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Citizens represent individuals or communities who are the system end-users. The PGR module provides the citizens with the scope to file their complaints or grievances to initiate necessary action.
The Citizen role can -
The File Complaints option allows citizens to register their complaints.
To file complaints navigate to the Complaints Home page. Click on the File a Complaint tab on the screen. This will open the complaint form page.
Select the relevant Complaint Type and the Complaint Sub-Type from the drop-down list of options. Refer to the available in PGR.
Enter the Pincode to indicate the location of the complaint. Click on Skip and Continue to proceed in case you do not have the pincode details.
Select the City and the Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list. Mohalla details are available for the selected city.
Enter a suitable Landmark to help reach the location easily.
Upload a photo as evidence. Use the camera icon to click pictures and upload them directly. Click on Skip and Continue if you do not want to upload any photos.
Enter any additional information if required.
The complaint is filed and submitted. Make a note of the complaint number.
My Complaints tab enables citizens to track the status of their complaints.
Go to the Home Page and click on My complaints.
The system displays all complaints filed by you or from your account and the corresponding status. Click on the Open button corresponding to any complaint to view the complaint details.
The complaint timeline displays the current status.
Enter any additional information about the complaint in the Comments section.
The PGR module enables the citizens to give their feedback on resolved complaints.
To rate resolved complaints navigate to the Complaints menu option. Click on the My Complaints tab.
Scroll down to the complaint you want to rate. You can rate only complaints marked as Closed. Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section. Click on the Rate button on the timeline.
Click on the number of stars on the screen to rate the work on the complaint on five. Click on the most appropriate feedback statement to rate the work. Add any additional information in the Comments section. Click on the Submit button.
The system displays an acknowledgement for your ratings. Click on the Go back to home page button to navigate back to the home page.
To reopen the complaint navigate to Complaints > My Complaints menu option. Click on the closed complaint that you want to reopen.
Scroll down to the Complaint Timeline section. Click on the Re-Open button on the timeline.
Select the appropriate reason for reopening the complaint. Click on the camera icon to upload any photos related to the complaint. Enter any additional information in the Provide Additional Details section. Click on the Reopen Complaint button once done.
The Re-Open button will be available only for 5 days after the complaint is resolved and closed by the department employee. The number of days can vary depending on the State or ULBs. The citizen or CSR will not be able to reopen complaints once this period is over.
The notification along with the complaint number is sent to your registered mobile number. You can track the complaint status using a mobile or web app. Click on the Go back to the home page button to navigate back to the home page.
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Learn how to file complaints and track your complaints