Workflow Services
Workflows are a series of steps that moves a process from one state to another state by actions performed by different kind of Actors - Humans, Machines, Time based events etc. to achieve a goal like onboarding an employee, or approve an application or grant a resource etc. The egov-workflow-v2 is a workflow engine which helps in performing these operations seamlessly using a predefined configuration.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has workflow persister config path added in it
PSQL server is running and a database is created to store workflow configuration and data
Key Functionalities
Always allow anyone with a role in the workflow state machine to view the workflow instances and comment on it
On the creation of workflow, it will appear in the inbox of all employees that have roles that can perform any state transitioning actions in this state.
Once an instance is marked to an individual employee it will appear only in that employee's inbox although point 1 will still hold true and all others participating in the workflow can still search it and act if they have necessary action available to them
If the instance is marked to a person who cannot perform any state transitioning action, they can still comment/upload and mark to anyone else.
Overall SLA: SLA for the complete processing of the application/Entity
State-level SLA: SLA for a particular state in the workflow
Environment Variables
The default value of offset in search
The default value of limit in search
The maximum number of records that are returned in search response
Boolean flag if set to true default search will return records assigned to the user only, if false it will return all the records based on the user’s role. (default search is the search call when no query params are sent and based on the RequestInfo of the call, records are returned, it’s used to show applications in employee inbox)
Boolean flag set to true if a state-level workflow is required
Interaction Diagram
Deployment Details
Deploy the latest version of egov-workflow-v2 service
Add businessService persister yaml path in persister configuration
Add Role-Action mapping for BusinessService APIs
Overwrite the flag ( true for state level and false for tenant level)
Create businessService (workflow configuration) according to product requirements
Add Role-Action mapping for /processInstance/_search API
Add workflow persister yaml path in persister configuration
Configuration Details
For Configuration details please refer to the links in Reference Docs
Integration Details
Integration Scope
The workflow configuration can be used by any module which performs a sequence of operations on an application/Entity. It can be used to simulate and track processes in organisations to make it more efficient too and increase accountability.
Integration Benefits
Role-based workflow
An easy way of writing rule
File movement within workflow roles
Steps to Integration
To integrate, host of egov-workflow-v2 should be overwritten in helm chart
/process/_search should be added as the search endpoint for searching workflow process Instance object.
/process/_transition should be added to perform an action on an application. (It’s for internal use in modules and should not be added in Role-Action mapping)
The workflow configuration can be fetched by calling _search API to check if data can be updated or not in the current state
Reference Docs
Doc Links
Configuring Workflows For New Product/Entity
Setting Up Workflows
API Swagger Documentation
Migration to Workflow 2.0
API List
(Note: All the APIs are in the same postman collection, therefore, the same link is added in each row)
Last updated
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