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New KPIs
National dashboard KPIs
We have added 3 new KPIs as per requirements. The following are the KPIs:
Average Property Tax Collected: This represents the average tax collected by each property. This is calculated by the formula- (Total property tax collected / Total number of properties paid). This KPI is added in the National Dashboard Property Tax screen on the overview card.
Total Non-Tax Collection: This is the sum of all non-tax revenue collections such as ( Trade licenses, Building plan approval, miscellaneous receipts, etc..)This KPI can be found in the National Dashboard Overview Screen on the overview card.
Total Non-Tax Revenue Contribution: This represents the percentage contribution of the total non-tax revenue over total revenue. This is calculated by the formula - (Total non-tax collected/Total revenue collected) x 100. This KPI can also be found in the National Dashboard Overview Screen on the overview card.
In each module, we cannot bifurcate the tax and nontax heads. Eg: PT tax including cess consider as one Tax head.
The average property tax paid is decided based on the number of payment transactions. If the same property is paid 2 times for different financial years, we consider these two transactions.
Tax and Non Tax includes arrears, penalty, exemption etc.
Mcollect: Here many tax heads are there. All are considered non-tax heads.
Re-indexing is required to the existing data for "Average property tax Paid" Kpi.
Each payment is assumed to be separate (PT), and partial payment is also considered a single payment
Data can only be considered from today or existing national DSS data should be reindexed
Mappings for the new property should be considered Long
Long or decimal-amount fields.
Build and commit to division operation required for PT avg tax KPI.
Follow the steps below to implement the new KPIs.
Step 1: Add the config changes in the ChartApiConfig.json file in the configs repository. Newly added configs can be referred to from here.
Step 2: Add the config placement in the MasterDashboardConfig.json file. Placement configs can be referred from 2 places in the file:
For National Dashboard Overview KPIs in the Overview card refer here.
Step 3: Add the newly added property: noOfPropertiesPaidToday to the PT module-fields-mapping in the DevOps, in the respective environment file, refer here.
Step 6: Code-level changes are required in dashboard analytics as well to implement the “division” logic. Add the change as listed here. Refer to this file for adding constants. Following is the build: dashboard-analytics:v1.1.8_beta-9dabbb1f7c-107
Step 7: Upsert the localisations for the new KPIs as follows:
Step 8: Once these changes are implemented, restart the dashboard-analytics and national-dashboard-ingest by checking the Cluster-configs.
Note: Now the data can be ingested using an adapter. Step 8 is optional and should be used only for testing purposes.
Step 9 (Optional Step - Only for testing purposes): Now you can upsert the new data for testing using _ingest API. The curl for the same is as follows: