Update Primary Mobile Number & Alternate Mobile Number


The update feature in property services provides a facility to update the owner’s primary mobile number (referred to as ‘mobile number’ hereafter). The already existing update API is used with some enhancements to implement this feature. Also, a facility has been provided to add an alternate mobile number for every owner of the property. This can be done using the newly created addAlternateNumber API. The alternate number can also be updated using this API.


  • Prior Knowledge of Java/J2EE.

  • Prior Knowledge of Spring Boot.

  • Prior Knowledge of REST APIs and related concepts like path parameters, headers, JSON, etc.

  • Prior knowledge of Git

  • Prior knowledge of demand-based systems.

  • The following services should be up and running:

    • user MDMS

    • Persister

    • Location

    • Localization

    • Id-Gen

    • Billing-service

    • URL-shortener

Key Functionality

Enables the user to update the property owner’s mobile number and to add/update the alternate mobile number.

Configuration Details

Workflow config

All the property information (except the owner’s mobile number/ alternate number) should be the same as the information from the search result. The owner’s primary mobile number has to be necessarily different from the existing one.

The Creation Reason in the property should be sent as an UPDATE for the request to be considered as an update request. Also, the property has to be in ACTIVE status. For adding/updating alternate numbers, modify the alternateMobileNumber field in the Property.

Sample request for updating primary mobile number or adding/updating alternate number.

  "RequestInfo": {
        "apiId": "Rainmaker",
        "authToken": "08876469-a3e7-41c7-8031-218405fee62e",
        "userInfo": {
            "id": 12085,
            "uuid": "abfe724b-a93e-4edd-b084-82ecbe22a192",
            "userName": "qaroo",
            "name": "QARoo",
            "mobileNumber": "6939358368",
            "emailId": null,
            "locale": null,
            "type": "EMPLOYEE",
            "roles": [
                    "name": "PT Counter Employee",
                    "code": "PT_CEMP",
                    "tenantId": "pb.amritsar"
                    "name": "PT Field Inspector",
                    "code": "PT_FIELD_INSPECTOR",
                    "tenantId": "pb.amritsar"
                    "name": "PT Doc Verifier",
                    "code": "PT_DOC_VERIFIER",
                    "tenantId": "pb.amritsar"
                    "name": "Employee",
                    "code": "EMPLOYEE",
                    "tenantId": "pb.amritsar"
                    "name": "PT Counter Approver",
                    "code": "PT_APPROVER",
                    "tenantId": "pb.amritsar"
                    "name": "Super User",
                    "code": "SUPERUSER",
                    "tenantId": "pb.amritsar"
            "active": true,
            "tenantId": "pb.amritsar",
            "permanentCity": null
  "Property":  {
            "id": "b9e8fecd-5527-4283-b0fd-9019da696c25",
            "propertyId": "PB-PT-2021-09-01-020993",
            "surveyId": null,
            "linkedProperties": null,
            "tenantId": "pb.amritsar",
            "accountId": "11b0e02b-0145-4de2-bc42-c97b96264807",
            "oldPropertyId": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "address": {
                "tenantId": "pb.amritsar",
                "doorNo": null,
                "plotNo": null,
                "id": "8c567955-a6d6-4e97-8ba2-9e0675229893",
                "landmark": null,
                "city": "Amritsar",
                "district": null,
                "region": null,
                "state": null,
                "country": null,
                "pincode": null,
                "buildingName": null,
                "street": null,
                "locality": {
                    "code": "SUN04",
                    "name": "Ajit Nagar - Area1",
                    "label": "Locality",
                    "latitude": "31.63089",
                    "longitude": "74.871552",
                    "area": "Area1",
                    "children": [],
                    "materializedPath": null
                "geoLocation": {
                    "latitude": 0.0,
                    "longitude": 0.0
                "additionalDetails": null
            "acknowldgementNumber": "PB-AC-2021-09-01-020523",
            "propertyType": "BUILTUP.INDEPENDENTPROPERTY",
            "ownershipCategory": "INDIVIDUAL.SINGLEOWNER",
            "owners": [
                    "id": null,
                    "uuid": "188fe338-5116-4ba7-96f5-d8b3c86466d0",
                    "userName": "3dc9ed9b-a72f-41c8-a30e-618964ccd2dd",
                    "password": null,
                    "salutation": null,
                    "name": "Rohit",
                    "gender": null,
                    "mobileNumber": "7391904467",
                    "emailId": null,
                    "altContactNumber": null,
                    "pan": null,
                    "aadhaarNumber": null,
                    "permanentAddress": null,
                    "permanentCity": null,
                    "permanentPinCode": null,
                    "correspondenceCity": null,
                    "correspondencePinCode": null,
                    "correspondenceAddress": null,
                    "active": true,
                    "dob": null,
                    "pwdExpiryDate": 1626617402000,
                    "locale": null,
                    "type": "CITIZEN",
                    "signature": null,
                    "accountLocked": false,
                    "roles": [
                            "id": null,
                            "name": "Citizen",
                            "code": "CITIZEN",
                            "tenantId": "pb"
                    "fatherOrHusbandName": null,
                    "bloodGroup": null,
                    "identificationMark": null,
                    "photo": null,
                    "createdBy": "24226",
                    "createdDate": 1630534079000,
                    "lastModifiedBy": "1",
                    "lastModifiedDate": 1634086148000,
                    "tenantId": "pb",
                    "alternatemobilenumber": "9619367055",
                    "ownerInfoUuid": "f375b888-e400-4007-8e0a-5338a6aa2794",
                    "isPrimaryOwner": null,
                    "ownerShipPercentage": null,
                    "ownerType": "NONE",
                    "institutionId": null,
                    "status": "ACTIVE",
                    "documents": null,
                    "relationship": "FATHER"
            "alternateMobileNumberDetails": null,
            "institution": null,
            "creationReason": "UPDATE",
            "usageCategory": "NONRESIDENTIAL.COMMERCIAL",
            "noOfFloors": 1,
            "landArea": 1234.0,
            "superBuiltUpArea": null,
            "source": "MUNICIPAL_RECORDS",
            "channel": "CFC_COUNTER",
            "documents": null,
            "units": [
                    "id": "c82b31b4-5761-41c2-b472-782f34670520",
                    "tenantId": null,
                    "floorNo": 0,
                    "unitType": "ACRESTAURANT",
                    "occupancyType": "SELFOCCUPIED",
                    "active": true,
                    "occupancyDate": 0,
                    "constructionDetail": {
                        "carpetArea": null,
                        "builtUpArea": 136.67,
                        "plinthArea": null,
                        "superBuiltUpArea": null,
                        "constructionType": null,
                        "constructionDate": null,
                        "dimensions": null
                    "additionalDetails": null,
                    "auditDetails": null,
                    "arv": null
            "additionalDetails": null,
            "auditDetails": {
                "createdBy": "11b0e02b-0145-4de2-bc42-c97b96264807",
                "lastModifiedBy": "11b0e02b-0145-4de2-bc42-c97b96264807",
                "createdTime": 1630514279281,
                "lastModifiedTime": 1630514279281
            "workflow": null,
            "AlternateUpdated": false


Notification Configs

            "code": "PT_UPDATE_ALTERNATE_NUMBER",
            "message": "Dear {ownername}, Your request to register an alternate mobile number in property record has been processed and the mobile number {alternatenumber} has been registered as alternate mobile no.",
            "module": "rainmaker-pt",
            "locale": "en_IN"
            "code": "PT_UPDATE_OWNER_NUMBER",
            "message": "Dear {ownername}, Your request to update of mobile number in property record has been processed and the mobile number has been changed from {oldmobilenumber} to {newmobilenumber}.",
            "module": "rainmaker-pt",
            "locale": "en_IN"


Integration Scope

The update service belongs to the property service itself and provides the same ease of access for the functionality.

Steps to Integration (updating primary number):

  • Pick a property id that is already created in the system.

  • call the property/update API by changing the owner’s mobile number.

Steps to Integration (updating alternate number):

  • Pick a property id that is already created in the system.

  • call the property/addAlternateNumber API by adding/changing the owner’s alternate number.

Reference Docs: - For additional details please refer to the property document Property Services | Doc-Links

Last updated

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