Core Services is one of the key DIGIT components. Browse through this section to learn more about key configuration and integration details of these core services.
This section contains all technical documents related to DIGIT stack.
The key services include -
This section provides technical details about business service setup, configuration, deployment, and API integration.
Details coming soon...
DIGIT is API based Platform here each API is denoting to a DIGIT resource. Access Control Service (ACS) primary job is to authorise end-user based on their roles and provide access to the DIGIT platform resources. Access control functionality basically works based on below points:
Actions: Actions are events which are performed by a user. This can be an API end-point or Frontend event. This is MDMS master
Roles: Role are assigned to the user, a user can hold multiple roles. Roles are defined in MDMS masters.
Role-Action: Role actions are mapping b/w Actions and Roles. Based on role, action mapping access control service identifies applicable action for the role.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
MDMS service is up and running
Serve the applicable actions for a user based on user role (To print menu three).
On each action which is performed by a user, access control looks at the roles for the user and validate actions mapping with the role.
Support tenant-level role-action. For instance, an employee from Amritsar can have a role of APPROVER for other ULB like Jalandhar and hence will be authorised to act as APPROVER in Jalandhar.
Deploy the latest version of Access Control Service
Deploy MDMS service to fetch the Role Action Mappings
Define the roles
Add the Actions (URL)
Add the role action mapping
(The details about the fields in the configuration can be found in the swagger contract)
Any microservice which requires authorisation can leverage the functionalities provided by access control service.
Any new microservice that is to be added in the platform won’t have to worry about authorisation. It can just add it’s role action mapping in the master data and Access Control Service will perform authorisation whenever API for the microservice is called.
To integrate with Access Control Service the role action mapping has to be configured(added) in the MDMS service.
The service needs to call /actions/_authorize API of Access Control Service to check for authorisation of any request
API Contract
MDMS Service
User service is responsible for user data management and providing functionality to login and logout into Digit system
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
Encryption and MDMS services are running
PSQL server is running and database
Redis is running
Store, update and search user data
Provide authentication
Provide login, logout functionality into DIGIT platform
Store user data PIIs in encrypted form
Setup latest version of egov-enc-service and egov-mdms- service
Deploy the latest version of egov-user service
Add Role-Action mapping for API’s
Following application properties file in user service are configurable.
default search record number limit
whether citizen login otp based
whether employee login otp based
fixed otp for citizen
allow fixed otp for citizen
whether otp compulsory for registration
validity time of access token
validity time of refresh token
expiry date of a password
unlock time
window size for counting attempts for lock
max failed login attempts before account is locked
User data management and functionality to login and logout into Digit system using OTP and password.
Providing following functionality to citizen and employee type users
User registration
Search user
Update user details
Forgot password
Change password
User role mapping(Single ULB to multiple roles)
Enable employee to login into DIGIT system based on a password.
Create user
Update user
Search user
User registration using OTP
OTP based login
To integrate, host of egov-user should be overwritten in the helm chart.
Use /citizen/_create and /users/_createnovalidate endpoints for creating users into the system
Use /v1/_search and /_search endpoints to search users in the system depending on various search parameters
Use /profile/_update for partial update and /users/_updatenovalidate for update
Use /password/nologin/_update for otp based password reset and /password/_update for logged in user password reset
Use /user/oauth/token for generating token, /_logoutfor logout and /_details for getting user information from his token
User service Product requirement
User Data encryption promotion details
Encryption Service
Workflows are a series of steps that moves a process from one state to another state by actions performed by different kind of Actors - Humans, Machines, Time based events etc. to achieve a goal like onboarding an employee, or approve an application or grant a resource etc. The egov-workflow-v2 is a workflow engine which helps in performing these operations seamlessly using a predefined configuration.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has workflow persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created to store workflow configuration and data
Always allow anyone with a role in the workflow state machine to view the workflow instances and comment on it
On the creation of workflow, it will appear in the inbox of all employees that have roles that can perform any state transitioning actions in this state.
Once an instance is marked to an individual employee it will appear only in that employee's inbox although point 1 will still hold true and all others participating in the workflow can still search it and act if they have necessary action available to them
If the instance is marked to a person who cannot perform any state transitioning action, they can still comment/upload and mark to anyone else.
Overall SLA: SLA for the complete processing of the application/Entity
State-level SLA: SLA for a particular state in the workflow
Environment Variables
The default value of offset in search
The default value of limit in search
The maximum number of records that are returned in search response
Boolean flag if set to true default search will return records assigned to the user only, if false it will return all the records based on the user’s role. (default search is the search call when no query params are sent and based on the RequestInfo of the call, records are returned, it’s used to show applications in employee inbox)
Boolean flag set to true if a state-level workflow is required
Deploy the latest version of egov-workflow-v2 service
Add businessService persister yaml path in persister configuration
Add Role-Action mapping for BusinessService API’s
Overwrite the egov.wf.statelevel flag ( true for state level and false for tenant level)
Create businessService (workflow configuration) according to product requirements
Add Role-Action mapping for /processInstance/_search API
Add workflow persister yaml path in persister configuration
For Configuration details please refer to the links in Reference Docs
The workflow configuration can be used by any module which performs a sequence of operations on an application/Entity. It can be used to simulate and track processes in organisations to make it more efficient too and increase accountability.
Role-based workflow
An easy way of writing rule
File movement within workflow roles
To integrate, host of egov-workflow-v2 should be overwritten in helm chart
/process/_search should be added as the search endpoint for searching workflow process Instance object.
/process/_transition should be added to perform an action on an application. (It’s for internal use in modules and should not be added in Role-Action mapping)
The workflow configuration can be fetched by calling _search API to check if data can be updated or not in the current state
Configuring Workflows For New Product/Entity
Setting Up Workflows
API Swagger Documentation
Migration to Workflow 2.0
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection, therefore, the same link is added in each row)
A core application which provides location details of the tenant for which the services are being provided.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
PSQL server is running and database is created
Knowledge of egov-mdms service
egov-mdms service is running and all the required mdms master are loaded in it
The location information is also known as boundary data of ULB
Boundary data can be of different hierarchies ADMIN, ELECTION hierarchy which is defined by the Administrators, Revenue hierarchy defined by the Revenue department.
The election hierarchy has the locations divided into several types like zone, election ward, block, street and locality. The Revenue hierarchy has the locations divided into a zone, ward, block and locality.
The model which defines the localities like zone, ward and etc is boundary object which contains information like name, lat, long, parent or children boundary if any. The boundaries come under each other in a hierarchy like a zone contains wards, ward contains blocks, a block contains locality. The order in which the boundaries are contained in each other will differ based on the tenants.
Environment Variables
Host name for MDMS service.
MDMS Search URL.
MDMS module which contain boundary master.
MDMS master file which contain boundary detail.
Add/Update the mdms master file which contain boundary data of ULB’s.
Add Role-Action mapping for egov-location API’s.
Deploy/Redeploy the latest version of egov-mdms service.
Fill the above environment variables in egov-location with proper values.
Deploy the latest version of egov-location service.
The boundary data has been moved to mdms from the master tables in DB. The location service fetches the JSON from mdms and parses it to the structure of boundary object as mentioned above. A sample master would look like below.
Attribute Name
The tenantId (ULB code) for which the boundary data configuration is defined.
The name of the module where TenantBoundary master is present.
Unique code of the hierarchy type.
Unique name of the hierarchy type.
Id of boundary defined for particular hierarchy.
Sequence number of boundary attribute defined for the particular hierarchy.
Name of the boundary like Block 1 or Zone 1 or City name.
Local name of the boundary.
Longitude of the boundary.
Latitude of the boundary.
Label of the boundary.
Code of the boundary.
Details of its sub-boundaries.
The egov-location API’s can be used by any module which needs to store the location details of the tenant.
Get the boundary details based on boundary type and hierarchy type within the tenant boundary structure.
Get the geographical boundaries by providing appropriate GeoJson.
Get the tenant list in the given latitude and longitude.
To integrate, host of egov-location should be overwritten in helm chart.
/boundarys/_search should be added as the search endpoint for searching boundary details based on tenant Id, Boundary Type, Hierarchy Type etc.
/geography/_search should be added as the search endpoint .This method handles all requests related to geographical boundaries by providing appropriate GeoJson and other associated data based on tenantId or lat/long etc.
/tenant/_search should be added as the search endpoint. This method tries to resolve a given lat, long to a corresponding tenant, provided there exists a mapping between the reverse geocoded city to tenant.
The MDMS Tenant boundary master file should be loaded in MDMS service.
Local setup
Please refer to the Swagger API contract for egov-location service to understand the structure of APIs and to have a visualisation of all internal APIs.
One of the applications in the Digit core group of services aims to reduce the time spent by developers on writing codes to store and fetch master data ( primary data needed for module functionality ) which doesn’t have any business logic associated with them. Instead of writing APIs, creating tables in every different service to store and retrieve data that is seldom changed MDMS service keeps them at a single location for all modules and provides data on will with the help of no more than three lines of configuration.
Prior Knowledge of Java/J2EE.
Prior Knowledge of Spring Boot.
Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON etc.
Prior knowledge of Git.
Advanced knowledge on how to operate JSON data would be an added advantage to understand the service.
Adds master data for usage without the need to create master data APIs in every module.
Reads data from GIT directly with no dependency on any database services.
Environment Variables
The default value of folder where master data files are stored
The default value of the file URL which contains master-config values
Deploy the latest version of Mdms-service
Add conf path for the file location
Add master config JSON path
The MDMS service provides ease of access to master data for any service.
No time spent writing repetitive codes with no business logic.
To integrate, host of egov-mdms-service should be overwritten in helm chart
egov-mdms-service/v1/_search should be added as the search endpoint for searching master data.
Mdms client from eGov snapshots should be added as mvn entity in pom.xml for ease of access since it provides mdms request pojos.
egov-mdms sample data
DIGIT offers key municipal services such as Public Grievance & Redressal, Trade License, Water & Sewerage, Property Tax, Fire NOC, and Building Plan Approval.
Details will be updated soon...
Public Grievances & Redressal (PGR) is a system that enables citizens to raise a complaint with there ULB’s. A citizen can track the complaint, upload image related to the complaint, re-open the complaint if he/she is not satisfied and rate the service. This document contains the details about how to setup PGR service and describes the functionalities it provides
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has pgr-services persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created to store complaint data
(Optional) Indexer config for pgr-services is added in egov-indexer yaml paths to index the generated data. Index is required for data visualisation in Kibana or in DSS.
(Optional) Report config for pgr-services is added in Report service config paths. Required if reports are to be provided to the user.
Following services should be up and running:
A citizen can file, track and rate the complaint
A citizen can add image and comments related to the complaint
A citizen can re-open the complaint in a certain given period of time after resolution
ULB can setup the complaint workflow according to their requirements and staff capacity
ULB can track the SLA for resolving each complaint and can use it as a metric to streamline the process for resolving complaints
Department wise assignment of the complaint to the LME
Deploy the latest version of pgr-services
Add pgr-service-persister.yml file in config folder in git and add that path in persister. (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called persist-yml-path )
If any Report Config is created, the config should be added to the config folder in git and that path should be added in Report service. (The file path is to be added in a file called “reportFileLocationsv1.txt” in Config folder)
If index is to be created add the indexer config path in indexer service. (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called egov-indexer-yaml-repo-path)
Add master data in MDMS service with the module name as RAINMAKER-PGR. Following is some sample master data for the service:
Create businessService (workflow configuration) using the __/businessservice/_create. Following is the product configuration for PGR:
Using /localization/messages/v1/_upsert , add localisation (templates) for notification messages to be sent. Following are the product notification templates:
Add Role-Action mapping for the APIs in MDMS. Following are the required entries. They should be mapped to both CITIZEN and appropriate employee roles.
PGR service can be integrated with any organisation or system which wants to track customer queries or complaint. The organisations can customise the workflow depending on their product requirements.
Easy tracking and resolution of complaints
Configurable workflow according to client requirement
Customer can raise a complaint using the /requests/_create
Organisation or System can search the complaint using /requests/_searchendpoint
Once the complaint is raised the organisation or system can call /requests/_update
endpoint to move the application further in workflow until it gets resolved.
Workflow Technical Document
User Technical Document
MDMS Technical Document
IDGen Technical Document
Localization Technical Document
Persister Technical Document
SMS Notification Technical Document
HRMS Technical Document
eGov Payment Gateway acts as a liaison between eGov apps and external payment gateways facilitating payments, reconciliation of payments and lookup of transactions' status'.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has pg service persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and the database is created to store transaction data.
Create or initiate a transaction, to make a payment against a bill.
Make payment for multiple bill details [multi module] for a single consumer code at once.
Transaction to be initiated with a call to the transaction/_create API, various validations are carried out to ensure the sanctity of the request.
The response includes a generated transaction id and a redirect URL to the payment gateway itself.
Various validations are carried out to verify the authenticity of the request and the status is updated accordingly. If the transaction is successful, a receipt is generated for the same.
Reconciliation is carried out by two jobs scheduled via a Quartz clustered scheduler.
Early Reconciliation job is set to run every 15 minutes [configurable via app properties], and is aimed at reconciling transactions which were created 15 - 30 minutes ago and are in PENDING state.
Daily Reconciliation job is set to run once per day and is aimed at reconciling all transactions that are in PENDING state, except for ones which were created 30 minutes ago.
Axis, Phonepe and Paytm payment gateways are implemented.
Additional gateways can be added by implementing the Gateway interface. No changes required to the core packages.
Following properties in the application.properties file in egov-pg-service has to be added and set to default value after integrating with the new payment gateway. In the below table properties for AXIS bank, payment gateway is shown the same relevant property needs to be added for other payment gateways.
Bollean lag to set the payment gateway active/inactive
Currency representation for merchant, default(INR)
Payment merchant Id
Secret key for payment merchant
User name to access the payment merchant for transaction
Password of the user tp access payment merchant
Access code
Pay command
commans status
Url for making payment
URL to get the status of the transaction
Deploy the latest version of egov-pg-service
Add pg service persister yaml path in persister configuration
The egov-pg-service acts as communication/contact between eGov apps and external payment gateways.
Record of every transaction against a bill.
Record of payment for multiple bill details for a single consumer code at once.
To integrate, host of egov-pg-service should be overwritten in helm chart
/pg-service/transaction/v1/_create should be added in the module to initiates a new payment transaction, on successful validation
/pg-service/transaction/v1/_update should be added as the update endpoint to updates an existing payment transaction. This endpoint is issued only by payment gateways to update the status of payments. It verifies the authenticity of the request with the payment gateway and forward all query params received from a payment gateway
/pg-service/transaction/v1/_search should be added as the search endpoint for retrieving the current status of a payment in our system.
Swagger API Contract
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection, therefore, the same link is added in each row)
This service is used to issue a license to the user after verification. The service is designed in such a way that it can be used to serve different type of licenses. Currently used to issue trade licenses, perform stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass. The service is integrated with workflow where we can define the steps for approval of the application. Once the application is approved the license is generated.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has tl-services persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and database is created
Used for license generations in trade licenses, stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass
Define roles to applicants on successful application to access Building Plan Approval services at the time of stakeholder registration
Generate application number and license number
Support workflows
Provide notification on various status changes for an application
Add MDMS configs required for Trade License and BPA stakeholder registration and restart MDMS service
Deploy the latest version of tl-services service
Add tl-service persister yaml path in persister configuration and restart persister service
Add Role-Action mapping for API’s
Create businessService (workflow configuration) according to trade license and stakeholder registration
Add tl-service indexer yaml path in indexer service configuration and restart indexer service
Following application properties in the Trade License service are configurable.
The format of the TL application number
The format of the TL license number
The format of the Stake holder application number
The format of the Stake holder license number
Max number of records to be returned
tenantId, applicationNumber, limit, offset, licenseNumbers
The search parameters on which citizen can search
tenantId, applicationNumber, applicationType, status, mobileNumber, fromDate, toDate, licenseNumbers, oldLicenseNumber, limit, offset
The search parameters on which employee can search
The name of kafka topic on which create request is published
The name of kafka topic on which update request is published
The name of kafka topic on which update request is published
The trade-license service is currently used to issue trade licenses, perform stakeholder registration and issue lockdown pass.
Provide backend support for the different license registration process.
Mseva and SMS notifications on application status changes.
The elastic search index for creating visualizations and Dashboards.
Bpa Stakeholder registration provides new roles to the user to access the Building Plan Approval system.
Supports workflow which is configurable
To integrate, host of tl-services service should be overwritten in the helm chart.
{servicename}/_create/ _create should be added as the create endpoint for creating any license in the system
{servicename}/_search/ _search should be added as the search endpoint. This method handles all requests to search existing records depending on different search criteria
{servicename}/_update/ _update should be added as the update endpoint. This method is used to update fields in existing records or to update the status of the application based on workflow.
Billing Slabs
Local Setup
API Swagger Documentation (Trade License)
API Swagger Documentation (Stakeholder registration)
bpa_stakeholder_registration (3) (1).yaml23 KB
BPA StakeHolder Registration release Doc
In all below endpoints if the service name is BPAREG it is treated as a stakeholder registration application and if it is TL or if it is absent then the application is treated as trade license application.
Stakeholder registration APIs:- https://www.getpostman.com/collections/d18b79ccfb69ee8bb526
Trade-License APIs:- https://www.getpostman.com/collections/99f98723c45f97024831
{servicename}/_create, _create
This API is used to create an application for the license in the system. Whenever an application is created an application number is generated and assigned to the application for future reference.
{servicename}/_search, /_search
This API is used to search the applications in the system based on various search parameters like mobile number, the application number, status etc.
{servicename}/_update, _update
The _update API is used to update the application information or to forward the application from one state to another.
In the case of the stakeholder registration if the application reaches the last stage the role depending on the license type is given to the user.
{servicename}/{jobname}/_batch, /_batch
Searches trade licenses which are expiring and send a reminder SMS to owner's of the licenses
The objective of PDF generation service is to bulk generate pdf as per requirement.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Install npm.
Kafka server is up and running.
egov-persister service is running and has pdf generation persister config path added in it.
PSQL server is running and the database is created to store filestore id and job id of generated pdf.
Provide a common framework to generate PDF.
Provide flexibility to customise the PDF as per the requirement.
Provide functionality to add an image, Qr Code in PDF.
Provide functionality to generate pdf in bulk.
Provide functionality to specify a maximum number of records to be written in one PDF.
Environment Variables
Maximum number of records to be written in one PDF
Date timezone which will be used to convert epoch timestamp into date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Default value of localisation locale
Default value of localisation tenant
File path/URL'S of data config
File path/URL'S of format config
Mustache.js: (https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/ ):- as templating engine to populate format as defined in format config, from request json based on mappings defined in data config
Create data config and format config for a PDF according to product requirement.
Add data config and format config files in PDF configuration
Add the file path of data and format config in the environment yml file
Deploy the latest version of pdf-service in a particular environment.
For Configuration details please refer to the Customizing PDF Receipts & Certificates document in Reference Docs
The PDF configuration can be used by any module which needs to show particular information in PDF format that can be print/downloaded by the user.
Functionality to generate PDFs in bulk.
Avoid regeneration.
Support QR codes and Images.
Functionality to specify the maximum number of records to be written in one PDF.
Uploading generated PDF to filestore and return filestore id for easy access.
To download and print the required PDF _create API has to be called with the required key (For Integration with UI, please refer to the links in Reference Docs)
Customizing PDF Receipts & Certificates
Steps for Integration of PDF in UI for download and print PDF
API Swagger Documentation
(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection therefore the same link is added in each row)
PDFMake: (https://github.com/bpampuch/pdfmake - Connect to preview ):- for generating PDFs