add mdms configs required for firenoc service and restart mdms service.
Deploy the latest version of firenoc-services service.
Add firenoc-services persister yaml path in persister configuration and restart persister service.
Add Role-Action mapping for API’s.
Create businessService (workflow configuration) according to firenoc registration.
Following are the properties in application.properties file in trade firenoc-service which are configurable.
MDMS Configuration
Firenoc service makes calls to egov-mdms-service to fetch required masters. These are significant in validations of application.
Create businessService (workflow configuration) using the __/businessservice/_create. Following is the product configuration for firenoc service
Persister Config
Id Gen Config
BasePath /firenoc-services/v1/[API endpoint]
a) _create
Create API call is called with INITIATED action to create new application. In this API call we validate request body(using ajv module for contract specific validation and explicit checking for user related validation checks), enrich audit details, generate application no using idgen, persist data using persister and return response.
Allowed user roles: NOC_CEMP, CITIZEN
b) _update
Once application is created it can be updated by citizen or employee while taking action on application
c) _search
Search API call is used to search for application. If search call is being made by CITIZEN then only his application would be fetched applying other search filters. For employee search based on search filter will return data.
The Fire-Noc service is used to provide a No Objection Certificate indicating that the building is designed as per fire safety norms and regulation.
Provide backend support for the No Objection Certificate registration process for a different building.
SMS notifications on application status changes.
Supports workflow which is configurable
To integrate, host of firenoc-services service should be overwritten in helm chart.
firenoc-services/v1/_create should be added as the create endpoint for creating fire noc application in the system.
firenoc-services/v1/_search should be added as the search endpoint. This method handles all requests to search existing records depending on different search criteria.
firenoc-services/v1/_update should be added as the update endpoint. This method is used to update fields in existing records or to update the status of the application based on workflow.
To Do
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection therefore same link is added in each row)
Learn how to apply for provisional or New NOC and pay NOC fees
Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The Fire NOC module enables citizens to apply for no-objection certificates from the local fire station. The applicants can also make the service fees online, track the status of their applications, download applications, and print payment receipts.
The citizen role can -
Apply for Fire NOC
View application status
Pay service fees
Download/Print applications and payment receipts
The Apply option allows citizens to fill in and submit the application for Fire NOC.
To apply
Navigate to and click on the Fire Noc card on the Citizen Services home page panel.
Click on the Apply button to initiate an application for a Fire NOC.
The system displays the list of documents required to submit with the NOC application. Click on the Print button to print this list or make a note of the required documents.
Click on the Apply button to proceed with the application.
Select the applicable NOC Type. Select New to apply for post-construction NOC. In case New NOC Type is selected, provide the Provisional Fire NOC Number. The application form is auto-filled with the details fetched from the Provisional Fire NOC.
Select Provisional to apply for pre-construction NOC.
Select Single Building or Multiple Buildings options to indicate the No. of Buildings in the Property Details panel.
Enter the property details such as Building Name, Building Usage Type as per NBC, Building Usage Subtype as per NBC, No. of Floors (Excluding Basement, Including Ground Floor), No. of Basements, Plot Size (in Sq meters), Ground Floor Built-up area (in Sq Meters), and Height of Building from Ground Level (in meters).
Enter the Property ID. Click on the search icon in case the property details are registered in the Property Tax module to fetch the linked property details. Skip this field if the property is not registered.
Select the applicable City. Enter the Plot/Survey No., Building/Colony Name, Street Name, Mohalla, and the Pincode details. Click on the map icon to pinpoint the property location on the map.
Select the Applicable Fire Station from the drop-down list. The application will be issued by the selected Fire Station. Click on the Next Step button to proceed to the next section of the application.
Select the applicable Applicant Type in the Applicant Details panel to indicate if the application is raised by an individual, or a government institution, or a private institution. Now, select the relevant Type of Applicant - Subtype. For instance, individual applicants may constitute of single owners or multiple owners. Similar sub-categorization is available in the drop-down list depending on the selected Applicant Type.
Enter the applicant Mobile No., Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Email, Father/Husband Name, PAN No., and Correspondence Address in the Applicant Details panel.
Select the applicable Special Applicant Category option if the applicant belongs to any of the defined categories. Select None of the Above in case the applicant does not belong to any specific category.
Click on the Next Step button to proceed with the application.
The Application No. is generated and visible on the page. Scroll down the application to upload the Required Documents.
Click on the Upload File button to begin uploading. Click on the Next Step button once all the requested documents are uploaded.
The Fee Details panel displays the total amount that has to be paid by the applicant towards NOC Fees.
Scroll down to review the filled in application details. Click on the Edit icon on the page in case any modification is required.
Click on the Submit button once the application is reviewed.
The acknowledgement screen confirms the application is submitted successfully. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print a copy of the application.
Click on the Proceed to Payment button to make the NOC fee payment.
Click on the Go To Home button to navigate back to the home page.
Click on My Applications on the home page to view application status details or to make the payment towards Fire NOC Fees.
The page displays your submitted applications along with the application current status. Click on the View Details button to view application details and to make the payment.
The Task Status panel displays the current status of the application. Click on the View History button to view status details.
Click on the Take Action and then click on the Pay button to proceed with the payment.
The application page displays the Consumer Code generated for the applicant. Review the Fee Details and breakdown available on the page. Click on the Make Payment button to proceed with the payment.
Enter the Paid By, Payer Name, and Payer Mobile No. in the Payer Details panel. If the Paid By is the Owner, the Payer Name and Mobile No. details are auto-populated from the applicant details.
The payment success acknowledgement screen confirms the payment along with the Payment Receipt No. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the payment receipt.
In almost all the states fire stations serve both the urban as well as the rural areas, therefore we need to prepare the masters for both urban areas as well as the rural areas being served in the state.
The data given in the above table is sample data.
Urban Area
Rural Area
Urban Areas
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the districts where fire services are provided and enter their names in the District Name column.
Give each district a unique code and enter the code in the District Code column, next to the District Name.
Identify all the ULBs within each district where fire services are provided and enter their name in the ULB Name column next to its District Name.
Give each ULB a unique code and enter the code in the ULB Code column.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
Rural Areas
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Identify the districts where fire services are provided and enter their names in the District Name column.
Give each district a unique code and enter the code in the District Code column, next to the District Name.
Identify all the Sub District within each district where fire services are provided and enter their name in the Sub District Name column next to its District Name.
Give each Sub District a unique code and enter the code in the Sub District Code column.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
Counter Employees are ULB employees responsible for helping citizens apply for fire NOC or pay the NOC fees at the counter. The Fire NoC module provides the Counter Employees with the scope to create new NOC applications on behalf of the citizens, view application status, and accept NOC fee payment.
The Counter Employees can -
Create and submit new application
Make NOC fees payment
The Create New Application option allows counter employees to fill in and submit the NOC application form on behalf of the citizen.
To create new application
Log in to the employee portal and click on the Fire NOC card on the home page.
Click on the New Application button available on the top right corner of the page.
Follow the same steps as outlined for the Citizens in the Apply for Fire NOC section to fill in and submit the application.
Counter Employees can check the application status of the citizen.
To check application status
Enter the applicable search parameter in the Search Fire NOC Application panel.
For instance, select Application Status parameter as Pending for Payment to view all applications pending for payment. Click on the Search button. The system displays the search results filtered by the selected parameter. Click on the Application No hyperlink to open and view the application details.
Click on the Reset button to clear the search filters.
The Document Verifier or DV is responsible for verifying the documents uploaded by the applicants and checking the accuracy, completeness and authenticity of the documents.
DV can -
Forward applications
Reject applications
Refer applications
To verify and forward the applications
Log in to the portal with the DV credentials. Click on the Fire NoC card on the home page.
Enter the relevant search criteria to fetch the applications Pending for Document Verification. Alternatively, users can also view the applications queued for document verification in their employee Inbox.
Click on the Application No hyperlink to view the application details.
Scroll down the application to find the documents uploaded by the applicant. Click on the View button available for each document. This opens the document attachment. Review each document.
Scroll down and click on the Take Action button. Click on the Forward button if the documents are fine. Select the Field Inspector or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button. The application is forwarded to the Field Inspector or selected Assignee.
Click on the Reject button in case the documents are not satisfactory or fail to comply with the requirements. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application. Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button. The application is rejected.
The DVs can refer the applications to other employees for their opinion on the application. The refer option enables the DV to resolve any complexities or doubts linked to the application.
To refer applications
Click on the Refer button. Select the employee or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for their inputs and opinion. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Refer for Opinion button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee for their opinion.
Field Inspector or FI is responsible for inspecting and verifying the field details and compliance with the fire NOC requirements onsite. If the requirements are found satisfactory the application is forwarded for approval, else it is sent back with the FI’s comments.
The FIs can -
Forward applications
Reject applications
Sendback applications
Refer applications
To verify and forward the applications
Log in to the portal with the FI credentials. Click on the Fire NoC card on the home page.
Enter the relevant search criteria to fetch the applications Pending for Field Inspection. Alternatively, users can also view the applications queued for field inspection in their employee Inbox.
Click on the Application No hyperlink to view the application details.
Scroll down the application to review the details filled in by the applicant. Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Forward button in case onsite inspection findings meet the Fire NOC guidelines.
Select the Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for final approval. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee.
Click on the Reject button in case the documents are not satisfactory or fail to comply with the requirements. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button. The application is rejected.
Click on the Sendback button in case the application details require re-verification. The applications are sent back to the document verifier for further action.
Select the Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for re-verification. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application. Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Sendback button. The application is sent back to the selected assignee for further action.
The FIs can refer the applications to other employees for their opinion on the application. The refer option enables the FIs to resolve any complexities or doubts linked to the application.
To refer applications
Click on the Refer button. Select the employee or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for their inputs and opinion. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Refer for Opinion button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee for their opinion.
Approver is responsible for the final approval of the Fire NoC application in case the application details comply with the fire NOC requirements. In case of any non-compliance or inaccuracies the application is rejected.
The approver can
Approve applications
Reject applications
Sendback applications
Refer applications
To approve applications
Log in to the portal with the approver credentials. Click on the Fire NoC card on the home page.
Enter the relevant search criteria to fetch the applications Pending for Approval. Alternatively, users can also view the applications queued for approval in their employee Inbox.
Click on the Application No hyperlink to view the application details.
Scroll down the application to review the details filled in by the applicant. Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Approve button in case the application meets the Fire NOC guidelines.
Select the employee or Assignee Name who will issue the Fire NoC. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Approve button. The application is approved.
Click on the Reject button in case the documents are not satisfactory or fail to comply with the requirements. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button. The application is rejected.
Click on the Sendback button in case the application details require re-verification. The applications are sent back to the document verifier or field inspector for further action.
Select the Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for re-verification. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents, field inspection or application. Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Sendback button. The application is sent back to the selected assignee for further action.
The approver can refer the applications to other employees for their opinion on the application. The refer option enables the approvers to resolve any complexities or doubts linked to the application.
To refer applications
Click on the Refer button. Select the employee or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for their inputs and opinion. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Refer for Opinion button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee for their opinion.
An illustrative guide to using the Fire NOC module
The Fire NOC module allows citizens to make an application for Fire NoC and pay fire NoC fees. The module makes the process of obtaining a Fire NOC easy, smooth, and transparent. It eliminates the current manual process by automating and streamlining it, thus providing a better citizen service experience with the Urban Local Body (ULB) and Fire station employees.
The module supports the following key functions -
Apply for no objection certificate through mobile, web or counter
Apply for Provisional (pre-construction) or New (post-construction) fire NoC
Apply for a single building or multiple buildings owned by the applicant in the same compound
Review application before submission
Pay NoC fees online
Track application status
Download and Print QR code-enabled application confirmation form, payment receipts NoC certificate
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
Counter Employee (CE)
Document Verifier (DV)
Field Inspector (FI)
This section guides you through the details of using the Fire NOC module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the module.
After we have created the fire station master, the next step would be to map the Districts, Sub-Districts, and ULBs with the fire stations. The two points that are very important to note here are:
All the ULBs in the state may not have a fire department.
Usually, only the larger ULBs in the state have a fire department that caters to that ULB at the same time to all the surrounding smaller ULBs and rural areas as well.
Note: Data given in the above table is sample data.
Urban Area
Rural Area
Urban Area - Fire Mapping
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the district codes of all the districts where fire services are provided, in the ‘District Code Column’.
Next, enter the ULB codes of all the ULBs within a particular district where the fire services are provided in the 'ULB Code Column'.
Identify the fire stations that are serving each District - ULB combination and enter their name in the Fire Station column along with its code in the Fire Station Code.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
Rural Area - Fire Mapping
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the district codes of all the districts where fire services are provided, in the ‘District Code Column’.
Next, enter the sub-district codes of all the sub-district within a particular district where the fire services are provided in the 'Sub District Code Column'.
Identify the fire stations that are serving each District - Sub District combination and enter their name in the Fire Station column along with its code in the Fire Station Code.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The codes are given to the building usage type in the ​
The Building Usage Type Code should be similar to the ones defined in the
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The code given to each Fire station in the ​
The code given to each Fire station in the ​
The code given to each Fire station in the ​
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
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Fire-NOC masters
This master file contains the details about which unit of measurement is use for a particular building type.
This master file contains state level constants and their values.
This master file contains list of unit of measurements for firenoc
This master file contains the list of state level constants and their values..
API Swagger Contract
Fire Noc Service Document
Sr. No.
*District Code
*District Name
*ULB Code
*ULB Name
Sr. No.
*District Code
*District Name
*Sub District Code
*Sub District Name
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
District Code
The code is given to the district by the state team. Eg: DC01 for Amritsar, DC02 Patiala.
District Name
Name of the district Eg: Amritsar, Patiala
ULB Code
The code is given to the district by the state team. Eg: ULB01 for Amritsar, ULB02 Ajnala
ULB Name
Name of the ULB Eg: Amritsar, Ajnala
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
District Code
The code is given to the district by the state team. Eg: DC01 for Amritsar, DC02 Patiala
District Name
Name of the district Eg: Amritsar, Patiala
Sub-district Code
The code is given to the subdistrict by the state team. Eg: SDC01 for Jhabal, SDC02 Patran
Sub-district Name
Name of the sub-district Eg: Jhabal, Patran
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
District Codes, Sub District Codes, and ULB Codes should be alphanumeric and Unique.
ULB01: Amritsar
SDC01: Jhabal
District Name, Sub District Name, and ULB Name should not contain any special characters.
Amritsar : [Allowed]
#Amritsar! : [Not allowed]
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Apply for Fire NOC
Review applications
Pay NoC fees online
Track application status
Download or print NOC certificates, payment receipts
Individuals and society groups/communities
Counter Employee
Apply for Fire NOC
Collect fees
ULB employees at the counter to assist citizen
Document Verifier (DV)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Edit Application
Employees responsible for verifying the supporting documents submitted by applicants
Field Inspector (FI)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees responsible for physical verification of the information provided by the applicant
Send Back
An employee who has the final authority to approve or reject applicants
Sr. No.
*District code
*ULB Code
*Fire Station code
*Fire Station Name
Sr. No.
*District code
*Sub District code
*Fire Station Code
*Fire Station Name
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
District Code
The code given to each district in the Area served masters​
ULB Code
The code given to each district in the Area served masters​
Fire Station Code
The code given to each Fire station in the Fire Station masters​
Fire Station Name
The Fire Stations listed in the Fire Station masters​
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
District Code
The code given to each district in the Area served masters​
Sub District Code
The code given to each sub-district in the Area served masters​
Fire Station Code
The code is given to each Fire station in the Fire Station masters​
Fire Station Name
The Fire Stations listed in the Fire Station masters​
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
District Codes, Sub-district Codes, and ULB codes have to be similar to the codes entered in the Area Master
​Areas Served Masters​
The Fire Station Name and the Fire station Code should be similar to the name and codes entered in the Fire Station Master
​Fire Station Master​
The format of the firenoc application number
The format of the firenoc certificate number
Variable store the default value of state tenantid
Max number of records to be returned
The name of kafka topic on which create request is published
The name of kafka topic on which update request is published
The name of kafka topic on which status update request is published
This is workflow action for making payment against the application
This is workflow action for sending application to the previous state of the workflow.
This is a workflow action for sending application to the citizen for correction.
Fire-NOC masters
This master contains the list of application type.
This master contains the details about which unit of measurement is use for a particular building type.
This master contains the list of firestation present in city.
This master contains the list of property type.
This master contains the list of minimum charges of each application type.
API Swagger Documentation
Firer Noc Calculator Service
Apply for fire NOC, pay service fees, ensure compliance with fire safety guidelines, and lots more
The Fire No-Objection Certificate (NOC) application, developed on the eGov-DIGIT platform, makes the process of obtaining a Fire NOC easy, smooth, and transparent. It eliminates the current manual process by automating and streamlining it, thus providing a better citizen service experience with the Urban Local Body (ULB) and Fire station employees.
Features offered to the citizens-
Apply for provisional or new fire NOC or renew existing Fire NOC
Upload all the relevant documents required for the certificate
Make payment for the Fire NOC using the online payment gateway
Receive notifications and alerts by SMS, whenever the status of the application changes
Download Fire NOC
Features offered to the Employees-
Flexible role-based workflow
Configurable fee calculation mechanism
Dashboard with application statistics
Search applications using configurable parameters
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the Fire NOC module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the Fire NOC module.
Functional Specifications
NOC Roadmap
Fire NOC User Manual
Product Brochure
NOC Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
Fire NOC Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on Fire NOC module deployment.
#147/J, 1st floor, 10th Cross, 12th Main, 3rd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore 560034
+91 80 4125 5708
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.