Receipt Cancellation UI Flow

Search Receipt


Provide employees with the option to search receipts specific to a module, download receipts, check the current status and cancel selected receipts.

Workflow Details

Once the user logins with the CR_PT role, the system displays the Receipts module card along with the Total Receipts count.

Clicking on the Search Receipts redirects users to the Inbox/search receipt screen.

Inbox File details

Technical Implementation

MDMS Configs used in this inbox screen ReceiptStatus show the required status in the inbox similarly uiCommonPay fetches the service categories.

    MdmsCriteria: {
      tenantId: tenantId,
      moduleDetails: [
          moduleName: "common-masters",
          masterDetails: [
              name: "uiCommonPay"
              name: "ReceiptStatus"

The Search and Cancel Receipts option is available only for enabled services. This is configured in uiCommonPay config by setting true the cancelReceipt.

arrears: true
billKey: "property-bill"
cancelReceipt: true
code: "PT"
headerBandLabel: "PT_COMMON_TABLE_COL_PT_ID"
receiptKey: "property-receipt"

Table Structure

  • Uses the same table component similar to other modules.

Data fetch

  • Once the data is fetched using collection-services/payments/{selectedbusinessService}/_search API is used to search and get the required receipt details.

  • The Same API collection-services/payments/{selectedbusinessService}/_search with a flag isCountRequest to get the required count of total receipts.

Cancel Receipt

On the search results page, users can click on the receipt number to cancel any receipt. The details of this are available in the following document - View Receipt and Cancel

Localisation Modules used

rainmaker-common rainmaker-receipts

To enable multiple business services -

  1. MDMS needs to be updated ascancelReceipt : truefor that specific business service.

  2. Role Actions, update the payment search and workflow API for the new USER Role.

  3. Function logic should be updated to support multiple services. getDefaultReceiptService = () => { return RECEIPTS_DEFAULT_SERVICE;}

Role Action Mapping

Only the CR_PT role is allowed to use this module.

Last updated

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