Citizen User Manual
Learn how to add new property, assess or transfer property and pay property tax
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Learn how to add new property, assess or transfer property and pay property tax
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Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The PT module allows property owners to register their property details online. These details are then used for various property-related transactions.
The citizen can also approach the Counter Employee (CE) to register new property, assess property or pay property tax.
The Citizen or CE role can -
​Add new property​
​Edit property​
​Search property​
​Assess property​
​Re-assess property​
​Transfer property​
​Pay property tax​
Citizens or CE can add new property details through the DIGIT web portal or the DIGIT mobile app.
To add a new property click on the Property Tax card available in the Citizen Services section of the Home page.
Click on the Add New Property button on the screen. This will open a new form page.
The system will display the Required Documents - Property Tax list. Note the list of documents valid for address, identity, registration, usage, special category, and occupancy proofs.
Click on the Print button to get a hard copy of the documents list for reference. Click on the Apply button to proceed with adding your property. The form sections are available on the top of the page.
Add Property Form Sections
The add property form page contains various sections that include
Property Address
Property Details
Owner Details
Document Info
Enter the following information in the Property Address section.
The City field displays the registered city by default. Click on the drop-down list to select a different city. Enter the House/Shop No., Building/Colony Name, Street Name, Locality/Mohalla, and the Pincode. Enter the Existing Property ID in case there is a legacy property ID available for the listed property.
Click on the Next button to move to the next section.
Enter the following details in the Property Details section
Select the applicable Property Usage Type and the Property Type from the drop-down list available.
Check Yes or No to indicate Whether rainwater harvesting structure provided on the property? Enter Vasika No. and Vasika Date if applicable. Enter Allotment Letter No. and Allotment Date if applicable.
Enter Firm/Business Name if the property is listed as commercial or institutional. Enter any information in the Remarks field. Check the box Do you have any inflammable material stored on your property? if it is true. Check the box adjacent to Height of property more than 36 feet? if it is true. Fill in the Unit details if the selected property usage type is Commercial, Institutional, Other Non-Residential, or Residential.
The Unit Usage Type by default accepts the Property Usage Type value. Select the applicable Sub Usage Type for the listed property in case of Commercial or Institutional properties. Select the most applicable option for the type of Occupancy. Enter the Built-up-area (sq ft) value of the property. Select Floor to identify the relevant floor of the property. Click on +Add One More Unit button to add more units.
Click on the Next button to proceed to enter the Owner Details.
Enter the following information in the Owner Details section. Select the relevant Type of Ownership. Enter the Owner’s Name.
Check the applicable Gender of the owner. Enter the owner’s Mobile No. and Guardian’s Name. Select Relationship of the owner with the guardian. Enter the applicable Special Category. Enter the owner’s Email Id and the Correspondence Address. Check the Same as property address box if the correspondence address is the same as the address of the listed property. The Correspondence Address field is auto-populated in that case.
Click on the Next button to move to the Documents section.
Upload the required documents in the Documents section of the application form. In the Select Document field, select the type of document you are uploading for Address Proof, Identity Proof, Registration Proof, Usage Proof, and Construction Proof.
Click on the Upload File button to upload the documents.
Click on the Next button to proceed to the next section.
Click on the Add Property button once the details are reviewed and corrected. The system displays the New Property Successfully Added acknowledgement message.
The Property ID is available along with this message.
Click on the Download button on top of the message box to download the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
To search for a submitted application or track the status of submitted applications navigate to the Property Tax home page. There are two search options available. Users can search by property or application.
To Search by Property click on the Search Property tab. Enter the ULB. The system displays the registered City or ULB details by default. Enter any of the following search parameters or combinations to refine the search for property. Enter the Owner Mobile No. or the Unique Property ID allotted by the system. Enter the Existing Property ID if there is any legacy ID linked to the property.
Click on the Search button to view the results. Click on the Reset button to renew search with different parameters.
To Search by Application click on the Search Application tab.
Enter any of the following search parameters or combinations to refine the search for property. Enter the Application No. or the Owner Mobile No. or the Unique Property ID.
Click on the Search button to view the search results. Click on the Reset button to renew search with different parameters.
The search results show the filtered list of property entries along with the application Status.
An Active Status means the listed property is pending for further action. Inworkflow status means there is some action going on for the listed property and hence it is not accessible for any other action. Once the action is complete the status will change to Active.
Click on the Unique Property ID or Application No. hyperlink to access the property details.
Listed properties are assessed every financial year to calculate the property tax amount.
To assess property navigate to the Property Tax >> Assess & Search menu option on the sidebar. Alternatively, click on the Property Tax card on the Home page. Enter the required search parameter to refine your search for properties.
Click on the Search button to view the results. Click on the relevant Unique Property ID.
Scroll down the Property Information page to view the property details. Expand the Assessment History panel to view the previous assessment details.
Click on the Re-Assess button if you want to reassess the property. Expand the Payment History panel to view earlier payments made for the listed property.
Click on the Download Receipt button to get a soft copy of the listed payment. Expand the Application History panel to view the property application details.
Click on the View Details button to fetch application details. Click on the Assess Property button.
Select the relevant Financial Year.
The panel will display the Property Tax Amount details.
Click on the Add Rebate button to apply any rebates or discounts on the tax amount. This feature is not available for the citizens.
Enter any Additional Charges amount, if applicable. Select the appropriate Reason for Charges. Enter any Additional Rebate amount, if applicable. Select the appropriate Reason for Rebate.
Click on the Submit button to apply the rebate or charges to the tax amount. Click on the Calculation Details button to view the calculation logic applied for calculating the tax amount.
Click on the OK button to move back to the Assessment page.
Click on Assess Property once you complete reviewing all details. The system will display the assessment success acknowledgement message.
Click on the Proceed to Payment button to pay the property tax. Else click on the Home button to navigate back to the home page.
Applicants have to pay the property tax once the property is assessed for the specified financial year.
To make payment for property tax click on the Proceed to Payment button after the property assessment is complete. The Payment Collection Details panel displays the tax Fee Details.
Enter the payment details. The system allows you to pay by cash, cheque, or credit/debit card. Click on the Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card tab depending on the preferred payment method.
Enter payment details as requested on the screen. Click on the Generate Receipt button to confirm the payment. The screen displays the success acknowledgement message along with the Payment Receipt No.
Once the payment is complete the Property Tax Receipt is issued. Click on the Download or Print button to download or print the tax Payment Receipt.
The PT module allows users to transfer the ownership of property.
To transfer the ownership of property search for the property by entering the Unique Property ID or any other search parameter. Click on the Unique Property ID to open the application. Scroll down the Property Information page. Click on the Transfer Ownership button available in the Owner Details panel.
The system will display the list of Required Documents - Transfer to Ownership.
Click on the Print button to print the list of documents. Click on the Transfer Ownership button to proceed with the mutation process. The Transfer of Ownership form page is displayed.
The application timeline shows three sections -
Transfer Details
Document Upload
The Transfer Details page includes three panels -
Transferor Details - This panel displays the current owner details.
Transferee Details - This panel requires the user to input the details of the individual to whom the property is to be transferred.
Enter the following details in the form -
Select applicable Ownership Type. Enter the Name, Gender, and Mobile No. of the transferee. Enter Guardian’s Name of the transferee and the Relationship with Guardian. Enter the Email address of the transferee. Select the relevant Special Applicant Category. Enter the Correspondence Address of the transferee.
Registration Details - This panel requires the user to input the registration details in context to the transfer of the property ownership.
Enter the following details in the form.
Select Reason for Property Transfer. Enter Property Market Value, the Registration Document No. and the Registration Document Issue Date. Enter the Registration Document Value. Enter any Remarks.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Document Upload section.
Select Document you want to upload for Address Proof, Identity Proof, and Registration Proof. Click on the Upload File button to upload the copy of scanned documents.
Click on the Next Step button to move to the Summary section.
The Summary page will display the filled-in application details. Scroll down the page to review the information entered. Click on the Previous Step button to go back and make any changes in the form.
Click on the Submit button once all details are reviewed. The screen will display the application success message. Click on the Download button on top of the message box to download the application. Click on the Print button to print the application.
To make any changes in the application navigate to the Home page. Search for the application you want to verify by entering any of the search parameters. Click on the Application No. to open the application. Scroll down the form to review the filled in details.
Click on the Edit Property button available at the bottom of the page. Change any details in the form as required. Click on the Update Property button once all changes are complete.
The system will display the New Property form page.
The Application Summary page provides all the information filled in by the applicant. Click on the Edit icon to make any changes to the application.
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