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Citizen Complaint Resolution System Service Configuration
Learn how to setup and configure the service
Citizen Complaint Resolution System enables citizens to raise complaints with the ULBs. A citizen can track the complaint, upload images related to the complaint, re-open the complaint if he/she is not satisfied and rate the service. This document contains details on how to deploy and configure the Citizen Complaint Resolution service.
Before you proceed with the deployment and configuration of the service, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
The Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has the pgr-services persister config path added to it
PSQL server is running and a database is created to store complaint data
(Optional) Indexer config for pgr-services is added in egov-indexer yaml paths to index the generated data. An index is required for data visualisation in Kibana or DSS.
(Optional) Report config for pgr-services is added in Report service config paths. Required if reports are to be provided to the user.
The following services should be up and running:
Key Functionalities
A citizen can file, track and rate the complaint.
A citizen can add images and comments related to the complaint.
A citizen can re-open the complaint within a certain period after the resolution.
ULB can set up the complaint workflow according to their requirements and staff capacity.
ULB can track the SLA for resolving each complaint and can use it as a metric to streamline the process of resolving complaints.
Department-wise assignment of the complaint to the LME.
Deployment Details
Deploy the latest version of pgr-services
Add pgr-service-persister.yml file in config folder in git and add that path in persister. (The file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called persist-yml-path )
If any Report Config is created, the config should be added to the config folder in git and that path should be added to the Report service. (The file path is to be added in a file called “reportFileLocationsv1.txt” in Config folder)
If an index is to be created add the indexer config path in the indexer service. (The file path is to be added in the environment yaml file in a param called egov-indexer-yaml-repo-path)
Configuration Details
Add master data in the MDMS service with the module name RAINMAKER-PGR. Following is some sample master data for the service:
Using /localization/messages/v1/_upsert , add localisation (templates) for notification messages to be sent. Following are the product notification templates:
"messages": [
"message": "Dear Citizen, Your complaint for <complaint_type> has been submitted with ID <id> on <date>. You can track your complaint status on the mSeva Punjab mobile App (download here - <download link>) or your local municipal web portal.",
"module": "rainmaker-pgr",
"locale": "en_IN"
"message": "Dear Citizen, Your complaint for <complaint_type> with ID <id> submitted on <date> has been resolved by <emp_name>. If you are not satisfied with service you can REOPEN complaint through mSeva Punjab mobile App (download here - <download_link>) or your local municipal web portal or by calling our CSR.",
"module": "rainmaker-pgr",
"locale": "en_IN"
"message": "Dear Citizen, Your complaint for <complaint_type> with ID <id> submitted on <date> has been RE-OPEN as per your request. You can track your complaint status and connect with our officials on the mSeva Punjab mobile App (download here - <download_link>) or your local municipal web portal.",
"module": "rainmaker-pgr",
"locale": "en_IN"
"message": "Dear Citizen, Your complaint for <complaint_type> with ID <id> submitted on <date> has been rejected. Reason for Rejection: <reason>, Additional Comments: <additional_comments> If you wish to re-open the complaint, you can download the mSeva Punjab mobile app (download here - <download_link>) or visit your local municipal website.",
"module": "rainmaker-pgr",
"locale": "en_IN"
"message": "Dear Citizen, Your complaint for <complaint_type> with ID <id> submitted on <date> has been re-assigned to <reassign_emp_name>, <emp_designation>, <emp_department>. You can track your complaint status and connect with our officials on the mSeva Punjab mobile App (download here - <download_link>) or your local municipal web portal.",
"module": "rainmaker-pgr",
"locale": "en_IN"
Add Role-Action mapping for the APIs in MDMS. Following are the required entries. They should be mapped to both CITIZEN and appropriate employee roles.