National Dashboard - UI Technical Doc
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A decision support system (DSS) is a composite tool that collects, organizes and analyzes business data to facilitate quality decision-making for management, operations and planning. A well-designed DSS aids decision-makers in compiling a variety of data from many sources: raw data, documents, and personal knowledge from employees, management, executives and business models. DSS analysis helps organizations identify and solve problems, and make decisions.
Type Of Users
National Level Admin (NATADMIN)
State Level Admin (STADMIN)
Dashboard List
There are three types of dashboards -
Home page (refer to figure 1).
Overview page (refer to figure 2).
Module-level dashboard (refer to figure 3).
The home page contains multiple cards - each card is clickable.
There are two types of cards, i.e, Overview cards and module-level cards.
Overview and Module level card is differentiated by vizType,
Overview card: Clicking on the Overview card, redirects users to the overview page. vizType for Overview is a collection.
Module Level card: Clicking on the Module level card, redirects users to the Module level dashboards. vizType is module (i.e Property Tax, Trade License etc).
Map chart: This entity displays the total, active ULBs within states where DIGIT is live.
Enable national dashboard: MDMS details
Enable the NDSS in the city module.
Request Payload For Dashboard Config
auth-token: authenticates the request and fetches from the local storage key called Employee.token
DashboardConfig API Response
Visualizations: The key contains all configurations for displaying the visualization like rows with charts etc. - refer to figure 1.3. In Figure 1.3, the vizType key defines the module UI.
For Collection Chart & Module Chart refer figure 1
Visualizations List
In the dashboardConfig response visualizations key contains all rows & charts details (refer to figure 1.3).
Each row contains visual details like name, vizType, noUnit, charts etc.(refer to figure 1.3).
name - the name of visualization
COLLECTION - contains collection data and is displayed on the home page (refer to figure 1)
MODULE - contains module-level data and is displayed on the home page (refer to figure 1)
METRIC-COLLECTION - contains collection data and is displayed on Overview/Module level page (refer to figure 2.1)
PERFORMING-METRIC - contains top/bottom performing data displayed on Overview/Module level page (refer to figure 2.2).
CHART - contains the below visualizations displayed on Overview/Module level page (refer to figure 2.3 to figure 2.7).
PIE CHART (refer to figure 2.3)
LINE CHART (refer to figure 2.4)
BAR CHART (refer to figure 2.5)
HORIZONTAL BAR CHART (refer to figure 2.6)
TABLE CHART (refer to figure 2.7)
List of visualizations
Figure: 2.1 Collection Metric
Figure: 2.2 Performance Metric
Figure: 2.3 Pie Chart
Figure: 2.4 Line Chart
Figure: 2.5 Bar Chart
Figure: 2.6 Horizontal Bar Chart
Figure: 2.7 Table Chart
Figure: 2.8 Global Filters
Figure: 2.9 Download & Share Button
Global Filters (figure 2.8)
Filters are loaded from MDMS API -
egov-mdms-data/nationalInfo.json at QA · egovernments/egov-mdms-data (
State is fetched from stateCode
ULB from code
Denomination filter: Denomination filter offers three options to display the amount and number in a particular format.
Denomination filter is not applied on the percentage and text (figure 2.10). Type of data is identified by symbol in plots of charts API.
Figure 2.10
Custom Date Filter
If the duration is < 15 days, data is displayed days-wise.
If duration <= 30 days, data is displayed week-wise.
If duration >30, data is displayed monthly wise.
Currently, the dashboard has two types of tabs -
Revenue (figure: 4.1)
Service (figure: 4.1)
Tabs are identified by name in visualizations of config API.
Table chart with drill-down
Table chart visualizations have normal material UI data table features like search, sort etc.
In the table response filter key & drillDownChartId has a value that indicates it is a drill-down table.
Each card header is localized and has an info icon with a tooltip option which displays the header and the description.
The number of cards in rows on the page is driven by the backend. The backend provides a row number to each card where it should be displayed.
The card contains an option icon that contains the image download and image share options.
Image download and share option use id from vizArray in order to differentiate each card on a page.
Download and Share (figure 2.9)
The download has two options - download as an Image or PDF
Share: Share creates the Image/PDF and uploads it S3 using the below API and returns file id - /filestore/v1/files
Using file Id calls the following API - /filestore/v1/files/url
Each S3 image is shortened using the following API - /egov-url-shortening/shortener
Upload localization keys:
code: pre-defined key for back-end
message: message contains the value for the key
module: rainmaker-dss
locale: contains locale data
Contact eGov team for more details
Module name: rainmaker-dss
NPM Module Used
Note:: Consider this while pushing new State data - both MDMS state names and codes should be in sync
1. Map component:
Where id is state code and name is state name.
2. Global Filter:
If the values are pushed under different names then the existing file is updated accordingly.
Steps to setup DSS in local
Step 1: Run as independent, switch to micro-ui-internals folder
Step 2: Run yarn install and yarn start:dev to start working on DSS in a local setup.
Supporting links
Code Git Repos: DIGIT-OSS/frontend/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals at master · egovernments/DIGIT-OSS
State names are configured in the dashboard-config. egov-mdms-data/dashboard-config.json at DEV · egovernments/egov-mdms-data