
Quickstart Installation helps you jump start with the DIGIT basic installation steps with the limited functionalities.

Demo/Evaluation Installations

DIGIT Quickstart setup gives you the ability to set up DIGIT Infra on a local machine/VM quickly. These are not meant for production use as is. However, this quickstart flow can make you familiar with most of the production-grade setup.

Quickstart is recommended for basic infra types like a local machine, setting up on a single VM, etc. We need to create a Lightweight Kubernetes (k3d ) cluster which does not really need a full-fledged cloud setup or multiple VMs. See the open source project k3d to learn more. You can install k3d on a local or on a VM when you have all the below pre-requisites and hardware requirements met.

H/W Prerequisites

To install k3d, make sure your instance meets the following h/w requirements that have sufficient CPU and Memory for both your default systems and for the DIGIT Setup requirement

  • Apart from the regular system usage, DIGIT should have a dedicated CPU/Memory requirement as below.

  • You must have admin/sudoer access before you proceed.

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10 or Windows 10 or Mac OSX

  • Local machine or VM or bare metal

  • 8 vCPUs (recommend 8+)

  • 16 GiB of RAM (recommend 20+)

  • 30 GiB of HDD (recommend 40+)

  • NAT or Bridged networking with access to the internet

Before proceeding with DIGIT quickstart. Check the machine's remaining CPU/Memory capacity. To check the same you can use the following commands to determine - the commands vary from OS to OS, so select the OS-specific instructions.

Windows - On Command Prompt

systeminfo |find "Physical Memory"

Linux - On Terminal

free -m

Mac - On terminal

To Check Memory: top -l 1 -s 0 | grep PhysMe

Sample Output: PhysMem: 16G used (3855M wired), 273M unused.

(Here memory is not sufficient, it should at least be 8GB)

To Check CPU: top -l 2 | grep -E "^CPU"

Sample Output: CPU usage: 8.46% user, 12.86% sys, 78.66% idle CPU usage: 10.94% user, 8.11% sys, 80.93% idle

Here the CPU is sufficient where >30% is left over for the DIGIT setup to be done.

Note: The above commands output provides you with the total memory/CPU and unused/free/available memory/CPU details. Make sure your unused/free/available memory meets the following:

  • Memory: 8GB

  • CPU: >30%

Let's start Quickstart Setup

Once the above prerequisites are met, proceed with the following steps

1. Infra Setup2. DeploymentFAQ

Last updated

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