Interest is levied on the consumer if the consumer fails to make the bill payment before a specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid interest charges. The number of days after which the interest is applicable is configurable at the ULB level. The interest amount is charged to the consumer on a daily basis once the specified grace period is over and till the bill payment is done.
Interest rate: The interest rate on a daily basis can be levied on -
Entire bill amount
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Balance Pending
Data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Interest-based on
Interest can be levied on either bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Interest rate
Time-based Interest percentage
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the applicable Grace Period for calculating interest.
Select the relevant parameter for Interest-Based On to specify if the interest is applied to the bill amount or pending balance.
Enter the applicable percentage value for Interest Rate that will be used to calculate the interest amount.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-interest-rate (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-interest-rate (1).xlsx - 9KB
The penalty is levied on the consumer if the consumer fails to make the payment for the bill raised before a specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid penalty charges. The number of days after which the penalty is applicable should be configurable at the ULB level.
The penalty can be -
Fixed amount; or
Percentage: In case of percentage, it can be levied on either
Entire bill amount; or
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Balance Pending
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Penalty flat amount
If the penalty is not levied on a percentage basis, it is generally a flat fee which is penalty charges amount
Penalty based on
The penalty can be a certain percentage of the bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Penalty (%)
The penalty is calculated as a percentage amount based on either Bill amount or Balance pending
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the applicable value for the Grace Period.
Enter the corresponding Penalty Flat Amount.
Select the relevant parameter for Penalty Based On to specify if the calculation of the penalty is based on the bill amount or the pending balance.
Enter the applicable percentage value for calculating the Penalty amount.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-penalty-rates (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-penalty-rates (1).xlsx - 9KB
The Sewerage Charges module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing sewerage connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key sewerage management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.
DIGIT Sewerage Charges module enables citizens to -
Apply for new sewerage connections.
Upload documents required for processing new connections.
Pay sewerage connection charges and bills using online payment gateway.
Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation.
Download sewerage connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online.
DIGIT Sewerage module enables employees at ULB and State level to -
Process applications using customizable workflows.
Configure sewerage charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
Sewerage Charges are recurring charges levied for a pre-defined billing period. The billing period is configurable as per the state or ULB requirement. The rate for calculation of sewerage charges can vary widely and is dependent upon various parameters. For instance, they can be dependent either upon plot size slab combined with property usage type or solely dependent upon property usage type. In some cases, sewerage charges can also be levied as a percentage of water charges.
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Select the relevant Property Usage Type from the available drop-down list.
Enter the From and To value for property size to specify the range applicable for the selected property.
Enter the Flat Fee applicable for the selected property and Slab.
Enter the applicable Percentage of Water Charges value. The sewerage charges will be calculated as a percentage of the water charges.
Enter the corresponding consumption Rate per unit.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Property usage type
Refer to property usage type
Slab (Property size value)
From and to value for property size
Flat fee
Flat sewerage charges collected based on property usage type
Percentage of water charges
Percent value
Consumption charges per unit corresponding to the usage type
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of