PGR Demo Script

A comprehensive guide to an effective module demo


Welcome to the PGR product demo script. The key objective of the demo script is to walk users through the PGR module and highlight module capabilities and functions.

Module Overview

The Public Grievances & Redressal or the PGR module offers a comprehensive platform that automates the entire grievance submission and complaints resolution process. The PGR module streamlines the entire complaint resolution process right from the point of citizens registering their complaints to municipal authorities assigning the complaints to concerned employees and resolving these within defined SLAs.

Key Challenges Addressed

The module aims to address key challenges that include -

  • Transparency: Citizens are now aware of the whereabouts of their respective complaints, eliminating apathy making all interactions visible and public.

  • Accountability: The Application establishes accountability on the employees as the actions are assigned.

  • Multi-Channel Access: Citizens are no longer restricted to an offline mode to lodge a grievance. They can now do so by various channels like web, mobile app and even WhatsApp.

User Benefits

Key benefits of using the PGR Application:

Flexi-Channel -

  • The Grievance redressal system can be accessed through various channels such as web portals, mobile app and WhatsApp.

  • Citizens can easily submit requests, and attach pictures and documents, saving time and making the process flexible.

Better Services -

  • Citizens can track the complaint status using a unique tracking number. SMS notifications are sent to citizens with status updates

Improved Employee Efficiency -

  • Employee app allows ULB staff to access complaints on the field without having to contact their office.

  • It also allows them to update the status of the complaint from the field along with evidence of redressal.

Functional Demo

Citizen Complaint Registration

The PGR application digitises the complaints resolution process right from the time of registering complaints to its final resolution. Citizens can now register their complaints using the online portal or even the mobile app.

  • The citizen fills in the complaint details in the register complaint screens on the app.

    • The app offers the citizen the scope to share the exact location of the complaint using location sharing services.

    • The citizen can also click pictures in context to the complaint and attach them as evidence.

    • The complaint is filed in few simple steps.

  • Citizens receive automated notifications at each step of the complaint resolution process - this enables the citizen to track the status of their complaints easily.

  • Citizens can log in to their accounts and check the live status of their complaints anytime.

  • Citizens can rate and give their feedback on the resolved complaints.

  • Citizens can also reopen complaints in case they are not satisfied with the resolution or if the problem still persists after resolution.

Employee Complaint Processing

Complaints registered by citizens are routed to concerned employees who assign them to respective field employees for immediate action.

  • All complaints registered by citizens are routed to the inbox of the Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO). The GRO reviews these complaints and assigns them to respective Last Mile Employees (LME) for necessary action.

  • The GRO can also reject complaints if they are found to be inaccurate or baseless.

  • The LME can submit a request for reassigning complaints to other LMEs if required. In such cases, the complaints are routed back to the GRO inbox.

  • The LME works on the complaints and marks the complaint status as resolved once the necessary action is taken.

Demo Use Case Scenarios

  • File complaints as a citizen

  • File complaints as an employee

  • Assign or reject complaints as a Grievance Routing Officer (GRO)

  • Resolve complaints as the Last Mile Employee (LME)

  • Reassign complaints

  • Reopen complaints as a citizen

  • Rate complaints as a citizen

Refer to the PGR User Manual for step-by-step instructions on these use case scenarios.

Last updated

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