Functional overview for stakeholders
The Water and Sewerage (W&S) module provides a digital interface to apply for water and sewerage connections and, pay the water and sewerage charges for connection/s. It can be used by the citizens, Urban Local Body (ULB) counter employees and field employees, and ULB Administrators to accomplish their specific tasks. It is available as a mobile and web-based application.
The Water and Sewerage product features can be broadly classified as the following modules:
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Applying for a new Water/Sewerage connection
Searching for a Connection
Modifications to a Connection
Entering meter reading of metered connections
Generate Demand
Payment collection and Receipts
Closure of water connection
Dashboards and Reports
This module provides enables the following capabilities
OTP Based Login for Citizen via Web/Mobile App
OTP Based Login for Employee via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during first time registration for both Employee and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized Profile for Citizens and employees on Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchy of employees
Role-based access for performing different actions relating to the W&S module
The system allows the Citizen / ULB user (with an appropriate role in the system) to apply for a New Water/Sewerage connection. The application goes through an approval workflow before it is available for various transactions in the system. The workflow to be followed for a new water/sewerage connection is configurable. In the workflow, the ULB official will generate the estimation notice. Once the payment is made, a work order will be generated.
Every time there is a change in the status of an application, the citizen will be intimated through in-app notifications, SMS and email. The citizen and employee can view the history of the various states that an application has been in and the comments added by the employee in each state of the application.
The employee from the W&S department will be able to access the feature, to search for water and sewerage connections. They can search for any connection based on parameters such as:
Consumer number
Application number
Owner mobile number
Application status
From date
To date
The search result contains, Application number, Consumer number, Owner name, Status, Due amount and Pay now option. The Employee can make payment for a connection on the citizen’s behalf using the ‘Pay Now’ option.
Citizens can also search for their connection in the portal. They can search using the Owners mobile number, Property ID, Consumer number etc. The search result yields, Owner’s Name, Address, Due amount and Pay option.
The system facilitates the title transfer of water tap connection from one person to the other person. Title transfer of water tap connection directly depends upon Property tax. If title transfer is done in the property tax module then at the time of final approval, the changes will reflect in the W&S module automatically. After the title transfer has been completed successfully, subsequent bills will be generated with the details of the new owner/s.
Water tap change in usage happens when property type is changed from residential to Non-residential or from Non-residential to residential. Change in usage directly depends on the property tax module. If the property type is changed in the Property tax system then it will automatically reflect in the W&S system. When there is a change in the usage type, the subsequent bills will reflect the rates as per the updated usage category. When there is a change in the usage category in the middle of the billing cycle, pro-rata charges will be applied in the next billing period.
The change in connection category from non-metered to metered and vice-versa is also possible in the W&S system with the appropriate workflow configured to intimate all stakeholders of the change and collect any charges (if applicable) from the citizen.
On the W&S billing screen, there is a card called ‘Meter reading’. An employee can click on ‘Meter reading’ which redirects the employee to the meter reading landing screen. The employee can search based on the following criteria:
Boundary Type
Boundary Value
Billing Year
Billing Period
Billing Period Value
Consumer No.
This feature facilitates the employee to search for all results based on desired criteria. The search result yields the following values: consumer number, owner name, meter status, last reading, current reading, date and consumption.
The employee can edit meter status, current reading, date and consumption under certain conditions. Based on this information the employee can generate the bills for connections.
In the system, there is a feature to generate demand under the billing section. Generate demand has a search feature in which, the connections can be searched for which demand has been already generated. An employee can view, also edit those demands based on certain conditions.
The system has the capability to configure the demand generation as an automatic or a manual process. In the automatic process, the demand generation for non-metered connections is automatically done periodically. For metered connection as soon as the employee enters the meter reading and clicks on ‘SAVE’, the demand is generated.
Any success/ failure to generate demand triggers an automatic notification to the concerned ULB officials via email. Also, the demand generation cycle, demand generation date and officials who should receive the notifications can be configured.
The citizen can pay for dues by searching his/her connection. In search results, the citizen can click on pay, which redirects to the summary page of the dues. After this, the citizen can pay for dues online. An employee can also collect the payment on the citizen’s behalf. After searching for the desired connection, clicking on pay will redirect the employee to the common payment page. The employee can print the receipt after the payment is successfully collected. The citizen is also notified and gets a download receipt link in the notification.
If the Water tap owner has got his own water source then the water tap owner can initiate for Water tap connection closure permanently. So, that tap will be closed permanently and demand would not be generated for the connection. Application for the closing of water tap connection is accepted only with the latest water charges receipt and clearing of old dues.
The state-level administrator can keep track of relevant metrics by using dashboards. Dashboards for W&S can be accessed by a state-level user under login. The dashboard has these components:
Financial Indicators
W&S Total collections YTD
Water Collection
Sewerage Collection
Water - Demand vs Collection (Monthly trend)
Sewerage - Demand vs Collection (Monthly trend)
Municipal Adoption
W & S : No. Of ULBs Live
W & S: Total Number of ULBs
Water Consumers by Connection Type
W & S Consumers by Usage Type
Total Collections by Source
Total Collections by Mode
W & S Adoption : ULB Wise
Today’s Collections
W&S Total collections: Today
Water Charges - Total collections: Today
Sewerage Charges - Total collections: Today
W&S - Total No. of Receipts: Today
Water - Total No. of Receipts: Today
Sewerage - Total No. of Receipts: Today
Mode wise W&S collections: Today
W&S ULB wise collections: Today
The table below lists the functionalities supported by the offered product as per the recommendations under the guidelines mentioned under the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) guidelines of 2019.
Reform Area
Weightage (score)
Obtaining Utility Permits
Obtaining Water Connection
Implement an online application system with the following features:
i. Online submission of application without the need to submit a physical copy of the application
ii. Eliminate physical touchpoint for document submission
iii. Allow the option of online payment of application fee
iv. Allow the applicant to track the status of the application online
( Available in DIGIT Platform)
Obtaining Utility Permits
Obtaining Water Connection
Display information on tariffs (in Rs. per kL) and notify customers of the change in tariff ahead of the billing cycle (for commercial and industrial users)
( Available in DIGIT Platform)
Obtaining Utility Permits
Obtaining Water Connection
Allow users to pay water bills online
( Available in DIGIT Platform)
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
App to facilitate application for new W&S connections, pay bills, activate connections, generate bills
The Water & Sewerage module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing water and sewerage connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key water or sewerage management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.
DIGIT W&S module enables citizens to -
Apply for new sewerage or water connections
Upload documents required for processing new connections
Pay water or sewerage connection charges and bills using an online payment gateway
Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation
Download water or sewerage connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online
DIGIT W&S module enables employees at ULB and State level to -
Process applications using customizable workflows
Configure water and sewerage charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic
View custom dashboards for module statistics
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters
This section contains all docs and information required to understand the W&S module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the W&S module.
Functional Specifications
W&S Roadmap
W&S User Manual
Product Brochure
W&S Workflows
Master Data Configuration Template
W&S Service Configuration
Implementation Handbook
Demo Script
Navigation Tips
Click on the embedded links within the content to browse topic details
Use the Contents links available on the right side of the screen to move to a specific heading
Find the list of Related Docs links at the bottom of each page to browse through additional product details
Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on W&S module deployment.
The penalty is levied on the consumer if the consumer fails to make the payment for the bill raised before a specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid penalty charges. The number of days after which the penalty is applicable should be configurable at the ULB level.
The penalty can be -
Fixed amount; or
Percentage: In case of percentage, it can be levied on either
Entire bill amount; or
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Penalty based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace period (days)
Penalty flat amount (Rs)
Penalty (%)
Balance Pending
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Penalty flat amount
If the penalty is not levied on a percentage basis, it is generally a flat fee which is penalty charges amount
Penalty based on
The penalty can be a certain percentage of the bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Penalty (%)
The penalty is calculated as a percentage amount based on either Bill amount or Balance pending
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the applicable value for the Grace Period.
Enter the corresponding Penalty Flat Amount.
Select the relevant parameter for Penalty Based On to specify if the calculation of the penalty is based on the bill amount or the pending balance.
Enter the applicable percentage value for calculating the Penalty amount.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-penalty-rates (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-penalty-rates (1).xlsx - 9KB
This page provides configuration details for W&S master data templates
The Water Charges module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing water connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key water management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.
DIGIT Water Charges module enables citizens to -
Apply for new water connections.
Upload documents required for processing new connections.
Pay water connection charges and water bills using an online payment gateway.
Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation.
Download water connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online.
DIGIT Water module enables employees at ULB and State level to -
Process applications using customizable workflows.
Configure water charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
Interest is levied on the consumer if the consumer fails to make the bill payment before a specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid interest charges. The number of days after which the interest is applicable is configurable at the ULB level. The interest amount is charged to the consumer on a daily basis once the specified grace period is over and till the bill payment is done.
Interest rate: The interest rate on a daily basis can be levied on -
Entire bill amount
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Interest based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace Period (days)
*Interest rate
Balance Pending
Data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Interest-based on
Interest can be levied on either bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Interest rate
Time-based Interest percentage
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the applicable Grace Period for calculating interest.
Select the relevant parameter for Interest-Based On to specify if the interest is applied to the bill amount or pending balance.
Enter the applicable percentage value for Interest Rate that will be used to calculate the interest amount.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-interest-rate (1).xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-interest-rate (1).xlsx - 9KB
Sewerage Charges are recurring charges levied for a pre-defined billing period. The billing period is configurable as per the state or ULB requirement. The rate for calculation of sewerage charges can vary widely and is dependent upon various parameters. For instance, they can be dependent either upon plot size slab combined with property usage type or solely dependent upon property usage type. In some cases, sewerage charges can also be levied as a percentage of water charges.
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Select the relevant Property Usage Type from the available drop-down list.
Enter the From and To value for property size to specify the range applicable for the selected property.
Enter the Flat Fee applicable for the selected property and Slab.
Enter the applicable Percentage of Water Charges value. The sewerage charges will be calculated as a percentage of the water charges.
Enter the corresponding consumption Rate per unit.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Sr. No.
*Property Usage Type
*Property size slab from (units)
*Property size slab to (units)
*Percentage of water charges (%)
*Flat fee (in Rs)
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Property usage type
Refer to property usage type
Slab (Property size value)
From and to value for property size
Flat fee
Flat sewerage charges collected based on property usage type
Percentage of water charges
Percent value
Consumption charges per unit corresponding to the usage type
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
The Sewerage Charges module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing sewerage connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key sewerage management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.
DIGIT Sewerage Charges module enables citizens to -
Apply for new sewerage connections.
Upload documents required for processing new connections.
Pay sewerage connection charges and bills using online payment gateway.
Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation.
Download sewerage connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online.
DIGIT Sewerage module enables employees at ULB and State level to -
Process applications using customizable workflows.
Configure sewerage charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic.
View custom dashboards for module statistics.
Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters.
The penalty is levied on the consumer in case the consumer fails to make the payment for the bill raised before the specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid penalty charges. The number of days after which the penalty is applicable is configurable at the ULB level. The penalty calculation logic may differ from one state or ULB to another.
The penalty can be -
Fixed amount
Percentage: When it is a percentage, it can be levied on
Entire bill amount
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Penalty based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace period (days)
*Penalty flat amount (Rs)
*Penalty (%)
Balance Pending
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Penalty flat amount
If the penalty is not levied on a percentage basis, it is generally a flat fee which is penalty charges amount
Penalty based on
The penalty can be a certain percentage of the bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill
Penalty (%)
The penalty is calculated as a percentage amount based on either Bill amount or Balance pending
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter an appropriate value for Penalty Based On.
Enter a value for the Grace Period.
Enter the Penalty Flat Amount.
Enter the Penalty value in percent.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-penalty-rates.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-penalty-rates.xlsx - 9KB
Water Charges are levied for metered connections based on consumption. The rate for calculation of water charges varies widely and is dependent upon various parameters. In the DIGIT W&S module, water charges defined are based on actual consumption and property usage type.
Sr. No.
*Property Usage Type
*Water consumed value from (units)
*Water consumed value to (units)
*Rate (in Rs/ unit)
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Property usage type
Water consumed value from
From value for water consumed
Water consumed value to
To value for water consumed
Consumption charges per unit corresponding to the usage type
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Select the property type from the drop-down list available in the Property Usage Type column.
Enter the Slab (water consumed) range details in the From and To Value for water consumed.
Enter the Rate for the specified slab range and property type.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
A separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-water-rates-metered-.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-water-rates-metered-.xlsx - 10KB
Water pipes are available in different sizes. Pipe size is a common parameter used for calculating water charges. The allotted pipe size for new water connections depends on specific service requirements.
Sr. No.
Pipe Size*
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Pipe size
Value for Pipe size
Unit of measurement for the pipe size value
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to understand the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions.
Reach out to the person who shared the template for further details or to clear your doubts. Identify if the State/ULB has a provision for capturing pipe size for connections.
Enter the Pipe Size details.
Enter the corresponding UOM for the specified Pipe Size.
Go through the checklist to verify the data. Make sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per specifications. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
UOM should same for all the values provided pipe size in the template
E.g. If it is given as Inches then it should be inches for all.
A separate entity-specific checklist is not needed for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-pipe-size-types.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-pipe-size-types.xlsx - 9KB
There are two reasons for recording the water source. One is to measure availability vs consumption. And, the other is to monitor the water quality. Each ULB captures this information. Hence, the water source details are configurable at the ULB level. ULBs can configure water source data at two levels - water source and water sub source.
Sr. No.
*Water source
*Water sub source
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Water source
Water source major category
Water sub source
Water source minor category
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document for more details on data type, size, and definitions.
Contact the person who shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the relevant Water Source.
Enter the corresponding Water Sub Source. This will map the water sub source to the specified water source.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
A separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-water-source-types.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-water-source-types.xlsx - 11KB
Water Charges are recurring charges levied for a pre-defined billing period. The billing period is configurable as per the state or ULB requirement. The rate for calculation of water charges vary widely and is dependent upon various parameters. Charges for water are dependent upon either plot size slab or No. of taps combined with property usage type. In some cases, they can also be solely dependent upon the property usage type.
Sr. No.
Property Usage Type*
Property size value from (units)
Property size value to (units)
No. of taps
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Property usage type
Slab (Property size value)
From and to value for property size
No. of Taps
No. of Taps to be recorded for calculation of water charges
Consumption charges per unit corresponding to the usage type
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Select the property type from the drop-down list available in the Property Usage Type column.
Enter the Slab (property size value) range details in the From and To Value for property size.
Enter the value for No. of Taps. The water charges will be calculated on the number of taps.
Enter the Rate or the per-unit water consumption charges that will be applicable for the listed parameters.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-water-rates-non-metered-.xlsx - 11KB
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-water-rates-non-metered-.xlsx - 10KB
Interest is levied from the consumer in case the consumer fails to make the payment of the bill before the specified due date. The consumer has to make the full payment before the due date to avoid interest charges. The number of days after which the interest is applicable is configurable at the ULB level. Interest Rates are calculated essentially on a daily percentage basis.
The interest rate on a daily basis can be levied on -
Entire bill amount
Balance pending when partial payments have been made
Sr. No.
*Interest based on (Bill amount/Balance pending)
*Grace Period (days)
*Interest rate (%)
Bill Amount
The data given in the table is sample data for reference.
Sr. No.
Column Name
Data Type
Data Size
Grace period
After the bill is generated, certain days are provided to the citizen for making the payment
Interest-based on
Interest can be levied on either bill amount or balance pending if partial payments are made against the bill.
Interest rate
Time-based Interest percentage
Download the data template attached to this page.
Refer to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document to learn more about the template sheet, data type, size, and definitions.
Please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
Enter the Grace Period.
Select the relevant Interest-based On parameter.
Enter the Interest Rate.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each and every point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
The checklist contains a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data entry requirements are met. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.
This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of
Separate Entity Specific Checklist is not required for this module data.
Configuration Data Templateconfiguration-data-template-interest-rate.xlsx - 10KB
Sample Datasample-configuration-data-interest-rate.xlsx - 9KB
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Specifies the
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
An illustrative guide to using Water & Sewerage module
The W&S module allows citizens to apply for new connections and pay bills online. For employees, this module enables automated processing of new connection requests, editing existing connection details, generating water bills, and facilitating online collection of bill payments.
The module supports the following key functions -
Apply for new connections
Pay one-time connection charges for new water or sewerage connections
Pay recurring bills using online payment gateway
Download artefacts such as application details, connection details, bills, receipts, sanction letter and estimation notice
Process applications using configurable workflows
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Apply for new connection
Pay one-time connection charges
Pay bills
Download artefacts
Individuals and society groups/communities who want to apply for new water or sewerage connections, or pay bills
Counter Employee
Create new applications
Process applications
Edit existing connection details
Add meter reading
Collect connection charges
Collect bill payment
Download bills, receipts, and approval letter for new connections
ULB employees responsible for submitting applications for new connections on behalf of the citizens or pay their bills at the counter
Document Verifier (DV)
Send applications back to citizen
Reject applications
Verify and forward applications
ULB employees responsible for verifying the documents uploaded along with the application
Field Inspector (FI)
Send applications back to citizen
Generate estimation notice
Add additional details
Reject applications
Verify and forward applications
ULB employees responsible for conducting the onsite inspection
Reject applications
Approve applications
ULB employee responsible for rejecting or approving new connection requests
All employee roles
Search connections/applications
Process new connections/modify applications
View connection details
Download artefacts
This section guides you through the details of using the [module name] module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the module.
Learn how to apply for new water or sewerage connections, pay bills
Citizens represent individuals, groups or communities that are using the W&S module online to manage their water and sewerage connections. The W&S module offers an efficient means of tracking and managing water and sewerage connections.
The citizens can -
Download bills, receipts and approval letters
The Apply for New Connection option allows citizens to submit their application for new water or sewerage connection. Application forms are submitted through the portal for further processing and approval for new connections by the ULB employees.
To apply for new connections
Navigate to the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar. Alternatively, click on the Water & Sewerage card available on the Citizen Services panel on the home page.
Click on the Apply for New Connection option.
The system displays the list of required documents for processing new water or sewerage connections. Click on the Print button below to print the list for reference.
Click on the Apply button to begin filling the application form. The application form contains three sections - Connection Details, Documents, and Summary.
In the Property Details panel enter the Property ID for the new connection. Click on the Find/Create Property ID click here link if you do not remember the property ID or the property is not yet registered in the system. Search for the relevant property details or click on the Register New Property button to register the property.
Click on the Select button available for the relevant property in the search list. This will auto-populate the property details in the application.
The Same as Owner Details box is checked by default in the Connection Holder Details panel. Uncheck this box if the connection holder details are not the same as the property owner. Now enter the connection holder’s Mobile No., Name, Gender, Guardian Name, Relationship with the mentioned guardian, Correspondence Address and Special Applicant Category details.
Check the Water or Sewerage box in the Connection Details panel to indicate the type of connection you are applying for. Check both boxes if the application is for both water and sewerage.
Enter the No. of Taps proposed if you are applying for water connection. Select the applicable value for Pipe Size Proposed (in inches). Enter the required No. of Water Closets and No. of Toilets details for sewerage connection. Click on the Next Step button to proceed to the Documents section of the application.
The system allocates a unique Application No. available on the top of the application form page. Click on the Select Documents drop-down menu to identify the relevant document that will be uploaded as Identity Proof, Address Proof, Building Plan etc.
Click on the Upload File button to attach the documents to the application. Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary section of the application.
The system displays the success acknowledgement message. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the application.
The application is processed by the ULB employees who verify the attached documents and carry out field inspections before the final approval. The citizen is allotted a unique consumer number once the application is processed and approved.
Citizens can view their applications to find status details, pending fees to be paid, or any other notifications linked to the application.
To view applications
Click on the My Applications option on the W&S home page.
The system displays all the applications submitted by the citizen and the current status of each application. Click on the View Details button below the application for detailed information on the application status and actions taken on the application.
Click on the View History button available in the Application Summary panel on top. This displays all the tasks completed and in progress along with the date.
The Fee Estimate panel displays the payable application fee details. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee calculation details.
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application and then click on Pay to make the fee payment. The Pay option is enabled once the application is in Pending for Payment status.
Click on the Download or Print button on the top right corner of the page to download or print the application or the payment receipt.
The W&S module allows citizens to check the meter readings in case they have metered connections.
To check meter readings
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen. Click on the Consumer Number link available for the listed connection.
Click on the View Consumption Details button available in the Service Details panel on the Connection Details page.
The meter reading and current consumption readings are available on the Consumption Details page.
Scroll down the page to view past readings.
Citizens can view their water or sewerage connection details through the portal.
To view connection details
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen. Click on the Consumer Number link available for the listed connection.
The Connection Details page displays the Service Details, Property Details, Owner Details and the Connection Holder Details. Scroll down the page to view these details.
The citizen portal allows users to view their existing connection details and pay water or sewerage bills online.
To view and pay bills
Click on My Connections card on the W&S home page. The existing connections for the listed user are available on the screen.
Click on the Pay Now button available for connections that have pending dues.
Alternatively, click on the Pay Water & Sewerage Bill card on the W&S home page. Enter the required search parameters to search for a specific bill.
Click on the Pay Now button available for connections that have pending dues.
The Bill Details shows the Total Amount, Due Date, and amount breakup details. Scroll down to view the associated Service Details and Property Details. Click on the Download Bill button to download the bill. Click on the Pay button to make the payment.
Select Full Amount or Custom Amount depending on whether you are paying the entire bill amount or making a partial payment or advance payment. Enter the Amount to pay (Rs) in case of Custom Amount. Enter the Payer Details.
Select the relevant option for Payment Paid By. Select Owner if the payment is done by the owner else select Other if someone else is making the bill payment. Enter the Payer Name and Payer Mobile No. In the case of Owner, these details are auto-populated.
Click on the Make Payment button to proceed with the payment. Select the preferred payment method and provide the required payment details. The system displays the payment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the payment receipt.
Citizens can view past bill payment details from their portal.
To view past payment details -
Click on the Past Payments option on the W&S home page.
The system displays historic payment details.
Click on the Download Receipt button to download the payment receipt. The Partially Paid status will be displayed if only part of the bill amount is paid.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Summary page displays the filled in application details. Scroll down the page to check the details. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application. Click on the Submit button once the review is complete.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Counter Employee (CE) represents the ULB employee responsible for assisting the citizens with water and sewerage connection related activities. The W&S module provides the CE with the scope to submit applications for new connections on behalf of the citizens or collect payment for the citizen bills at the counter.
The CE can -
The CEs can apply for new water or sewerage connection applications and submit it on behalf of the citizens.
To apply for new connections
Click on the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar or the Water & Sewerage card on the DIGIT home page.
Click on the New Application button available on the top right corner of the page. Follow the steps iterated in the Citizens Apply for new connections section to apply for new connections.
The W&S portal enables CEs and other ULB employees to search for specific applications or connections using different search parameters.
To search for W&S connections
Click on the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar or the Water & Sewerage card on the DIGIT home page. The Search Connections tab on the page displays the various search parameters that filter the search for specific connections. Enter the applicable City. This is a mandatory search filter.
Enter the Property ID, or Owner Mobile No., or Consumer Number, or the Old Consumer Number to filter the view of connections based on the specified parameter. Click on the Search button to view the search results. Click on the Reset button to renew the search using different parameters.
To search for W&S applications
Click on the Water & Sewerage menu option in the sidebar or the Water & Sewerage card on the DIGIT home page. Click on the Search Applications tab.
Enter the Consumer No. or Application Number, or Owner Mobile No., or Application Type to filter the search for applications. The application search can also be filtered by Application Status or defining a specific period in the From Date and To Date fields. The system fetches the applications created between the specified period or after the specified date.
Click on the Search button to view the search results. Click on the Reset button to renew the search using different parameters.
CEs add the meter readings for each connection to generate monthly bills based on the recorded usage.
To add meter readings
Search for the specific connection using relevant search parameters. Click on the Consumer Number link available for listed connections. Click on View Consumption Details available in the Service Details panel.
Click on the Add Meter Reading button on the top right corner of the Consumption Details page.
The Billing Period by default is set to the last reading date and current reading date.
Select the applicable Meter Status. The meter status can be changed to reflect the current working condition of the meter. Meters can be set to Working, Locked, Breakdown, Non-meter, Reset, or Replacement, as applicable.
Enter the Current Reading in the meter reading page. The system displays the Last Reading and the Last Reading Date. Enter the Current Reading Date. The date field auto-populates the current date by default.
The actual Consumption is automatically calculated by the system. The customer is billed on the basis of the actual consumption.
Click on the Save button to save the reading. This will generate the bill or demand for payment that has to be made by the customer.
Once the application for new water or sewerage connection is approved and the citizen has paid the applicable connection charges, the CE is responsible for activating the new connection.
To activate new connections
Search for the applications that are Pending for Connection Activation. Click on the Application No. to open the application.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Edit option to enter connection activation details.
Review the Connection Details and the list of Documents furnished with the application.
Enter the connection details in the Additional Details section of the application.
Enter the Connection Execution Date. The connection will be activated on the specified date. For metered connections, enter the Meter ID, Meter Installation Date, and Initial Meter Reading (KL).
Click on Next Step to the Summary section of the application. Review the application details. Click on the Take Action button and then click on the Activate Connection option.
Enter any Comments for activating the connection. Click on the Activate Connection button.
The connection activation success message is displayed on the screen. A system generates a unique Consumer No. to identify the connection.
CEs can pay W&S bills for the citizens. The CEs can add penalty or rebates to the bill amount depending on the applicable penalty or rebates available for the customers.
To pay bills
Enter the relevant search parameter to filter the view of W&S connections. Click on the Collect button for the specific connection.
The Bill Details panel displays the pending dues details and its breakup.
Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to adjust any penalties or rebates applicable for the customer.
Add the Adhoc Penalty Amount or the Adhoc Rebate Amount. Select the Reason For Adhoc Penalty or Reason for Adhoc Rebate from the given drop-down list. Enter any additional information in the Enter Comments section.
Click on the Add button to add the penalty or rebate amount to the total bill amount. Click on the Download Bill button to download the bill. Click on the Pay button.
Select Full Amount or Custom Amount to specify the full or partial payment of the bill. Enter the Amount to Pay if Custom Amount is selected. Click on the applicable payment tab in the Capture Payment panel.
Enter the required payment details and make the payment. Click on the Generate Receipt button to process the payment.
The payment success acknowledgement message is displayed on the screen. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the payment receipt.
The W&S module enables CEs to make any changes to the existing water or sewerage connection details in a few simple steps. Such changes may reflect any updates in property details or the connection details.
To modify connection details
Search for the specific connection using applicable search parameters. Click on the Consumer Number link to open the connection details page.
Scroll down the page and click on the Take Action button. Click on Modify Connection.
The system does not allow employees to modify connection details in 2 cases
If there are any pending dues for the connection - the owner has to settle the pending dues before making any modifications to the connection details.
If there is already any other modification application pending for approval - the owner can raise another modification request only once the previous application is approved.
The Modify Connection application form contains 4 sections. The Property Details panel displays the existing property details linked to the connection. Click on the Search Property button to replace the existing property details with another property. Select the applicable Property ID. The change request for property details will be forwarded to the Approver for final approval.
Click on the Modify Property button to make any changes to the existing property. This action is integrated with the Property Tax module. So, whatever changes or edits are requested for the listed property will go through the Edit Property workflow for verification and final approval from the Property Tax department.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Additional Details section.
Change the Connection Details as required on this page. Users can modify the existing Connection Type, Number of Taps, Water Source, Water Sub Source, and applicable Pipe Size details. Change the Activation Details if required. Enter new meter details in the Meter ID and Meter Installation Date fields.
Enter the Modification Effective From date. The requested changes will be reflected from the selected date. Click on the Next Step button to upload supporting documents for the requested changes.
Select the applicable Documents and then click on Upload Files to attach the selected documents with the application.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary page of the application. Scroll down the page to review the modification requests. The existing connection details are available below the requested changes for easy reference.
Click on the Submit button for processing the modification requests. The application is sent to the Approver for final approval.
The Document Verifier (DV) is responsible for verifying the required and supporting documents uploaded by the citizen with the W&S application. The application is forwarded to the Field Inspector for further review once the DV finds the documents uploaded meet the requirements. Else, the application is either sent back to the citizen for refurbishing the documents or rejected.
DV can
DV can edit application details on behalf of the applicants.
To edit applications
The applications Pending for Document Verification is available on the DIGIT home page. Else, search for the application using the search parameters.
Open the application. Click on the View History button available in the Task Status panel on top to view the list of actions taken on the application so far. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee breakup details in the Fee Estimate panel.
Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to add any ad hoc penalty or rebate amount to the total fee payable. Scroll down the application to review the filled in details. Click on the View button for each uploaded document to review details.
Click on the Take Action button and then click on Edit to make required corrections. Review the Connection Details and the list of Documents furnished with the application.
Enter the connection details in the Additional Details section of the application. Select the applicable Connection Type. Enter the Number of Taps, Water Source, Water Sub Source, and Pipe Size details.
Select ULB if the plumber is provided by the ULB. Else, check the Self option. In case the plumber is provided by the ULB enter the Plumber License No., Plumber Name, and Plumber Mobile No. details.
Select the relevant Road Type. Enter the Area (in sq ft) to indicate the length of road cutting required to lay the pipes. Enter the Connection Execution Date. The connection will be activated on the specified date.
Click on Next Step to the Summary section of the application. Review the application details. Complete the changes and click on the Submit button to save the changes.
DV can send the application back to the citizen for any corrections or if any vital document has not been uploaded.
To send the application back to the citizen
Enter the Application No. or any other search parameter to search for the application. Click on the Application No. link to open the application. Scroll down the application page to review the filled in details.
Click on the View File button to open the documents uploaded in the application. Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Send Back to citizen button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or any document is missing.
State the reasons for sending the application back to the citizen in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is placed back in the Citizen queue for required edits.
The DV can reject the application if the documents and information furnished by the citizen do not meet the prescribed guidelines.
To reject the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Reject button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or the information provided in the application is inaccurate.
State the reasons for rejecting the application in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button.
The application is rejected and a notification is sent to the applicant informing the same.
The DV verifies and forwards the application if the documents and information provided in the application are found satisfactory and complete.
To verify and forward the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Verify and Forward button once all documents are verified.
Select the applicable Assignee Name who will carry out the next phase of verification. Provide any additional information for the assignee in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The application is forwarded to the field inspector for further processing.
The field inspector or FI is responsible for conducting the field inspection of the connection site and premises. The FI prepares the inspection report based on the observations on the defined inspection parameters.
The FI can
To edit applications
The application Pending for Field Inspection is available on the DIGIT home page. Else, search for the application using the search parameters.
Open the application. Click on the View History button available in the Task Status panel on top to view the list of actions taken on the application so far. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee breakup details in the Fee Estimate panel.
Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to add any ad hoc penalty or rebate amount to the total fee payable.
Scroll down the application to review the filled in details. Click on the View button for each uploaded document to review details. Click on the Take Action button and then click on Edit to make required corrections.
Review the Connection Details and the list of Documents furnished with the application.
Enter the connection details in the Additional Details section of the application. Select the applicable Connection Type. Enter the Number of Taps, Water Source, Water Sub Source, and Pipe Size details.
Select ULB if the plumber is provided by the ULB. Else, check the Self option. In case the plumber is provided by the ULB enter the Plumber License No., Plumber Name, and Plumber Mobile No. details.
Select the relevant Road Type. Enter the Area (in sq ft) to indicate the length of road cutting required to lay the pipes. Enter the Connection Execution Date. The connection will be activated on the specified date. For metered connections, enter the Meter ID, Meter Installation Date, and Initial Meter Reading (KL).
Click on Next Step to the Summary section of the application. Review the application details. Complete the changes and click on the Take Action button to proceed with the required action on the application.
FIs can send the application back to the DV for any corrections or if any vital document has not been uploaded.
To send the application back
Enter the Application No. or any other search parameter to search for the application. Click on the Application No. link to open the application. Scroll down the application page to review the filled in details.
Click on the View File button to open the documents uploaded in the application. Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Send Back button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or any document is missing.
State the reasons for sending the application back to the citizen in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is placed back in the DV queue for required edits.
The FI can reject the application if the documents and information furnished by the citizen do not meet the prescribed guidelines.
To reject the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Reject button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or the information provided in the application is inaccurate.
State the reasons for rejecting the application in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button.
The application is rejected and a notification is sent to the applicant informing the same.
The FI verifies and forwards the application if the documents and information provided in the application are found satisfactory and complete.
To verify and forward the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Verify and Forward button once the field inspection is complete and found to be satisfactory.
Select the applicable Assignee Name who will carry out the next phase of verification. Provide any additional information for the assignee in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button.
The application is forwarded to the W&S Approver for final approval.
The W&S Approver is responsible for approving or rejecting the application for new water or sewerage connections. Once approved the applicant must pay the connection charges to initiate the activation of the connection. The counter employee fills in the activation details and activates the connection. Post connection activation the system generates a unique consumer number.
The Approver can
To edit applications
The application Pending for Approval is available on the DIGIT home page. Else, search for the application using the search parameters. Open the application.
Click on the View History button available in the Task Status panel on top to view the list of actions taken on the application so far. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee breakup details in the Fee Estimate panel. Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to add any ad hoc penalty or rebate amount to the total fee payable.
Scroll down the application to review the filled in details. Click on the View button for each uploaded document to review details.
Click on the Take Action button and then click on Edit to make the required corrections. Complete the changes and click on the Submit button to save the changes.
The Approver can send the application back to the FI for any corrections or if any vital document has not been uploaded.
To send the application back to the citizen
Enter the Application No. or any other search parameter to search for the application. Click on the Application No. link to open the application. Scroll down the application page to review the filled in details.
Click on the View File button to open the documents uploaded in the application. Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Send Back button if the application does not meet specific requirements or any document is missing.
State the reasons for sending the application back to the FI in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Send Back button.
The application is placed back in the FI queue for the required processing.
The Approver can reject the application if the documents and information furnished by the citizen do not meet the prescribed guidelines.
To reject the application
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Reject button if the documents do not meet the application requirements or the information provided in the application is inaccurate.
State the reasons for rejecting the application in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button.
The application is rejected and a notification is sent to the applicant informing the same.
The Approver verifies the application and if the documents and information provided in the application are found satisfactory and complete, the connection request is approved.
To approve connections
Click on the Take Action button at the bottom of the application page once the review is complete. Click on the Approve Connection button once the application is reviewed and verified.
Provide any additional information for the applicant in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Approve Connection button.
The application for new water or sewerage connection is approved. The applicant is allotted a unique Consumer Number. The application is now routed back to the citizen to make the payment towards connection charges. Once the payment is done the connection is activated.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.