Auto Escalation UI Flow
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Before going to read this Auto Escalation, please refer to inbox technical documentation here.
Provide Employee to show escalated applications that are pending for action.
Route -
Here we inter-changed the tabs like ASSIGNED TO ME to ALL vice versa added Escalated tab in the 3rd position.
Nearing Escalation and Escalated: Here we changed the localisation message of Escalated to SLA Breached.
get all applications in payload.ProcessInstances
using egov-workflow-v2/egov-wf/process/_search
get the escalated applications in escalatedPayload.ProcessInstances
using egov-workflow-v2/egov-wf/escalate/_search
pushing escalated applications into all applications with isEscalatedApplication
flag with true value, for finding the escalated application in all applications.
Then it will work same like inbox Employee Inbox
Escalated Tab
Escalated Tab which shows the Escalated applications.
From the process instance response, we get all the records from which we filter the records based on the following condition
here isEscalatedApplication
is the flag added initially for separating the escalated application to show in the escalated tab.
OnClick on History:
The functionality works as it is but the only change is showing the symbol to identifying from which state it is escalated.
Note: Inbox functionality will work the same as before as outlined in the Employee Inbox document attached here.
Role Action Mapping
Please find the Escalated API using file path: frontend/actions.js at master · egovernments/frontend. We are calling escalated API based on the condtions.
Functionality file path: frontend/index.js at master · egovernments/frontend