Configuring Tenants


Tenant represents a body in a system. In the municipal system, a state and its ULBs (Urban local bodies) are tenants. ULB represents a city or a town in a state. Tenant configuration is done in MDMS.


Before proceeding with the configuration, the following pre-requisites are met -

  • Knowledge of json and how to write a json is required.

  • Knowledge of MDMS is required.

  • User with permissions to edit the git repository where MDMS data is configured.

Key Functionalities

  • For login page city name selection is required. Tenant added in MDMS shows in city drop-down of the login page.

  • In reports or in the employee inbox page the details related to ULB is displayed from the fetched ULB data which is added in MDMS.

  • Modules i.e., TL, PT, MCS can be enabled based on the requirement for the tenant.

Deployment Details

After adding the new tenant, the MDMS service needs to be restarted to read the newly added data.

Configuration Details

Tenant is added in tenant.json. In MDMS, file tenant.json, under tenant folder holds the details of state and ULBs to be added in that state.

  "tenantId": "uk",  //<ReplaceWithDesiredTenantId>
  "moduleName": "tenant",
  "tenants": [ {
      "code": "uk.citya", //<state.ulbname>
      "name": "City A",  //<name of the ulb>
      "description": "City A", //<ulb description>
      "logoId": "",  //<ulb logo path - To display ulb logo on login>
      "imageId": null,
      "domainUrl": "", //<ulb website url>
      "type": "CITY",
      "twitterUrl": null,
      "facebookUrl": null,
      "emailId": "",  //<ulb email id>
      "OfficeTimings": {
        "Mon - Sat": "10.00 AM - 5.00 PM"
"city": {
"name": "City A",
"localName": null,
"districtCode": "CITYA",
"districtName": null,
"regionName": null,
"ulbGrade": "Municipal Corporation",
"longitude": 78.0322,
"latitude": 30.3165,
"shapeFileLocation": null,
"captcha": null,
"code": "248430"
"address": "City A Municipal Cornoration Address",
"contactNumber": "91 (135) 2653572"

Localization should be pushed for ULB grade and ULB name. The format is given below.

Localization for ULB Grade

     "message": "MUNICIPAL CORPORATION",
     "module": "rainmaker-common",
     "locale": "en_IN"

Localization for ULB Name

     "code": "TENANT_TENANTS_UK_HALDWANI",    
     "message": "Haldwani",
     "module": "rainmaker-tl",
     "locale": "en_IN"

Format of localization code for tenant name <MDMS_State_Tenant_Folder_Name>_<Tenants_Fille_Name>_<Tenant_Code> (replace dot with underscore)

Boundary data should be added for the new tenant.

Reference Docs



tenant json file

Last updated

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