Water & Sewerage (W&S)

App to facilitate application for new W&S connections, pay bills, activate connections, generate bills

About Water & Sewerage

The Water & Sewerage module offers a consolidated platform for managing new and existing water and sewerage connections. The module eliminates the need for manual processing and streamlines the key water or sewerage management functions for operational efficiency. DIGIT Water & Sewerage (W&S) module enables automated processing of new connection requests, generating water bills, and facilitating online payment of bills.

Key Features

DIGIT W&S module enables citizens to -

  1. Apply for new sewerage or water connections

  2. Upload documents required for processing new connections

  3. Pay water or sewerage connection charges and bills using an online payment gateway

  4. Receive SMS alerts on application status, bills generated, payment due date, and payment receipt confirmation

  5. Download water or sewerage connection approval letter, payment receipts, and bills online

DIGIT W&S module enables employees at ULB and State level to -

  1. Process applications using customizable workflows

  2. Configure water and sewerage charges, interest, and penalty calculation logic

  3. View custom dashboards for module statistics

  4. Filter search results using advanced configurable search parameters

Section Overview

This section contains all docs and information required to understand the W&S module, its key features, functional scope, and configuration details. Click on the links below to learn more about deploying, configuring, customizing, and using the W&S module.

Contact Us

Reach out to us through any of the below-mentioned contact channels for any assistance or additional information on W&S module deployment.

Last updated

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