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Counter Employees are ULB employees responsible for helping citizens apply for fire NOC or pay the NOC fees at the counter. The Fire NoC module provides the Counter Employees with the scope to create new NOC applications on behalf of the citizens, view application status, and accept NOC fee payment.
The Counter Employees can -
Create and submit new application
Make NOC fees payment
The Create New Application option allows counter employees to fill in and submit the NOC application form on behalf of the citizen.
To create new application
Log in to the employee portal and click on the Fire NOC card on the home page.
Click on the New Application button available on the top right corner of the page.
Follow the same steps as outlined for the Citizens in the Apply for Fire NOC section to fill in and submit the application.
Counter Employees can check the application status of the citizen.
To check application status
Enter the applicable search parameter in the Search Fire NOC Application panel.
For instance, select Application Status parameter as Pending for Payment to view all applications pending for payment. Click on the Search button. The system displays the search results filtered by the selected parameter. Click on the Application No hyperlink to open and view the application details.
Click on the Reset button to clear the search filters.
The Document Verifier or DV is responsible for verifying the documents uploaded by the applicants and checking the accuracy, completeness and authenticity of the documents.
DV can -
Forward applications
Reject applications
Refer applications
To verify and forward the applications
Log in to the portal with the DV credentials. Click on the Fire NoC card on the home page.
Enter the relevant search criteria to fetch the applications Pending for Document Verification. Alternatively, users can also view the applications queued for document verification in their employee Inbox.
Click on the Application No hyperlink to view the application details.
Scroll down the application to find the documents uploaded by the applicant. Click on the View button available for each document. This opens the document attachment. Review each document.
Scroll down and click on the Take Action button. Click on the Forward button if the documents are fine. Select the Field Inspector or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button. The application is forwarded to the Field Inspector or selected Assignee.
Click on the Reject button in case the documents are not satisfactory or fail to comply with the requirements. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application. Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button. The application is rejected.
The DVs can refer the applications to other employees for their opinion on the application. The refer option enables the DV to resolve any complexities or doubts linked to the application.
To refer applications
Click on the Refer button. Select the employee or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for their inputs and opinion. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Refer for Opinion button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee for their opinion.
Field Inspector or FI is responsible for inspecting and verifying the field details and compliance with the fire NOC requirements onsite. If the requirements are found satisfactory the application is forwarded for approval, else it is sent back with the FI’s comments.
The FIs can -
Forward applications
Reject applications
Sendback applications
Refer applications
To verify and forward the applications
Log in to the portal with the FI credentials. Click on the Fire NoC card on the home page.
Enter the relevant search criteria to fetch the applications Pending for Field Inspection. Alternatively, users can also view the applications queued for field inspection in their employee Inbox.
Click on the Application No hyperlink to view the application details.
Scroll down the application to review the details filled in by the applicant. Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Forward button in case onsite inspection findings meet the Fire NOC guidelines.
Select the Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for final approval. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Verify and Forward button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee.
Click on the Reject button in case the documents are not satisfactory or fail to comply with the requirements. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button. The application is rejected.
Click on the Sendback button in case the application details require re-verification. The applications are sent back to the document verifier for further action.
Select the Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for re-verification. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application. Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Sendback button. The application is sent back to the selected assignee for further action.
The FIs can refer the applications to other employees for their opinion on the application. The refer option enables the FIs to resolve any complexities or doubts linked to the application.
To refer applications
Click on the Refer button. Select the employee or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for their inputs and opinion. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Refer for Opinion button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee for their opinion.
Approver is responsible for the final approval of the Fire NoC application in case the application details comply with the fire NOC requirements. In case of any non-compliance or inaccuracies the application is rejected.
The approver can
Approve applications
Reject applications
Sendback applications
Refer applications
To approve applications
Log in to the portal with the approver credentials. Click on the Fire NoC card on the home page.
Enter the relevant search criteria to fetch the applications Pending for Approval. Alternatively, users can also view the applications queued for approval in their employee Inbox.
Click on the Application No hyperlink to view the application details.
Scroll down the application to review the details filled in by the applicant. Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Approve button in case the application meets the Fire NOC guidelines.
Select the employee or Assignee Name who will issue the Fire NoC. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Approve button. The application is approved.
Click on the Reject button in case the documents are not satisfactory or fail to comply with the requirements. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Reject button. The application is rejected.
Click on the Sendback button in case the application details require re-verification. The applications are sent back to the document verifier or field inspector for further action.
Select the Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for re-verification. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents, field inspection or application. Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Sendback button. The application is sent back to the selected assignee for further action.
The approver can refer the applications to other employees for their opinion on the application. The refer option enables the approvers to resolve any complexities or doubts linked to the application.
To refer applications
Click on the Refer button. Select the employee or Assignee to whom the application will be forwarded for their inputs and opinion. Enter any Comments as required in context to the documents or application.
Click on the Upload File button to upload any supporting documents. Click on the Refer for Opinion button. The application is forwarded to the selected Assignee for their opinion.
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This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level