FSM Release Notes

FSM module release details


Emptying of septic tank / Pit (Desludging) request can be created by the citizen online which will be processed by the ULB. The processed request will then be assigned to a particular desludging operator post payment of desludging charges by the citizen.

The desludging operator then completes the emptying task on the ground and transports the faecal sludge to the designated septage treatment plant where a plan operator updates the vehicle log and septage dumped at the plant.

Release Highlights

  1. Citizen

    1. Create Emptying of septic tank/pit application

    2. View status of the application

    3. Make payment for an application

    4. Rate the service

  2. Employee

    1. Create Emptying of septic tank/pit application

    2. Update application

    3. Make payment for an application

    4. Assign/Re-assign DSO for an application

    5. Complete request on behalf of DSO

  3. Desludging operator

    1. Assign vehicle to a request

    2. Decline a request

    3. Complete request

  4. FSTP Operator

    1. Update vehicle log

Release Features

Key Feature


Create Emptying of septic tank/pit request

Feature to allow the citizen to create desludging(emptying of septic tank/pit ) application online or at ULB counters.

Make payment for a request

Allow citizen to make payment for a request either online or through ULB counters

Update application and Generate demand

ULB employee can modify the application created if required and update the demand/charges that the citizen should pay for the request raised.

Assign DSO to a request

ULB employee will assign the request to a particular registered DSO (desludging operator) based on the availability of the vehicle

Re-assign DSO to a request

ULB employee can reassign a request if the assigned DSO declines the request under some unavoidable circumstances.

Cancel the request

ULB employee can cancel the request for data entry mistakes

Reject the request

Reject the request which is invalid or doesn’t have the proper information to process the request

DSO Assign vehicle and completes the request

DSO can tag a vehicle to a request which is assigned to him, process and update the volume of septage collected at the site and complete the request.

Update Vehicle log by FSTP / SeTP Operator

The septage which is collected at the site would be transported to the Septage treatment plant where the plant operator can update the vehicle entry time to the plant and the volume of septage dumped at the plant.

Known Issues


Upcoming Release Features

  • Dashboard and Reports

Doc Links


User manual for citizens, DSO, SeTPO, and Employee

Last updated

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