TL Demo Script

A comprehensive guide to an effective module demo


Welcome to the DIGIT-Trade License product demo script. The key objective of the demo script is to walk users through the trade license module and highlight module capabilities and functions.

Module Overview

The Trade License module offers a comprehensive platform that automates the entire trade license approval process. The TL module streamlines the entire process right from the point of citizens applying for a trade license to the trade license certificate generation.

Key Challenges Addressed

The module aims to address key trade license governance challenges that include -

  • Most trades are not registered with the city administration

  • Lack of transparency in the manual application process

  • Lack of clarity in the trade license fee computation

User Benefits

Key benefits of using the Trade licenses application -

  • Transparent process and fee computation

  • The city administration has the registry of trades operating in the city which helps in better planning of resources

  • Faster issuance of licenses

Consolidated TL application help ULBs -

  • Plan city infrastructure

    • data of all restaurants/party halls are available with the ULBs with the amount of waste generated every day - ULBs can plan efficient SWM truck routing logistics to collect the waste

    • data of markets and hawkers are present - better infrastructure for shopping complexes can be planned

    • data of manufacturing and textile units are available - ULB can plan for better power management

    • Vital to know dangerous and offensive trades like cracker sales / Chemical companies to keep fire stations informed of events

  • Generate revenue and facilitate prompt services to the citizen

Functional Demo

Trade License Application Submit

  1. Any citizen who runs a business in the city should get his business/trade registered with the ULB. On registering ULB provides a valid license which is valid for a time period.

  2. Citizens in the TL application should provide info about the

    1. Business/trade (name, location, nature of business)

    2. Ownership details of the trade

    3. Required documents prescribed in the application form

    4. Trade units and accessories - accessories are equipment that is required for the trade which might be of dangerous nature or might make noise during operation like compressors, motors, and pumps.

  3. On submit, the application auto-generates the fee that should be paid by the application and on making the payment it moves to the department side for processing.

    1. The fee depends on the trade type and subtype

Application Processing by Employees

Employee processing - Clerk - Revenue inspector - Revenue officer

  • Application submitted by the citizen lands in the clerk's inbox

    • The clerk's responsibility is to scrutinize the application and documents submitted and check for correctness.

    • He/she can either request additional documents from the applicant

    • Or Upload documents on behalf of the applicant

    • Or Reject the application citing the reason for a rejection

    • Or if the application and documents are in order, a clerk can recommend the application for field inspection

  • On forwarding the application, it will reach the Revenue inspector who is responsible for the field inspection of the site on the ground.

    • He/she does the field inspection on the field and upload the field inspection report to the application.

    • On attaching the inspection report the user can either recommend and forward the application for license approval or reject the application.

  • On forwarding, the application is routed to the revenue officer who is in charge of issuing all licenses within the ULB.

    • The Approver can approve the application and provide a license certificate, which the applicant can download from his login.

Demo Use Case Scenarios

Possible use case scenarios for the demo -

  • Citizen applies for Trade License

  • Citizen pays the Trade License fee

  • Citizen applies for renewal of Trade License

  • Counter employee submits an application for Trade License on behalf of citizen

  • Counter employee accepts Trade License fee payment

  • Employee reviews the application and forwards it for document verification

  • Employee reviews the documents and forwards them for field inspection

  • Employee approves the trade license application

Refer to the TL User Manual for step-by-step instructions for each of these demo scenarios.

Creative Commons LicenseAll content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Last updated

​All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.