An illustrative guide to using the TL module
The Trade License (TL) module offers the citizens and governance bodies a convenient and transparent means of processing trade licenses. Trade license is the permission issued by the local governing bodies to carry on specified business or trading activity within the authorized area. It is a mandatory document required to run a business or commercial activity of any type.
The TL module enables citizens to apply for trade licenses or renew existing licenses online. It facilitates the governing bodies to validate and approve the license applications.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Apply for Trade License
Pay for license
Track status of the license application
Download payment receipts
Individuals and business entities
Counter Employee (CE)
Apply for a Trade License
Complete the Payment for Trade License
Keep a track of the status of the Trade License
Download/Print payment receipts, applications, TL certificate
Counter employees who assist citizens and file new trade license applications or renewal applications on their behalf
Document Verifier (DV)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees responsible for verifying the supporting documents submitted by citizens for new trade license or renewal of existing licenses
Field Inspector (FI)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees who go on to the field (i.e. location of trade) and physically verifies the information provided by the applicant is correct, checks safety precaution followed by the trade owner
Send Back
Cancel TL
The employee who has the final authority to approve or reject the application
This section guides you through the details of using the TL module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the TL system.
Learn how to apply for new trade license, renew and pay trade license fee
Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The TL module allows business owners to apply for a trade license online or even apply for renewal of an existing license.
The citizen can also approach the Counter Employee (CE) to submit new TL applications or raise renewal requests for existing licenses.
The Citizen or CE role can -
Download payment receipts, license certificates, or applications
Citizens or CE can apply for a new trade license through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app. To apply for a new TL click on the Trade License card available in the Citizen Services section of the DIGIT home page.
Enter Mobile Number, Name, and City details. Click on the Continue button.
Enter the OTP received on the given mobile number. Click on Continue. The system validates the details and allows the user to log in to the system with the registered mobile number.
Enter your registered mobile number and the OTP received on the mobile to log in. Click on Continue with Whatsapp button to register your service request using the WhatsApp channel.
Click on the Continue button.
Click on Apply for Trade License.
The initial application screen displays the list of documents that have to be submitted for trade license registration. Scroll through the list and make sure the required documents are scanned and ready for submission online.
Enter the Trade Name. Click on the Next button.
Click on the Yes or No option to indicate the Structure Type of the trading premises. Yes to indicate the trade will run on an immovable structure. And, No to indicate the trade will run on a movable structure.
Select Pucca or Kutcha option to indicate the Building Type. The Building Type option appears if the selected Structure Type in the previous screen is Immovable. In the case of Movable structures, the system displays the Structure Sub Type as Vehicle Type. Select Hand Driven Vehicle or Motor-Driven Vehicle option depending on the trading plans.
Enter the Trade Commencement Date. This date indicates the inception or starting date of the trade.
Select the Trade Category as either Goods or Services in the Trade Units screen. Next, select the appropriate Trade Type and Trade Sub Type from the available drop-down list. Click on Add More Trade Units button to append multiple trading units.
Select Yes or No to indicate if you have any trade accessories.
If Yes, select the applicable Accessory from the drop-down list. Enter the Count for the selected Accessory to provide details on the number of accessories required. The system auto-populates the applicable UOM, if any, for the selected accessory. Enter the UOM value. Click on Add More Trade Accessories button to append multiple accessories.
Enable the Location Finder to allow GPS to track the current location. Or, move the pin to the location manually. Alternatively, you can also enter the location in the Search bar.
The Pincode field gets auto-populated if the location is selected on the map. Else, enter the Pincode of the location details manually. Click on Skip and Continue in case you are unable to provide the Pincode details.
City and Locality/Mohalla fields are auto-populated once the Pincode is entered. Else, select the City and applicable Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list**.**
Enter the Street Name and Door No. details.
Provide a Landmark to locate the trading premise.
Select either the Single Owner or Multiple Owners option to indicate the type of ownership in the Ownership Details screen.
Enter the Owner Name. Select the applicable Gender and enter the owner’s Mobile Number.
Enter the Owner’s Address. Check the Same as Trade Address box if the owner’s address and trading address are the same. This will auto-populate the trading address provided earlier.
Upload the documents as required.
Validate the information entered in the application summary screen. Click on Change to modify the information if required. Click on Submit button once the filled in details are found correct and complete.
The system generates a unique application reference number. Click on Download Acknowledgement Form to download and print the acknowledgement.
Citizens can renew their existing trade applications on the DIGIT portal. CE can also apply for TL renewal on behalf of the citizens. To renew TL navigate to the home page and then click on the Trade License option. Click on My Applications. Click on the Renew Now button on the specific license.
The system will display the license details. Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Edit button to make any changes to the existing license details. Click on the Submit for Renewal button to apply for renewal.
The Trade License is submitted for renewal.
My Applications option allows applicants to view their applications and track their status.
Click on My Applications.
The screen displays all the applications tagged to the registered mobile number. Click on the View Details button to view the application details. In case the application is pending payment click on View Details & Pay button to make the payment.
The Application Timeline displays the current status and completed actions on the selected application. If the application status shows Pending for Payment, click on the View Details and then the Pay button to initiate payment.
Click on Print Receipt to download the receipt. The citizen can also click on the home page to go back to the home page.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Click on Pay redirects the citizen to the internet banking page and make the payment.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
Employees can
Create applications on behalf of citizens
Make a payment on behalf of citizens
Process applications
Renew trade license
Log in to the employee portal using your credential.
An employee can create the application on behalf of citizens over the counter.
Select the applicable Financial Year for which the trade license is to be issued.
Fill in the application details (same as given in the citizen application process).
A unique application reference number is generated. This number is used to access the application and for further processing. The citizen receives a notification along with this application number in the registered mobile number.
Enter the Payment and Payer Details. Click on Collect Payment to process the payment.
The system generates a unique payment Receipt Number. Click on the Print Receipt button to print the receipt. Click on the Go Back to Home Page button to navigate back to the home page.
Click on the relevant Trade License Number to renew. Edit the trade license details in the application form as required.
Click on the Take Action button. Click on Renew Trade License option.
The user can renew it without modifying the trade details or it can be modified. If it is modified, it goes into application processing similar to a new TL application. If it is not edited then renewal happens in real-time after making payment.
Trade license applications pass through various stages where details are scanned, verified, and inspected before the final approval. The workflows are defined at the State or ULB level and adjusted to meet individual department requirements.
The prescribed stages through which trade license applications are routed include -
Document Verification
Field Inspection
Log in with Document Verifier credentials.
The employee landing page displays the list of applications waiting for processing. Use the search filters on the page to find specific applications from the list.
Scroll through the application details and review the uploaded documents.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Verify and Forward option if all documents are found complete and satisfactory.
Select the Assignee Name. The application will be forwarded to the selected assignee for field inspection.
In case, the documents are found incomplete or missing, click on Send Back to Citizen option. This will send back the application to the citizen for necessary action.
Click on the Reject option if the application details are found inaccurate. This will reject the application.
Log in with Field Inspector credentials.
The employee landing page displays the list of applications waiting for processing. Use the search filters on the page to find specific applications from the list.
Click on the Application Number hyperlink to open the application.
Scroll through the application details and review the details.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Verify and Forward option if all details are found complete and satisfactory.
Select the Assignee Name. The application will be forwarded to the selected assignee for approval.
In case, the documents and details are found incomplete or missing, click on Send Back to Citizen option. This will send back the application to the citizen for necessary action.
Click on the Reject option if the application details are found inaccurate. This will reject the application.
Click on Send Back option to send the application back to the previous employee (document verifier in this case) for further action.
Log in with Approver credentials.
The employee landing page displays the list of applications waiting for processing. Use the search filters on the page to find specific applications from the list.
Click on the Application Number hyperlink to open the application.
Scroll through the application details and review the details.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Approve option if all documents and details are found complete and satisfactory. The trade license is approved and a Trade License certificate is issued to the applicant.
Click on the Reject option if the application details are found inaccurate. This will reject the application.
Click on Send Back option to send the application back to the previous employee (field inspector in this case) for further action.
The TL application is approved and the TL Certificate is issued to the applicant. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the TL Certificate.
Click on the New Application option in the top left corner of the landing page.
Click on the Submit button once all details are found complete and accurate.
Click on Inbox to view the list of applications submitted.
Click on the relevant Application Number hyperlink to open and view the application details.
Scroll down the application and click on the Take Action button. Click on Pay.
Click on Renew Trade License option on the home page.
Click on the Application Number hyperlink to open the application.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.