User OTP Service


User-OTP service handles the OTP for user registration, user login and password reset for a particular user.


Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -

  • Java 8

  • egov-user service is running

  • egov-localization service is running

  • egov-otp service is running

Key Functionalities

The user-otp service sends the OTP to the user on login requests, on password change requests and during new user registration.

Deployment Details

  1. Deploy the latest version of user-otp.

  2. Make sure egov-otp is running.

  3. Add Role-Action mapping for APIs.


Integration Scope

User-OTP service handles the OTP for user registration, user log in and password reset for a particular user.

Integration Benefits

  • Can perform user registration, login, password reset.

  • In the future, if we want to expose the application to citizens then it can be done easily.

Steps to Integration

  1. To integrate, a host of user-otp modules should be overwritten in the helm chart.

  2. /user-otp/v1/_send should be added as the endpoint for sending OTP to the user via sms or email

Reference Docs

API Details

BasePath /user-otp/v1/[API endpoint]


a) POST /_send

This method sends the OTP to the user via SMS or email based on the below parameters:


  • Following are the Producer topic.

    • egov.core.notification.sms.otp :- This topic is used to send OTP to the user mobile number.

    • :- This topic is used to send OTP to the user email id.

Last updated

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