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Employees can
Log in to the employee portal using your credential.
Click on the New Application option in the top left corner of the landing page.
An employee can create the application on behalf of citizens over the counter.
Select the applicable Financial Year for which the trade license is to be issued.
Fill in the application details (same as given in the citizen application process).
Click on the Submit button once all details are found complete and accurate.
A unique application reference number is generated. This number is used to access the application and for further processing. The citizen receives a notification along with this application number in the registered mobile number.
Click on Inbox to view the list of applications submitted.
Click on the relevant Application Number hyperlink to open and view the application details.
Scroll down the application and click on the Take Action button. Click on Pay.
Enter the Payment and Payer Details. Click on Collect Payment to process the payment.
The system generates a unique payment Receipt Number. Click on the Print Receipt button to print the receipt. Click on the Go Back to Home Page button to navigate back to the home page.
Click on Renew Trade License option on the home page.
Click on the relevant Trade License Number to renew. Edit the trade license details in the application form as required.
Click on the Take Action button. Click on Renew Trade License option.
The user can renew it without modifying the trade details or it can be modified. If it is modified, it goes into application processing similar to a new TL application. If it is not edited then renewal happens in real-time after making payment.
Trade license applications pass through various stages where details are scanned, verified, and inspected before the final approval. The workflows are defined at the State or ULB level and adjusted to meet individual department requirements.
The prescribed stages through which trade license applications are routed include -
Document Verification
Field Inspection
Log in with Document Verifier credentials.
The employee landing page displays the list of applications waiting for processing. Use the search filters on the page to find specific applications from the list.
Click on the Application Number hyperlink to open the application.
Scroll through the application details and review the uploaded documents.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Verify and Forward option if all documents are found complete and satisfactory.
Select the Assignee Name. The application will be forwarded to the selected assignee for field inspection.
In case, the documents are found incomplete or missing, click on Send Back to Citizen option. This will send back the application to the citizen for necessary action.
Click on the Reject option if the application details are found inaccurate. This will reject the application.
Log in with Field Inspector credentials.
The employee landing page displays the list of applications waiting for processing. Use the search filters on the page to find specific applications from the list.
Click on the Application Number hyperlink to open the application.
Scroll through the application details and review the details.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Verify and Forward option if all details are found complete and satisfactory.
Select the Assignee Name. The application will be forwarded to the selected assignee for approval.
In case, the documents and details are found incomplete or missing, click on Send Back to Citizen option. This will send back the application to the citizen for necessary action.
Click on the Reject option if the application details are found inaccurate. This will reject the application.
Click on Send Back option to send the application back to the previous employee (document verifier in this case) for further action.
Log in with Approver credentials.
The employee landing page displays the list of applications waiting for processing. Use the search filters on the page to find specific applications from the list.
Click on the Application Number hyperlink to open the application.
Scroll through the application details and review the details.
Click on the Take Action button and click on Approve option if all documents and details are found complete and satisfactory. The trade license is approved and a Trade License certificate is issued to the applicant.
Click on the Reject option if the application details are found inaccurate. This will reject the application.
Click on Send Back option to send the application back to the previous employee (field inspector in this case) for further action.
The TL application is approved and the TL Certificate is issued to the applicant. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the TL Certificate.
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This section illustrates the steps for different employee user roles at the ULB level