Persister Configuration


Persister Service persists data in the database in a sync manner providing very low latency. The queries which have to be used to insert/update data in the database are written in yaml file. The values which have to be inserted are extracted from the json using jsonPaths defined in the same yaml configuration.

Sample Configuration

Below is a sample configuration which inserts data in a couple of tables.

  serviceName: pgr-services
  - version: 1.0
    description: Persists pgr service request in tables
    fromTopic: save-pgr-request
    isTransaction: true

    - query: INSERT INTO eg_pgr_service_v2(id, tenantid,  additionaldetails, createdby, createdtime, lastmodifiedby, lastmodifiedtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
      basePath: service
      - jsonPath: $

      - jsonPath: $.service.tenantId

      - jsonPath: $.service.additionalDetail
        type: JSON
        dbType: JSONB

      - jsonPath: $.service.auditDetails.createdBy

      - jsonPath: $.service.auditDetails.createdTime

      - jsonPath: $.service.auditDetails.lastModifiedBy

      - jsonPath: $.service.auditDetails.lastModifiedTime

    - query: INSERT INTO eg_pgr_address_v2(id, tenantid, parentid, doorno, plotno, buildingname, street, landmark, city, pincode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
      basePath: service.address
      - jsonPath: $

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.tenantId

      - jsonPath: $

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.doorNo

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.plotNo

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.buildingName

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.street

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.landmark

      - jsonPath: $

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.pincode

The above configuration is used to insert data published on the kafka topic save-pgr-request in the tables eg_pgr_service_v2 and eg_pgr_address_v2. Similarly, the configuration can be written to update data. Following is a sample configuration:

 - version: 1.0
    description: Updates pgr service request in tables
    fromTopic: update-pgr-request
    isTransaction: true

    - query: UPDATE eg_pgr_service_v2 SET servicecode=?,additionaldetails=?, lastmodifiedby=?, lastmodifiedtime=? WHERE id=?;
      basePath: service
      - jsonPath: $.service.serviceCode

      - jsonPath: $.service.additionalDetail
        type: JSON
        dbType: JSONB

      - jsonPath: $.service.auditDetails.lastModifiedBy

      - jsonPath: $.service.auditDetails.lastModifiedTime

      - jsonPath: $

    - query: UPDATE eg_pgr_address_v2 SET doorno=?, plotno=?, buildingname=?, street=?, landmark=?, city=?, pincode=? WHERE id=?;
      basePath: service.address

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.doorNo

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.plotNo

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.buildingName

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.street

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.landmark

      - jsonPath: $

      - jsonPath: $.service.address.pincode

      - jsonPath: $

The above configuration is used to update the data in tables. Similarly, the upsert operation can be done using ON CONFLICT() function in psql.

Variable List

The table below describes each field variable in the configuration.

Variable Name


The module name to which the configuration belongs


Version of the config


Detailed description of the operations performed by the config


Kafka topic from which data has to be persisted in DB


Flag to enable/disable perform operations in Transaction fashion


Prepared Statements to insert/update data in DB


JsonPath of the object that has to be inserted/updated.


JsonPath of the fields that has to be inserted in table columns


Type of field


DB Type of the column in which field is to be inserted

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​All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.