Birth & Death Release Notes


The Birth and Death module provides a digital interface, allowing citizens to search for and download the Birth and Death certificate. Also, the correctness of the certificate can be verified by scanning the QR code. The module enables the following:

  • Reduced physical touchpoints as citizens are not required to visit offices

  • Reduced time with the instantaneous download of certificates

  • Verification of the correctness of the certificate by scanning the QR Code

The Birth & Death module also enables ULB employees to create new registrations and also search for any previous applications through the employee side interface of the module.

In addition to the module, the DSS(Decision Support System) at the state level and national level instances enables administrators to view the records and have an aggregate view of the certificate downloads and other metrics for research and analysis purposes. The demographic data of the birth and death records also helps administrators to detect anomalies and make data-driven decisions.

Release Highlights

In this release of the Birth & Death module, the following modules were developed

  1. Birth & Death Module

    • Employee side interface

    • Citizen side interface

    • User access for

      1. Birth record creator - Can only create new applications

      2. Death record creator - Can only create new applications

      3. Birth record viewer - Can only search and view applications

      4. Death record viewer - Can only search and view applications

      5. Birth record editor - Can edit existing applications

      6. Death record editor - Can edit existing applications

      7. DSS viewer - View DSS

  2. Birth & Death State DSS

  3. Birth & Death National DSS

Release Features

Birth & Death Module

For an employee, the B&D module gives access to create birth records and death applications based on the registration details that they receive from the hospital, morgue, or from concerned authorities. They can also search the existing records of birth and death registrations based on date ranges, view them in tabular forms, and take printouts.

For a citizen, the Birth & Death module offers the convenience of downloading birth and death certificates using a simple search interface. They can also make payments if required for downloading the certificates, view past records and payments, and also download payment receipts.

Birth & Death Module - State DSS

The Birth & Death module shows the aggregated values for the certificate downloads and payment collections on the overview page of state DSS. Furthermore, in the individual module page, it shows

  1. Distinct birth and death tabs that display metrics and charts for each segment

  2. Number of certificate downloads and collection from payments

  3. Certificate download trend across time

  4. Chart showing certificate downloads by channel

  5. Number of delayed registrations where the date of registration and date of birth/death differs by more than a year

  6. Chart showing births and deaths by gender

  7. Chart showing deaths by age category

The module also has the capability to show the ULB and ward-wise drill down for the delayed registrations and downloads by channel

Birth & Death Module - National DSS

The Birth & Death module shows the aggregated values of the certificate downloads and payment collections on the overview page of the National DSS. The application numbers and collection amounts are also aggregated and shown in the Total Collection and Total applications metrics on the Landing Page. Furthermore, in the individual module page, it shows

  1. Distinct birth and death tabs that display metrics and charts for each segment

  2. Number of certificate downloads and collection from payments

  3. Certificate download trend across time

  4. Chart showing certificate downloads by channel

  5. Number of delayed registrations where the date of registration and date of birth/death differs by more than a year

  6. Chart showing births and deaths by gender

  7. Chart showing deaths by age category

The module also has the capability to show the ULB and ward-wise drill down for the delayed registrations and downloads by channel

Known Issues


Upcoming Release Features

  1. Birth & Death Report

  2. User roles for - Birth Report viewer, Death Report Viewer

Doc Links


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