National Dashboard Adaptor Service


Provides a detailed walk-through of how to set up, configure and deploy Airflow DAGs on the state side to extract data from the Elastic Search server to push to the National Dashboard Adaptor.


Design and develop an adaptor service which will extract data from the state DIGIT installations and push it onto the National Dashboard instance periodically.

A list of tasks for this has been tracked for the Adaptor

Jira - Dashboard

  • Adaptor to be deployed on state DIGIT installations

  • Periodically, the adaptor extracts data and aggregates it from the different DIGIT modules

  • Posts the data to the National Dashboard for the state

  • Bookkeeping is done for every adaptor data extract and pushes for audit and debugging

  • Out of scope: Extraction from non-DIGIT sources

A national dashboard adaptor extracts data from the state DSS at a scheduled time which can be configured and then would ingest in the National Dashboard. The adaptor ingests data at the state/ULB/Ward level for each module on a daily basis. The adapter sends the data in a batch size of 50 to the national dashboard.

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