PT User Manual
An illustrative guide to using the property tax module
Introduction to PT
The Property Tax (PT) module offers the citizens and governance bodies a convenient and transparent means of processing property taxes. Local governing bodies identify the applicable tax slabs for different types of properties. The PT module assesses properties, calculates tax amount, processes tax payment and generates tax collection reports.
Key Features
The PT module enables citizens to pay property taxes online. It facilitates the governing bodies process property tax payments.
User roles
Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.
User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description
Add Property
Search Property
Edit Property
Assess Property
Re-Assess Property
Pay Property Tax
Transfer Property Ownership
Download Receipts/Applications
Individuals and Community groups
Counter Employee (CE)
Add Property
Search Property
Edit Property
Assess Property
Re-Assess Property
Pay Property Tax
Transfer Property Ownership
Download Receipts/Applications
Counter employees who assist citizens register new property details, transfer ownership of property, pay property tax on their behalf
Document Verifier (DV)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Edit Application
Employees responsible for verifying the supporting documents submitted by citizens for a new property or transfer of ownership of property
Field Inspector (FI)
Verify and forward
Send Back
Employees who go on to the field (i.e. location of property) and physically verifies the information provided by the applicant is correct
Send Back
An employee who has the final authority to approve or reject the property registration
Using PT
This section guides you through the details of using the PT module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the PT system.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Last updated