Provide an approach on how Consumers and Producer based APIs will be tested
POC on below core services to showcase all automation principles and guide
Localisation- Upsert and search call
FileStore- Search File
Property Tax- Create Property
Design & Implement Robust Automation Framework
Build a modular Framework so any future changes don’t have an impact on the entire framework but limited to a specific area
Implement a framework that is robust enough to function with minimal changes
Framework handles multi tenant with only properties update
Framework can switch environment with no manual update
A new environment can be integrated with update to framework properties
Global Properties:
Configuration The only rule is that on start-up Karate expects a file called karate-config.js to exist on the classpath and contain a JavaScript function. The function is expected to return a JSON object and all keys and values in that JSON object will be made available as script variables. And that's all there is to Karate configuration! You can easily get the value of the current 'environment' or 'profile', and then set up 'global' variables using some simple JavaScript.
Global Variables: Non-JSON values such as Java object references or JS functions are supported only if they are at the "root" of the JSON returned from karate-config.js.
Multiple Environment: Karate is flexible, you can easily overwrite config variables within each individual test-script - which is very convenient when in dev-mode or rapid-prototyping and also environment specific Config will be taken care of here. external config file having host name, credentials, stateCode, cityCode, etc.
Test Properties: Contains all properties related to Tests cases like Feature file, Http requests, responses, test data etc.
Framework Properties: Contains All properties related to Karate framework like pom.xml, YAML files, .md files etc.
Reports: We can generate default BDD cucumber reports and we can integrate reporting plugins.
Tests: Contains test scenarios feature files with execution tags, Assertions etc.
MDMS call: Fetching the test data from MDMS and using in tests.
BDD framework - Behavior Driven Development is a software development approach
__All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
DIGIT Test Automation Framework details
DIGIT Test Automation framework majorly deals with various API services validation. It enables to test and validate back end services across all active environments and as well as tenants.
Framework is robust enough to function with minimal changes
Framework handles multi tenant with only properties update
Framework can switch environment with no manual update in automation code
Framework handles Kafka related services
Framework supports browser integration for making citizen payment via payment gateway
Core Services
egov-accesscontrol, egov-enc-service, egov-filestore, egov-idgen, egov-indexer, egov-localization, egov-location, egov-mdms-service, egov-notification-mail, egov-notification-sms, egov-otp, egov-persister, egov-pg-service, egov-searcher, egov-url-shortening, egov-user, egov-workflow-v2, pdf-service, report, telemetry, user-otp, zuul
Business Services
billing-service, collection-services, dashboard-analytics, dashboard-ingest, egf-instrument, egf-master, egov-apportion-service, egov-hrms
Municipal Services
bpa-calculator, bpa-services, firenoc-calculator, firenoc-services, land-services, property-services, pt-calculator-v2, rainmaker-pgr, sw-calculator, sw-services, tl-calculator, tl-services, ws-calculator, ws-services
E2E - Integration of services
E2E pt services, E2E ws services, E2E pgr services, E2E tl services, mCollect
Automation is accomplished by building a custom framework using Karate Framework. Karate Framework is a BDD framework which is written on top of cucumber. Unlike cucumber which requires us to write step definitions for each and every scenarios, Karate supports writing scenarios directly in the feature files.
Automation framework fetches data for respective modules wherever predefined values are required while creating a payload
And uses generic functions to generate random mobile number, name, etc to pass values for respective fields in payload
Framework allows to test kafka related services by using third party tool as a proxy to access kafka clusters via REST API called kafka Rest Proxy
Karate Framework
Gherkin Language
Gherkin is the format for cucumber specifications
Gherkin is line-oriented language just like YAML and Python
Gherkin Scripts connects the human concept of cause and effect to the software concept of input/process and output
Feature, Background, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And But are importantly used in Gherkin
In Gherkin, each scenario should execute separately
The biggest advantage of Gherkin is simple enough for non-programmers to understand
Kafka Rest Proxy
Currently, there are failures in the automation scripts due to existing bugs
Since there are some limitations with Kafka Rest Proxy, Kafka related test cases will not run. Awaiting the required fixes in its upcoming release
Manual Test Cases
Automation Source Code
Automation Readme
Kafka Approach Document
Sample Config File (for passing to execution command)
Executed test results and reports of all tests can be viewed in the target folder.
Pre-requisite: karate Runner plugin installation in VS code editor as specified in Readme.md
If not done during setup, then please install karate runner plugin as shown below.
Target folder generates test results folders as per time stamp of test suite runs.
When we run TestRunner file (ex: @regression), all the features under classpath would run and feature wise reports would be generated and placed under target/surefire-reports.
Post execution of test runs, the framework will automatically generate: surefire-reports
As we are using the JUnit runner for the execution of different scenarios that have been mentioned in the different *.feature files, it automatically creates a report for each of the feature files which are stored in the path target/surefire-reports.
cucumber-html-reports folder
Pretty Format generates the Cucumber test report in the HTML format, i.e. an HTML file. It is the most readable report format. It generates the report in the same way as it is a feature file, so tracing is also made easy. Also, you can specify the location where you want this report to be placed after the test execution.
A folder will automatically create under ./target/ folder along with timestamp which will contain cucumber-html-reports.
<To Integrate cucumber reporting, first we need to add cucumber maven dependency in pom.xml file and save. dependency> <groupId>net.masterthought</groupId> <artifactId>cucumber-reporting</artifactId> <version>3.8.0</version> </dependency>
Test Results target folder: eGov Test Automation Results are composed at cucumber-html-reports with timestamp of test execution reports.
Select the karate runner tab and click on overview-features.html to view the reports as shown in image.
Summary of service features and test status can be seen in details with Pass / Fail / run time stamp
Now, observe below Feature Report, you can see lots of verbose logging in the console and the actual output whether the features/scenarios are passed/ failed are skipped.
This tutorial will guide you through the step by step procedure to set up Jenkins on a ubuntu machine for automation purposes.
Connect to the remote machine using SSH and follow the steps mentioned below.
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
java -version
sudo wget -q -O - https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb Debian Jenkins Packages binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins (should be active)
sudo apt install apache2
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf and add following code inside VirtualHost xml tag:
sudo vi /etc/default/jenkins and make sure
sudo systemctl restart jenkins
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Open port 80 of the remote machine to make it accessible from the local machine
sudo vi /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
copy the initial password inside the file
now open remote-host-ip/jenkins in local browser
paste the password, select the required plugin to install and start the installation
This document is to provide a high-level abstraction of Kafka workflow. Same documentation would be scaled to granular technical components as and when a grouping of services can be categorised from the ecosystem.
It’s important to note that we need to have closure engagements between development, solution engineering and QA automation teams to accommodate data streaming, staging and ecosystem workflows.
Kafka SMS Consumers
egov.core.notification.sms : egov-notification-sms listens to this topic to get the data.
Kafka Email Consumers
egov.core.notification.email : egov-notification-mail listens to this topic to listen for the updates on emails and then to send notifications to user.
Kafka Producers
Following are the Producer topic:
egov.core.notification.sms.otp :- This topic is used to send OTP to user mobile number.
org.egov.core.notification.email :- This topic is used to send OTP to user email id.
The user-otp service send the OTP to user on login request, on password change request and during new user registration.
/userOtp API - Invoke (PRODUCER) this API using Karate (user-otp).
Connect to the Kafka Server running on QA using karate with respective TOPIC.
Define a Consumer class for the OTP producer Topic for reading producer data. Consumers will listen to the topic and verify for a given mobile number for which OTP has been generated or not.
Persist OTP produced data across the test flow of User OTP API.
Full set of Producer and Consumer list required from End to End Eco-system
Filter grouping, Replication, High Availability, Broker Config Elements
Log Aggregation Solution: Collect logs from a number of eGov services and then make them available to consumers in a standard format.
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__All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
__All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Core Services Name
Business Services Name
Tag Name
Collection Services
Dashboard Analytics
EGF Master
EGF Instrument
Dashboard Ingest
Billing Service
Tag Name
Access Control
Egov Workflow Business Service
Enc Service
Id Generate
Localization Service
Location Service
eGov User
eGov PDF
PG Service
URL Shortening
User Account Lock
User OTP
Tag Name
Municipal SERVICES
Property Tax
BPA Calculator
BPA Service
DCR Service
eGov User Event
FireNOC Billing Slab
Land Service
NOC Service
PGR Service
Property Tax Calculator
FSM Calculator
Tag Name
Service Type
Core Services
Business Services
Municipal Services
End To End Services
Tag Name
Test Type
Regression Tests
Tag Name
E2E Service
Property Tax and mCollect
Trade License
Water and Sewerage Connection
This page offers step-wise details to test the implementation of state-level UI customization.
Create a new maven project for State-level UI automation for the respective state.
Create a new repository in GitHub for the project and push the code to GitHub.
Keep the following settings.xml file under the .m2 folder in your system. Update the username and personal access token in the file accordingly.
Add the dependency of the core UI automation repo in the pom.xml of the newly created maven project. This will download the core UI automation jar from the central maven repository.
Note: Version may differ based on the latest version.
Add the state-level tests in this new maven project and use the already existing step definitions and utilities from the core UI automation repo.
Add feature files under the package: src/test/java/
Add step definitions under the package: src/main/java/stepDefinition
Add test data in the following folder: src/test/java/TestData
Add testing.xml with the test which is needed to run
To run the tests, execute the following maven command:
$ mvn test -DdataPath=pathToDataPropertiesFile -DcredsPath=pathToCredentialsPropertiesFile
Note:: Find below the data.properties and credentials.properties file below for your reference. In the files, replace your applicable creds and data in the placeholder. For example: Replace “password = {Enter password}” with “password = pass@178"
Sample state-wise demo project is in the following Github location for your reference - https://github.com/egovernments/ui-statelevel-implementation
__All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.