Local Business License Issuing Module Functional Specifications
Functional overview for stakeholders
The Local Business License Issuing application provides a digital interface, allowing citizens to apply for the Trade Licence and subsequently make the trade licence fee payment online.
The Local Business License Issuing application enables:
Ease of doing business — Traders can apply for new licences, renewals, amendments, and supplemental licences
Regulatory Tracking — Administrators can track and manage regulatory processes
Shorter Timelines — Streamline and automate business licencing processes and help a business to be set up quickly
Data-driven decision making — The application collates valuable information on the economic activity and employment opportunities in a ULB
Functional Scope
The list below summarizes the key features supported by the TL module -
Registration, Login and Creation of User Profile
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
OTP-based login for citizens via Web/Mobile App
OTP-based login for employees via Web/Mobile App
Provision for language selection during registration for both employees and citizens
Provision of creating a personalized profile for citizens and employees on the Web/App
Login credentials for the various hierarchies of employees
Role-based access for performing different actions relating to Trade License modules
Applying for a Trade Licence
Users can apply for a new Trade Licence from the system. They can select the type of license to apply. The user enters trade details, owner details and documents after which the application can be reviewed and submitted. Similarly, a counter employee can also apply for a trade licence on behalf of the citizen. The system has a workflow integration that enables stage-wise approval before issuing the Trade Licence.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Citizens can apply for a new trade licence through mobile app/web
Citizens/CSC can capture trade details, trade units, accessories, owner details, address, purpose, date of issuance, licence number etc.
Citizens/CSC can upload supporting documents
Citizens/CSC can calculate breakup based on selected trade
Citizens/CSC can select multiple accessories for the trade
Citizens/CSC can apply for multiple trade licences
Citizens/CSC can download/print application summary
Citizens/CSC can download/print trade reference number
Citizens/CSC can view the applied licences
The system has the facility to deliver the service online & through SEWA KENDRA.
The portal displays all the information including the processes and documents required for citizen convenience.
The system has the facility to assign a unique identification number based on the licence type, which will be used for all future transactions linked to the licence.
Trade License Issue
The system has the facility to assign the application to the respective Inspector for survey and verification. After the application is submitted, it goes to the document verifier. The next step after document verification is field inspection. After the field inspector’s approval, the TL is approved by the approver.
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
Document Verifier - verifies & forwards or rejects the application
Licensing Inspector - verifies and forwards the application
Licensing Inspector - sends back or rejects the application
Licensing Inspector - approves the application
Citizen - pays for the licence post-verification process online or at the CSC
CSC - collects fee post-verification
The system allows the printing of the licence and sending the licence through e-mail.
The system allows SMS alerts to the applicant regarding the date of inspection/visit by the inspector and approval/rejection of the application.
The system allows the inspector to enter the field visit details and a field visit report is generated and automatically routed to the superintendent.
Modifications to a Trade Licence
The system has the facility to edit/update the application based on the inspection report against the application.
Trade Licence Renewal
The system has the facility to provide a hassle-free renewal process for citizens and employees, leading to increased revenues, by reducing unlicensed trades. The system allows the sending of SMS and email notifications and reminders based on the renewal cycle.
Payment and Fee
Key capabilities offered by this functional component -
The citizen can pay for the licence post-verification process
CSC - collects fees post-verification
The system allows intimating the applicant about the payment of the licence fee through SMS/email
The system allows the generation of receipts for the payment
The payment modes enabled are Card (offline), cash, cheque, DD
Dashboards and Reports
Following reports offered by the module -
Cancelled receipt register report
Trade licence collection
Trade licence application status- showing the number of licences approved/rejected.
Trade licence ULB-wise status
State dashboard: View Reports for Total Licences, Licences Issued, Payment Collected, Payment Distribution
General Features
Notifications - The system can send notifications to citizens. These notifications can be sent for various steps like - verification completion, payment reminder, and payment confirmation. These notifications can be sent in the language chosen by the ULB through all channels - SMS, WhatsApp, and Email.
Configurable Masters - The system provides the following masters that can be configured as per the State’s requirements:
Charges & calculation: calculation engine, rebate, penalty,
Rate Master
State Masters: Trade Ontology, Documents List, Accessories, Ownership, Employee Data Mapping, Boundary Data Mapping, Fee Matrix (Licence Fees)
System specification in compliance with the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) BRAP 2019
Sector Specific
Implement an online application system with the following features:
i. Online submission of application without the need to submit physical copy of application
ii. Eliminate physical touchpoint for document submission
iii. Allow option of online payment of application fee
iv. Allow applicant to track status of application online
v. Applicant can download the final certificate online
Already available in the system
List of Features- Trade Licence
Registration, Login, Creation of User Profile
Provision for Language Selection during first-time registration via Mobile/Web app.
OTP Based Login for Citizen/ Employee via Mobile/ Web App
Login Credentials for the various hierarchy of employees
Provision of Personalized Profile for Citizen/ Employee on Web App
Applying for a Trade Licence
Citizen/CSC: Enters Trade Details, Trade Units, Accessories, Owner Details.
Citizen/CSC: Upload Documents
Citizen/CSC: ULB Wise Trade Selection
Citizen/CSC: Calculation Breakup Based on Selected Trade
Citizen/CSC: Multiple Accessories Field Count
Citizen/CSC: Multiple Trade Licence
Citizen/CSC: Download/Print Application Summary
Citizen/CSC: Download/PRINT Trade Reference No
Citizen/CSC: View the applied licences
Citizen: Pays for the licence post-verification
CSC: Collects fee post verification
Issue of trade licence
Document Verifier : Verify & Forward/ Reject the application
Licencing Inspector: Verify and Forward/ Send back/ Reject the Application.
Licencing Officer: Approve/ Send back the Application
Licencing Officer: Reject/ Cancel the Application
Modification to a Trade Licence
Edit/ Update the Application based on the Inspection report against the application.
Renewal of a Trade Licence
Renew trade licence
Payment and Fee
Configurable Workflow Rights : Edit & Payment Collection
Payments & Collection : Various Payment Modes
Dashboards and reports
Cancelled Receipt Register Report
Trade licence collection
Trade licence application status- showing the number of licences approved/rejected
Trade licence ULB-wise status
State Dashboard: View Reports for Total Licences, Licences Issued, Payment Collected, Payment Distribution
General features
Notifications : SMS Notifications
Charges & Calculation : Calculation Engine
Charges & Calculation : Rebate/ Penalty- Date Based
Charges & Calculation : Ad-Hoc Rebate/ Penalty
Charges & Calculation : Exemptions Trade Type & Owner Type
Configuration masters
Configurable Workflow Rights : Edit & Payment Collection
Configurable Verification & Approval
Last updated
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