PT Citizen User Manual
Learn how to add new property, assess or transfer property and pay property tax
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Learn how to add new property, assess or transfer property and pay property tax
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Citizens represent individuals, communities, or business entities who are the system end-users. The PT module allows property owners to register their property details online. These details are then used for various property-related transactions.
The citizen can also approach the Counter Employee (CE) to register new property, assess property or pay property tax.
The Citizen or CE role can -
​Register New Property​
Alternate Mobile Number​
Log in to the system. Click on Create Property option on the home page. This displays the Required Documents list. Note the list of documents that are valid for address, identity, registration, usage, special category, and occupancy proofs.
Click on Next to move on to the next screen. Answer Yes or No to the question Is this a Residential Property? Click on the Next button.
Select the relevant option on the screen to indicate the Type of Property.
Enter the Plot Size in square feet.
Select the correct option to indicate the Number Of Floors and the Number of Basements.
Enter the Ground Floor Details like Unit Usage Type, Occupancy, and Total Super Built-Up Area (sq ft). If the Occupancy type is Tenanted/Rented, enter the Total Annual Rent (INR) value.
Click on the Add One More Unit option to add G+1 or G+2 and additional floor details.
In case the Unit Usage Type is non-residential, enter the Sub Usage Type details to provide information on the type of business for which the property is used.
Provide the Pin Property Location on the map if you are at the building location while submitting the application for registration. You can Skip and Continue if you are not at the location.
Enter the Pincode of the area in response to the question Do you know the pincode? Click on Skip and Continue option if you do not know the Pincode.
Select the relevant City and the Locality from the drop-down list in the Provide Property Address screen to pinpoint the location of the property.
Enter the Street Name, Door/House No. of the property in the Provide Property Address screen. Enter a suitable Landmark detail in the Provide Landmark screen to identify the property location.
Choose the applicable Document Type as a declaration of the document you want to upload as Proof of Address. Click on the Choose File button to attach the scanned copy of the selected document. Select the applicable option in the Provide Ownership Details screen to indicate the ownership type of the property.
Enter details like Name, Gender, Mobile Number, Guardian and Relationship with the guardian in the Owner Details screen.
Select the applicable option in the Special Owner Category screen to indicate if the owner belongs to a specific category.
Enter the Owner's Address. Check the Same As Property Address box if the correspondence address of the owner is the same as the property address. The property address is auto-populated as the owner's address.
Select the applicable Document Type that you want to upload as Proof of identity. Click on Choose File button to attach and upload a scanned copy of the selected document.
Review your application details before submitting it. In case of any changes to the submitted details click on the Change button adjacent to the filled-in details.
Check mark the declaration box and then click on the Submit button. A success message is displayed along with the application no. and unique property ID. Click on the Download Acknowledgement Form button to download a copy of the acknowledgement.
Citizens access the citizen portal via the ULB portal and land on the home page displayed below. Click on the Search and Pay option on the property tax panel to search for a property and pay the property tax dues.
Note: Users can search and pay the property taxes even without logging in to the application.
Select one of the options on the screen to find the relevant property details -
I know my property ID - Select the City (mandatory) and input at least one of the 3 given parameters listed below -
Owner’s Mobile Number
Unique Property ID
Existing Property ID
I want to search using property details - Select the City (mandatory) and the Locality (mandatory). Enter at least one of the 2 given parameters listed below -
Door No.
Owner Name
Click on the Search button to fetch the list of the filtered properties. Click on the View Details button to see the tax details of the selected property and proceed with payment.
Verify the tax details displayed on the screen. Select Full Amount (the default option) to pay the full tax amount. Else, select the Custom Amount option to make a partial payment. Enter the Amount you are going to pay. Click on Proceed To Pay.
Select the applicable option on the Payer's Details page. In case the payment is being made on behalf of the owner/consumer of the service, enter the Payer's Mobile Number and Payer's Name. Click on the Next button to proceed with the payment.
Select Payment Method as appropriate and then click on Pay.
The payment transaction is completed by the payment gateway.
According to the response received from the payment gateway success/failure message is displayed. Click on the Download/View Receipt button to download the payment receipt.
Click on the Go back to home page link to navigate back to the home page.
Log in to the system to land on the home page and click on My Bills. All bills pending payment are displayed.
Click on View Details to see the tax details for the selected bill. Click on Proceed to Pay button to make the payment.
To view payment history and access details click on the My Payments option on the home page. This displays the entire list of payments made by the logged-in user.
Each payment card provides the following details:
Amount Paid
Property ID
Owner's Name
Receipt Date
Receipt Number
Click on the Download Receipt button to download and print the receipt.
Click on the My Properties option on the home page to view the registered properties for the logged-in user. It will display all the properties owned by logged in citizens.
Click on the View Details button to view the complete detail of the property. It will display the property detail.
Click on the My Applications option on the home page. This lists all the applications submitted so far for property tax services.
Click on the Track button to view the application details and its current status.
Click on the My Properties option on the home page. This displays the properties owned by the logged in citizen.
Click on the View Details button to see the detail of the selected property currently available in the municipal records. Click on the Update Property button to initiate an application to update the property details.
Follow the same steps as outlined in the Register New Property workflow to update the application.
A property can be transferred from person to person or from organization to organization or from organization to person or vice versa. The transfer can be on account of the property sale, gift, will, succession etc. Whenever such transfers happen the transferee is required to get the ownership change done in the municipal records.
To apply for a transfer of property ownership, click on Transfer Property Ownership/Mutation option on the home page. This redirects users to the Search Property screen. Enter the required parameters to search for the property.
Click on the Transfer Ownership button. The Required Documents - Transfer of Ownership provides the list of documents required for the application. Make sure these documents are scanned before proceeding with the application.
The Transferor Details show the current ownership details. Click on the Next button to proceed.
Enter Transferee Details. For the Provide Ownership Details section, select the applicable option to indicate the type of ownership.
In the Owner Details screen enter the owner Name, Gender, Mobile Number, Guardian and Relationship (relationship with the guardian) information.
Select the applicable option in the Special Owner Category screen.
Enter the correspondence address of the transferee in the Owner’s Address screen. Checkmark the Same As Property Address box if both addresses are the same.
Select the applicable Document Type in the Proof Of Identity screen. Click on Choose File button to attach the scanned copy of the document chosen above.
Select Yes or No to answer the question Is Mutation Pending In Court? If yes, enter the Details of Court Case.
Select Yes or No to answer the question - Is property or part of property under the state/central government acquisition? If yes, enter the Detail of Government Acquisition.
Select the applicable Reason for Property Transfer.
Enter the Property Market Value.
Enter the Registration Document No., the Registration Document Value, and the Registration Document Issue Date in the Registration Document Details screen.
Enter any additional Remarks (if required).
In the Registration Document Details screen, select the applicable Document Type. Click on Choose File button to attach and upload the scanned copy of the selected document.
In the Proof of Address screen select the applicable Document Type. Click on Choose File button to attach and upload the scanned copy of the selected document.
Click on Next. The application is submitted and a success message is displayed.
Click on the Download Acknowledgement Form button to download the acknowledgement form.
The update mobile number feature allows citizens and ULBs to change the existing mobile numbers to current numbers. The details are updated accordingly in the property owner records. Citizens can update their mobile numbers in the property details through an OTP validation.
Click on the My Properties option on the homepage. Search for the relevant property using search filters. Click on the View Details button for the applicable property.
Click on the Edit icon next to the Mobile Number on the Property Ownership Details page.
Enter the New Mobile Number on the screen. Click on the Send OTP button.
Enter the OTP received on the given mobile number and then click on Verify & Update Mobile Number button. In case of a wrong OTP entry, click on the Resend OTP button.
Refresh the Property Details page. The mobile number is updated.
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