Technical Enablement Areas
Enablement artefacts and doc resources
📙 Setting Up DIGIT Environment
Setup and Deployment
Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster
Periodic log cleanup and other activities
Periodic Log Cleanup & Other Activities
Troubleshooting & Debugging
Kafka infra logging troubleshooting
Jaeger performance troubleshooting
Kubernetes Pod Logs
Remote debugging
Slow query analysis and optimization
Local debugging
Accessing the DB
Build and Deployment Pipeline
Adding a new service for Build
Configuring URLs for a new service
Deploying new service
Setting up encrypted data for service
Custom nginx configuration
Setting up a new environment for Deployment
How to configure Product X?
MDMS in a multi-environment setup
Current limitations
Changing localization during upgrades
Configure SMS, Email and WhatsApp content
SMS Gateway
Using the generic GET & POST Gateway interface
SMS Gateway Integration
Developing custom Interface
One time SMS campaigns
How to integrate workflow into a service
Setting up Workflows
What workflow can and cannot do?
Configure workflow for Product X?
Configuring Workflows
Payment Gateway Integration
Existing gateway integration documentation
Creating a new gateway integration
Handling Get & POST based response
Scheduling Jobs on the platform
👁🗨 Customization and Extension
Detailed Areas
Training Videos
Related Artefacts
API links for each service
Documentation links for each service
Local setup for each service
Reporting & PDF Generator
How reporting service and PDF generator works
PDF Generation Service
Impact of heavy reports on the platform
Reporting Framework
Configuring a new report
Configuring New Reports
Customizing Frontend
Adding/Removing fields
Making Mandatory/Non-mandatory
Writing new forms
Fields changes (Text to Dropdown)
Integration with third-party systems
Persister and Indexer changes
Persister Service
Indexer Service
Troubleshoot using Browser network Tab
Web Portals
Data Collection Prerequisites
Configuring Data in Web Portal
Testing and Validation
Development Control Rules and Drawing standards
Configuring bye-laws into templates
Last updated