The PGR module is an application that allows citizens to lodge complaints and track them. Employees track and address the grievances registered in the system to ensure speedy resolution. The platform is available for use in both mediums as a web and mobile app.
Functional Scope
The list below summarizes the key features supported by the PGR module -
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Lodging a Complaint
Assigning a Complaint
Resolving a Complaint
Manage Complaints
Track Complaints
Dashboards and Reports
General Features
Registration, Login & Creation of User Profile
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
OTP Based Login for Citizen via Web/Mobile App
OTP Based Login for Employee via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during first time registration for both Employee and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized Profile for Citizens and employees on Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchies of employees
Role-based access for performing different actions relating to grievance redressal
Lodging Complaint
The Citizen or Citizen Service Representative (CSR) on behalf of citizens can lodge, civic works related complaints in the PGR system. Users can also upload associated or relevant pictures with the complaint. For identifying the location of the complaint, the user can provide city, mohalla, house no. and other details or even select the location using maps. After filing the complaint a complaint number is generated.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Provision for Citizens to Lodge and Track Complaints via Mobile or Web App
Provision for Employees to Assign, Reassign, Resolve complaints via Mobile or Web App
The citizen can Upload Photographs
The citizen can Select grievance from a list
The citizen can Capture Address
The citizen can Capture additional details about the complaint
CSC Employee can File a complaint on behalf of the citizen.
CSC Employee can Capture Complaint location, medium of complaint, complaint type and other details
The system provides 2 levels of comprehensive grievance list
Grievances mapped with departments
The system generates a unique ticket number for each complaint based on complaint type and the same is communicated to the citizen by SMS, Whatsapp, and/or email.
Assigning Complaint
The assigning officer has a dashboard with unassigned complaints. Any complaint can be selected to view details and expected closure timelines. The assigning officer can select and assign complaints to appropriate Employee from a department-wise list. A complaint can also be re-assigned if it is assigned incorrectly or for any other reason.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Assigning Officer can Assign grievance to employees
Assigning Officer can Reject Complaints by providing the Reason for Rejection
Assigning Officer: Re-assign complaints
Resolving Complaint
The Employee can view the complaints assigned to him on the dashboard with functionality to mark them for closure. An employee can view details and closure timelines of the complaints from a list. After resolving the complaint the Employee can upload pictures as evidence and also enter comments. With the help of the Share feature, complaints details can be shared via Whatsapp, SMS, email etc to contractors. If the citizen finds the resolution to be unsatisfactory, the complaint can be reopened. Citizens can also provide feedback and rate the resolution.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Last Mile Employee can Add photograph and comments after the resolution
Last Mile Employee can Request for re-assign of complaints
Last Mile Employee can interact with assigning Officer over a Call
Managing Complaint
The employee has access to the dashboard of open complaints from which he can select a complaint to view details and closure timelines. An employee can also request to reassign the complaint by selecting a reason from the list. In that case, the request goes to assigning officer and the complaint can be reassigned to a different Employee. The system has different interfaces for Assigning officer, Employee and CSR. The assigning officer can view tabs that contain unassigned and assigned complaints which are received from the citizens. The assigning officer can also view open/ closed complaints and access PGR reports for all grievances. Employee’s interface contains open and closed complaints which are assigned to him. CSR can view/ search the list of all the complaints filed on citizen’s behalf. The system has the provision to search, sort and refresh the list of grievances.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Assigning Officer can view Complaint Worklist (Inbox)
Assigning Officer can View a list of all complaints
Assigning Officer can view Auto prioritization of list based on SLA
Assigning Officer can Review submitted complaints
Last Mile Employee can View a list of all complaints
Last Mile Employee can view Auto prioritization of list based on SLA
Last Mile Employee can Review submitted complaints
CSC can Search and view complaints based on complaint number, phone number, name of the complainant
The citizen can reopen a complaint that has been resolved if he is not satisfied with the resolution
The citizen can rate a complaint after its resolution
Tracking Complaint
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
The citizen can View all complaints filed - pending and completed
The citizen receives Notifications via App, SMS, email for complaint updates
Citizens can View the complaint timeline in the app
Citizens can Interact with the municipality (Call & Comments)
Assigning Officer can Track Assigned Complaints with a timeline view
Assigning Officer can Receive updates on complaints
Assigning Officer can Interact with Last Mile Employee (Call)
Dashboards & Reports
PGR Reports provide an operational bird’s eye view of the PGR system in the city. It enables city managers - commissioners, department heads, administrators at various levels to keep a track of the volume of complaints being received and the performance of the ULB and its employees in addressing them. Reports can be filtered based on date and also can be downloaded in pdf and xls formats.
Grievance key statistics: View dashboards & reports to find Grievance filed, pending, completed and overdue- ULB wise, location wise details
SLA performance: View dashboards & reports to get SLA performance and time taken for resolution details
State Dashboard: Drilldown by Various Levels
Reports: View Reports by State, ULB, Complaint Types, Department
General Features
Auto routing - The system has the capability for Auto routing to assigning officer (city/department level) followed by assigning to the last mile employee.
Auto escalation - The system has the capability for escalation of non-resolved cases with a defined timeline to the ULB/Concerned head.
Notifications - The system has the capability to send notifications to citizens. These notifications can be sent for various steps like - complaint filing, change of status, complaint resolution. These notifications can be sent in the language chosen by the ULB through all channels - SMS, Whatsapp, Email.
Configurable Masters - The system provides the following masters that can be configured as per the State’s requirements:
Assigning Officer: View, edit and update profile
Assigning Officer: Department wise employee list
Last Mile Employee: Employee Directory
Configure assigning officer: Assigning officer can be at ULB / department level
Last updated
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