BPA Calculator Service
BPA application and BPA Occupancy Certificate application has Fee involved. Based on the Application Type, RiskType and ServiceType Fee to be calculated and generates a demand for the calculated amount for Payment. This service used to generate Application Fee, Sanction Fee, Low Application Permit Fee, Deviation Charges for BPA application and Occupancy Certificate Application.
System Requirements
Knowledge of Java/J2EE(preferably Java 8 version)
Knowledge of Spring Boot and spring-boot microservices.
Knowledge of Git or any version control system.
Knowledge of RESTful Web services.
Knowledge of the Lombok library will helpful.
knowledge of eGov-mdms service, eGov-persister, eGov-idgen, eGov-sms, eGov-email, eGov-user, eGov-localization, bpa-services will be helpful.
bpa calculator services present in municipal services provide multiple functionalities like calculating Application Fee, Sanction Fee, Low Permit Fee, OC Deviation Charges, generating demands for a particular BPA, BPA OC applications, updating demands, The different functionalities provided by sewerage calculator services are:
Setup and usage
The Application is present among the municipal services group of applications available in the eGov-services git repository with the folder name bpa-calculator. The spring boot application needs the Lombok* extension added in your IDE to load it. Once the application is up and running API requests can be posted to the URL and ids can be generated.
in case of IntelliJ, the plugin can be installed directly, for eclipse the Lombok jar location has to be added in eclipse.ini file in this format javaagent:lombok.jar
Application.properties File Information
Business service codes for
BPA High/Medium Risk Application Fee
BPA High/Medium Risk Sanction Fee
BPA Low Risk Permit Fee
BPA OC Application Fee
BPA OC Sanction Fee
Tax Head Code for
BPA High/Medium Risk Application Fee
BPA High/Medium Risk Sanction Fee
egov.sanc.fee= BPA_SANC_FEES
BPA Low Risk Sanction Fee
egov.low.sanc.fee= BPA_LOW_SANC_FEES
BPA Low Risk Application Fee
BPA OC Application Fee
BPA OC Sanction Fee
egov.oc.sanc.fee= BPA_OC_SANC_FEES
External Application references
dcr-services (Use Edcr data )
egov-mdms ( Configurations/master by MDMS )
billing-service ( Generate and update demands )
bpa-services (Get the bpa application data for fee calculation )
API Information
bpa-calculator/v1/_calculate End point to calculate the Fee and create Demand with the applicable businessService and TaxHeads
MDMS Configuration:
Example Json
Used by bpa-calculator Service which Defines the Fee to be collected for Given ApplicationType, ServiceType, RiskType and feeType
2. Second Example defines the calculation logic to figure out the fee for the Service, considering the different parameters from EDCR information of the BPA.
ParameterPath indicates the EDCR Response Data path to get the data point.
Indicates the from value of the data point to be considered
Indicates the to value of the data point to be considered
multiplication factor to be considered to multiple the datapoint value to calculate the value when data point value falls between from and to
UOM to be considered to multiple the datapoint value and MF to calculate the Fee when data point value falls between from and to
{ "applicationType": "BUILDING_PLAN_SCRUTINY", "serviceType": "ALL", "riskType": "LOW", "feeType": "SanctionFee", "amount": 500 }, { "applicationType": "BUILDING_PLAN_SCRUTINY", "serviceType": "NEW_CONSTRUCTION", "riskType": "ALL", "feeType": "ApplicationFee", "amount": 120 }, { "applicationType": "BUILDING_PLAN_SCRUTINY", "serviceType": "NEW_CONSTRUCTION", "riskType": "LOW", "feeType": "Low_ApplicationFee", "amount": 100 }, { "applicationType": "BUILDING_OC_PLAN_SCRUTINY", "serviceType": "ALL", "riskType": "ALL", "feeType": "SanctionFee", "amount": 500, "calsiLogic": [ { "parameter": "builtuparea", "tolerancelimit": 10, "calculationType": "number", "deviation": [ { "from": 11, "to": 50, "MF": 1, "uom": 100 }, { "from": 51, "to": 100, "MF": 2, "uom": 150 }, { "from": 101, "to": 499, "MF": 3, "uom": 200 } ], "paramPath": "edcrDetail[0].planDetail.virtualBuilding.totalBuitUpArea" } ] }
From the above example
indicates SanctionFee is Rs 500 for applicationType=BuildingPlanScrutiny, RiskType=LOW and any ServiceType
indicates applicationFee is Rs 120 for applicationType=BuildingPlanScrutiny, ServiceType=NEW_CONSTRUCTION and any RiskType
indicates applicationFee is Rs 100 for applicationType=BuildingPlanScrutiny, ServiceType=NEW_CONSTRUCTION and RiskType=LOW
Access MDMS Config
bpa-calculator cannot be accessed publicly, Only called by the bpa-calculator
Billing Service MDMS Config
BusinessService Config for Fee’s to be collected
Application Fee, Sanction Fee BPA High/Medium Risk
Application Fee, Sanction Fee for BPA Low Risk
Application Fee, Sanction Fee for BPA OC
TaxHead MDMS
Tax Head for BPA High/Medium Risk
TaxHead config for BPA Low Risk
TaxHead config for BPA OC
TaxPeriod MDMS Config
TaxPeriod MDMS for BPA High/Medium Risk
TaxPeriod MDMS for BPA Low Risk
TaxPeriod Config for BPA OC
Persister configuration
Database Schema
PDF Configuration
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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