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The File A Complaint option allows citizens to register their complaints.
To file complaints navigate to the Complaints Home page. Click on the File a Complaint tab on the screen. This will open the complaint form page.
Select the applicable Complaint Type from the given list.
Select the relevant Complaint Sub-Type from the given options. Refer to the list of complaint types available in PGR.
Move the pin to the property location on the given map. Skip And Continue in case this is not available.
Enter the Pincode to indicate the location of the complaint. Click on Skip and Continue to proceed in case you do not have the PIN details.
Select the City and the Locality/Mohalla from the drop-down list. Mohalla details are available for the selected city.
Enter a suitable Landmark to help reach the location easily.
Upload a photo as evidence. Use the camera icon to click pictures and upload them directly. Click on Skip and Continue if you do not want to upload any photos.
Enter any additional information if required.
The complaint is filed and submitted. Make a note of the complaint number.