OBPAS Citizen User Manual
Learn how to register new stakeholders, make payments, apply for building permits and occupancy certificates
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Learn how to register new stakeholders, make payments, apply for building permits and occupancy certificates
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Citizens represent individuals, groups, and communities who are the building owners or occupants. The BPA module provides the citizens with the scope to view building permit applications submitted by the stakeholders or architects. They can request the stakeholders to make any changes in the application if required. Citizens approve the applications and make the payment.
The citizen can -
​Make payment​
The citizen user portal allows stakeholders to register themselves on the OBPAS system. Stakeholders constitute architects, builders, engineers, supervisors, or town planners. A unique license number is generated for each stakeholder on the system.
Citizens can have multi-stakeholder access. Hence, a citizen can be registered as an architect, a builder, and a normal citizen.
The registered stakeholder will have state-level access permission to apply for new building permits or occupancy certificates.
To register stakeholders
Select the Language to proceed.
Select your Location.
Select service as BPA.
Click on Register as a Stakeholder option on the screen.
Enter your Mobile Number.
Make a note of the documents required to register new stakeholders.
Select the appropriate License Type that you wish to apply for.
Enter the Licensee Details such as Name, Gender, Mobile Number, Email, and PAN Number.
Enter the Licensee Permanent Address.
Enter the Licensee Correspondence Address. Check the Same as Permanent Address box if both address are same.
Upload the required documents.
Review the application details in the Summary view.
The application submitted successfully message screen provides the stakeholder registration application number.
The registration application is now in queue for document verification and approval by the Document Verifier and Approver.
Once the stakeholder is approved the applicant receives a notification. In addition, the Building Permit New Construction, Occupancy Certificate New Building Construction, and the DIGIT DCR Scrutiny options are added to the system menu.
The view application option allows citizens to review the application submitted by the stakeholder. In case there are any mistakes or changes required in the application the citizen can request the stakeholder to make these edits.
To view application status
Click on View applications by Citizen.
The My Applications screen will list all the applications submitted by the stakeholders on behalf of the citizen. The application details will display the status of each application.
The Application Timeline shows the past actions completed for that application.
Building permit applications submitted by the architects or any other stakeholders are routed to the citizens or the owner to verify details. The owner reviews the application details and sends back the application to the stakeholders if there is any mistake or any changes required in the application.
To request edits or approve applications
Click on View Applications by Citizen option.
Click on View Details button available for the relevant application.
Scroll down the application page to review the details submitted in the application.
Click on the Take Action button. Click on the Send to Architect button if some details require editing. This will open the Forward Application panel.
Enter the information you want to pass on to the architect in context to the application in the Comments section. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents for the application.
Click on the Send To Architect button. The application is now in the stakeholder’s queue for further processing.
Click on the Approve button if there are no changes required in the application. This will open the Forward Application panel.
Enter any Comments in context to the application in the panel. Click on the Upload Files button to upload any supporting documents for the application. Click on the Approve button. The system displays the approved success acknowledgement message.
The Make Payment button is enabled once the stakeholder submits the building permit or occupancy certificate application on behalf of the owner.
Click on the View Details button to make the payment.
Click on the Take Action and then the Pay button at the bottom of the screen.
The Payment Collection Details panel displays the Total Amount payable towards Application Fee along with the break-ups.
Select the relevant payment method. Enter the payment details.
The payment success acknowledgement message is displayed along with the Payment Receipt No. Click on the Download/View Receipt button to view or download the receipt in pdf format or click on the Print icon to print the receipt.
Stakeholders represent the registered builders, architects, town planners, engineers or supervisors. The stakeholder role within the system encompasses submitting details for eDCR scrutiny, obtaining building permit orders, completion certificates, and occupancy certificates.
Stakeholders can
Follow the steps outlined for Register Stakeholders in the Citizens section.
The DIGIT-DCR Scrutiny option in the BPA module allows stakeholders to upload and submit building plan diagrams. The scrutiny process checks if the drawing meets the required standards and applicable compliance guidelines. Once the scrutiny is complete, the plan is either approved or rejected depending on the scrutiny findings.
To submit plans and diagrams for DIGIT-DCR Scrutiny
Navigate to the eDCR Scrutiny menu card on the screen. Click on the Plan scrutiny for new construction option.
Select the applicable City for the proposed construction. Enter the Applicant Name. Click on the Upload File button to upload the plans and diagrams. The system accepts only .dxf files and the maximum file size should not exceed 30MB.
Click on the Submit button to submit the plans for scrutiny. Click on the Clear Form button to start a fresh application.
The system displays a success acknowledgement message along with a unique eDCR Scrutiny Number. Note this number for future reference. This number is required at the time of applying for a new building permit.
Click on the Create Building Permit Application button to apply for a permit.
Follow the same steps to apply for Occupancy Certificate eDCR Scrutiny for New Building.
Click on the OC Plan Scrutiny for new construction option in the eDCR Scrutiny card.
Check the list of required details to process the OC eDCR scrutiny.
Enter the Building Permit Number and Building Permit Date. Click on the Search button
Your application details are visible on the screen. Review the details and then click on Proceed for OC Scrutiny button.
Upload the OC Plan Diagram. Click on the Submit button.
The OC Building Plan eDCR Scrutiny process is successfully completed. Make a note of the Scrutiny Number. Click on the Download Scrutiny Report button to download and print the report.
In case of any errors or lapses the plan scrutiny is rejected and the system displays a failure message. In such a case make the changes and resubmit for scrutiny.
Stakeholders can apply for building permits for new construction once the eDCR Scrutiny is approved.
To apply for building permits for new construction
Click on the Building Plan Permit New Construction option in the Building Plan Approval card.
Make a note of the list of documents required for the building plan permit. Click on Next to proceed.
Enter the eDCR Scrutiny Number.
This fetches the scrutiny details.
Enter the Holding Number and Land Registration Details.
Click on Skip and Continue button to skip inputting these details.
Enter the Location Details.
Enter the GIS location details.
Enter the City, Street Name and Landmark details.
Enter the Owner Details.
Upload the required documents.
Enter the NOC Details.
Review the Application details.
Click on Send Application to Citizen. The application is routed back to the citizen for action. The citizen has to pay the fee and submit the application for processing.
The New Building Plan Application is submitted successfully. Make a note of the Application reference number for tracking status and details. This number is also shared with the applicant on their registered mobile number.
Click on OC for New Construction option in the Building Plan Approval card.
Make a note of the required documents to complete and submit the OC application.
Enter the Holding Number and the Land Registration Details.
The Scrutiny Details are auto-populated and available for review.
Upload the required documents.
Upload the NOC Details.
Review the application details in the Summary section. The system displays the estimated fee for processing the application based on the given details. Click on the Submit button to submit the application.
The application submission message screen provides the application reference number.
Enter the eDCR Scrutiny Number. Click on the Search icon. This fetches the building and application details from the scrutiny report.
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