DIGIT Services
Building Blocks & Business Services
Zuul Service (API Gateway)
API Gateway
Unified interface for a set of microservices
Access Control Services
Authorise end-user based on their roles and provide access to the DIGIT platform resources
Serve the applicable actions for a user based on user role
Encryption Service
Secure sensitive data that is being stored in the database
Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, Verify and Rotate Key
User OTP Service
User-OTP service
Handles the OTP for user registration, user login and password reset for a particular user
eGov OTP Service
Authenticate the users on the platform.
User authentication
ID Generation Service
Avoid unnecessary repetition of codes to generate ids and to have centralized control over the logic so that burden of maintenance is reduced from the developers.
To create a config based application that can be used without writing even a single line of coding.
Payment Gateway Service
DIGITPayment Gateway acts as a liaison between DIGIT apps and external payment gateways facilitating payments, reconciliation of payments and lookup of transactions' status'.
Gateways facilitating payments, reconciliation of payments and lookup of transactions' status'.
User Services
Responsible for user data management and providing login and logout into Digit system
Identity registration, management module
MDMS (Master Data Management Service)
Reduce the time spent by developers on writing codes to store and fetch master data ( primary data needed for module functionality )
Adds master data for usage; Reads data from GIT directly with no dependency on any database services.
Persister Service
framework to persist data in a transactional fashion with low latency based on a config file
Persister service provides a framework to persist data in a transactional fashion with low latency based on a config file. Removes repetitive and time-consuming persistence code from other services.
SMS Notification Service
Manage all the SMS notifications being sent out
Common platform to send SMS notifications to users; Support localised SMS; Easily configurable with different SMS service providers
Email Notification Service
Common point to manage all the email notifications being sent out of the platform
Platform to send email notifications to the users; Support localised email.
Searcher Service
To provide a one-stop framework for searching data from multiple data-source based on configuration (Postgres, Elasticsearch etc). To create provision for implementing features based on ad-hoc requirements which directly or indirectly require a search functionality.
NLP Engine Service
Uses fuzzy matching and pattern recognition
Provides city fuzzy search feature which returns the list of cities having the highest match ratio with the input.
functionality to the user to access PGR module services
FileStore Service
A core application that handles uploading different kinds of files to servers including images and different document types
Takes in a request object, stores them in a disk/AWS/azure, requested file to be uploaded is taken in form of a multi-part file then saved to the storage and a uuid is returned
PDF Generation Service
Show information in PDF format that can be print/downloaded by the user.
HRMS is to provide a service that manages all the employees enrolled in the system
HRMS provides extensive APIs to create, update and search the employees with attributes like assignments, service history, jurisdiction, etc. HRMS can be treated as a sub-set of the egov-user service. Every employee created through HRMS is added as a user in the egov-user.
Location Services
Provides location details
Localization Service
Localization application stores the locale data in the format of key and value along with the module, tenantid and locale. Locale refers to the specific location where data is being added.
Billing service
serve the Bill for all revenue Business services
he main objective of the billing module is to serve the Bill for all revenue Business services. To serve the Bill, Billing-Service requires demand. Demands will be prepared by Revenue modules and stored by billing based on which it will generate the Bill.
Report Service
Common framework for generating reports
Add reports on the fly just by adding configurations without any coding effort.
Indexer Service
Framework for indexing the data to elasticsearch; indexing live data, reindexing from one index to the other and indexing legacy data from the datastore
LiveIndex, Reindex and LegacyIndex
collection Service
revenue collection platform
The Collection service is to serve as a revenue collection platform for all the billing systems through cash, cheque, dd, swipe machine. It enables payment for all services provided by the eGov platform at a single point for the Citizen and counter collection in municipal alike.
Workflow Services (egov-workflow-v2)
Workflow engine
Role based workflow instances
Appropriation Service
apportion the amount paid against a bill
Apportion service is used to apportion the amount paid against a bill among the different tax heads based on the implemented algorithm. The default algorithm uses order of the tax head to apportion, the tax head with lowest order is apportioned off first while the highest order tax head is apportioned last.
Dashboard analytics
data is fetched, aggregated, computed, transformed and sent across
DSS has two sides to it. One is the process in which the Data is pooled to ElasticSearch and the other being the way it is fetched, aggregated, computed, transformed and sent across. As this revolves around a variety of Data Set, there is a need for making this configurable. So that, tomorrow, given a new scenario is introduced, then it is just a configuration away from getting the newly introduced scenario involved in this flow of the process.
Dashboard ingest
Instrument service
Setting up finance service
Finance master service
Finance 3rd party integration
Downloadable forms & files for consumers
User Event
Build a datamart query
PDF Wrapper
Municipal Services
Building Blocks / Modules
Service names
Doc Links
Online Building Plan Approval
All calculations related to online building plan approval module
Onlibe Building Plab Approval service
Apprilication create, update and search for all online building plan serivces like- permit order, occupancy certificate
eChallan Calculator
Calculation logic related to miscallaneous and challan collections
eChallan Calculator Service
Challan create, update and search feature
calculate the fire noc charges
Calculation logic related to Fire NOC module
calculate the fire noc charges
Application create, update and search and other features of Fire NOC module
search the created Applications
Search of items in user inbox can be fetched using this service
Public greviance module
Create, update and search of complaints for the Public Grievience module can be found here
Property TAx calculation
All calculation logic pertaining to Property Tax module can be found here
Property search
Create, update and search of Property registry as part of the Property Tax module is defined here
Sewage tax calculator
All calculation logic pertaining to the sewerage module which comes as part of Water and Sewerage can be found here
Sewerage module
Create, update and search of applications for the Sewerage module which comes as part of the Water and Sewerage module comes here
Trade License module
All calculation logic for new and renewal of license in the Trade License
Trade License service
Trade lisence configuration
Whatsapp Integration
Vehicle services
Vehicle Registry is a system that enables ULB Employees to create and search Vehicle Entities and schedule Vehicle Trip for Fecal Sludge Management Application and track the VehicleTrip. This document contains the details about how to set up the Vehicle and describe the functionalities provided.
Vednor Management
Vendor Registry is a system that enables ULB Employees to create and search Vendor i.e Desludging Operator (DSO) and driver entities with appropriate vehicle Entities for FSM Application. This document contains details about how to set up the Vendor and describe the functionalities provided.
Water & Sewerage Systems
WS calculator application is used to calculate the water application one time Fees and meter reading charges based on the different billing slabs that's why the calculation and demand generation logic will be separated out from the WS service. So in future, if calculation logic needs to modify then changes can be carried out for each implementation without modifying the WS service.
Water & Sewerage Systems
Last updated
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