The mCollect module is designed to facilitate the ULBs process miscellaneous types of payments. Miscellaneous payments may include parking fees, advertising fees, etc. The module objective is to process and record payment collections on account of miscellaneous heads within the ULBs. This makes it easy to track payment receipts and generate reports for administrative purpose.
Capture details of payment collection
Generate and print the collection receipt
Access to dashboard analytics
Generate reports for administration
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the MCS module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the MCS module.
Functional Specifications
MCS Roadmap
MCS User Manual
Product Brochure
MCS Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
MCS Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details.
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on MCS module deployment.
#147/J, 1st floor, 10th Cross, 12th Main, 3rd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore 560034
+91 80 4125 5708
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This page provides configuration details for MCS master data templates
The mCollect module is designed to facilitate the ULBs process miscellaneous types of payments. Miscellaneous payments may include parking fees, advertising fees, etc. The module objective is to process and record payment collections on account of miscellaneous heads within the ULBs. This makes it easy to track payment receipts and generate reports for administrative purpose.
Capture details of payment collection
Generate and print the collection receipt
Access to dashboard analytics
Generate reports for administration
Receipt Register
Cancelled Receipt Register
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Service Subcategory refers to the secondary level of services. For instance, the Sanitation Tax service describes the specific tax collection service existing at the ULB level.
Before creating the Service Subcategory make sure you have created the Service Category list. Map the Service Subcategory to the corresponding Service Category.
Sr. No.
Service Subcategory Code*
Service Subcategory (In English)*
Service Subcategory (In Local Language)*
Service Category Code*
Service Category
Sanitation Tax
स्वच्छता कर
Parks Entry Fee
पार्क प्रवेश शुल्क
Entry Fee
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Service Subcategory Code
Unique Identifier for “Service Subcategory”.
Service Subcategory (English)
Name of “Service Subcategory” in English. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name for processing the payment collection
Service Subcategory (Local Language)
Name of “Service Subcategory” in Local Language. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name for processing the payment collection
Service Category Code
Unique Identifier for “Service Category”
Service Category
The listed Service Subcategory is mapped to the appropriate Service Category
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different types of service subcategory on the basis of ULB’s functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The Service Category & Subcategory Name should not contain any special characters
Other Fee and Fines : [Allowed]
#Other Fee and Fines! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-service-subcategory.xlsx - 14KB
Sample Datasample-confugration-data-service-subcategory.xlsx - 14KB
This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level
The counter employees or field employees collect and process the miscellaneous payments on behalf of the citizens.
The CE or FE role can -
Collect payment
Search payment receipts
Print receipts
Download payment receipts
CE can process and collect payments for miscellaneous services through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app. To process a new payment navigate to the Universal Collections option in the sidebar main menu.
Click on the New Collection button on the screen. This will open a new collection form page.
Enter the Mobile No. and Consumer Name of the payee.
Select the applicable Service Category.
The system will prompt the input of Tax amount, CGST, SGST, Field Fee, or any other details depending on the selected Service Category.
Enter the From Date and To Date to identify the applicable payment period. **Enter any additional information in the Comments** field.
Click on the Next button to move to the payment section. The Payment Collection Details page displays the fee details and capture payment form. The Fee Details panel displays the fee breakup and Total Amount details.
The Capture Payment panel displays the available payment methods. Click on the preferred payment tab. The available payment tabs are Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card.
Enter the Paid By and the Payee Name details.
Enter the Payer Mobile No.
Enter the Cheque No., Cheque Date, IFSC, Bank Name, and Bank Branch details in case of payment by cheque. Enter your credit card or debit card Last 4 digits, Transaction No., and Re-enter Transaction No. details if you have selected the Credit/Debit Card payment option.
Enter the Gen/G8 Receipt No. issued at the payment counter in case payments are made offline. Enter Gen/G8 Receipt Issue Date mentioned on the receipt.
Click on the Generate Receipt button once the payment is collected or processed. The system will display the payment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Download button to download/view the receipt. Click on the Print button to print the receipt.
To search for payment receipts navigate to the Universal Collections page in the sidebar main menu.
Enter the relevant search parameter. The system enables you to search using payment Receipt No. or Service Category, or payee Mobile No. Click on the Search button.
The system will display the relevant search results in the panel below. Click on the relevant record to view the payment receipt. The system will generate a pdf format of the payment receipt.
Click on the download icon on the pdf page to download the receipt. Click on the print icon on the pdf page to print the receipt.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Click on the Reset button to renew your search with different parameters.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Service Category is a comprehensive list of services existing for the specific State/ULB. Service Category basically defines the miscellaneous revenue collection heads. Example - Rental, Entry Fees, User Charges etc.
Service categories are defined at a global level for different types of revenues. Payment collection and processing for certain services like property tax and trade licenses are done through the individual modules. The mCollect module processes payments for other miscellaneous services.
The Service Category masters list allows States/ULBs to identify the miscellaneous services for which payments and collections can be processed.
Sr. No.
Service Category Code*
Service Category (In English)*
Service Category (In Local Language)*
Other Fee and Fines
अन्य शुल्क और जुर्माना
Service and Administration Charges
सेवा और प्रशासन प्रभार
The data given in the table is sample data.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Service Category Code
Unique Identifier for “Service Category” and also a reference for the child mapping
Service Category (English)
Name of “Service Category” in English. This will help the user select the category name to process the payment collection
Service Category (Local Language)
Name of “Service Category” in Local Language. This will help the user select the category name to process the payment collection
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different types of service categories on the basis of ULB’s functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
The Service Category should not contain any special characters
Other Fee and Fines : [Allowed]
#Other Fee and Fines! : [Not allowed]
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-service-category.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-confugration-data-service-category.xlsx - 10KB
A complete guide to using mCollect module
The mCollect module is designed to facilitate the ULBs process miscellaneous types of payments. Miscellaneous payments may include parking fees, advertising fees, rent, challans, etc. The module objective is to process and record payment collections on account of miscellaneous heads within the ULBs. This makes it easy to track payment receipts and generate reports for administrative purposes.
The MCS module enables ULB employees to -
Capture payment details
Generate and print payment collection receipts
Access dashboard analytics
Generate reports for administration
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
This section guides you through the details of using the MCS module for the defined roles. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the MCS system.
Learn how to search, download and print your payment receipts
The citizen pays the fees for miscellaneous services through the CEs or FEs. Once the payment transaction is complete the citizen can access the payment receipts online.
Citizens can
Search receipts
Download receipts
Print receipts
Citizens can search for payment receipts and download or print these online. To search for payment receipts navigate to the Collections option in the sidebar main menu.
Enter the relevant search parameter. The system enables you to search using payment Receipt No. or Service Category, or payee Mobile No. Click on the Search button.
The system will display the relevant search results in the panel below. Click on the relevant record to view the payment receipt.
The system will generate a pdf format of the payment receipt. Click on the download icon on the pdf page to download the receipt.
Click on the Print icon on the pdf page to print the receipt.
Click on the Reset button to renew your search with different parameters.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
The citizen pays the applicable fees for miscellaneous services through the CEs or FEs
Counter Employee (CE)
Process New Collection
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
Counter employees collect miscellaneous payments from the citizens online
Field Employee (FE)
Process New Collection
Search Receipts
Download Receipts
Print Receipts
Field employees also collect miscellaneous payments from the citizens on the field
Enhance functional Coverage
UX Revamp - Citizen & Employee - eChallan - CItizen payment and receipt search
mCollect as collection extension for other services like PT,TL,etc. (as in SRTT)
Increase adoption
- Product dashboard to measure adoption on field - Deploy updated UX to the existing clients
- Completing the product dashboard documentation & Testing
- A/B testing on features based on the usage and adoption patterns
Product innovation
POC - Revenue enhancement using mCollect (Exploring GIS, automation, etc.)
Ease of deployment & Partner Enablement
- Out of box reports and DSS
Detailed document for Self Help and Training mechanism
Out of box POS integration and app
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Service Subcategory is mapped to relevant GL code to help capture the accounting-related parameters for each service subcategory. The same is used to pass the accounting vouchers into the accounting and finance system.
The data given in the table above is sample data.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.
Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.
Identify all different types of service subcategory GL code on the basis of ULB’s functions.
Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise until the entire data is filled into a template.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity. There is no entity-specific checklist activity applicable.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Service Subcategory Code*
Service Subcategory (English)*
Service Subcategory (Local Language)*
Parks Entry Fee
पार्क प्रवेश शुल्क
Sanitation Tax
स्वच्छता कर
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Is Mandatory?
Definition/ Description
Service Category
The type of category which is to be mapped with the relevant service subcategory. Click here for Service category reference
Service Subcategory (English)
Name of “Service Sub-category” in English. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name while doing the collection. Click here for Service Subcategory reference
Service Subcategory (local Language)
Name of “Service Sub-category” in Local Language. This will help the user to select the Subcategory name while doing the collection
General Ledger Code (GL Code) is a string of alphanumeric characters assigned to each Service. Click here for the General Ledger Code Reference
The CODE which is specified and assigned to each ULB. It refers to the department
The Master Department Code linked to the“Service Category” at the State Level. The Department Code can be ascertained from the ULB Departments master. Click here to learn more about ULB Departments
The type of fund allocated/associated with the respective service subcategory. Click here for Fund reference
Sr. No
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of