Road Type


Roads are constructed in order to facilitate the locomotion of people from a place to another.

The roads constructed in a state are classified into certain categories which could be on the basis of the width of the road, construction material or the function and location. Road type is one of the primary factor defining the unit rates and hence configuration is needed for the DIGIT module in order to describe the property and what are the taxes it could attract.

Data Table

Given below is the sample data table from the template in which the data has to be collected:

Sr. No.Road Type Code*Road Type* (In English)Road Type* (In Local Language)



Less than 12 meters in width

12 मीटर से कम चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर



From 12 meters to 24 meters in width

12 मीटर से 24 मीटर तक की चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर



More than 24 meters in width

24 मीटर से अधिक की चौड़ाई वाले मार्ग पर

Please note that the values mentioned in the data table are sample values and the states are free to add/update according to their specific requirements.

Configuration Data Templateproperty-tax-roadtype_template_v1.xlsx - 9KB

Sample Datasample_data_propety-tax_road_type.xlsx - 9KB

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