An illustrative guide to using the Survey module
The Survey module allows employees to create surveys for citizens who fill in the details. Later, the survey results are available on the Survey results dashboard.
The Survey module enables employees to create new surveys and share them with citizens for their responses and insights.
Employee user scope of action includes
Create new surveys
View surveys
Edit surveys
Citizen user scope of action includes
Respond to surveys
View surveys
This section guides you through the details of using the Surveys module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the Surveys.
Learn how to answer the survey
Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The Survey module allows the citizens to interact and provide their feedback. It can include a set of questions or prompts for citizens to respond to, with options to select answers and to provide open-ended responses.
The Citizen role can –
A Citizen can Respond/View the survey in 3 ways i.e.
Survey menu on the screen
Notification icon
What’s New tab
Enter your registered Mobile Number and click on the Next button.
Enter the OTP received on the mobile and click on the Next button.
Navigate to the Surveys menu option on the screen. Alternatively, click on the Surveys card available.
The system displays all the active surveys. Click on the Yet to Respond hyperlink below the survey.
The system displays the corresponding survey. Click on the Submit button, once all questions are answered.
The system displays the Response Submitted Successfully message along with the survey name.
The responses cannot be edited from the citizen's end once the survey form is submitted. The citizen user can view the Survey form.
To view the submitted response, click on Already Responded hyperlink.
The system navigates to the Survey form.
The citizen can also view the survey from the notification icon.
Click on the Notifications icon and to respond to the survey click on Participate hyperlink.
The Survey is also displayed under the What’s New tab.
Click on View All and to respond to the survey click on Participate hyperlink.
This section illustrates the steps for employee roles at the ULB level
Employees can
Log in to the employee portal using your credential.
Click on the Surveys Inbox option on the home screen.
To create a survey, navigate to the Inbox and click on the New Survey option. Alternatively, you can click on Create New Survey. This opens the survey form page.
By default, one ULB is selected from the dropdown for which the survey is being created. Enter the Survey Name and Survey Description.
Enter the Questions and Question Type from the drop-down list. A maximum of 30 questions can be added.
The Question created can be marked as mandatory by clicking the Required checkbox.
Additional questions can be added to the survey by clicking on the Add Question hyperlink.
Enter the Survey Start Date, Survey Start Time, Survey End Date and Survey End Time details and click on Create Survey button.
The system displays the Survey Created Successfully message along with the Survey ID.
If a survey is created with the same name that already exists, the system displays the Survey name already exists message.
Click on the Surveys Inbox option on the home screen.
This displays all the Surveys created for the city. Click on the Survey Title hyperlink available in the list of surveys Inbox of the employee dashboard.
Or, enter the Survey Name or any other search parameter to search for the application.
Click on the Survey Title hyperlink to open the survey.
Scroll down the survey page to review the filled-in details.
Once the survey is completed, an employee can view the survey results. Click on the Bar Graph hyperlink to view the results.
Employees can view the corresponding citizens' Email and Phone Numbers.
Employees can also view the statistics of the feedback provided.
Search for the applications that are Active. Click on the Survey Title to open the survey.
Click on the Take Action button and click on the Edit Survey option.
For Active surveys, only the end date/time and survey description can be edited.
After editing the Survey End Date/Time click on the Edit Survey button.
The system displays the Survey Updated Successfully message along with the Survey ID.
Click on the Mark Inactive option to deactivate active surveys.
Click on the Yes, Mark Inactive button.
The system displays the Survey Updated Successfully message along with the Survey ID.
Click on the Mark Active option to activate inactive surveys.
Enter the Survey Start Date/Time and Survey End Date/Time and click on the Save button.
The system displays the Survey Updated Successfully message along with the Survey ID.
Click on the Delete button to delete an Active/Inactive Survey.
Click on the Delete button.
The system displays the message Survey Deleted Successfully.