Finance User Manual

An illustrative guide to using the finance module

The Finance User Manual is a standardized document available on the DIGIT platform to help the municipal employees operate the Financial Module System (FMS).

Financial Module (FM) User Manual is for users who are responsible for processing financial and accounting transactions within Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and ULBs. This user manual guides users on how to use the FMS to account for various financial transactions and generate Demand notes, Receipts, Bills and process Payments. The document also helps users in the creation of masters like adding detailed charts of account, bank branch and account etc.

This document acts as an easy reference for the ULB employees using the Finance module. The user manual presents an overview of the Finance functions and gives step-by-step instructions for completing a variety of tasks.

Key Features

  1. Post General Ledger

  2. Process bills, payments, and generate receipts

  3. Configure and map bank accounts with defined services

  4. Configure and maintain collection remittance details

  5. Upload Budgets, Budgetary Controls, Budget Enforcement & Budget Re-appropriations

  6. Asset Categorizations, Depreciation, Capitalization & Improvement, Revaluation, sale and disposal

  7. Contra Entry, Bank-reconciliation, Deduction Management & period End Activities

  8. Deduction Management - process statutory and non-statutory deductions and their remittances.

User Roles

Refer to the table below to understand the different user roles and the scope of action linked to each role. The applicable user roles and action items can vary from one State to another. DIGIT customizes the workflows to suit the requirements defined at the State level.

User Role
Scope of Action
Role Description

Bill Creator

  • Expense bill

  • Contractor bill

  • Supplier bill

  • Voucher from bill

  • View bill registers

  • Bank to bank transfers

Bill creators are responsible for creating and adding bills and recording transaction details

Bill Approver

  • Approve bills

  • Search vouchers

Approve bills and transactions

Voucher Creator

  • Create journal vouchers

  • Create vouchers from bills

  • Search vouchers

  • View bill registers

Create and add journal vouchers

Voucher Approver

  • Approve vouchers

Approve vouchers

Payment Creator

  • Bill payment

  • Direct bank payments

  • RTGS assignments

  • Cheque assignment

  • Surrender/reassign cheque

  • Surrender RTGS

  • Deductions payments

  • Deductions cheque assignment

  • Deductions RTGS assignment

  • Search/view vouchers

Create and record bill, cheque, or RTGS payment transaction details

Payment Approver

  • Approve vouchers

Approve payment vouchers

Finance Admin

  • Create budgets

  • Create budget definition

  • Budget addition appropriation

  • Upload budget

  • Approve uploaded budget

  • Search budget

  • Period end activities

Create and approve budgetary statements; manage period end activities

Financial Report View

  • All finance reports

Generate finance reports

Collection Remitter

  • Cash/Cheque remittance

  • Reconcile bank statements

Reconcile bank statements, prepare cash and cheque remittance statements

Collection Receipt Creator

  • Create miscellaneous receipts

  • Search receipts

  • Generate opening balance report

Create miscellaneous transaction receipts and generate reports

Super Admin

  • Cancel bill

  • Cancel voucher

  • Setting up masters

Configure finance master data lists, cancel bills and vouchers

Using Finance

This section guides you through the details of using the Finance module for each role. Click on the relevant role below to learn more about how to use the module.

Last updated

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