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Java 1.8
Postman (Application)
Respective Git MiddleWare
Take the code pull from the git:
Need to consider 2 repositories for code to run locally
Municipal services - where our BPA code exists and some dependency services also available here
Core Services - Where dependency services exist to run our code locally
Import the required projects to eclipse
From municipal-services import bpa-services, bpa-calculator and land-services. From core-services import user service, idgen service, mdms service, location service, localization service, workflow service, egov-persister.
Before running the application make sure the following setups are complete to ensure the application runs smoothly.
kafka set up in your system which is running fine. Download the latest version of kafka from here.
Run the below commands based on your system types
For linux: in kafka folder path
Example: D:\kafka_2.13-2.4.0
> bin/ config/ > bin/ config/
For Windows: in windows path
Example: D:\kafka_2.13-2.4.0\bin\windows start zookeeper-server-start.bat ....\config\ start kafka-server-start.bat ....\config\
Kubectl setup based on the requirement To get the pods: kubectl get pods To port forward: kubectl port-forward <<pod name>> <<port number>>:8080 To get the logs: kubectl get logs
After all the setups are done successfully, try to run the application locally.
BPA-Services How to run the application in local:
Check the services which are connected to local and which are connected to dev
Which are connected to dev no need to change anything.
If it is connected to local check the services are in below list IDGEN – can run locally or can point to dev from cmd prompt PERSISTER – can run locally MDMS – can directly point to dev or can run in local LOCATION – can directly point to dev WORKFLOW – can point to dev or can run locally LOCALIZATIONS – we can directly point this to dev USER-SERVICE – need to point to dev from cmd prompt LAND-SERVICE – need to run locally BPA-CALCULATOR – can run locally or can point to dev.
If the changes are from these services follow the below process to run those respective services.
For core services:
Approach 1: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services Approach 2: Point this to local and give the port forward to dev by using kubctl.
Note: We are not running this service locally.
U need to run it in local and need to add respective yaml files in persister resource folder which are bpa-persister.yml and egov-workflow-v2-persister.yml and also land-persister.yml
And need to add these in persister repo path
Note: Please check whether data is is saving or not in local data base(DB).
to run local: For running this in local need to change in 2 file that is and MDMSApplicationRunnerImpl
In need to change the paths for the master-config url as path of master-config.json and for config path as upto pb/bh
In MDMS ApplicationRunnerImpl need to change the data in a function from the path to file.
to point to dev: Approach 1: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services
Approach 2: Give it as local connection in BPA and port forward to dev by using kubectl.
Approach 1: Give it a local connection in BPA and port forward to dev by using kubectl.
Approach 2: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services
Note: Not tried it in local / may got errors so pointing to dev.
to point to dev: Approach 1: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services
Approach 2: Give it as local connection in BPA and port forward to dev by using kubectl.
to run local:
can run locally by pointing to the local database, but for this need to create the workflow locally using the workflow create API.
USER-SERVICE Approach 1: Give it as local connection in BPA and port forward to dev by using kubectl.
Approach 2: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services
Note: In local not able to run the application successfully, so the following dev.
Approach 1: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services
Approach 2: Give it as local connection in BPA and port forward to dev by using kubectl.
Changes from Municipal services
to run local:
can run locally by pointing to the local database.
to point to dev: Approach 1: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services
Approach 2: Give it as local connection in BPA and port forward to dev by using kubectl.
to run local:
can run locally by pointing to the local database.
to point to dev: Approach 1: Directly point this to dev from the in bpa-services
Approach 2: Give it as local connection in BPA and port forward to dev by using kubectl.
Other than these services can directly by pointing to dev url.
Note: After running the application successfully please check if the data is saving in db or not.
egov-user - (Manage user)
tl-services - Stakeholder Registration (Registration process of Stakeholder is handled by this service)
egov-user-event (What’s New and Events)
egov-filestore (To store the documents uploaded by the user)
egov-idgen (To generate the application No, Permit No)
egov-indexer (To index the BPA data)
egov-localization (To use the localized messages)
egov-location (To store the address locality)
egov-mdms (Configurations/master data used in the application is served by MDMS)
egov-notification-sms (Service to send SMS to the users involved in the application)
egov-persister (Helps to persist the data)
egov-searcher (Search query used to simplify the search)
egov-workflow-v2 (Workflow configuration for different BPA application is configured)
pdf-service (Receipt’s, permitorder etc.. and prepared)
billing-service (Create demands and bills for the fees to be collected)
collection-services (Create a receipt for the payment received for the bills)
bpa-calculator (Calculates the fees to be collected at different stages)
land-services (land information related to BPA application is stored)
dcr-services (get and validate EDCR data)
And lombok setup for eclipse For ref:
Postman Collection
Postman collection
Postman collection
Postman Collection:
Postman Collection
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