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This page offers step-wise details to test the implementation of state-level UI customization.
Create a new maven project for State-level UI automation for the respective state.
Create a new repository in GitHub for the project and push the code to GitHub.
Keep the following settings.xml file under the .m2 folder in your system. Update the username and personal access token in the file accordingly.
Add the dependency of the core UI automation repo in the pom.xml of the newly created maven project. This will download the core UI automation jar from the central maven repository.
Note: Version may differ based on the latest version.
Add the state-level tests in this new maven project and use the already existing step definitions and utilities from the core UI automation repo.
Add feature files under the package: src/test/java/
Add step definitions under the package: src/main/java/stepDefinition
Add test data in the following folder: src/test/java/TestData
Add testing.xml with the test which is needed to run
To run the tests, execute the following maven command:
$ mvn test -DdataPath=pathToDataPropertiesFile -DcredsPath=pathToCredentialsPropertiesFile
Note:: Find below the and file below for your reference. In the files, replace your applicable creds and data in the placeholder. For example: Replace “password = {Enter password}” with “password = pass@178"
Sample state-wise demo project is in the following Github location for your reference -
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