W&S Release Notes


This release for the Water and Sewerage module consists of a major feature and few enhancements for the urban local body employee to handle the ground operations seamlessly.

Release Highlights

  • Dues validation on Property Transfer

  • Combined PDFs for Water and Sewerage Services

  • Arrears breakup and due date on the bill

  • Bill Cancelation

Feature Details



Dues validation on Property Transfer

If the connection holder’s W&S dues are pending, and holder information gets updated during property transfer, the ULB staff will have a lot of difficulties getting a hold of the previous holder (or property owner in this case) to recover the due amount. With this feature, we validate for W&S dues while property transfer on property tax module and do not allow a property to be transferred if W&S dues are not cleared

Combined PDFs for Water and Sewerage Services

A municipal employee goes to distributes water and sewerage bills door-to-door. However, since the bills get generated and printed at different times, this person has to have multiple trips for bill distribution. In addition, printing bills also uses a lot of stationery for a ULB. To save multiple trips for ULB Employees, we provide a combined PDF for W&S Bills with this enhancement

Arrears breakup and due date on the bill

It is important for the citizen to know when was the penalty for bills applied from. With this feature, we are adding bill due date and amount breakup on the bill.

Current Bill Cancelation

There are various cases like mistakes, changes in the billing, etc which will require the bill to be cancelled. This feature allows the employee is to cancel the bill for Water (metered and non-metered) and Sewerage connection and generate a newly updated bill

Upcoming Release Features

  1. Handling combined PDFs batch-wise, for more than 50 connections

  2. Property details on the bill

  3. Current bill cancellation completeness for non-metered and sewerage connections

  4. Role-based control for dues collection on property transfer

Last updated

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